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SUPREMASI: Jurnal Pemikiran, Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Sosial, Hukum dan Pengajarannya Vol 16, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/supremasi.v16i1.20501


Ruang lingkup kajian pendidikan kewarganegaraan merupakan bidang kajian yang bersifat multifacet dengan konteks lintas bidang keilmuan. Dengan Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dalam social studies dengan baik dan benar diharapkan generasi penerus bangsa Indonesia akan memiliki karakter cerdas (smart), memiliki kemampuan untuk melakukan perubahan di tengah masyarakat, melakukan transfer of learning (proses pembelajaran diri), transfer of values (proses penjawantahan nilai-nilai), dan transfer of principles (proses pengalihan prinsip-prinsip) demokrasi, HAM, dan masyarakat madani dalam kehidupan nyata. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode studi pustaka dengan mengkaji lembar-lembar pustaka dari berbagai kriteria mulai dari buku, jurnal atau artikel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan kewarganegaraan dalam social studies adalah sebagai pewarisan nilai kewarganegaraan dengan menanamkan kepada anak didik suatu komitmen dasar tentang nilai-nilai kemasyarakatan yaitu nilai pengetahuan,  tingkah laku dan nilai-nilai kekayaan budaya serta membantu anak didik untuk mengembangkan kemampuannya untuk mengaplikasikan nilai-nilai kemasyarakatan tersebut. Sedangkan urgensi pendidikan kewarganegaraan dalam social studies sebagai pembentukan karakter cerdas bagi generasi muda di era global adalah warga negara yang memiliki pengetahuan dan sikap kewarganegaraan akan menjadi warga negara yang percaya diri (civic confidence), warga negara yang memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan menjadi warga negara yang mampu (civic competence), warga negara yang memiliki sikap dan keterampilan kewarganegaraan akan menjadi warga negara yang komitmen (civic commitment), sehingga  warga negara atau generasi muda yang memiliki pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan kewarganegaraan akan menjadi warga negara  smart dan good citizenship
Integration of Bugis-Makassar Culture Value of Siri’ Na Pacce’ through Social Studies Learning in The Digital Age Hasni Hasni; Nana Supriatna; Sapriya Sapriya; Murdiyah Winarti; Erlina Wiyanarti
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 14, No 4 (2022): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : STAI Hubbulwathan Duri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v14i4.2151


This study stems from the phenomenon that social studies learning needs to be developed by creative teachers based on their cultural values. Social studies teachers must be able to understand the problems of social life and develop social skills in their respective cultures. This research aims to describe the cultural values of siri’ na pacce’ for the Bugis-Makassar, and how to integrate these cultural values into social studies learning in the digital age.  The research method used is a literature study method by reviewing and identifying the cultural values of siri’ na pacce’ including books, journals, or articles, then presented and analyzed. The cultural value of siri’ na pacce’ for the Bugis-Makassar described in two concepts that characterize the Bugis-Makassar individual to maintain a balance between disgrace and self-esteem which is defined as siri’ and to maintain a sense of togetherness in the position and suffering of each member of the society asserted as pacce’ notion. The integration of  siri ‘na pacce’ in social studies learning makes students understand their own culture, able to behave and behave according to customs, such as the application of the spirit of Abulo Sibbatang through the discussion method. Story-based methods by displaying animated videos and images about the persistence of Bugis-Makassar sailors and the story in the script of I La Galigo. Thus that teachers are more creative and innovative in designing interesting learning in the digital age.
Transformasi Epos I La Galigo dalam Bentuk Cerita Bergambar Sebagai Media Visualisasi Pembelajaran IPS: Inovasi atau Tantangan? Hasni Hasni; Nana Supriatna; Sapriya Sapriya; Murdiyah Winarti; Andi Ima Kusuma
Jurnal Sosialisasi: Jurnal Hasil Pemikiran, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Keilmuan Sosiologi Pendidikan Volume 10,Nomor 2 Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/sosialisasi.v1i2.51144


This research is based on important developments in historiography which are critical of tradition as a source of history. Traditional cultural heritage can be found in folklore around the world, including Bugis folklore in Epic I La Galigo which is a source of personality identity for South Sulawesi, Indonesia which must be passed on to the younger generation. This condition demands that the Bugis folklore, Indonesia in the First Epic of La Galigo must be transformed according to the demands of technology with fun, creative and innovative learning. The purpose of this study is to examine the cultural value of Bugis folklore, South Sulawesi, Indonesia in the Epic I La Galigo as a source of social studies learning, and to find out the transformation of Bugis I La Galigo folklore as an innovation or challenge-based social studies learning resource. The research method used is the literature study method by reviewing the literature from various criteria ranging from books, journals or articles and documentation at the La Galigo Museum. The results of the study show that the cultural values in Epic I La Galigo are: (1) Siri' and Pesse', (2) Sumangeq and Inninawa, (3) Preservation of the environment, (4), Lempuk (honest), (5) Getteng (steadfast on the establishment) and (6) Mutual respect. The transformation of Bugis folklore in I La Galigo is an innovative social studies teacher's creative pedagogy by improvising through the development of material content into three media: (1) an oral tradition based on picture story media, (2) an oral tradition based on video animation media as visualization, and (3) webtoon-based media. This research is expected to be a responsive social studies learning transformation movement with a technology-based approach, so that teachers and students are qualified and skilled at innovating through folklore.
Revitalization of Social Studies Education to Build the Nation's Generation with Creative Pedagogy in the 21st Century Hasni Hasni; Nana Supriatna; Sapriya Sapriya; Murdiyah Winari; Jumadi Jumadi
FIKROTUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Manajemen Islam Vol. 11 No. 02 (2022): 2022
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Agama Islam Al-Khairat Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The purpose of this study is to examine Social Studies Education in preparing the nation's generation through 21st century creative pedagogy and to find out strategies to face the challenges of 21st century Social Studies Education. The research method used is the library research method by involving searching, assessing and analyzing literature relevant to the research. Data analysis techniques use a content analysis model with steps: design determination, search for basic data, and consequent knowledge search. The results found that social studies education with 21st century creative pedagogy requires 10 future skills of the nation's generation, namely: Complex Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Creativity, People Management, Coordinating with other, Emotional Intelligence, Judgment and Decision Making, Service Orentation, Negotiation, Cognitive Flexbility. The strategy to face the challenges of 21st century social studies education is to implement the four principles of the Pancasila Student Profile, namely holistic, consectual, student-centered and exploratory. Why this research is important, because as an increase in creativity and innovation that examines how social studies education can promote student creativity in responding to social and cultural issues. This research can measure the impact of Social Studies Education in shaping students' critical thinking, and analytical skills to become competent global citizens. Thus, social studies education must transform following the changing times towards technological advances as future intelligence that cannot be defeated by artificial intelligence.