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Jurnal Terapan Abdimas Vol 2 (2017)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (280.026 KB) | DOI: 10.25273/jta.v2i0.970


IbM program aims to establish an independent and environmentally conscious society, creating waste treatment technology based on local resources, increase the knowledge and ability of the partners in the application of appropriate technology to increase awareness of farmer groups and communities in life which is healthy, clean and safe. IbM targets in the program include: (1) each farmer group members can process animal waste into biogas and compost, where the output of this activity is beneficial for the welfare of their farm and family. Their fuel cost to society is shaded by POSDAYA for domestic use, thereby reducing household expenditure. (2) The quality of human resources and independence of farmer groups increased. (3) creating a partnership or partnerships between board and community to form an effective communication so that the work program can be run well. (4) The formation of a society that is healthy, clean and safe as the form has been the achievement of environmental sustainability can minimize environmental damage. The method used in this activity are: (1) training of livestock waste treatment and market waste into compost and biogas, (2) demo and facilitation of making biogas and compost together with farmer groups and the community as a member of Posdaya, (3) extension the importance of a healthy lifestyle, (4) Assistance and guidance to the public on the implementation of healthy lifestyles, (5) Training of leadership (leadership) for the management, (6) Assistance and guidance to the process of the formation process of biogas and compost, (7) Manufacture of biogas installations together with all members of farmer groups and Posdaya (society). The results in this implementation are: (1) Most members MITRA around 80% could be in the process of biogas production (running charging raw material in biogas), (2) Most of the members of farmer groups (Partner) ranges from 80% could be in the process of production management ( scheduling, setting raw materials and cooperation in the composting process), (3) manufacture of biogas installations in (partners) have completed 100% and ready for use by partners and can be enjoyed by people around, (4) biogas is already used by partners, namely for lighting public facilities, cooking and lighting mosque, (5) Partners and the community has shown for behavioral changes in waste bins either wet garbage, plastics, organic waste, and livestock manure. Program IbM ini bertujuan untuk. membentuk masyarakat mandiri dan sadar lingkungan, menciptakan teknologi pengolahan limbah berbasis sumberdaya lokal, meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan kelompok mitra dalam penerapanteknologi tepat guna meningkatkan kepedulian kelompok tani dan masyarakat dalam berkehidupan yang sehat, bersih dan aman. Target dalam program IbM ini antara lain: (1) setiap anggota kelompok tani mampu mengolah limbah ternak menjadi biogas dan kompos, dimana output dari kegiatan ini bermanfaat bagi usahataninya dan kesejahteraan keluarga. Adanya bahan bakar murah bagi masyarakat yang ternaungi oleh POSDAYA untuk keperluan rumah tangga sehingga mengurangi pengeluaran keluarga.(2) kualitas SDM dan kemandirian kelompok tani meningkat. (3) menciptakan kerjasama atau kemitraan antara pengurus dengan masyarakat sehingga terbentuk komunikasi yang efektif sehingga program kerja bisa berjalan dengan baik. (4) terbentuknya kehidupan masyarakat yang sehat, bersih dan aman sebagai wujud telah tercapainya kelestarian lingkungan dapat meminimalisir kerusakan lingkungan. Metode pendekatan yang dipakai dalam kegiatan ini adalah: (1) pelatihan pengolahan limbah ternak dan sampah pasar menjadi kompos dan biogas, (2) demo dan pendampingan pembuatan biogas dan kompos bersama-sama dengan kelompok tani dan masyarakat sebagai anggota posdaya, (3) penyuluhan pentingnya pola hidup sehat, (4) Pendampingan dan pembinaan terhadap masyarakat terhadap penerapan pola hidup sehat, (5) Pelatihan leadership(kepemimpinan) bagi pengurus, (6) Pendampingan dan pembinaan terhadap proses proses pembentukan biogas dan kompos, (7) Pembuatan instalasi biogas bersama-sama dengan seluruh anggota kelompok tani dan posdaya (masyarakat). Hasil dalam pelaksanaan ini adalah: (1) Sebagian besar anggota MITRA berkisar 80% bisa dalam proses produksi biogas (menjalankan pengisian bahan baku dalam biogas), (2) Sebagian besar anggota kelompok tani (Mitra)berkisar 80% bisa dalam proses manajemen produksi (penjadwalan, pengaturan bahan baku dan kerjasama dalam proses pembuatan kompos), (3) Pembuatan instalasi biogas di (mitra) sudah selesai 100% dan siap digunakan oleh mitra dan bisa dinikmati oleh masyarakat sekitar, (4) Biogas sudah digunakan oleh mitra yaitu untuk penerangan fasilitas publik, memasak dan penerangan masjid, (5) Mitra dan masyarakat sudah menunjukan perubahan prilaku dalam membuang sampah baik itu sampah basah, plastik, sampah kering dan kotoran ternak.
Modernisasi Manajemen Bank Sampah Melalui Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Bank Sampah IT Mobile Pada Komunitas Bank Sampah TPI BISA Kelurahan Pagak Kecamatan Beji Kab. Pasuruan Muhammad Imron Rosadi; Faris; Zainul Ahwan; Mulyono Wibisono

Publisher : LPPM Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (861.258 KB) | DOI: 10.35891/js.v2i1.1719


The garbage problem in Pasuruan district has been in the emergency. This condition is caused because of garbage governance in Pasuruan Regency still use conventional method 3P (collection, transport and disposal) so that it can not reduce the amount of garbage dumped to TPA considering there is no process Waste processing done. Seeing the question of the Pasuruan district government made a waste handling policy through the SDSB Program (one village waste Bank). The Government's policy was responded well by the housewives at Taman Permata Indah Village of Pagak district of Beji District in Pasuruan Regency by forming the waste bank community TPI BISA. The establishment of waste bank TPI BISA this part of the response to the government policy while seeing the problem of many unhandled garbage that affects health and hygiene of the environment as a result of the increasing Population in the area. Household waste deposits generated within 1 month less than 6 quintals and every tendency month is increasing. Waste bank TPI BISA one of the waste bank that is sufficient to exist and has succeeded in managing the environment through the management of both organic and inorganic waste. In addition, the community also conducts garbage processing in the form of interesting and unique handcraft. But on the other hand, from the success also still leave a serious problem that the management system of waste bank TPI BISA be done by manual model so that there is often an error in recording the deposit amount Garbage whose edges often make a conflict in internal management of trash banks with members or customers of trash banks. Therefore, modernization of IT-based administrative management becomes a real need needed by waste bank TPI BISA, So that waste bank TPI BISA be worthy of an example of trash bank with IT-based management of mobile that can be developed thoroughly in Pasuruan Regency.
Commed : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Commed : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media
Publisher : Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Putera Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33884/commed.v7i1.6603


This study intend to examine how the analysis of the transdental communication of Kapitayan disciple to increasing spiritual awareness carried out by the Damar village community, using the perspective of the Transdental Communication. Research on Transdental Communication on Javanese spiritual awareness is very interesting to study considering that research on spiritual awareness is also still rarely done in scientific research, especially in the focus of Communication Science. Method in this study uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The results of this study indicate that humans in their lives always face various kinds of difficulties. So to deal with these problems, humans draw closer to the Almighty through a spiritual journey. Spiritual awareness is a science that discusses the condition of the human mindset which is manifested by the soul. as the essence and existence of human life. Spiritual awareness connects humans to interact between servants and their God through energy and spirituality in each human being. as well as communication as an interaction process that