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Joyo Nur Suryanto Gono
Program Studi S1 Ilmu Komunikasi

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¬¬Pengaruh Terpaan Berita Kebocoran Data Pengguna Tokopedia dan Terpaan E-Word of Mouth Terhadap Citra Tokopedia Abigail Betsy Eliasta Roos; Djoko Setyabudi; Joyo Nur Suryanto Gono
Interaksi Online Vol 9, No 2: April 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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In early March 2020, there was a leak of data on Tokopedia users, with 91 million Tokopedia user data leaked and traded on the Dark Web. User data is sold for 5,000 US dollars (amounting to Rp74 million). The Tokopedia data leak event had a big impact on consumers whose data had been leaked to the dark web site. Successfully collected customer data includes names, e-mails, and passwords in one database. This news can have a big effect on consumer attitudes towards Tokopedia. Various responses from the public regarding the leakage of Tokopedia user data are quite large on social media. One of them social media is twitter. This study aims to determine the effect of news exposure of Tokopedia users' data leakage and word of mouth on the Tokopedia image. The theory used in this research is Uses and Effect Theory. To determine the sample, this study uses a non-probability sampling technique. The number of samples studied was 50 people with male / female characteristics, aged 18-40 years, in Indonesia and had received news of data leakage from Tokopedia users. The results showed that Tokopedia user data leakage exposure to Tokopedia's image had a significance value of 0.220 which means there is no significant relationship. Furthermore, e-word of mouth exposure with Tokopedia image has a significance value of 0.381 which means there is no significant relationship.
Hubungan Terpaan Informasi Rokok Elektrik Lebih Aman 95% dari Rokok Konvensional dan Tingkat Pengetahuan Tentang Rokok Elektrik dengan Minat Menggunakan Rokok Elektrik Abilangga .; Hedi Pudjo Santosa; Joyo Nur Suryanto Gono
Interaksi Online Vol 9, No 4: Oktober 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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This research is motivated by the use of e-cigarettes in Indonesia. E-cigarettes contain substances that are harmful to the body, but recently there has been information about e-cigarettes being 95% safer than conventional cigarettes and the lack of public knowledge about e-cigarettes. This study aims to determine the relationship between exposure to information that e-cigarettes are 95% safer than conventional cigarettes and the level of knowledge about e-cigarettes and interest in using e-cigarettes. The theory used in this research is the theory of Diffusion of Innovation and the theory of Cognitive Response. The sample in this study found 100 people with an age range of 18 – 39 years who had been exposed to information that e-cigarettes were safer than conventional cigarettes and knew that e-cigarettes were. This sample uses non-probability sampling with a random sampling technique. The results showed that exposure to information on electric cigarettes was 95% safer than conventional cigarettes with an interest in using e-cigarettes had a significance value of 0.004 which exceeded the significance value of 0.01 which means that there is a very significant relationship, the correlation coefficient of 0.234 means that it has a weak and weak relationship strength. So that if the exposure to information about e-cigarettes is 95% safer, then the interest in using e-cigarettes is also high. The results of the research on the level of knowledge about e-cigarettes with interest in using e-cigarettes have a significant value of 0.026 which means a significant relationship, a correlation coefficient of 0.169 means that the strength of the relationship is very weak and positive. So if the level of knowledge about e-cigarettes is high, the interest in using e-cigarettes is also high. Therefore, researchers suggest to multiply clear information about e-cigarettes so that people do not experience confusion and marketers are more aggressive in promoting e-cigarettes so that people are more aware of the presence of e-cigarettes.
Hubungan Terpaan Pernyataan Kontroversial Anji Mengenai COVID-19 di Media Sosial dan Komunikasi Interpersonal Dalam Keluarga Terhadap Sikap Kedisiplinan Masyarakat Melaksanakan Protokol Kesehatan Pada Masa New Normal Umi Nafiatul Udkhiyah; Joyo Nur Suryanto Gono
Interaksi Online Vol 9, No 3: Juli 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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This study aims to determine the relationship between exposure to Anji's controversial statement regarding COVID-19 on social media and interpersonal communication in the family with community discipline in implementing health protocols. This study uses quantitative research methods with an explanatory approach. The data collection technique used non-probability sampling with a sample of 50 respondents. The theory used is Information Integration Theory and Pragmatic Theory of Communication. Hypothesis testing uses Kendall's analysis and the results of hypothesis testing show a significance value for the variable. The exposure to Anji's statementregarding COVID-19 is 0.917 and the correlation coefficient is 0.01, so it means that there is no relationship between Anji's controversial statement exposure (X1) and the disciplined attitude of the community in implementing health protocols (Y) and the correlation is very low. While the results of hypothesis testing for interpersonal communication variables in the family show a significance value of 0.037 and a correlation coefficient of 0.228, so that it means that there is a relationship between interpersonal communication in the family (X2) and community discipline in implementing health protocols (Y) and the correlation is low.
