Fransiscus Xaverius Wagiman
Department Of Crop Protection, Faculty Of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada Jln. Flora 1, Bulaksumur, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55281

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Keefektifan Steinernema spp. terhadap Spodoptera exigua F. X. Wagiman; B. Triman; Rr. Siti Astuti
Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia Vol 9, No 1 (2003)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jpti.12280


Effectiveness of entomopathogenic nematodes Steinernema spp. against mortality of larvae and pupae of Spodoptera exigua Hubner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) was evaluated in the Laboratory of Nematology and Biological Control at the Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University. The most virulent isolate of the nematode was selected amongst isolates from Solo, Jombang, and Medan. The effectiveness was determined by analising mortality of the S. exigua that was treated with Steinernema spp. at concentration rates of 0, 50, 100, 200, 400 infective juvenil (IJ) per 1.5 mL aquadest. Inoculation of the nematode was done by filter paper method. Results showed that all isolates were able to infect the third instar of S. exigua. Solo and Jombang isolates caused relative similar in mortalities ca. 98 and 94%, and significantly higher than Medan isolate ca. 86. Hence, the Solo isolate was preferred for efficacy against the insect larvae and pupae. The mortality of S. exigua due to the Steinernema spp. was influenced by the insect instars. The insect mortality-rates of L1, L2, and pupae were 13,3; 6.6 - 13,3; 23,3 - 60% and lower than those of L3, L4, and L5 ca. 41,6 - 75; 46,6 - 60; and 66,6 - 90%, respectively. The nematode concentration-rates did not influenced the mortality of L1, L2, L3, L4, and pupae but it significantly influenced the L5 mortality. The concentration rate of 200 IJ per 1.5 ml aquadest caused the highest mortality.
Pengendalian Diaphorina citri (Vektor Penyakit CVPD) dengan Metarrhizium anisopliae Kardi Raharjo; Susamto Somowiyarjo; F. X. Wagiman
Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia Vol 6, No 1 (2000)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jpti.12404


CVPD is transmitted by Diaphorina citri. Measures to control D. citri by using biological controlling agents have opportunity to reduce insecticide application. The objectives of the research are: to measure effectiveness of Metarrhiziurn anisopliae (Metch.) Sorok. in controlling D. citri, effect fructose and time application namely before and after insect infestation. The first phase of the research phase has been conducted in Temanggung, Completely Randomize Design (CRD) factorial with three time replication. Factor I: sterile water without fructose, concentration 10^6 conidia/ml without fructose, concentration 10^8 conidia/ml without fructose, concentration 10^10 conidia/ml: without fructose, sterile water + fructose 5 mg/ml, concentration 10^6 conidia/ml without fructose 5 mg/ml, concentration 10^8 conidia/ml + fructose (fungi application before insect infestation) and W1 (fungi application after insect infestation). Research phase II was carried out with the best treatment combination compare with control treatment in Temanggung and Bantul. The results of experiment showed that the initial die of D. citri caused by M. anisopliae infection are on 4-6 days after application. The application of M. anisopliae at concentration 10^10 conidia/ml without fructose, applied after insect infestation was most effective. The application after insect infestation was more effective compare with application before insect infestation especially on 4 days after application, but on 35th days after application there was no significant difference. Fructose has no effect to mortality of D. citri.
Respon Fungsional Menochilus sexmaculatus Fabricius terhadap Aphis gossypii Glover F. X. Wagiman
Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia Vol 2, No 2 (1996)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jpti.12887


Laboratory and field-cage experiments were conducted at the Universiti Pertanian Malaysia. Objective of the study was to determine the functional response of Menochilus sexmaculatus Fabricius (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) predating on chilli aphid Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae). The larvae and adults of the predaceous coccinellid exhibited the Hulling's Type II functional response. A first instar of the coccinellid predating on single first instar of the aphid within 24.6 minutes in the laboratory and 16.8 minutes in the field. While a fourth instar and an adult of the coccinellid predating on single fourth instar of the aphid within 4.2 and 1.5 minutes respectively.
Numerical Response and Density-Dependent Relationship of Menochilus sexmaculatus against Aphis gossypii F. X. Wagiman
Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia Vol 2, No 2 (1996)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jpti.12888


