Hendri Muchtar
Baristand Industri Padang

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Pengaruh Laju Alir Inlet Reaktor MSL terhadap Reduksi BOD, COD, TSS, dan Minyak/Lemak Limbah Cair Industri Minyak Goreng Salmariza Sy; Sofyan Sofyan; Hendri Muchtar; Monik Kasman
Jurnal Litbang Industri Vol 7, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Institution for Industrial Research and Standardization of Industry - Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (423.062 KB) | DOI: 10.24960/jli.v7i1.2768.41-51


This research was conducted by treating edible oil industry wastewater used Multi Soil Layering (MSL) method. The MSL reactor was built from a 200x120x200 cm concrete basin. Andisol soil was mixed with sawdust and fine charcoal at each ratio 5:1:1 based on dry weight as an impermeable layer. The flow rate variations were 250, 500, 1000, and 1500 L/m2.day. The observed pollutant parameters were BOD, COD, TSS, oil/fat, and pH. The results showed that MSL reactor was effective to decrease the pollutant content of edible oil industry wastewater. The reactor could reduce concentration of effluent parameters below standard except for oil/fat parameters at high flow rates. In the effluent was found BOD 0.66-14.22 mg/L, COD 5-69 mg/L, TSS 9-26 mg/L, and oil/fat 2-9 mg/L. The flow rate had an effect on reduction efficiency of BOD, COD, TSS, and oil/fat but did not effect pH as all flow rate could raise pH 6.37-6.95 became pH 6.99-7.24. The lower the flow rate the higher the reduction efficiency. The reduction efficiency at flow rates 250 and 1500 L/m2 days for BOD were 99% and 86%, COD were 96% and 71%, TSS were 88% and 77%, and oil/fat were 80% and 60%.ABSTRAK  Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengolah air limbah industri minyak goreng menggunakan metoda Multi Soil Layering (MSL). Reaktor MSL dibuat dari beton berbentuk bak ukuran 200x120x200 cm. Tanah andisol dicampur dengan serbuk gergaji dan arang halus pada rasio masing-masing 5:1:1 berdasarkan berat kering sebagai penyusun lapisan impermeable. Variasi laju alir yaitu 250, 500, 1000, dan 1500 L/m2.hari. Parameter pencemar yang dianalisis meliputi BOD, COD, TSS, minyak/lemak, dan pH. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa reaktor MSL sangat efektif untuk menurunkan kandungan zat pencemar limbah cair industri minyak goreng. Reaktor dapat mereduksi konsentrasi parameter outlet sampai dibawah baku mutu yang distandarkan kecuali untuk parameter miyak/lemak pada perlakuan laju alir tinggi. Pada effluen didapatkan nilai BOD 0,66-14,22 mg/L, COD 5-69 mg/L, TSS 9-26 mg/L, dan minyak/lemak 2-9 mg/L. Laju alir berpengaruh terhadap efisiensi reduksi BOD, COD, TSS, dan minyak/lemak, tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap pH dimana semua perlakuan laju alir dapat menaikkan pH 6,37-6,95 menjadi pH 6,99-7,24. Makin rendah laju alir maka makin tinggi efisiensi reduksi. Efisiensi reduksi pada laju alir 250 dan 1500 L/m2 hari untuk BOD adalah  99% dan 86%, COD 96% dan 71%, TSS 88% dan 77%, dan minyak/lemak 80% dan 60%.
Pemanfaatan Gambir sebagai Bahan Dasar Pembuat Tinta Spidol Ramah Lingkungan Inda Three Anova; Hendri Muchtar
Jurnal Litbang Industri Vol 7, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Institution for Industrial Research and Standardization of Industry - Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (311.266 KB) | DOI: 10.24960/jli.v7i2.3368.101-109


