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Journal : Jurnal FishtecH

Pengenalan dan Pemanfaatan Ikan Tembakul (Boleophthalmus pectinirostris) sebagai Bahan Baku Pembuatan Nugget dalam Upaya Pemenuhan Gizi Masyarakat Pesisir di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Tri Adi Wibowo; Desy Sasri Untari; Rohmatul Anwar; Novita Novita
Jurnal FishtecH Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/fishtech.v10i2.15186


Pandemic Covid-19 require for the implementation of restrictions on social interaction and outdoor activities. A decrease in the activity if it lasts a long time will have an impact on the decline in the income of the community. This is an effect of the purchasing power of the basic needs as well as the fulfillment of nutrition. While the conditions of the pandemic requires the fulfillment of nutrition, especially protein as a nutrient in maintaining the durability of the body. Mudskipper (Boleophthalmus pectinirostris) can be a cheap source of protein and easily obtainable by the people who live in the coastal region. This study aims to introduce the coastal communities in the Village Sriminosari, East Lampung Regency against potential mudskipper as a source of protein that are easily obtained during a pandemic without having to conduct operations from the sea, and strategies to increase its economic value with processed into fish nuggets. Research methods include field survey, observation or direct observation, discussion and interviews using research instruments in the form of questionnaires. Respondents were selected using the method of withdrawal of random samples of simple (simple random sampling). Testing of raw materials mudskipper using sheets of organoleptic test raw material in accordance with SNI 2729-2013. Test sensory processed nuggets using sheet test sensory tools reference SNI 2346:2015. The results of the research show the value of organoleptic mudskipper as a raw material that is 7,59 ? ยต ? 7,73, and the value of the test sensory mudskipper nugget amounted to about 7.42? ? ? 7,74. This study provides knowledge to the community that mudskipper can be utilized in the fulfillment of nutrition, especially protein, answer the public stigma that mudskipper non-toxic and can be consumed as well as pose a public initiative to develop nuggets but by utilizing the raw material of other types of fish are abundant in the current season, but have no economic value in terms of price.
Minat Konsumen Millenial Terhadap Konsumsi Ikan Air Laut dan Ikan Air Tawar Desy Sasri Untari; Tri Adi Wibowo; Rohmatul Anwar
Jurnal FishtecH Vol 11, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36706/fishtech.v11i1.15128


Indonesia is a country that has a larger water area than land and high potential for fishery resources. The abundance of fishery resources is not supported by high fish consumption by the community, especially the millennial generation. Interest and understanding of the benefits of consuming fish among millennials is still low. So that with the consumption patterns of different millennial generations, researchers want to know what types of fish are in great demand by the current millennial generation between seawater fish or freshwater fish that have different characteristics, especially in the Kotabumi area, North Lampung Regency. This study used interview methods and direct surveys of 100 respondents using questionnaires. The results showed that most respondents were dominated by women with a percentage of 57%, with the age range of respondents being 21-25 years and having the status of a student. The frequency of fish purchases is carried out at most five times a month and respondents prefer freshwater fish with a percentage of 69% considering that freshwater fish are fresher, easier to get and do not smell too fishy. The more popular freshwater fish species is tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) with a percentage of 26%, while for the more purchased type of seawater fish is kitefish (Elagatis bipinnulata) amounting to 12%.