The leaf aphid Aphis gossypii Glover is an important vector of virus disease CVMV (Chilli veinal mottle virus) on chillies. In Malaysia the disease could cause the yield loss up to 60% and the predaceous coccinellid Menochilus sexmaculatus Fabricius was observed a dominant predator in the chilli's ecosystem. The studies had revealed that the coccinellid exhibited a strong numerical response to its prey, A.gossypii. The predator population {Y in log(Y-1)) was determined strongly by the aphid population {X in log(X+ 1)}. The immediate numerical response model was Y = -0,1148 + 0.3046X with r^2 = 0.81 and P<0.001, while the 3-day delayed numerical response model was Y = -0,1076 + 0.2962X with r^2= 0.75 and P<0.001. The coccinellid showed its power to stabilise A. gossypii population as indicated by the anti-clockwise direction of cyclic form of their delayed density-dependent relationship.
Dampak Erupsi Merapi 2010 terhadap Serangga Penyerbuk Bunga Salak F. X. Wagiman; Ferryko Efendi; Tri Harjaka
Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia Vol 18, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jpti.15570


The research was aimed at determining the impact of Merapi eruption in 2010 on pollinator insect of Salacca edulis. The research was conducted at Keringan hamlet, Wonokerto village, Turi District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Territory. Species and population of the insect were observed at salacca plantation that were damaged by Merapi eruption in 2010 in the following category: heavy damage, medium damage, light damage, and undamaged. Five respondents and 10 salacca plants/respondent were sampled for each of the damage category. Respondents were interviewed to understand their perception on the eruption impact against the pollinator insect. Results showed that the pollinator insect was Nodocnemis sp. The insect population was significantly influenced by the eruption. Population average on the damage category of heavy, medium, light, and undamaged were 8.59, 17.33, 31.35, and 61.10 individuals/flower, respectively. The insect population was also significantly influenced by the flower development, the highest population was observed on blooming stage (92.33 individuals/flower), while on stage of pre-and post blooming were 17.37 and 8.14 individuals/flower, respectively. The farmer respondents understood about the role of pollinator insect. They thought that the Merapi eruption influenced negatively to the pollinator insect. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak erupsi Merapi terhadap serangga penyerbuk bunga salak (Salacca edulis). Penelitian dilakukan di kebun salak di Dusun Keringan, Desa Wonokerto, Kecamatan Turi, Kabupaten Sleman, Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, selama bulan Maret−Mei 2011. Jenis dan populasi serangga penyerbuk diamati in situ pada bunga salak yang belum mekar, mekar, dan lewat mekar. Bunga salak diamati di kebun salak yang rusak akibat erupsi Merapi 2010 berdasarkan kategori rusak berat, rusak sedang, rusak ringan, dan tidak rusak. Pada setiap kategori kerusakan kebun diambil sampel 5 (lima) petani salak responden dan 10 pohon salak jantan yang berbunga diambil dari kebun milik masing-masing responden. Wawancara terhadap petani dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui kesan petani terhadap dampak erupsi Merapi terhadap serangga penyerbuk bunga salak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis serangga penyerbuk adalah Nodocnemis sp. Populasi Nodocnemis sp. secara signifikan (P <0.05) dipengaruhi oleh erupsi Merapi. Rerata populasi (ekor/tandan bunga jantan) pada kebun yang rusak berat, rusak sedang, rusak ringan, dan tidak rusak sebesar 8,59; 17,33; 31,35; dan 61,10. Populasi Nodocnemis sp. juga dipengaruhi oleh tingkat perkembangan bunga salak; paling tinggi pada bunga mekar (92,33 ekor/tandan bunga jantan), sedang pada bunga belum mekar dan lewat mekar sebesar 17,37 dan 8,14 ekor/tandan bunga jantan. Petani responden paham tentang peran serangga penyerbuk bunga salak dan berkesan bahwa erupsi Merapi berdampak negatif terhadap serangga  penyerbuk tersebut. 
Detection of Cocoa Pod Borer Infestation Using Sex Pheromone Trap and its Control by Pod Wrapping Dian Rahmawati; Fransiscus Xaverius Wagiman; Tri Harjaka; Nugroho Susetya Putra
Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia Vol 21, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (27.916 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpti.22659


