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JURNAL PEDAGOGY Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Department of English Education of STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro

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Abstract: This paper was aimed to investigate grammatical errors made in writing abstract for journals in State Islamic College (STAIN) Jurai Siwo Metro. It involved 30 abstracts taken from 5 journals published by the college. This research was qualitative in nature. The data were collected by observation and documentation, and then analyzed by Miles and Huberman model. The result showed that the frequency of grammatical errors in concord was 40%, word order was 25%, spelling was17%, parallel structure was 12 %, and learner language was 6%. To sum up, there were still some grammatical errors in the abstracts of scientific writing in the journals. Keywords: scientific writing, abstract, grammatical errors, journal
English for Specific Purposes: A Need Analysis on English Course in Islamic Banking Department Madkur, Ahmad
Lingua Cultura Vol 12, No 3 (2018): Lingua Cultura Vol. 12 No. 3
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/lc.v12i3.3395


This research was aimed at analyzing the type of English skills needed by the students of Islamic Banking (Perbankan Syariah) in IAIN Metro and figuring out the materials relevant to their needs. This was a qualitative study involving 25 students and 20 alumni who were working or had ever worked in the banks or BMTs. The data were obtained by employing interviews, questionnaires, documentation, and then analyzed by using Miles and Huberman model. The findings reveal that most of the students have less skill in English. However, the language skill that is needed at most by the students is speaking skill as the communicative skill and vocabulary as the language skill. It is also discovered that there are some problems, such as limited references, lack of supporting facilities, and learning duration that are encountered by both lecturers and the students. Then, referring to their needs, the materials do not yet accommodate the content focus in which the students can learn English related to banking issues. This research recommends that the syllabus should be revised and English should be taught in an integrative approach.
Musyahadat Al Fidyu: Youtube-Based Teaching and Learning of Arabic as Foreign Language (AFL) Albantani, Azkia Muharom; Madkur, Ahmad
Dinamika Ilmu: Jurnal Pendidikan Dinamika Ilmu Vol 17 No 2, December 2017
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (718.624 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/di.v17i2.854


Today, it is not surprising to say that there is a swiftly rising use of internet in education. Internet with the enormous features has provided up prospects for rich and ground-breaking approaches to deal with educational issues and present solutions to the escalating needs for learning resources. Despite this fact, it is still found few studies and practices of utilizing the internet as the media in the field of teaching Arabic as foreign language. This paper specifically focuses on elaborating the use of YouTube in Arabic language classroom. It is attempting to give the answer for some following questions: why using YouTube as Arabic language learning media? How to search for learning resources on YouTube? What Arabic skills and competencies can be trained? How to effectively integrate these resources in the Arabic language classroom? How to do the internet source evaluation? How to find out which the students prefer? What are the strengths and weaknesses of YouTube as learning media? This paper ends its conclusion by recommending the Arabic language teachers to use sources available on YouTube but they must selectively give to the students.
ASEAN Journal of Community Engagement Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019)
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Teaching Arabic as a foreign language (TAFL) in Indonesia has been interest of many scholars, but studies on TAFL in the context of industrial revolution (IR) 4.0 have been rarely conducted. This qualitative study was aimed at investigating the challenges and opportunities in accelerating the quality of Arabic language instruction in the IR 4.0 era. Qualitative data analysis consisting of four steps, namely, data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and data verification was applied to analyze the gathered data. According to the research results, the challenges are the following: Arabic language teachers’ limited adaptation to technology, students’ low motivation to learn, and uncertainty of policies on TAFL practices. The opportunities to effectively establish Arabic teaching and learning are government support, demands on Arabic language skills in modern workplaces, and availability of interactive multimedia.
AKADEMIKA: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Vol 22 No 2 (2017): Ekonomi Islam dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/akademika.v22i2.821


Abstrak Pemulung sampah adalah warga yang terpinggirkan dalam peta ekonomi, sosial, dan politik. Lalu bagaimana upaya mereka agar bisa merangsek ke tengah peta? Tulisan ini mengulas bagaimana para pemulung sampah di TPAS Karangrejo Kota Metro mengonsolidasi kapital sosial bersama para stakeholders terkait, termasuk dosen IAIN Metro, Walhi, perusahaan, dan Pemerintah Daerah. Tulisan ini bersumber dari kegiatan PAR (participatory action research) yang merupakan sebuah kegiatan pengabdian dan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh dosen IAIN Metro kepada warga pemulung anggota sebuah paguyuban di TPAS Karangrejo. Potret yang dideskripsikan meliputi bagaimana mereka mengorganisir diri, menciptakan alat-alat produksi, lalu meningkatkan nilai tambah atas produk-produk mereka. Tujuannya adalah bagaimana mereka berdaya di hadapan rentenir sekaligus meningkatkan taraf hidup. Ujung tulisan ini mengupas sejauh apa mereka berdaya, juga apa peluang dan tantangan yang mereka hadapi. Kata kunci: Kapital Sosial, Pemulung Sampah, dan TPAS Karangrejo. Abstract Waste pickers are frequently marginalized in economic, social, and political maps. So how do they try to get to the center of the map? This research-based paper reviews how waste pickers in TPAS Karangrejo Metro City consolidate their social capital with relevant stakeholders, including the lecturers of State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Metro, WALHI, companies, and local government. The writing of this paper is based on participatory action research in which the community empowerment and research were both conducted in the same time by a lecturers team of IAIN Metro for the waste pickers in TPAS Karangrejo. The portraits described include how they organize themselves, create the means of production, and then increase the added value of their products. The goal is how they are empowered in the presence of moneylenders while improving living standards. The end of this paper explores how far they are empowered,and what opportunities and challenges they face. Keywords: Social Capital, Waste Pickers, TPAS Karangrejo
A Completely New and Sudden Reality: English Language Teacher’s Voices on Emergency Remote Teaching in Indonesian Pesantren Schools Madkur, Ahmad; As’ad, Muhammad Syihab
Anglophile Journal Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Anglophile Journal
Publisher : CV. Creative Tugu Pena

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51278/anglophile.v4i1.511


Unexpected shift to emergency remote teaching (ERT) engendered a complex situation for all schools around the globe, in particular those with inadequate prior experience of this distant online learning mode. Whilst the bulk of research has dealt with ERT practices in various school contexts, this issue in Indonesian pesantren – a type of Islamic boarding school which provides full-time comprehensive religious educational activities but have considerably lack of practice in distance online learning – remains underexplored. This qualitative study addressed this gap by unpacking English language teachers’ voices and experiences in ERT in pesantren school contexts. The study was conducted during school closure in 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic and its data were generated through open ended questionnaires and analyzed using six-phase thematic analysis. The findings show that the teachers indicated positive attitude toward ERT. Despite several challenges, they expressed opportunities that might potentially contribute to the better enactment of ERT in pesantren learning process. Pedagogical implications and recommendations for further research are discussed. Keywords: Emergency Remote Teaching, ELT, Pesantren School