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Partner Vol 25, No 2 (2020): Edisi November 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35726/jp.v25i2.492


Liquid Organic Fertilizer (LOF) is one type of fertilizer that is currently an alternative fertilizer that is widely used by the community. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality of liquid organic fertilizers made from the fermentation of the basic ingredients of the Mimosa pudica Linn. Using several types of bio activators.The study used a two-factorial completely randomized design (CRD). The treatment factors were the type of liquid fertilizer organic matter (A) and the microbial starter (B), there were 6 treatment combinations and was repeated 4 times with a three-day variable observed pH, temperature, color, and aroma descriptive organoleptic test. After becoming LOF, the content of N, P, K, C-Organic, Fe, and Pb were analyzed. The results of the analysis showed that the temperature and pH of the finished liquid fertilizer reached 29-31 ° C with a pH of 4. The K content in the liquid fertilizer was higher when using a mixture of canopy and root of the daughter of shame. The C-Organic content in liquid fertilizers is relatively the same. The color and aroma quality of all treatments were the same as well as the P. content. Fe and Pb content were classified as very low as required in liquid fertilizer products. Keywords: shy daughter Plants, Bio activators, Fermentation, LOF.
Partner Vol 24, No 2 (2019): Edisi November 2019
Publisher : Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35726/jp.v24i2.390


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan kapur dari cangkang siput menara (Turitella bacillum) dengan metode kalsinasi serta melakukan karakterisasi kalsium (Ca) dengan menggunakan spektrofotometri UV-Vis.Pembuatan kapur dari cangkang siput menara (Turitella bacillum) dengan metode kalsinasi menggunakan tanur dilakukan dengan perlakuan suhu 700°C, 800°C, 900°C dengan waktu 3 jam, 5 jam, 7 jam. Kapur yang dihasilkan dari proses kalsinasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat spektrofotometer UV-Vis.Hasil analisis kapur dari cangkang siput menara menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis menghasilkan kurva standar y = 0,0465x + 0,1073 dengan r2 = 0,9851 diperoleh hasil kadar kalsium rata-rata pada kapur cangkang siput menara dengan suhu kalsinasi 700oC selama 3 jam, 5 jam dan 7 jam = 0,043 ppm, 4,026 ppm, 6,176 ppm; suhu kalsinasi 800oC selama 3 jam, 5 jam dan 7 jam = 0,531 ppm, 4,402 ppm, 6,983 ppm; suhu kalsinasi 900oC selama 3 jam, 5 jam dan 7 jam = 0,854 ppm, 4,66 ppm, 6,983 ppm.    Kata kunci: Cangkang Siput Menara (Turritella bacillum), Kalsinasi,CaO.
Pemanfaatan Limbah Kulit Pisang Kepok Sebagai Bahan Dasar Dalam Pembuatan Pupuk Cair (Kajian penambahan EM4 dengan metode an aerob) Syarifah Umi Kalsum; Marisa Nopriyanti
Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Industri Perkebunan (LIPIDA) Vol 1 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Pengelola Jurnal Politeknik Negeri Ketapang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (583.814 KB) | DOI: 10.58466/lipida.v1i1.113


Liquid fertilizer is a fertilizer whose basic ingredients come from animals or plants that have undergone fermentation and the form of the product is in the form of a liquid. Kepok banana peel is one of the basic ingredients used for the manufacture of liquid fertilizer because it contains macro elements N, P, and K. this study aimed to determine the nutrients contained in the liquid fertilizer from barangan banana peels. This research was conducted by mixing brown sugar, water, and the effectiveness of microorganisms (EM4) with the fixed variables used were banana peels. The method used in this study was to mix 80 grams of brown sugar, 1 liter of water, and the effectiveness of microorganisms (EM4) with a variation of the composition of 200 ml, 300 ml and 400 ml with the fixed variable used was banana peels. The parameters observed were pH, yield, and total N. The results showed that the liquid fertilizer produced had a pH of 4 liquid fertilizer, the yields obtained from the 3 treatments were 2.4%, 2.5%, and 2.6%. While the total N content from the analysis process was 1.26%, 2.38, and 4.48.
Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Industri Perkebunan (LIPIDA) Vol 2 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pengelola Jurnal Politeknik Negeri Ketapang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (697.258 KB) | DOI: 10.58466/lipida.v2i1.355