Cocoa pod borer (CPB), Conopomorpha cramerella Snellen (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) is a major pest of cocoa. Detection of the pest infestation using sex pheromone traps in the early growth and development of cocoa pods is important for an early warning system programme. In order to prevent the pest infestation the young pods were wrapped with plastic bags. A research to study the CPB incidence was conducted at cocoa plantations in Banjarharjo and Banjaroya villages, District of Kalibawang; Hargotirto and Hargowilis villages, District of Kokap; and Pagerharjo village, District of Samigaluh, Yogyakarta. The experiments design used RCBD with four treatments (sex pheromone trap, combination of sex pheromone trap and pod wrapping, pod wrapping, and control) and five replications. As many as 6 units/ha pheromone traps were installed with a distance of 40 m in between. Results showed that one month prior to the trap installation in the experimental plots there were ripen cocoa pods as many as 9-13%, which were mostly infested by CPB. During the time period of introducting research on August to Desember 2016 there was not rambutan fruits as the CPB host, hence the CPB resource was from infested cocoa pods. The CPB moth trapped as many as 0−7 (1.13 ± 0.14) moths/6 traps/12 observations. The seed damage due to CPB larvae in the pheromone trap treatments (23.98%) was relatively similar with the control (20.25%). Seed damage rate in combination treatment of pheromone trap and pod wrapping (0.59%) was relatively the same with the pod wrapping (0.20%). The pheromone trap was more usefull for monitoring tool rather than for control, meanwhile pod wrapping was an effective control measure of CPB. IntisariPenggerek Buah Kakao (PBK), Conopomorpha cramerella Snellen (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) merupakan salah satu hama utama kakao. Deteksi serangan hama PBK dengan perangkap feromon seks pada awal pertumbuhan dan perkembangan buah kakao penting dilakukan sebagai sistem peringatan dini. Dalam upaya pencegahan serangan hama tersebut dilakukan pembrongsongan buah muda. Penelitian dilakukan di kebun kakao rakyat di Desa Banjarharjo dan Banjaroya, Kecamatan Kalibawang, Desa Hargotirto dan Hargowilis, Kecamatan Kokap, serta kebun PT Pagilaran di Desa Pagerharjo, Kecamatan Samigaluh, Yogyakarta. Percobaan dengan empat perlakuan (perangkap feromon, kombinasi perangkap feromon dan brongsong, brongsong, kontrol) dan lima ulangan menggunakan rancangan RCBD. Perangkap feromon sebanyak 6 unit/ha dipasang dengan jarak antar perangkap sekitar 40 m. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa satu bulan sebelum pemasangan perangkap terdapat buah tua sebanyak 9−13 % dan umumnya terserang PBK. Selama kajian berlangsung tidak terdapat buah rambutan sebagai inang PBK sehingga sumber PBK diduga hanya dari buah kakao yang terserang. Ngengat PBK yang tertangkap yaitu sebanyak 0−7 (1,13±0,14) ekor/6 perangkap/12 pengamatan. Intensitas kerusakan biji akibat ulat PBK pada perlakuan perangkap feromon (23,98%) relatif sama dengan kontrol (20,25%). Kerusakan biji kakao pada perlakuan kombinasi perangkap feromon dan pembrongsongan (0,59%) relatif sama dengan pembrongsongan saja (0,20%). Perangkap feromon lebih berfungsi sebagai alat monitoring daripada alat pengendalian PBK, sedangkan pembrongsongan buah merupakan teknologi pengendalian PBK yang efektif.
Appropriate Number of Sex Pheromone Trap for Monitoring Spodoptera exigua Hubner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Moths on Shallot Field Dian Lestari; F. X. Wagiman; Edhi Martono
Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia Vol 24, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jpti.23370


