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Jurnal Peternakan Integratif Vol 5, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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Abstract.This study’s objective was to investigate the income and R / C of sheep business. This research was conducted on Cilawan Village,Pantai Cermin Sub District, Serdang Bedagai Regency, Sumatera Utara Province for 2 months starting from September until November 2017. The study was a survey which used Determination Method. Number of samples were 30% of total number of breeder in research area; there were 8 respondents whose intensive breeders and 30 respondents whose semi intensive breeders. The data used in this research were primary data and secondary data. Primary data were the result of interviews with respondents and secondary data were obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics. The results showed that intensive breeder earned income smaller compared to semi intensive breeder. Income on every sheep sale was Rp 3.468.241,-on intensive and Rp 5.794.982,- on semi intensive breeder and the value of R/C was 0.144. The conclusion of this study that sheep breeding system in Celawan Village Regency consisted of two maintenance system, intensive and semi intensive system which gave different effect to farmer's income. This was because intensive maintenance systems required more costs for feed and labor costs compared to semi intensive system.Keywords: income, sheep,intensive breeder and semi intensive breeder
Utilization of Bio Slurry with Input of Buffalo Faeces and Water Hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) With Various Doses of MOD (Microorganism Decomposer) on Productivity of Kelor (Moringa oleifera) in Samosir Samuel Pito Rando; Nurzainah Ginting; Tri Hesti Wahyuni; Armyn Hakim Daulay; Yunilas .
Jurnal Peternakan Integratif Vol 5, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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Abstract.This study aims to determine effects of utilization of Bio-Gas Slurry With buffalo Feces Input And water hyacinthwith Various Dosage MOD (Microorganisme Decomposer) on Productivity of Moringa oleifera. Research conducted at the field experimental, Samosir Sumatra Utara in April-November 2017. The design used in the study was split plot design with four replications. First factor (M): dosage decomposer, M1= 1 liters/150 kg and M2= 2 liters/150 kg. Second factor (P): dosage was fertilizier of Bio-Gas Slurry With buffalo Feces Input And water hyacinth(ton/ha/year), P0=0, P1=20, P2=40. The variable were  plant height, stem diameter and number of branches. The results showed that dosage decomposer and dosage of fertilizer Bio-Gas Slurry significantly affectplant height, stem diameter and number of branches Moringaoleifera.The utilization of Bio-Gas With buffalo Feces Input And water hyacinthwith Various Dosage MOD affect plant height, stem diameter and number of branches. It is concluded that dosage 2 liter/150 kg and application 40 ton/ha/year show higher on production of Moringa oleifera. Keyword: Bio-Gas Slurry, Buffalo faeces, Water Hyacinth, Productivity, Moringa oleifera
Jurnal Peternakan Integratif Vol 5, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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Abstrak. The purpose of this research was to know the management of profit sharing system in the area, to analyze the income and profit of the investor and the farmer and the percentage of the contribution of the livestock business in fulfilling the income of the farmer family. This research was conducted in Klambir V Kebun Hamparan Perak Subdistrict Deli Serdang District for 2 month from July 2017 until August 2017. This research used primary data and secondary data. The location of the research and the determination of the respondents was determined purposively. Respondents consisted of 35 people who were divided into three scales: 16 respondents  for 3-11 (small scale), 10 respondents for 12-20 (medium scale) and 9 respondents for scale > 20 (large scale) . The results showed that the profit sharing system that is implemented in Klambir V Kebun is a profit sharing system for bulls with 50:50 share of the results. The income received by the investor  and  the farmer is ​​different because in this business breeder farmers who spend for the maintenance of livestock while the investors only provide the livestocks germs. The bigger scale of business that the greater the income. The cattle breeding business with this profit sharing system has a value of r /c ratio > 1,  which means the business is feasible to cultivate. The contribution of livestock at each successive scale is 53.40%, 60.22% and 67.79%. Livestock can be categorized as a branch of business because it contributes 30-70% in fulfilling the household income.Keywords: profit sharing, beef cattle, income, profit
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Demand of Chicken Egg’s in the Traditional Market of Medan City Dwi Andini Puspita Sari br Sinaga; Armyn Hakim Daulay; Edhy Mirwandhono; Sayed Umar; Iskandar Sembiring
Jurnal Peternakan Integratif Vol 5, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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Abstract. The development of the society resulting for animal protein needed such as chicken egg’s increased and affect the demand for eggs in Medan. Therefore, it is necessary to do research to know the factors that influence the demand of chicken egg in traditional market of Medan city at consumer level by using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method or least squares method with SPSS 22.0 tool. This study was conducted from May to June 2017. This study used primary data obtained from observations and interviews of respondents. The location of the research is determined purposively and the respondent determination by accidental method. Primary data was obtained from 90 consumers of chicken eggs and added with secondary data from government agencies. Then it was analyzed by multiple linear analysis with 5 demand variables namely, the number of dependents, education, income, egg price of chicken, and age. The results showed that all variables simultaneously had a significant effect on demand. Partially only variable of dependent which have real effect to demand of chicken egg of race. So it can be concluded that the demand for eggs in Medan is only influenced by the number of dependents.
