Arsyad Sobby Kesuma
UIN Raden Intan Lampung

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MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman Vol 42, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : State Islamic University North Sumatra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/miqot.v42i1.536


Abstrak: Penelitian ini memotret kembali karakteristik pemikiran Sayyid Quthb yang diklaim sebagai seorang tokoh fundamentalis, radikal dan ekstrimis. Akan tetapi berdasarkan penelitian dengan mengambil sampel pemikirannya tentang konsep ukhuwah, klaim di atas tidaklah benar seluruhnya. Ketika mengkaji pemikirannya tentang ukhuwwah, Sayyid Quthb adalah seorang tokoh pemikir Islam yang toleran dan cinta perdamaian. Hal ini terlihat dari beberapa bentuk pemikirannya yang dianggap cukup terbuka. Pertama, menurutnya toleransi adalah unsur yang paling penting bagi terwujudnya perdamaian. Kedua, seorang mukmin apabila berpaling mereka melakukannya dengan beradab, penuh wibawa, dan penuh harga diri. Ketiga, kebebasan beragama merupakan hak asasi manusia yang karena iktikadnya itulah ia layak disebut manusia. Keempat, masalah akidah, sebagaimana dibawa oleh Islam, adalah masalah kerelaan hati setelah mendapatkan keterangan dan penjelasan, bukan pemaksaan dan tekanan. Kelima, setiap orang mukmin adalah bersaudara apapun kelompok, manhâj, atau alirannya, mereka adalah bersaudara.Abstract: The Reinterpretation of Ukhuwwah Thought of Sayyid Quthb. This research attempts to depict the thoughts of Sayyid Quthb who has always been claimed to be a fundamentalist, radical and extremist. However, based on research by taking samples of his thoughts about the concept of ukhuwah, the above claims are not entirely true. While reviewing his thoughts on ukhuwwah, he is a tolerant Islamic thinker, and a love of peace. This can be seen from some of his thoughts that are considered quite open among them. First, according to him tolerance is the most important element for the realization of peace. Second, a believer when turned away they do it with civilized self-responsibility. Thirdly, freedom of religion is a human right in which creed, one deserves to be called human. Fourth, the problem of faith, as tought in Islam, is a matter of willingness after receiving information and explanation, rather than coercion and pressure. Fifth, every believer is in a bond of brotherhood regardless of their group and mainstreams.Kata Kunci: Sayyid Quthb, fundamentalisme, radikal, ukhuwwah
Diskursus Perang Dalam Perspektif Islam Kiki Muhamad Hakiki; Arsyad Sobby Kesuma; Zaenal Muttaqien; Badruzaman Badruzaman
AL-ADYAN Vol 14, No 2 (2019): Al-Adyan: Jurnal Studi Lintas Agama
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (378.843 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/ajsla.v14i2.5679


This study focuses on the study of texts (Al-Qur'an and Hadith) about war, tracing history, and ending with a study of the types of warfare that are permitted in Islam. This research is based on library research, of course there are several methodological tools used to find answers; in collecting data, of course, it refers to the main sources namely Al-Qur'an and Hadith by applying the work patterns of the maudhu 'method, then it is equipped with references to interpretation and historical books. While in the analysis, researchers used the double movement theory Fazlur Rahman. In this study conclude that in the Islamic conception, the problem of war has been arranged comprehensively, both at the goal stage, the conditions for allowing war, to the ethics of war, have been described in detail. In principle, in Islam, war is only legalized in very emergency situations (forced), such as to resist enemy attacks, defend the rights that have been violated by the enemy, and protect the security of Islamic da'wah. Islam only justifies war if attacks do occur or are real.