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Penatalaksanaan Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Secara Mandiri Dengan Buku Saku Terhadap Pengetahuan, Sikap, Dan Kadar Gula Darah Siti Mulidah; Asrin Asrin; Ulfah Agus Sukrillah
JURNAL KEPERAWATAN MERSI Vol 9, No 2: Oktober 2020
Publisher : Prodi Keperawatan Purwokerto

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Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of progressive chronic disease that attack million of people in the world. This disease is one significant cause of natality and mortality and also many complications accompany the patient. So, based on earlier study the educational program of DM that focus on self management is one good choice for developing in relating of increasing the quality of patient lifeMetode: The purpose of this study is to prove self management of DM by using pocket book toward knowledge, attitude, and the level of blood glucose. Type of this study is quasi experimental by using static pre and post test with control group design. The respondents were DM patients in area of Puskesmas II Sokaraja, Banyumas Regency. There were 40 respondents that were participated in this study. The knowledge and attitude of patients were measured by using pre and post test questioner. The level blood glucose was assessed by checking temporally blood glucose . Data analyse was used paired t test.Result: Majority of respondents education were primary school (SD and SMP) in range of 35 - 60 years old, majority of them were jobless, and duration of suffering from DM was short term dominantly. Pocket book of self DM management can increase knowledge of 17.4 point, attitude of 17.5 point and blood glucose of 17.45 point. Statistically, there was not effect of giving pocket book for self management of DM of knowledge (p = 0.07) and the level of blood glucose (p = 0.46). The pocket book of self management of DM was increase significantly of patients attitude (p = 0.00).Conclusion: Self management of DM by giving pocket book influence the attitude and the was not influence of knowledge and the level of blood glucose.
Analisis Faktor Kecemasan Pasien Kanker Serviks saat Kemoterapi Siti Mulidah; Sri Hidayati; Ahmad Baequny
JURNAL KEPERAWATAN MERSI Vol 10, No 2: Oktober 2021
Publisher : Prodi Keperawatan Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jkm.v10i2.8142


Background: Chemotherapy have some side effects for physic or psychology of client, one of that is anxiety. Anxiety on cervical cancer client that follow this chemotherapy may make client reschedule their chemotherapy or they will stop the chemotherapy.Method: The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that affect the anxiety of cervical cancer patients in following chemotherapy. This research used cross sectional study. The sample of this research are cervical cancer patients who followed chemotherapy as many as 32 persons with insidental sampling method. Data were analyzed using Chi-Square Test with significance level of 0.05 and regression test with significance level of 0,25.Result: confirmed that 57.1% of respondents skilled slight tension. Then, the effects additionally located that there's a considerable courting among maturity, own circle of relatives assist, social assist with cervical most cancers tension in following chemotherapy.Conclusion: the dominant factor that affects the anxiety of cervical cancer patients in following chemotherapy program is maturity. supply them know-how approximately chemotherapy and the impact and supply them greater informative assist and emotional assist Keywords: Anxiety, Cervical Cancer, Chemotherapy, Maturity, Family Support, Social Support
Peran Ibu pada Pemenuhan Nutrisi Keluarga Sebagai Tindakan Preventif Terhadap Penularan Covid-19 Ulfah Agus Sukrillah; Walin Walin; Herry Prasetyo; Siti Mulidah; Munjiati Munjiati
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Vol 5, No 4 (2022): Volume 5 No 4 April 2022
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v5i4.4594