Effect Processing Lamtoro Leaf (Leucaena leucocephala) As feed on Rex Rabbit Carcass Bagus Hardiansyah; Ma'ruf Tafsin; Armyn Hakim Daulay; Tri Hesti Wahyuni; Nurzainah Ginting
Jurnal Peternakan Integratif Vol 5, No 3 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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Abstract. This study aims to determine the best treatment of leaf lamtoro so it has not negative impact on the rabbit. Research conducted at the Laboratory of Animal Biology of Animal Husbandry Department on Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara starting from August –October 2016. The design used in this study is completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replication. The treatments were utilization of lamtoro leaf treated by drying the sun (P0), oven (700C; 12 hours) (P1), steaming (700C ; 15 minutes + sun drying) (P2) and soaking (12 hours + sun drying) (P3). The parameters studied were slaughter weight, carcass weight, and carcass percentage. The results showed that average slaughter weight (g/head) on treatment  P0, P1, P2, P3 were 1562.20, 1576.60, 1413.20, and 1634.00; Carcass weight           (g/head) were 780.60, 804.60, 693.40, and 815.60; Carcass percentage (%) were 50.17, 51.00, 48.98, 50.16 respectively. Stastical analysis showed that treatment lamtoro in a pellet ration had no significantly effect (P>0,05) on slaughter weight, and carcass percentage, but the had different effect (P<0.05) on the weight of carcass. The Conclusion of this study is processing lamtoro leaf soaking 12 hours + sun drying, oven 700C; 12 hours, drying the sun  aplicable on rabbit diet.
EFFICIENY MARKETING OF CHICKEN EGGS IN MEDAN CITY OF NORTH SUMATRA Jonatan Daon Nainggolan; Edhy Mirwandhono; Armyn Hakim Daulay; Iskandar Sembiring; Hamdan .
Jurnal Peternakan Integratif Vol 5, No 3 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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ABSTRACT.The purpose of this research were to know the magnitude and affect of marketing margin cost on the selling price of chicken eggs and how the systematics of chicken egg distribution from producers to final consumers. This research was conducted at 7 markets that have been chosen by way of deliberate from 21 districts located in Medan City: Setia Budi Market, Sei Kambing Market, Sambu Market (sentral), Aksara Market, Pringgan Market, Simpang Limun Market, and Kampung Lalang Market. This research was conducted from October to November 2016. This study used primary data obtained from observation and interviews of respondents. Determination of respondents by accidental sampling metohd. The parameters studied were channel and agency marketing, marketing margin, farmer share and marketing efficiency.The result of this study indicated that the marketing institution involved were collecting traders, big traders and small traders. Marketing channels had four channels. The marketing efficiency on channel I is 2,16%, channel II is 1,14%, Channel III was 2,13% and channel IV was 1,72%. Farmer share channel I was 80,14%, channel II was 81,52%, channel III was 76,21% and channel was 81,15%. The conclusion of this research was that  the marketing of chicken eggs in Medan City of North Sumatera has been efficient.
Utilization of Bio Slurry with Input of Buffalo Faeces and Water Hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) With Various Doses of MOD (Microorganism Decomposer) on Productivity of Daun Kupu-kupu (Bauhinia Purpurea) Buntora Situmorang; Tri Hesti Wahyuni; Nurzainah Ginting; Hasnudi .; Armyn Hakim Daulay
Jurnal Peternakan Integratif Vol 5, No 3 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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Abstract. This study aims to determine effects of utilization of Bio-Gas Slurry With buffalo Feces Input And water hyacinth with Various Dosage MOD (Microorganisme Decomposer) on Productivity of Bauhinia Purpurea. Research conducted at the field experimental, Samosir Sumatra Utara in April-November 2017. The design used in the study was split plot design with four replications. First factor (M): dosage decomposer, M1= 1 liters/150 kg and M2= 2 liters/150 kg. Second factor (P): dosage was fertilizier of Bio-Gas Slurry With buffalo Feces Input And water hyacinth(ton/ha/year), P0=0, P1=20, P2=40. The variable were studied fresh weight production, dry weight production, plant height and number of leaves. The results showed that dosage decomposer and dosage of fertilizer Bio-Gas Slurry significantly affect plant height, fresh weight production, dry weight production, and number of leaves Bauhinia Purpurea. The utilization of Bio-Gas With buffalo Feces Input And water hyacinth with Various Dosage MOD affect fresh weight production, dry weight production, plant height and number of leaves. It is concluded that dosage 2 liter/150 kg and application 40 ton/ha/year show higher on production of Bauhinia Purpurea..