Pemeliharaan Komitmen pada Pasangan Pernikahan Dini Kurnia Primareta; Joyo Nur Suryanto Gono
Interaksi Online Vol 9, No 4: Oktober 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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This study sees that early marriage is still prevalent in Indonesia with various backgrounds, even though early marriage has many risks such as domestic violence or divorce caused by differences in forms of communication between husband and wife that cannot be managed due to immature age or other things. Others, leading to divorce. The purpose of this study is to analyze the management of the communication process between married couples in early marriage, when there are contradictions in the different forms of communication that occur in everyday household life with the aim of maintaining and maintaining the commitments that have been built. This research is a descriptive study using relational dialectical theory, commitment theory, and naturalistic paradigm. The data collection technique used by the researcher is indepth interviews. The results of the study prove that early marriage couples who marry with various backgrounds experience relational dialectical contradictions due to different forms of communication. The three pairs experience three main contradictions in relational dialectics, namely integration and separation, stability and change, and expression and non-expression. In managing different forms of communication, the three early married couples feel that age affects them to overcome prestige, influences to listen to their partner's opinions and requires the intervention of others. However, this can be done by taking a special time that is fun so that the couple can express their feelings to each other and understand each other in a relaxed atmosphere.
Hubungan Terpaan Berita COVID-19 di Industri Penerbangan Pada Media Online dan Tingkat Kecemasan Tertular COVID-19 dengan Pengambilan Keputusan Menggunakan Jasa Transportasi Udara Masa New-Normal Widya K. Siahaan; Joyo Nur Suryanto Gono; Agus Naryoso
Interaksi Online Vol 9, No 3: Juli 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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Before making a decision, the individual needs related information. Online media becomes the fastest means of finding information. In addition to cognitive aspects, individual affectives are also influential in the decision-making process. This study aims to find out the relationship between the exposure of COVID-19 news in the aviation industry in online media and the level of anxiety of contracting COVID-19 with decision making using new-normal air transportation services. Use the Theory of Persuasion "Drive Model" and Theory of Emotions to explain the correlation between variables. Non-random sampling technique by purposive sampling. The sample was studied by 50 people, with the criteria of air transportation service users during the new-normal, aged 18-55 years and had been hit by news of COVID-19 transmission in the aviation industry from online media. Kendall tau-b hypothesis test shows a value of 0.509 meaning that there is no relationship between COVID-19 news exposure and decision making using air transportation services, while the level of anxiety of contracting COVID-19 is closely related to decision making using air transportation services with a significance value of 0.000. Through these findings, it is recommended that health protocols be improved again by tightening flight requirements/rules and the public is more aware of the compliance of health protocols and reducing mobility of travel to minimize transmission of COVID-19 transmission
Hubungan Terpaan Iklan Tokopedia dan Intensitas Word of Mouth pada Tokopedia Waktu Indonesia Belanja dengan Keputusan Pembelian Melalui Tokopedia Renata Alma Ratu Nabila; Adi Nugroho; Joyo Nur Suryanto Gono
Interaksi Online Vol 9, No 4: Oktober 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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Tokopedia launched a marketing promotion strategy in the form of the #SelaluAdaSelalubisa campaign which has been running since 2020. In this campaign, Tokopedia held a monthly promo, namely Waktu Indonesia Belanja. Two forms of marketing promotion strategies used by Tokopedia are advertising and also using word of mouth. However, in reality, Tokopedia's ranking has actually declined and according to several surveys, Tokopedia is not the preferred e-commerce for most consumers. This study uses the theory of Advertising Exposure and Elaboration Likelihood with the sampling technique of non-probability sampling. The sample is 60 people with female or male characteristics, aged 18-34 years who have been exposed to Tokopedia advertisements and have received information about Tokopedia Waktu Indonesia Belanja in the last three months. Tests in this study using the Kendall Tau_b correlation test. The results of the study show that the correlation among Tokopedia advertising exposure and the purchasing decisions has a significance value of 0.323, which means that it is not significant. Furthermore, the intensity of word of mouth with the purchasing decisions has a significance value of 0.06 which can be interpreted as significant with a correlation value of 0.302 which means it has a weak closeness and has a positive correlation direction.