ABSTRAK Ibu mempunyai peran penting dalam keluarga dalam memastikan terpenuhinya kebutuhan nutrisi bagi anggota keluarga. Nutrisi menjadi kunci untuk membangun sistem kekebalan tubuh terhadap infeksi virus Covid-19. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah memberikan edukasi dan pendampingan kepada ibu dalam memenuhi nutrisi keluarga untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh di masa pandemi Covid-19. Sehingga, ibu dapat melakukan manajemen pengaturan nutrisi secara tepat dan menjaga status gizi anngota keluarga sebagai tindakan preventif dalam pencegahan Covid-19. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini telah melibatkan kelompok ibu rumah tangga RW 08 sejumlah 30 orang  di Desa Klahang, Kec. Sokaraja, Kab. Banyumas. Adapun metode pengabdian yang telah dilakukan meliputi pendidikan kesehatan tentang gizi seimbang pada masa pandemi Covid-19, praktek penyusunan menu gizi seimbang untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, pemberian paket menu makanan yang terdiri dari karbohidrat, protein, lemak, sayuran dan buah. Selanjutnya, pendampingan dan monitoring telah dilakukan oleh kader kesehatan desa untuk memastikan perbaikan nutrisi yang dilakukan oleh ibu untuk mendukung daya tahan tubuh anggota keluarganya. Hasil yang telah dicapai dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah ibu mempunyai pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku yang lebih baik tentang kebutuhan nutrisi dan gizi seimbang bagi keluarga dibandingkan sebelumnya. Sehingga, peran ibu perlu ditingkatkan dalam mengatur tata laksana pemenuhan nutrisi dalam keluarga di masa pandemi Covid-19. Kata kunci: Ibu, Nutrisi, Preventif, Covid-19   ABSTRACT Mothers have an important role in the family to ensure the nutritional needs for family members. Nutrition is the key point to build the immune system againt Covid-19. The objective of the community service activity is to provide education and assistence to the mothers in achieving family nutrition to increase endurance during Covid-19 pandemic. The roles of mothers are to maintain the nutritional staus of family members as a preventive action towards Covid-19.  This community service activity has inveolved 30 mothers in Klahang village, Sokaraja, Banyumas. The service methods have been carried out including health education about balanced nutrition, preparing a balanced nutrition into the practice, providing food packages consisting of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vegetables and fruits. Moreover, the village health volunteers assist and monitor the mothers to support the immune system of their family members. The results show that mothers have better knowledge, skills and behaviour about the nutritional needs and balanced nutrition for the family. Therefore, the role of mothers need to be improved in managing nutrition for their family during the Covid-19 pandemic. Keywords: Mothers, Nutrition, Prevention, Covid-19
Facial Exercise as an Effort to Improve Quality of Life in Elderly People With Xerostomia at Posyandu, Gedawang Village Banyumanik, Semarang Wahyu Jati Dyah Utami; Sulur Joyo Sukendro; Prasko Prasko; Siti Mulidah
Jurnal Kesehatan Gigi Vol 10, No 1: Juni 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Kesehatan Gigi, Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jkg.v10i1.9542


ABSTRACT Background: The function of the organs of the elderly as they get older will decrease (organ degeneration), both due to natural factors and due to disease. An estimated 30% of seniors aged 65 years and older have decreased saliva production. Decreased saliva production causes complaints of dry mouth which is often known as xerostomia. This situation is caused by atrophy of the salivary glands (saliva) which will reduce salivary production and change its composition. The decreased salivary secretion will cause discomfort in the oral cavity, pain, and increased rates of dental caries and oral infections. Facial gymnastics is the act of giving massage to the facial area from top to bottom around the cheeks, mouth, and chin, this activity can stimulate the function of the oral cavity.Research objective: to analyze the effectiveness of facial exercises on the quality of life of elderly people with xerostomia.Research Methods: Quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test design, a sample of 30 elderly people with xerostomia. Facial exercise treatment was carried out for 30 days, measurements were carried out using the Xerostomia Related Quality of Life Scale (XeQoLS). Questionnaires were given before and after treatment.Results: The results showed that after doing facial exercises there was an increase in salivary secretion from an average of 0.6 ml/per minute to 1.1 ml/per minute, and the results of the paired t-test p-value = 0.000. The majority of respondents had a low quality of life of 53% and after doing facial exercises the majority of respondents had a high quality of life of 57%, with the results of the paired t-test p-value = 0.000. This can happen because the implementation of facial exercises gets mechanical stimulation. The stimulation given can increase the flow of salivary secretion which directly affects the increase in saliva volume. The normal salivary secretion will cause a sense of comfort in the oral cavity, thereby increasing the quality of life of the elderly.
Hubungan Antara Dukungan Sosial dengan Tingkat Kecemasan pada Pasien Kanker Payudara Dwi Nurhidayah; Siti Mulidah; S.Eko Ch. Purnomo; Sudiarto Sudiarto
JURNAL KEPERAWATAN MERSI Vol 13, No 1 (2024): April
Publisher : Prodi Keperawatan Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31983/jkm.v13i1.10564


Background: Breast cancer is the most common cancer experienced by women. In Indonesia, there are 68,858 cases of breast cancer with 30.9% of them in Central Java. The impact on the bio-psychosocio-spiritual aspects of breast cancer patients is anxiety. One effort to reduce anxiety levels in patients is to provide social support. Objective: To determine the relationship between social support and the anxiety level of breast cancer patients. Methods: The research design used is descriptive quantitative with correlational methods and cross-sectional approaches. A total of 60 respondents were selected using the consecutive sampling technique. The Medical Outcomes Study Questionnaire: Social Support Survey (MOS: SSS) was used to measure social support and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) to measure anxiety levels. Data analysis used Spearman's rank test. Results: There are 54 respondents of 60 respondents who have received social support in the high category, while the level of anxiety they experience tends to be in the low category (65.3%). The results of Spearman's Rank analysis showed a social relationship with anxiety (p-value = 0.021, rcount = 0.298) which means that the higher social support received, the lower the level of anxiety experienced by breast cancer patients. Conclusion: There is a negative correlation between social support and anxiety levels in breast cancer patients. The higher the social support the patient gets, the lower the level of anxiety in breast cancer patients.