Effectiveness of Extracts of Garlic (Allium sativum L) and Red Ginger (Zingiber officinale var rubra) as Escherichia coli Control in Broiler Chicken Ranita Nauli Damanik; Ma`ruf Tafsin; Armyn Hakim Daulay; Edhy Mirwandhono; Tri Hesti Wahyuni
Jurnal Peternakan Integratif Vol 5, No 3 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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Abstract. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of extracts of garlic (Allium sativum L.) and ginger (Zingiber officinale) on the growth of broiler chickens infected with E. coli. The design used in this study was a Completely Randomized Design with 6 treatments and 3 replications. The treatment consisted of P0A = control without infection, P0B = control + E. coli infection, P1 = E. coli infection + 0.05% tetracycline antibiotics, P2 = E. coli infection + 1% garlic (Allium sativum L.) extract , P3 = E. coli infection + 1% ginger (Zingiber officinale) extract and P4 = E. coli infection + garlic (Allium sativum L) extract and 1% ginger (Zingiber officinale). The results showed that the administration of garlic and ginger extract had a significant effect (P <0.05) on the decrease in the number of Escherichia coli bacteria in broiler chicken feces. The combination of extracts of garlic (Allium sativum L.) and red ginger (Zingiber officinale) has the most effective effect compared to garlic and ginger extract alone. It was concluded that the administration of extracts of garlic and ginger could be used as Escherichia coli control in broiler chickens.
The Addition Extract of Red Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) Kefir and Aging Time on Ice Cream Made of Goat Milk Najiah Ahmad; Edhy Mirwandhono; Armyn Hakim Daulay; Tri Hesti Wahyuni; Hamdan .
Jurnal Peternakan Integratif Vol 6, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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Abstract. There is few people who like goat milk, that is why process of making goat milk into ice cream is needed. Therefore, a research has been done at Animal Production Laboratory of Husbandry Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of North Sumatera, from April to May 2018. The design which used in this research is Randomized block design (RAK) with two factors: kefir concentration (P): (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%) and aging time (L): (6, 12, 18, 24 hours). Parameters which observed were overrun, melting time and organoleptic test (color, aroma, texture, taste).The results showed that the interaction between kefir concentration and aging time gave a significant effect to organoleptic result of flavor and did not give significant effect to overrun, melting time and organoleptic results (color, texture, taste). The concentration of  kefir had given significant effect to melting time and organoleptic results (color, aroma, texture, taste) and did not give significant effect to overrun result. The aging time gave a significant effect to overrun, melting time and organoleptic results (color, aroma, texture), and did not give a significant effect on organoleptic taste result. The best result was obtained in addition of kefir extract of red dragon fruit 30% with aging time aged 6 hours on ice cream made of goat milk.
Performance Of Commercial Strains Chicken Given Commercial Based Feed Deddy Rolan Siregar; Edhy Mirwandhono; Armyn Hakim Daulay; Nevy Diana Hanafi; Tri Hesti Wahyuni
Jurnal Peternakan Integratif Vol 6, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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Abstract. This research aimed to conclude the best combination of commercial strain and feed on broiler’s carcass. This research was conducted at Animal Husbandry Biology Laboratory, Departement of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of North Sumatera for 4 weeks from November until December 2016. This research used completely randomized design (CRD) factorial with 9 combined treatment and 3 replication. The treatment consists of A0B0, A0B1, A0B2, A1B0, A1B1, A1B2, A2B0, A2B1, A2B2. The observed parameters were cutting weight, carcass weight, and carcass percentage. The result showed that the average weight of broiler chicken ranged from 1829,50 – 1929,50 gram/head. The average of Carcass weight ranged from1424,75 – 1676,50 gram/head. And the average of carcass percentage ranged from 78,01 % - 87,98 %. This research conlude that the best combination is A1 and B0.