Gambier can be used as a raw material for the manufacture of eco-friendly ink. This study was aimed to produce an alternative marker ink which is safer for the environment and human health. The current ink products generally contain volatile organic compound the chemical that can damage health. The study was done in several stages, raw material preparation, gambier extraction, color pigment making, ink formulation, and continued with stirring by used a high-speed homogenizer for the best formula. Variations of stirring speed were 1000, 1500, 2000 rpm and stirring time 10, 20, 30 minutes. The results showed that the best ink was obtained from the homogenization process with stirring time 30 minutes and speed 1000 rpm. The composition of gambier pigment 85%, glycerol 3%, polyethylene glycol 2%, propylene glycol 5%, and the addition of preservatives crystal violet 1%. The characteristics of markers ink were size particles 15.44 d.nm with a poly diversity index 0.186 and specific gravity 1.0254, black color ink, homogeneous, writings were not disjointed, and 6 minutes dry time.ABSTRAK Gambir dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan tinta spidol  yang ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan tinta spidol alternatif yang lebih aman bagi lingkungan dan kesehatan manusia. Tinta yang diproduksi saat ini pada umumnya masih mengandung volatile organic compound yang merupakan bahan kimia yang dapat merusak kesehatan. Pembuatan tinta dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap yaitu persiapan bahan baku gambir, pengekstrakan gambir, pembuatan pigmen warna, pembuatan formula tinta, dan dilanjutkan dengan pengadukan menggunakan alat high speed homogenizer untuk formula terbaik. Variasi kecepatan pengadukan adalah 1000, 1500, 2000 rpm dan lama pengadukan 10, 20, 30 menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tinta spidol yang terbaik diperoleh dari proses homogenisasi dengan waktu pengadukan 30 menit pada kecepatan 1000 rpm. Komposisi pigmen gambir 85%, gliserin 3%, polietylen glikol 2%, dan propilen glikol 5% serta penambahan pengawet kristal violet 1%. Karakteristik tinta spidol berupa partikel dengan ukuran 15,44 d.nm dengan indek polidiversitas 0,186 dan berat jenis 1,0254, tinta berwarna  hitam, homogen, tulisan tidak terputus-putus dan waktu kering 6 menit.
Pengaruh Laju Alir Inlet Reaktor MSL terhadap Reduksi BOD, COD, TSS, dan Minyak/Lemak Limbah Cair Industri Minyak Goreng Salmariza Sy; Sofyan Sofyan; Hendri Muchtar; Monik Kasman
Jurnal Litbang Industri Vol 7, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Institution for Industrial Research and Standardization of Industry - Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (423.062 KB) | DOI: 10.24960/jli.v7i1.2768.41-51


