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Jurnal Manajemen Informasi Kesehatan Indonesia (JMIKI) Vol 6, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Rekam Medis dan Informasi Kesehatan Indonesia- APTIRMIKI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33560/.v6i1.181


Ambal II Public Health Center previously used the electronic-based management information system that has been provided by Kebumen District Health Office trough online system, but the system has many weaknesses, especially related to the length of time in processing the data, the patient's age items are still input manually, and can’t print the patient registration sheet containing social identity data, prescription data and patient diagnosis. In addition, there are obstacles related to ip public that can’t be accessed so the system no longer used. Medical recorders want a more responsive system so patients can be served more quickly. The purpose of this study was to develop new electronic based information system on Ambal II Community Health Center and know the user's acceptance of the system. This study was research and development with prototyping approach. The subjects were medical records officers, doctors, midwives, and nurses of Kebumen Community Health Center. In this research, the identification of user requirements, development and testing of an electronic-based management information systems prototype have been done. Users accepted the prototype even though there are still some shortcomings that need to be fixed.
Jurnal Manajemen Informasi Kesehatan Indonesia (JMIKI) Vol 3, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Rekam Medis dan Informasi Kesehatan Indonesia- APTIRMIKI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33560/.v3i1.65


AbstractGreat opportunities of the national education system to institusion for education using electronic learning aidsand e-learning (web based) that rely on information technology and communication excellence. The informationobtained on the basis of medical records in the course competencies in the Health Information Management PartI (HIM I) is still very limited. Learning system is monotonous. Another thing, the perceived difference in thequality of material received admission affecting the quality of human resources empowerment of the learners.This study aims to get the satisfAaction level of students in the application of web as a medium e-learning/eeducationon material in the Health Information Management Part 1 Administrator Healt InformationManagement students Polytechnic Ministry of Health Public Tasikmalaya. Type of research is a qualitativeaction research. Methods indept interview on the subject of the studi, namely the management, all materiallectures studens and Health Information Management Part I. The research sample was 40 students first half,with the support of 8 people and 1 chairman, lecturer, chairman of the Information Tecnology and Informationtechnology personnel. Data were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. Measurements performed on endusersatisfaction (end-user) which includes faculty and students. Evaluation questionnaires, and interviewswith the benchmark yield above average median 3. The use of e-learning with Moodle 3.40 shows the meanresults, with a range of value between 3.25 to 3.5. User satisfaction (user) students assessed in terms of benefits,needs, barriers or obstacles and factors that drive. Users who are not satisfied based on a feature of facilityvery less and there is a feature to link tasking related fot students in the Health Information Management. Thematerial is incomplete and lack in Human Resources Information Technology in the manufacturing process,affect the slow development of Moodle used, where success is determined management support system thatis still not. Of adequate technology aspect of hardware and software support with 24 hour internet access.Keywords: student satisfaction, website, e-learning, Moodle, Health Information Management Part 1.AbstrakPeluang besar Sistem Pendidikan Nasional (SISDIKNAS) kepada institusi pendidikan untuk menyelenggarakanpendidikan dengan menggunakan alat bantu pembelajaran elektronik atau e-learning (web based learning) yangmengandalkan keunggulan tehnologi informasi dan komunikasi. Sampai saat ini informasi yang didapatkantentang rekam medis dalam dasar kompetensi mata kuliah Manajemen Informasi Kesehatan (MIK) I masihsangat terbatas. Sistem pembelajaran masih monoton, perbedaan persepsi penerimaan kualitas materi yangditerima, berpengaruh pada pemberdayaan kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang diajar. Penelitianini bertujuan mendapatkan informasi tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa dalam penerapan website e-learning/eeducationmoodle materi MIK I di Jurusan PIKES Poltekkes Kemenkes Tasikmalaya. Jenis penelitian actionresearch bersifat kualitatif. Metode indept interview pada subyek penelitian (pihak manajemen, seluruhmahasiswa dan dosen MIK I). Sampel 40 mahasiswa PIKES Semester I, dengan pendukung 8 orang dariKetua Jurusan, dosen mata kuliah, kepala Unit IT dan tenaga IT. Data dianalisis secara diskriptif dan kualitatif.Pengukuran kepuasan dilakukan terhadap pengguna akhir (end-user) yang meliputi dosen dan mahasiswa.Evaluasi kuesioner dan wawancara dengan patokan hasil rata-rata diatas angka median 3. Penggunaan aplikasimenunjukkan rerata hasil 3.40 dengan rentang nilai 3,25-3,50. Kepuasan pengguna (user) mahasiswa dinilaidari segi kemanfaatan, pemenuhan kebutuhan, hambatan atau kendalanya dan faktor-faktor yang mendorong.Pengguna yang menyatakan tidak puas didasarkan pada fitur atau fasilitas yang terbatas. Belum adanya fitur untuk link penarikan tugas, materi yang kurang lengkap dan kurangnya SDM IT dalam proses pembuatan,mempengaruhi lambatnya perkembangan Moodle yang digunakan. Keberhasilan omput sangat ditentukandukungan manajemen yang dirasa kurang, Aspek teknologi cukup memadai dari dukungan hardware dansoftware dalam akses internet 24 jam.Kata Kunci: Kepuasan mahasiswa, website, e-learning, Moodle, MIK I
Pengembangan prototipe rekam medis elektronik di klinik dokter keluarga Korpagama Universitas Gadjah Mada Dian Budi Santoso
Jurnal Sistem Informasi Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 3, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Minat Sistem Informasi Manajemen Kesehatan Fakultas Kedokteran UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jisph.9315