The purpose of this research is to find out the chemical characteristics of the rice moisture contents as well as consumer's acceptance of Agro rice, Siam rice, and coriander rice in Benua Kayong district, Ketapang regency. The method used in this research is the usage of the Grain Moisture Tester device, which serves as a tool for measuring moisture content, and also aid in analysis of organoleptic scoring tests on color observation parameters done by 25 untrained panelists. According to the analysis results of the moisture contents, the rice that scored the lowest in terms of moisture content is coriander rice sold in Mr. Zain's shop (11,1%), and the highest is Pulen Kampung rice sold in Mrs. Noliya's shop (15,4%). Meanwhile, the results of the organoleptic scoring test on the parameters for observing the color of rice, the best result was found in Agro rice sold in Ari's shop with the score of 7,92 (bright white), and the rice with the lowest score is Sumpit rice sold in Nando's shop with the score of 5,68 (light gray).
Pembuatan Tepung Labu Kuning (Kajian Penggunaan Suhu dan Lama Pengeringan) Trian Adimarta; Marisa Nopriyanti; Irianto SP; Defi
Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Industri Perkebunan (LIPIDA) Vol 2 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Pengelola Jurnal Politeknik Negeri Ketapang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (750.856 KB) | DOI: 10.58466/lipida.v2i2.372


Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch) is a type of vegetable plant and can be used for various types of food, Pumpkin that has been cut has a lower shelf life than in its whole state so it needs to be processed so it is not easily damaged so it needs to be processed into flour so that it can be processed into flour. durable. The purpose of this study was to determine how to make pumpkin flour and to find out the best treatment variations in making pumpkin flour. The research method in making flour uses variations in temperature and different drying times. Parameters to determine the difference from flour include water content, yield, and color. The results showed that the production of pumpkin flour started from cleaning the skin and seeds, washing, weighing, cutting into thin slices, drying, and sifting. The results of the analysis of the water content of 40oC treatment for 48 hours is 19.92%, 50oC treatment for 36 hours is 11.63%, and 60oC treatment for 24 hours is 10.36%, pumpkin flour yield is 51.56%, 17, 71%, and 14.63%, while the color analysis of the 40oC treatment was significantly different from the 50oC and 60oC treatment. Of the three treatments, 60oC was the best treatment.
Karakteristik Kimia dan Analisis Sensori Pada Dodol Nanas Dengan Perbandingan Tepung Ketan dan Tepung Beras Erick Radwitya; Marisa Nopriyanti; Trian Adimarta; Ely Ernayani
Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Industri Perkebunan (LIPIDA) Vol 2 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Pengelola Jurnal Politeknik Negeri Ketapang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (603.107 KB) | DOI: 10.58466/lipida.v2i2.794


Dodol made from pineapple fruit ingredients is likely to add to the diversity of dodol that already exists in the market. In addition, it can also increase the economic value of pineapple fruit. The goal to be achieved is to determine the influence of various differences in the addition of glutinous rice flour and rice flour on the chemical and organoleptic properties of pineapple dodol. This type of research is to use an experimental method using a list of fingerprint analysis. The process of making pineapple dodol is made with four variations of the ratio of ingredients, namely the first addition of glutinous rice flour 15 gr and rice flour 5 gr, the second addition of glutinous rice flour 5 gr and rice flour 15 gr, the third addition of glutinous rice flour 20 gr and the fourth addition of rice flour. 20 gr. The water content contained in the D treatment (rice flour 20%) has a higher water content of 33.86% this is due to the increasing concentration of rice flour, there is an increase in the water content of pineapple dodol. This is due to the addition of rice flour. because of the starch property that is to like water.
Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Industri Perkebunan (LIPIDA) Vol 3 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Pengelola Jurnal Politeknik Negeri Ketapang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (615.192 KB) | DOI: 10.58466/lipida.v3i1.1021


