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Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Vol 23, No 1 (2020): Maret 2020
Publisher : Balai Besar Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jpptp.v23n1.2020.p73-81


Phenotype and Productivity of Several New High Yielding Rice Varieties in the Wetland Agro-ecosystem in Majalengka District. The high yielding varieties that have good adaptability to certain growing environments can be introduced for the development of productive, effective and efficient rice farming in the future. The adaptation assessment of new varieties was carried out in Jatitengah Village, Jatitujuh Sub District, Majalengka District in the first dry season (April to July 2017). The study activities used a Randomized Block Design (RBD), with treatments consisting of 5 varieties, namely Inpari 38, 39, 41, 42 and 43 with 5 replications. The study was conducted on farmers' land with treatment plots adjusted to the farmer’s natural plots. The parameters observed were plant height, number of productive tillers, number of panicles per clump, panicle length, number of filled grains per panicle, number of empty grains per panicle, weight of 1000 grains and productivity. Agronomic performance data were analyzed using the Duncan Test followed by multiple distance test (DMRT) using SAS version 9.0 for windows and farm analysis was measured by the R/C value. The results of the study showed that there was agronomic diversity in plant growth and the number of productive tillers and yields and components of rice yield among varieties. Inpari 43 variety provided productive tillers, panicle lengths, number of filled grains per panicle, number of empty grains per panicle which were higher than other varieties. The productivity of this variety was 7.70 t.ha-1, and R/C value of 2.20. Therefore, Inpari 43 can be used as an alternative to rotating varieties in the same agroecosystem and season in the paddy fields of Majalengka District.Keywords: rice, new high yielding varieties, paddy fieldsABSTRAK Varietas unggul baru (VUB) yang mempunyai daya adaptasi baik terhadap lingkungan tumbuh tertentu dapat diintroduksikan untuk pengembangan usahatani padi yang produktif, efektif dan efisien pada masa yang akan datang. Pengkajian adaptasi VUB dilaksanakan di Desa Jatitengah, Kecamatan Jatitujuh, Kabupaten Majalengka pada MKI                          (Bulan April - Juli 2017). Kegiatan pengkajian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK), dengan perlakuan  5 (lima) varietas, yaitu Inpari 38, 39, 41, 42, dan 43 dengan 5 (lima) ulangan. Kajian dilakukan di lahan milik petani dengan petak-petak perlakuan disesuaikan dengan petak alami. Parameter yang diamati tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan produktif, jumlah malai per rumpun, panjang malai, jumlah gabah isi per malai, jumlah gabah hampa per malai, bobot 1000 butir dan produktivitas. Data keragaan agronomis dianalisis menggunakan Uji Duncan dilanjutkan dengan uji jarak berganda (DMRT) menggunakan SAS versi 9.0 for windows dan analisis usahatani diukur dengan nilai R/C. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat keragaman agronomi dalam pertumbuhan tanaman dan jumlah anakan produktif maupun hasil dan komponen hasil tanaman padi antar VUB. Varietas Inpari 43 memberikan jumlah anakan produktif, panjang malai, jumlah gabah isi per malai, jumlah gabah hampa per malai relatif lebih baik dibandingkan varietas lainnya. Produktivitasnya mencapai 7,70 t/ha dan nilai R/C 2,20. Dengan demikian, VUB Inpari 43 dapat dijadikan alternatif untuk pergiliran varietas pada agroekosistem dan musim yang sama di lahan sawah Kabupaten Majalengka.Kata kunci: padi, varietas unggul baru, lahan sawah
ESTIMATION OF SOYBEAN SEED (Glycine max L. Merr) DETERIORATION DURING STORAGE Irma Noviana; IGP Alit Diratmaja; Abdul Qadir; Faiza C Suwarno
Agros Journal of Agriculture Science Vol 19, No 1 (2017): Edisi Januari
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Janabadra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (587.424 KB)