Latar Belakang: Klinik Dokter Keluarga Korpagama Universitas Gadjah Mada masih menggunakan rekam medis berbasis kertas. Masalah yang sering terjadi pada dokumen rekam medis berbasis kertas adalah dokumen yang tidak dikelola dengan baik, rawan kerusakan, tidak lengkap dalam pencatatan, serta data yang redundan. Dibutuhkan prototipe rekam medis elektronik yang dapat diterapkan di Klinik Dokter Keluarga Korpagama Universitas Gadjah Mada.Tujuan: Mengembangkan prototipe rekam medis elektronik yang dapat diterapkan di Klinik Dokter Keluarga Korpagama Universitas Gadjah Mada.Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah research and development. Tahapan penelitian yang dilakukan adalah melakukan analisis kebutuhan dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam terhadap 2 orang dokter keluarga dan 1 orang petugas rekam medis serta studi dokumentasi rekam medis berbasis kertas yang terdapat di Klinik Dokter Keluarga Korpagama Universitas Gadjah Mada. Pada tahap ini juga dilakukan focus group discussion (FGD) yang melibatkan 9 orang mahasiswa S2 Kedokteran Keluarga Universitas Gadjah Mada. Hasil dari analisis kebutuhan selanjutnya digunakan sebagai acuan dalam perancangan dan pembuatan prototipe.Hasil: Prototipe rekam medis elektronik Klinik Dokter Keluarga Korpagama Universitas Gadjah Mada dikembangkan sesuai dengan hasil analisis kebutuhan menggunakan teknologi berbasis web. 66,77% responden menyatakan puas dengan prototipe rekam medis elektronik yang telah dikembangkan.Kesimpulan: Kebutuhan data rekam medis elektronik Klinik Dokter Keluarga Korpagama Universitas Gadjah Mada meliputi identitas pasien, riwayat kunjungan, catatan alergi, gaya hidup, imunisasi, riwayat operasi, riwayat penyakit terdahulu, serta riwayat penyakit keluarga. Integrasi dengan basis data BPJS menjadi salah satu faktor yang membuat pengguna puas dengan prototipe rekam medis elektronik yang telah dikembangkan.
Penyuluhan “GERMAS” bagi Wali Murid Di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 2 Samigaluh Angga Eko Pramono; Dian Budi Santoso; M.Syairaji M.Syairaji; Marko Ferdian Salim; Nia Fararid Askar
Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Vol 5, No 1 (2022): MEI 2022
Publisher : Pengabdian dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Sekolah Vokasi UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jp2m.51349