Empty Palm Oil Bunches (TTKS) or empty fruit bunches are one of the solid wastes produced by palm oil mills. Judging from the oil content, TTKS has the potential to be re-quoted. Empty Bunch Press machine, so as to produce oil before being pressed (oil before press) and oil after being pressed (oil after press) produced using this machine and knowing the factors that cause OER or low oil yields. The analysis of this calculation can result in an average % OER empty bunch press of 0.16% and a total % OER from the addition of an empty bunch press machine of 21.91% where in this case there is an additional OER using an empty bunch press machine. Without the use of an empty bunch press machine, %OER 21.17%. The results of the analysis show that extracting oil obtained from TTKS using an empty bunch press machine can increase the factory's OER of about 0.16% to processed FFB. The results of the analysis from June 14 to June 27 2022 OER of palm oil has decreased or is low due to factors such as the maturity level of the fruit, processing at the factory, and poor fruit quality.
ANALISIS MIKROBIOLOGI SIRUP BUAH PEDADA (sonneratia caseolaris) DIKABUPATEN KETAPANG Marisa Nopriyanti; Trian Adimarta; Lisa Sapitri
Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Industri Perkebunan (LIPIDA) Vol 3 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Pengelola Jurnal Politeknik Negeri Ketapang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (361.984 KB) | DOI: 10.58466/lipida.v3i1.1022


This study aims to determine the boiling process in the manufacture of broiler syrup using the unblender method, to determine the heating process in the preparation of broiler syrup using the blended method and to determine the APM/ml of Coliform and E.coli contamination in broiler syrup. The process of making pedada fruit syrup (Sonneratia caseolaris) includes two methods, namely without blending and blending. The pedada fruit with the method without blending, namely the pedada fruit that has been cleaned and cut into pieces, then added 65% sugar and 1000 ml of water and then boiled, while the blended method of pedada is mashed and added 1000 ml of water then filtered to extract the juice, after that added 65 % sugar. The syrup is heated for ± 30 minutes with a stove temperature of ± 100°C, that is, by stirring it until it thickens slightly, then cools it and puts it in a bottle. This research method uses the MPN method using lactose broth media. The results of the analysis of contamination of Coliform bacteria and E.coli syrup of breast milk (Sonneratia caseolaris) were carried out using two processes and the method of broiler fruit with the boiling process and the non-blender method and the heating process in the blender method. Analysis of Coliform contamination used series 3, namely using 3 tubes for each dilution, after incubation for 24 hours each series was negative, there were no bubbles and gas. Analysis of E.coli contamination used 6 tubes, after incubation for 24 hours each tube was negative for no bubbles and no gas.
Karakteristik Kimia dan Analisis Sensori Pada Dodol Nanas Dengan Perbandingan Tepung Ketan dan Tepung Beras Erick Radwitya; Marisa Nopriyanti; Trian Adimarta; Ely Ernayani
Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Industri Perkebunan Vol 2 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ketapang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Dodol yang dibuat dari bahan buah nanas kemungkinan dapat menambah keanekaragaman dodol yang telah ada dipasaran. Selain itu juga dapat menaikkan nilai ekonomis buah nanas. Tujuan yang akan dicapai adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh berbagai perbedaan penambahan tepung ketan dan tepung beras terhadap sifat kimia dan organoleptik dodol nanas. Jenis penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan menggunakan daftar analisa sidik ragam. Proses pembuatan dodol nanas dibuat dengan empat variasi perbandingan bahan yaitu yang pertama penambahan tepung ketan 15 gr dan tepung beras 5 gr, kedua penambahan tepung ketan 5 gr dan tepung beras 15 gr, ketiga penambahan tepung ketan 20 gr dan ke empat penambahan tepung beras. 20 gr. Kadar air yang terkandung dalam perlakuan D (tepung beras 20%) mempunyai kadar air lebih tinggi yaitu 33,86% hal ini disebabkan karena semakin meningkatnya konsentrasi tepung beras maka terjadi peningkatan kadar air dodol nanas. Hal ini disebabkan karena penambahan tepung beras. karena sifat pati yaitu suka air.