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Role of the Millennial Generation in Conserving Mangrove and Cultural Heritage in Sanrobone, South Sulawesi Rohani Ambo-Rappe; Ratnawati Gatta; Suriadi Mappangara; Marzuki Ukkas; Ahmad Faizal
Jurnal Penyuluhan Vol. 16 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Penyuluhan
Publisher : Department of Communication and Community Development Sciences and PAPPI (Perhimpunan Ahli Penyuluh Pertanian Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25015/16202030038


Sanrobone is a coastal village with tourism potential, including cultural heritage sites and mangrove forests. However, most of the forests have been converted into fish ponds and seaweeds, resulting in abrasion that erodes the village and damages several historical sites in the area. The program aims to empower millennial generation in preserving the cultural reserves and mangrove forests, which in turn can become a community income sector. The millennial generation of Sanrobone is participating in repairing the Sanrobone Fort (Benteng), the Sanrobone King’s Graves, and the mangrove forests through the development of cultural and mangrove-based tourism. This outreach activity employed an active participatory method, namely: (1) Socialisation of the Culture and Mangrove Tourism concept to the community and local government; (2) Training in mangrove planting and management; (3) a comparative study trip to developed cultural tourism and mangrove-based tourism areas. The results showed the millennial awareness of the tourism potential of the region is getting higher, and they can already see various opportunities to manage these tourism potentials as a source of income. What needs to be done next is to improve the skills of the millennial generation in the promotion of regional tourism through digital marketing, which is needed for effective sustainable tourism development in the industrial era 4.0.
Ngayah: Majalah Aplikasi IPTEKS Vol. 9 No. 2 (2018): Ngayah: Majalah Aplikasi IPTEKS
Publisher : Forum Layanan IPTEKS Bagi Masyarakat (FLipMAS) Wilayah Bali

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Sandrobone is a villagein Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesiawith low education and low income, which lead to environmental degradation due to overexploitation of itsnatural resources, such as over-conversion of mangrove forests to fishponds, destructive fishing and unmanaged household waste disposal. Nowadays, the mangroves area are depleting, fishing ground are far away, and biodiversity are degrading in the area. Therefore, weneed to find alternative livelihoods to overcome environmental damage and increase theincome of local communities. One solution is the development of tourism. Sanrobone has a potential of cultural tourism, such as Sanrobone Fortress and Sanrobone Kings Cemetery, which can be promoted and developed in order to improve the welfare of the community because it is supported by nature, community life, and socio-cultural conditions. However, there are still minimal visitors (domestic and foreign tourists) to the area because tourism facilities and infrastructure are very limited to meet the needs of the tourist. To overcome and reduce this problem, the promotion activities was carried out as a first step, including: 1) socialization of the tourism object to Takalar District government and the Sanrobone community; 2) creating a tourist map and setting up a sign board for tourist; 3) making a promotion video fortourism on social media; 4) promotionof the tourism object viaradio and leaflets. This promotional activities aimed to increase the number of tourists visiting Sanrobone village and to increase employment opportunities for the community and to continue preserving the existing community culture so that natural resources can be managed sustainably.
Wisata Budaya dan Konservasi Laut Rohani Ambo- Rappe; Marzuki Ukkas; Suriadi Mappangara; Ahmad Faizal; Ratnawati Ratnawati; Irma Andriani
Prosiding Simposium Nasional Kelautan dan Perikanan Vol. 6 (2019): PROSIDING SIMPOSIUM NASIONAL VI KELAUTAN DAN PERIKANAN UNHAS
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan (FIKP), Universitas Hasanuddin

