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Journal : AL-FIKRAH: Jurnal Studi Ilmu Pendidikan dan Keislaman

Konstruksi Sosial Nyelasé Di Makam Syaikhona Kholil Bangkalan Mahsun, Mahsun; Muniri, Muniri
AL-FIKRAH: Jurnal Studi Ilmu Pendidikan dan Keislaman Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Pendidikan Agama Islam

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The tradition of nyelasé to some cemeteries of the guardiants is a potrait of religious practice which is present and up to now indeed sustainable, for some muslims. In particularly, for muslim community of Bangkalan city. The tradition of nyalse’ to the cemetery of the guardian, such as in cemetery tradition nyelasé of Syaikhona Kholil Bangkalan. As far as we know, the tomb complex of was very crowded by pilgrims from various places, particularly such as: Muslims Madurese, Javanese, and outside Java. Behavior of nyelasé is forming through several processes for the performer, derived from accumulated beliefs from a historic cognitive level. Thus, the behavior of nyelasé to the cemetery of Syaikhona Kholil is a form of behavior that has various motives that has been developing in society. For reveling the motive of the pilgrims, this research is designed as qualitative research by using Belger’s phenomenology approach, those are using objectification, subjectivization, and internalization. By this approach, it is hoped to comprehend the influence of the invironment on the individual awareness as the reality of abjectification, the awareness of individual comprehending of nyelasé as the Sub-certification and internalization as the synthesis of environmental influences and individual awareness. Thus, it will be able to create an independent religious practice.
Kiai Abdul Hamid Pasuruan dan Kontribusinya untuk Moderasi Islam Wasid, Wasid; Mahsun, Mahsun
AL-FIKRAH: Jurnal Studi Ilmu Pendidikan dan Keislaman Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018)
Publisher : Pendidikan Agama Islam

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Kiai Abdul Hamid Pasuruan is a phenomenal figure, even known by his conscience by layers ofsociety. He has inherited many things related to the earthing of islamic values, especially in teachingislamic academic theory of Ahl Sunna wal al-jamaah. His legacies both of –his thought and his attitudefor facing this life—that can be able to appease for people, up to now many people come to visit hisgrave for pilgrimaging destination. By him, Islam is served softly without fears to others.. Moreover,He was forwarding the happiness of others people, before his self was happy. This step is done basedon his holistic understanding of islam, which is said that able to combine the logic of normative fiqhwith substantial values sufism in the context of life and the large community. The combination ofnormativeity and sufism were ushering firmly and softly. It means, friendly in building therelationship with people. within the sphere of life practice.Kiai Hamid was able to invite people fordoing the obligation of islam, while in the context of persuading and giving example for them, theimportance is creating of maintaining harmony each others.
Genealogi Pendidikan Pesantren Studi Genealogi Syaikhona Kholil Bangkalan Madura Zaini, M.; Mahsun, Mahsun
AL-FIKRAH: Jurnal Studi Ilmu Pendidikan dan Keislaman Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Pendidikan Agama Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (308.325 KB)


Islamic Boarding School Genealogy in Bangkalan, Study of Genealogy of Syaikhona Kholil Bangkalan Madura. This article is the result of field research using a qualitative methodology, to answer questions: 1) How the development of pesantren in Bangkalan, 2) What is the understanding of social and intellectual genealogy of Syaikhona Kholil Bangkalan. The approach in this study, namely the sociological and historical approach, because in the translation using sociological and historical aspects. The sociological aspect is used to trace the symptoms and social causality that accompany the role of Shaykhona Kholil, while the historical approach is used to trace sources in the past, in the form of archives or documents. While the theory used in this study, is a combination of three theories, including: educational theory, leadership theory and genealogy theory Michel Foucault. Combined with these three theories, it can be simplified that education is an effort to explain the teaching and learning process, which combines the leadership and genealogical practices (creating scientific rigging), one of them by way of matchmaking.