Interaksi Online Vol 10, No 3: Juli 2022
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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Distance Learning (PJJ) arises because of the Pandemi Covid-19, and in its implementation, PJJ is considered to reduce the motivation of student learning in Indonesia, seen from the impairment of academic grades of high school students in several schools in Indonesia. The role of the public speaking capability that teachers have is crucial, because if the teacher has a good public speaking capabilities in teaching, it will be able to increase the motivation of their students to study. But in reality, there are still many cases and assumptions about the public speaking ability of teachers who are still far from expectations, especially during this Distance Learning (PJJ) era, which can be one of the problems of education in Indonesia. This study aims to explain how the experience of teachers using public speaking skills in motivating student achievement during the Covid-19 pandemic, using qualitative methods and a phenomenological approach. Theory and concept used to support this research are the Rhetorical Theory and Persuasive Communication. The data collection method used was interviews and observation, with 6 informants consisting of 1 public and 1 private high school teachers, 2 state high school students, and 2 private high school students who were conducting teaching and learning activities, both online and face to face during the Covid-19 pandemic. The results of this study found that during Distance Learning (PJJ), the teacher's teaching load was indeed increased, but the experience of teachers using their public speaking skills in teaching during this pandemic as a whole has fulfilled all three rhetorical evidences from Aristotle, namely ethos, pathos, and logos. Each teacher in a school with different categories and conditions of students, in this case the superior and non-superior schools have different persuasive ways or approaches in teaching. The inhibiting factors for student learning motivation during the Covid-19 pandemic are the feeling of laziness, boredom, fatigue that appears when school is online, the lack of interaction between teachers and students, the influence of social media and games, and signal disturbances during school.
Interaksi Online Vol 11, No 1: Januari 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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Maxim is one of the companies engaged in online transportation services in Indonesia since 2018. Since then, Maxim has managed to attract more than 10 million active users. This figure is quite high considering that Maxim only uses one platform; Instagram in his advertising activities. On the other hand, there is an interesting thing listed in Maxim's Instagram comment column – @Maxim_Indo – which is that reviews are often found after bad reviews about Maxim's performance. Therefore, this study aims to determine the relationship between exposure to online transportation service advertisements and Online Consumer Review (OCR) with interest in using online transportation services. This study uses the Buyer Information Environment Theory, the sample set is 125 respondents with the criteria of being 18 – 34 years old, domiciled in Semarang, and has seen Maxim's advertisements on Instagram @Maxim_Indo. This study uses non-probability sampling with accidental sampling technique. This study resulted in a significance value between exposure to online transportation service advertisements and interest in using online transportation services of 0.000, which is less than a significance value of 0.01 which means it is very significant and a correlation coefficient value of 0.254 which means that the two variables have a weak relationship and has a positive direction. This means that if exposure to online transportation service advertisements has increased, the interest in using online transportation services will also increase. On the other hand, if exposure to online transportation service advertisements has decreased, the interest in using online transportation services will also decrease. Then, in the second hypothesis correlation test, there is a relationship between OCR and interest in using online transportation services which is indicated by a significance value of 0.001 which means it is very significant because it is less than a significance value of 0.01, has a correlation coefficient value of 0.209, which means that the two variables have a weak relationship and has a positive direction. This means that if the OCR increases, the interest in using online transportation services will also increase. On the other hand, if the OCR decreases, the interest in using online transportation services will also decrease.
Interaksi Online Vol 11, No 1: Januari 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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Nowadays, the use of the internet continues to grow rapidly, and so do the social media users in Indonesia. This has made many companies promote their products digitally through various social media. Pokemon TCG Indonesia is one of the companies that promotes through social media. Advertising has been the most popular way of promoting a product. Apart from that, there are also other ways such as using content creators on Youtube to promote products through reviews of these products. This study aims to determine the effect of advertising exposure and YouTuber video unboxing on consumer buying interest in Pokemon TCG Indonesia products, the Sparkling VMAX Collection series. The sampling technique used non-probability sampling with a total sample of 50 people. The testing is done using Simple Regression analysis. The results of the study show that the significance value for the ad exposure variable is 0.000. It means that the ad exposure variable has a positive influence on the purchase intention variable. Furthermore, for the results of the Youtuber video unboxing exposure variable, it shows a significance value of 0.000. It means that Youtuber video.
Interaksi Online Vol 11, No 2: April 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, FISIP, Universitas Diponegoro

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Nmax motorcycles as one of Yamaha's products experienced a decline in sales for three consecutive years. Ideally, by issuing sales promotions every year in the form of discounts, cashback, giving vouchers and bonuses should be able to encourage the purchase of motorcycles. On the other hand, there are also online reviews on social media from Nmax users, where Yamaha Nmax gets a high rating with a score of 4.8 out of 5. Reviews that contain positive information should be able to positively grow the buying interest of potential consumers. The study aims to determine the influence of sales promotion and the quality of consumers' online reviews on social media with interest in buying Yamaha Nmax motorcycles.Research is a type of explanatory research using non-probability sampling techniques. The number of respondents was 100 people with male and female criteria, aged 22-34 years, domiciled in Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta, had seen, heard or read online reviews or Yamaha Nmax sales promotions. Testing using a simple linear regression analysis, the results showed that sales promotion affected the buying interest of Nmax motorcycles with a significance value of 0.036 (<0.05). Then, the quality of consumers' online reviews on social media is also confused with the interest in buying Nmax motorcycles with a significance value of 0.007 (<0.01).