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Masyarakat pesisir senantiasa dikategorikan sebagai masyarakat miskin yang dihubungkan denganketergantungannya yang tinggi terhadap hasil laut di sekitarnya yang sangat fluktuatif. DesaSanrobone adalah satu contoh desa pesisir dengan karakteristik khas masyarakat pesisir yang telahmengkonversi sebagian besar hutan bakaunya menjadi tambak untuk memelihara ikan dan rumputlaut. Hal ini mengakibatkan kerapatan mangrove yang makin menipis sehingga tidak lagi mampumenopang lahan pesisir yang ada sehingga terjadi abrasi dan penurunan kualitas air tambak. Salahsatu solusi yang harus dilakukan adalah mencari alternatif matapencaharian guna menanggulangikerusakan lingkungan dan sekaligus dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat setempat. Halyang paling potensial untuk dilakukan yaitu pengembangan wisata budaya. Desa Sanrobonememiliki potensi wisata budaya yang sangat menjanjikan yakni adanya Benteng Sanrobone danMakam Raja-Raja Sanrobone. Objek wisata ini memiliki daya tarik, keunikan dan keindahanpanorama bahari. Akan tetapi, lokasi kedua obyek wisata potensial ini telah mengalami kerusakanoleh kejadian abrasi yang menimpa daerah tersebut. Kegiatan yang telah kami lakukan sebagaisolusi awal yaitu: (1) Sosialisasi Desa Wisata Budaya Sanrobone kepada masyarakat lokal,pemerintah terkait, dan media massa, (2) Pembenahan sarana prasarana wisata budaya danpenguatan kelembangaan, (3) Identifikasi daerah terabrasi dan potensi rehabilitasi berupapenanaman mangrove pada wilayah pesisir Desa Sanrobone yang akan mengurangi kejadianabrasi. Selanjutnya kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat memperbaiki/memelihara cagar budaya yangsangat potensil untuk menarik wisatawan untuk datang dan secara tidak langsung akan menjadimata pencaharian tambahan masyarakat Desa Sanrobone.Kata kunci: cagar budaya, ekosistem, masyarakat pesisir, rehabilitasi hutan bakau, abrasi
Transformasi Peran dan Kapasitas Perempuan Rumah Tangga dalam Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga di Kota Makassar Ratnawati Gatta; Nani Anggraini; Jumadil; Muh Asy’ari; Marini Mallagennie; Dahlia D. Moelier; Hadijah; Andi Fauziah Yahya
Jurnal Penyuluhan Vol. 18 No. 02 (2022): Jurnal Penyuluhan
Publisher : Department of Communication and Community Development Sciences and PAPPI (Perhimpunan Ahli Penyuluhan Pembangunan Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25015/18202237888


Makassar is one of the cities with the largest population in Indonesia so that the volume of waste that goes to the landfill is quite large. The most common type of waste is organic waste, which generally comes from households. Therefore, the target of this activity is women in the household as the controller of domestic affairs. The purpose of this activity is to know the transformation of the role of women in reducing and handling their household waste. The method used is qualitative descriptive method conducted through interview, observation and document study. The activities were carried out in the form of: (1) Household waste management socialization, (2) Training on reducing and handling household waste, (3) Practice of making composter and Biopore Infiltration Holes (LBR), (4) Assistance in the use of compost and processing of anorganic waste into useful items in the household. The results of the activity show that transformation of knowledge and the role of household women regarding household waste management, as well as increasing creativity and innovation of household women in processing waste so that it has economic value. What needs to be done next is to support the spirit of households in waste management through the establishment of community-based waste management partnership institutions and networks.
Growth Performance of Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus with the Provision of GDM Probiotics maintained with the Biofloc System Hadijah Hadijah; Ratnawati Gatta; Rusmin .
Torani Journal of Fisheries and Marine Science VOLUME 5 NOMOR 2, JUNI 2022
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35911/torani.v5i2.21821


Tilapia is one type of freshwater fish that has economic value. This type of fish has good adaptability and fast growth. One of the problems in tilapia cultivation is that probiotics have not been utilized in the maintenance media with a biofloc system. This study aimed to determine the dose of probiotic supplementation in the formation of bioflocs on the growth and survival of tilapia. The research was conducted at the Educational Pond, Bosowa University, Maros Regency. The test animals used were tilapia seeds measuring 2-3 cm long. The stocking density of 3 seeds/L were kept in a basin with a capacity of 80 L filled with 60 L of water. The treatment tested was GDM probiotic supplementation in media with doses of A 5%, B 6%, C 7%, and D 0 %. The study used a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 3 replications so that there were 12 experimental units. Seeds were reared for 60 days by feeding Hi-Pro-Vite FF-99 as much as 3% of body weight biomass per day. The results showed that GDM probiotic supplementation with different doses significantly affected the growth and survival of tilapia. Supplementation of GDM probiotics 5%, 6% and 7% in the media gave the same effect on the growth and survival of tilapia but significantly different from the treatment without probiotics. The highest growth and survival rate of tilapia was obtained at a dose of 5%, 4.27g and 65%, respectively, while the lowest was in the treatment without probiotics, namely 3.27g and 48.33%. Based on the results of the study, it is recommended that 5% GDM probiotic supplementation in tilapia rearing containers is recommended.