Soybean seeds able to degradation during storage. The aims of study were to studying the behavior and deterioration of soybean seed and to predict seed viability during storage in controlled conditions. The experiment used completely randomized design with two levels of variety which nested in storage period with four replications. Two varieties were Dering-1 and Detam 2 that storage in controlled condition at temperature of 19 up to 22 °C and 64 up to 67 percent of relative humidity for six months. The seeds were evaluated for moisture content, protein, peroxide value, electrical conductivity and seed viability. During the deterioration the moisture content, peroxide, electrical conductivity increased while protein content and germination declined. Deterioration model of soybeans can be used to predict the decline of soybean seeds during the controlled storage
Agrin Vol 19, No 2 (2015): Agrin
Publisher : Jenderal Soedirman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.agrin.2015.19.2.241


Salah satu usaha peningkatan produksi padi adalah penggunaan varietas unggul. Untuk memperolehvarietas unggul tersebut perlu dilakukan serangkaian kegiatan pemuliaan, mulai dari persilangan, seleksi,pengujian daya hasil, dan uji multilokasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji galur-galur harapan padi sawahyang mempunyai sifat unggul dan potensi hasil tinggi dari uji daya hasil padi sawah dataran rendah MK I 2004.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di lahan sawah Desa Ciulu, Kecamatan Banjarsari, Kabupaten Ciamis selama MH2005/2006 yang berada pada ketinggian 25 m dpl sejak Maret hingga Juni 2006. Rancangan penelitian yangdigunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok dengan perlakuan sebanyak 12 nomor genotipe padi sawah (10 galurharapan yang berasal dari uji daya hasil padi sawah dataran rendah MK I 2004 dan 2 varietas pembanding) dan 3ulangan. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap tinggi tanaman, jumlah malai per rumpun, jumlah gabah isi dan hampaper malai, umur 50% berbunga, bobot 1000 butir, dan produksi GKG. Data dianalisis dengan Anova dandilanjutkan dengan uji LSD taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil GKG semua perlakuan tidakberbeda nyata. Terdapat 8 galur harapan yang lebih genjah daripada varietas pembanding, yaitu OBS-MK-02-256,OBS-MK-02-272, OBS-MK-02-274, OBS-MK-02-271, OBS-MK-02-001, OBS-MK-02-269, OBS-MK-02-128,dan IR 63655-3-3-2-3. Galur harapan yang genjah dengan hasil GKG tidak berbeda nyata dengan varietaspembanding, berpeluang dikembangkan di lahan sawah tadah hujan, terutama pada musim tanam kedua atau MKI untuk meningkatkan indeks pertanaman suatu daerahKata kunci: potensi hasil, galur, padiABSTRACTFor getting a new rice variety with good character must be done by breeding, selection, yield potential testand multi location to improve rice production. Objective of this study was to find out the potential yield of linesrice in low land area from first season planting of year 2004 in Cisulu vilage, sub district of Banjarsari, CiamisDistrict during rainy season of year 2005/3006. at 25 m above sea level within march to June. Randomizedcomplete block design with 12 rice genotipes (10 rice lines gained in irrigated rice in low land area during firstdry season of year 2004 and two control varieties with three replication observed variables were plant height,number of panicle per hill, number of filled and unfilled grain per hill, 50 percent flowering stage, weight of 1000grains, and total production. Data was analyzed by Analysis of variance and if there has significant effect followingby LSD (p=0.05). The results showed that there was no significant effect on yield among rice lines compared tocontrol. Eight rice lines had shortage compared to control i.e. OBS-MK-02-256, OBS-MK-02-272, OBS-MK-02-274, OBS-MK-02-271, OBS-MK-02-001, OBS-MK-02-269, OBS-MK-02-128, dan IR 63655-3-3-2-3 and hadpotency to develop in rainfed area in second season or first dry season to improve crop area index.Key words: potential yield, rice lines, rice