ABSTRAK Program Indonesia Sehat dengan pendekatan keluarga merupakan program yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah melalui Kementerian Kesehatan untuk mewujudkan masyarakat Indonesia yang berperilaku sehat. Program yang dimaksud adalah Gerakan Masyarakat Hidup Sehat (GERMAS) yang pertama kali dicanangkan di Kabupaten Bantul. GERMAS harus dilakukan oleh setiap individu dalam keluarga di lingkungan masyarakat melalui pola hidup sehari-hari. Kegiatan tersebut tidak hanya terbatas pada anak usia sekolah saja melainkan juga harus diterapkan pada keluarganya yang dalam hal ini adalah wali murid. Dengan demikian, perilaku hidup sehat dapat diterapkan secara menyeluruh dan mendapatkan dukungan penuh dari keluarga secara komprehensif. Kegiatan pengabdian ditujukan untuk sosialisasi dan mengajak masyarakat khususnya wali murid untuk: 1) melakukan aktivitas fisik, 2) mengonsumsi buah dan sayur; 3) memeriksakan kesehatan secara rutin; 4) menghindari rokok dan alkohol; 5) membersihkan lingkungan tempat tinggal; dan 6) menggunakan jamban. Untuk mendukung upaya sosialiasi tersebut, tim pengabdian juga membagikan sembako gratis serta mengadakan tes kesehatan gratis melalui cek darah (screening test) untuk pemeriksaan gula darah, kolesterol, dan tekanan darah yang dilanjutkan dengan pemberian layanan konsultasi kesehatan. Hasil akhir dari kegiatan ini adalah peningkatan pengetahuan dan kesadaran wali murid di SD Negeri 2 Samigaluh terkait GERMAS. Kata Kunci: GERMAS, perilaku hidup sehat  ABSTRACT The Indonesian Healthy Program through a family approach is a program organized by the government through the Ministry of Health to achieve healthy behaving community in Indonesia. The program is called GERMAS which means community action for healthy living and it was first launched in Bantul Regency. GERMAS must be conducted by all of family members in the community through their daily life routines. These activities are not only limited for school-age children but also must be applied by their parents. Thus, healthy living behaviors can be implemented comprehensively and get fully supported by the family. Community service activities are aimed at socializing and inviting the community, especially parents, to: 1) carry out the physical activities, 2) consume fruits and vegetables; 3) undergo medical check-up regularly; 4) avoid smoke and alcohol; 5) clean the environment; and 6) use a water closet. To support the socialization efforts, the team also have distributed free food staples and held a free health test through a blood test for blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure and also followed by the provision of health consultation services. The final result of this activity is the enhancement of knowledge and awareness of parents at Samigaluh elementary school related to GERMAS.  Keywords: GERMAS, healthy behavior
Integrasi Sistem Internasional Classification Primary Care Pada Rekam Medis Elektronik Berbasis Software As A Service Bagi Dokter Keluarga Nuryati Nuryati; Dian Budi Santoso; Nur Rokhman
J-REMI : Jurnal Rekam Medik dan Informasi Kesehatan Vol 4 No 4 (2023): September
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/j-remi.v4i4.3838


Referring to Law Number 29 of 2004 it is stated that every doctor or dentist in carrying out medical practice is obliged to make medical records. The results of the research on the readiness of ICPC implementation carried out in 2020 and the design of the interface for family doctor services equipped with the International Classification Primary Care (ICPC) carried out in 2021, the design was implemented and integrated in the Electronic Medical Record application with the concept of Software as a Services (SaaS) owned by the Department of Health Information and Services at the UGM Vocational School. This type of research is research and development by following the stages of developing an information system using the prototyping method. The steps taken in this research are conducting needs analysis through in-depth interviews with family doctors and medical record officers, in addition to conducting documentation studies and medical record observations conducted at family doctor clinics. The results of the analysis are ICPC codes in electronic medical records and interoperable with p-Care BPJS, so that family doctors only need to do data entry once, diagnosis code reports can be presented in the form of ICD-10 or ICPC code
Perancangan Aplikasi Pembelajaran Kodifikasi Klinis Berbasis Web Angga Eko Pramono; Nuryati Nuryati; Dian Budi Santoso
J-REMI : Jurnal Rekam Medik dan Informasi Kesehatan Vol 5 No 2 (2024): March
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25047/j-remi.v5i2.4427


One of the main competencies of a Health Information Management (HIM) Practitioner is clinical codification skills. The problem that still occurs is the inaccuracy of clinical codification results. One aspect of the cause is human resource competency, specifically lack of knowledge and skills regarding clinical codification rules and procedures. Therefore, developing a web-based clinical codification learning media application is needed to improve HIM Practitioners' knowledge and skills. This research aims to design a web-based clinical codification learning media. The design was carried out from May to September 2023 using the waterfall method. The research subjects were students and lecturers of health information management and HIM practitioners. The research object was the design of web-based learning media. The data were collected using observation, interview, and documentation study methods. This study resulted in a design system that consists of Unified Modeling Language (UML) of use case diagrams and activity diagrams, a database design that consists of database tables and a database relational diagram, as well as user interface displays which are consists of a login display, home/dashboard, modules, and exercises. The design result should proceed as a blueprint for further system prototyping development process.