The research was carried out to determine the appropriate number of sex pheromone traps for monitoring the Spodoptera exigua moths in shallot crop which was grown in Yogyakarta Special Territory, Bantul Regency (Samas). This research was conducted in August until September 2016. Sex pheromone trap was arranged on shallot aged  3 weeks after planting. Sex pheromone trap with hexadecenat tetra asetat ingredients was placed on sticky yellow trap. This research  used RCBD experimental design with single factor experiment namely the number of trap i.e. 3, 5, 6, 8 units/2.000 m2 with sex pheromone, and  three traps without sex pheromone as control. Each treatment was repeated 5 times so  125 samples of experiments were obtained. Observation was made by counting the number of moths caught in sex pheromone trap. The result of observation was analysed  with analysis of variance (ANOVA) and DMRT α 5.0%. The results show that the appropriate number of trap to monitor the pest infestation was 3 units/2.000 m2.
Determination of Tolerance Threshold Level of Golden Snail (Pomacea canaliculata) in Irrigated Rice Fatmawati Kalau; Franciscus Xaverius Wagiman; Witjaksono Witjaksono
Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia Vol 22, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jpti.24820


Determination of tolerance threshold of golden snail (Pomacea canaliculata) infestation in irrigated rice had been studied at Sumbersari Village, Moyudan District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Teritory, in the growing season of June to October 2016. The water depth during the experiment was maintained at  1 cm. The snails of 2−3 cm in length were infested on rice plots at various ages. The snails were infested on rice plots with density rates of (1) 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 15, 30, (2) 0, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, and (3) 0, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30  individuals/m2  at (1) 0 day after planting (DAP), (2) 7 and 14 DAP, and (3) 28 DAP, respectively. These treatments were replicated three times and arranged in the randomized complete block design (RCBD). In this study the tolerance threshold is defined as the highest snail density which causes no significant effect on rice damage and yield loss as compared to control or to the lowest snail density. Therefore, determination of the tolerance threshold was based on the significant difference of damage severity, panicle number per hill, and harvesting dry-weight of rice grain. Results showed that significant rice damage occurred on age of 0, 7, and 14 DAP olds, while on age of 21 and 28 DAP the rice showed no damage. More severe damage occurred to the younger rice. The tolerance threshold values of the snail on rice plots with 1 cm water depth at 0 DAP old was approximately 2 individuals/m2 while at age of 7 and 14 DAP were approximately 3 individuals/m2, respectively. IntisariPenentuan ambang toleransi serangan keong emas (Pomacea canaliculata) pada padi sawah telah dikaji di Desa Sumbersari, Kecamatan Moyudan, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dalam musim tanam Juni–Oktober 2016. Kedalaman air selama percobaan berlangsung dikondisikan sedalam 1 cm. Keong berukuran 2−3 cm diinfestasikan pada berbagai umur padi. Keong dengan kepadatan (1) 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 15, 30; (2) 0, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30; dan (3) 0, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 ekor/m2 diinfestasikan berturut-turut pada plot padi (1) saat tanam (0 hari setelah tanaman (HST)), (2) umur 7 dan 14 HST, dan (3) serta umur 21, dan 28 HST. Perlakuan diulang tiga kali dan diatur dalam rancangan randomized complete block design (RCBD). Dalam penelitian ini ambang toleransi didefinisikan sebagai kepadatan keong tertinggi yang menyebabkan kerusakan tanaman padi dan kehilangan hasil tidak berbeda signifikan dengan kontrol atau dengan kepadatan populasi terendah. Oleh karena itu nilai ambang toleranasi ditentukan berdasarkan signifikansi perbedaan kerusakan tanaman, jumlah bulir per rumpun, dan berat kering panen gabah. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa kerusakan signifikan terjadi pada padi umur 0, 7, dan 14 hari setelah tanam (HST), sedangkan pada umur 21 dan 28 HST padi tidak menunjukkan kerusakan. Kerusakan semakin parah pada padi semakin muda. Pada kondisi kedalaman air 1 cm, nilai ambang toleransi keong mas pada padi umur 0 HST sekitar 2 ekor/m2 sedangkan pada umur 7 dan 14 HST sekitar 3 ekor/m2.
Insect Quarantine Status in Association with Imported Commodities from Timor Leste Passed through Agricultural Quarantine Ware of Mota'ain-District of Belu Astuti Handayani; Fransiscus Xaverius Wagiman; Siwi Indarti; Suputa Suputa
Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia Vol 23, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jpti.25885