This research was conducted by treating edible oil industry wastewater used Multi Soil Layering (MSL) method. The MSL reactor was built from a 200x120x200 cm concrete basin. Andisol soil was mixed with sawdust and fine charcoal at each ratio 5:1:1 based on dry weight as an impermeable layer. The flow rate variations were 250, 500, 1000, and 1500 L/m2.day. The observed pollutant parameters were BOD, COD, TSS, oil/fat, and pH. The results showed that MSL reactor was effective to decrease the pollutant content of edible oil industry wastewater. The reactor could reduce concentration of effluent parameters below standard except for oil/fat parameters at high flow rates. In the effluent was found BOD 0.66-14.22 mg/L, COD 5-69 mg/L, TSS 9-26 mg/L, and oil/fat 2-9 mg/L. The flow rate had an effect on reduction efficiency of BOD, COD, TSS, and oil/fat but did not effect pH as all flow rate could raise pH 6.37-6.95 became pH 6.99-7.24. The lower the flow rate the higher the reduction efficiency. The reduction efficiency at flow rates 250 and 1500 L/m2 days for BOD were 99% and 86%, COD were 96% and 71%, TSS were 88% and 77%, and oil/fat were 80% and 60%.ABSTRAK  Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengolah air limbah industri minyak goreng menggunakan metoda Multi Soil Layering (MSL). Reaktor MSL dibuat dari beton berbentuk bak ukuran 200x120x200 cm. Tanah andisol dicampur dengan serbuk gergaji dan arang halus pada rasio masing-masing 5:1:1 berdasarkan berat kering sebagai penyusun lapisan impermeable. Variasi laju alir yaitu 250, 500, 1000, dan 1500 L/m2.hari. Parameter pencemar yang dianalisis meliputi BOD, COD, TSS, minyak/lemak, dan pH. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa reaktor MSL sangat efektif untuk menurunkan kandungan zat pencemar limbah cair industri minyak goreng. Reaktor dapat mereduksi konsentrasi parameter outlet sampai dibawah baku mutu yang distandarkan kecuali untuk parameter miyak/lemak pada perlakuan laju alir tinggi. Pada effluen didapatkan nilai BOD 0,66-14,22 mg/L, COD 5-69 mg/L, TSS 9-26 mg/L, dan minyak/lemak 2-9 mg/L. Laju alir berpengaruh terhadap efisiensi reduksi BOD, COD, TSS, dan minyak/lemak, tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap pH dimana semua perlakuan laju alir dapat menaikkan pH 6,37-6,95 menjadi pH 6,99-7,24. Makin rendah laju alir maka makin tinggi efisiensi reduksi. Efisiensi reduksi pada laju alir 250 dan 1500 L/m2 hari untuk BOD adalah  99% dan 86%, COD 96% dan 71%, TSS 88% dan 77%, dan minyak/lemak 80% dan 60%.
Pemanfaatan Gambir sebagai Bahan Dasar Pembuat Tinta Spidol Ramah Lingkungan Inda Three Anova; Hendri Muchtar
Jurnal Litbang Industri Vol 7, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Institution for Industrial Research and Standardization of Industry - Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (311.266 KB) | DOI: 10.24960/jli.v7i2.3368.101-109


Gambier can be used as a raw material for the manufacture of eco-friendly ink. This study was aimed to produce an alternative marker ink which is safer for the environment and human health. The current ink products generally contain volatile organic compound the chemical that can damage health. The study was done in several stages, raw material preparation, gambier extraction, color pigment making, ink formulation, and continued with stirring by used a high-speed homogenizer for the best formula. Variations of stirring speed were 1000, 1500, 2000 rpm and stirring time 10, 20, 30 minutes. The results showed that the best ink was obtained from the homogenization process with stirring time 30 minutes and speed 1000 rpm. The composition of gambier pigment 85%, glycerol 3%, polyethylene glycol 2%, propylene glycol 5%, and the addition of preservatives crystal violet 1%. The characteristics of markers ink were size particles 15.44 d.nm with a poly diversity index 0.186 and specific gravity 1.0254, black color ink, homogeneous, writings were not disjointed, and 6 minutes dry time.ABSTRAK Gambir dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan tinta spidol  yang ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan tinta spidol alternatif yang lebih aman bagi lingkungan dan kesehatan manusia. Tinta yang diproduksi saat ini pada umumnya masih mengandung volatile organic compound yang merupakan bahan kimia yang dapat merusak kesehatan. Pembuatan tinta dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap yaitu persiapan bahan baku gambir, pengekstrakan gambir, pembuatan pigmen warna, pembuatan formula tinta, dan dilanjutkan dengan pengadukan menggunakan alat high speed homogenizer untuk formula terbaik. Variasi kecepatan pengadukan adalah 1000, 1500, 2000 rpm dan lama pengadukan 10, 20, 30 menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tinta spidol yang terbaik diperoleh dari proses homogenisasi dengan waktu pengadukan 30 menit pada kecepatan 1000 rpm. Komposisi pigmen gambir 85%, gliserin 3%, polietylen glikol 2%, dan propilen glikol 5% serta penambahan pengawet kristal violet 1%. Karakteristik tinta spidol berupa partikel dengan ukuran 15,44 d.nm dengan indek polidiversitas 0,186 dan berat jenis 1,0254, tinta berwarna  hitam, homogen, tulisan tidak terputus-putus dan waktu kering 6 menit.