Timor Leste is one of the exporting countries of agricultural products to Indonesia via the Mota'ain-Belu Regency cross-border. Imported commodities from the country may constitute those which are possible as Pest Quarantine (PQ) carrier media into Indonesia. The status of insect quarantine associated with imported commodities has been studied. Sampling of imported commodities both as open trucks shipments and toted passenger bags are done based on the Agricultural Quarantine Product Sampling Guidelines using the Non-Statistic method (convenience). Samples of commodities in the form seeds or grains were taken as much as 250 grams, while other forms were taken as much as 500 grams. For this study, 40 sample units were taken from seven commodities. The commodity samples were stored for 30 days at the laboratory of Agricultural Quarantine office in Kupang, as most life cycle of postharvest insects ranges from 3 to 5 weeks. Specimens of the infecting insects were identified and their quarantine status were determined. The results showed that there were eight different insects species found in association with six kinds of commodities, while in one sample of rice no insect was found. In robusta coffee the insects found were Necrobia rufipes, Hypothenemus hampei, Cryptolestes ferrugineus, and Pyralis manihotalis. In arabica coffee we found H. hampei, and C. ferrugineus. In copra, there were N. rufipes, and Carpophilus dimidiatus. In red beans, there were Callosobruchus chinensis. In mixed red beans, peanuts, and soybeans C. chinensis, C. dimidiatus, and Sitophilus oryzae were found, and in the candlenut there were Oryzaephylus surrinamensis, and C. dimidiatus. All of the insects found in the examined commodities had plant pests status. The highest number of insects associated with the examined commodities from 40 sample units were H. hampei insects found in arabica coffee, which were 62.3 individuals. N. rufipes insects in copra commodity samples appeared on the 25th day after sampling, which meant they were the fastest among other insects.
Keanekaragaman serangga dan struktur vegetasi pada habitat burung insektivora Lanius schach Linn. di Tanjungsari, Yogyakarta Fredy Lala; F. X. Wagiman; Nugroho S. Putra
Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia Vol 10 No 2 (2013): September
Publisher : Perhimpunan Entomologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (393.886 KB) | DOI: 10.5994/jei.10.2.70


Insect diversity and vegetation structure are two aspects that affect the reproduction of insectivorous birds. The objective of this study was to investigate the characteristics of the original habitat Lanius schach in Tanjungsari of particularly the type, composition of vegetation, and preference to insect sprey. Observation of vegetation and insects were conduct using a combination methods of the track and checkered line on the transect along the 10 km (ten observation points). Insect and tree species were counted on plot (20 m x 20 m), shrub (10 m x 10 m), bush (5 m x 5 m), and grass (2 m x 2 m). Vegetation analysis was used to calculate the structure and composition of vegetation, whereas Shannon diversity index was used for insect diversity. Prey test was conducted to determine the preferences of insectivore birds on insects. The composition of the vegetation species consists of 7 grasses, 20 bushes, 5 shrubs and 18 trees. The dominant species of vegetation based on highest important value index was Tectona grandis, Ipomoea sp., I. cylindrica, and Panicum brevifolium respectively. The highest diversity index of vegetation group were bush (2.430), tree (1.696), grass (1,680), and shrubs (1.364), respectively. Insect diversity index was 2.572 and grasshoppers (Orthoptera) was the most preferred prey by L. schach. Overall, the habitat of insectivore birds L. schach are dominated by T. grandis, and has high diversity of bush.