Marwah Marwah
Universitas Hasanuddin

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Jurisprudentie: Jurusan Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum Vol 5 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum uin alauddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/jurisprudentie.v5i2.5815


Abstract                Under the provisions of Article 22 paragraph (1) of the Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 1/POJK.07/2013 on Consumer Protection of the Financial Services Sector, whereas in the case of Business Service Actors using standard agreements, such standard agreements shall be prepared in accordance with the laws and regulations . However, based on the results of the research, in the current banking practice, the agreement format has been prepared unilaterally by the bank in the form of standard conditions set forth in the printed form, and then presented to applicant debtor for approval. This study aimed to find out about the role of the Financial Services Authority as a facilitator in providing accurate information and provide facilities for the settlement of consumer complaints. This research was an empirical research conducted in Makassar city. The results indicated that the Financial Services Authority as a facilitator, not optimal in protecting the mortgage debtor.Key Word : Role of the Financial Services Authority, Debtor Protection Abstrak             Berdasarkan ketentuan Pasal 22 ayat (1) Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 1/POJK.07/2013 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen Sektor Jasa Keuangan, bahwa dalam hal Pelaku Usaha Jasa Keuangan menggunakan perjanjian baku, maka perjanjian baku tersebut wajib disusun sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan. Namun, berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dalam praktik perbankan saat ini, format perjanjian telah disiapkan secara sepihak oleh pihak bank berupa syarat-syarat baku yang dituangkan dalam formulir yang sudah dicetak, dan kemudian disodorkan kepada calon nasabah debitor untuk disetujui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengenai peran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan sebagai fasilitator dalam menyediakan informasi yang akurat serta memberikan fasilitas penyelesaian pengaduan konsumen. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian empiris yang dilaksanakan di kota Makassar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Otoritas Jasa Keuangan sebagai fasilitator, belum optimal dalam melindungi debitor Kredit Pemilikan Rumah.Kata Kunci : Peran Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, Perlindungan Debitor   
Jurisprudentie: Jurusan Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum Vol 6 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum uin alauddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/jurisprudentie.v6i1.8127


AbstractIndonesia is one of the countries in the world that is famous for having tourist attractions. In order to utilize this potential sector, the government began to focus on developing the tourism sector in all regions of Indonesia as an effort to encourage national economic growth. To support the achievement of the program, the bank seeks to increase business capital lending to tourism businesses. However, Indonesia's geographical location between 3 (three) tectonic plates and active volcanic pathways has caused areas in Indonesia to be prone to natural disasters, such as those that have happened in the Province of Bali and the Province of West Nusa Tenggara. Natural disasters that often occur in Indonesia cause losses to the community, including tourism business actors and banks. Natural disasters can cause bad credit because the debtor is unable to pay the loan installments agreed upon in the agreement. This study aims to determine the efforts to overcome bad credit in tourism areas of natural disasters.Key Word : Credit Relaxation, Credit Agreement Abstrak Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara di dunia yang terkenal memiliki daya tarik wisata. Dalam rangka pemanfaatan potensi tersebut, pemerintah mulai fokus mengembangkan sektor pariwisata di seluruh wilayah Indonesia sebagai salah satu upaya untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Untuk mendukung pencapaian program tersebut, bank berupaya meningkatkan penyaluran kredit modal usaha kepada pelaku usaha pariwisata. Namun, letak geografis Indonesia yang berada diantara 3 (tiga) lempeng tektonik dan jalur rangkaian gunung api yang aktif dunia menyebabkan daerah-daerah di Indonesia rawan tertimpa bencana alam, seperti yang pernah terjadi di Provinsi Bali dan Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Bencana alam yang sering terjadi di Indonesia menimbulkan kerugian bagi masyarakat, termasuk pelaku usaha pariwisata dan pihak perbankan. Bencana alam dapat menyebabkan kredit macet karena debitor tidak mampu membayar angsuran kredit yang telah disepakati dalam perjanjian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya penanggulangan kredit macet di daerah wisata yang tertimpa bencana alam.Kata Kunci : Relaksasi Kredit, Perjanjian Kredit
Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Pembeli Rumah Atas Tagihan PT. PLN (Persero) Terhadap Utang Tenaga Listrik Pemilik Rumah Sebelumnya Andi Muhammad Asnan Yusfin; Ahmadi Miru; Marwah Marwah
Indonesian Journal of Criminal Law Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Criminal Law
Publisher : ILIN Institute

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The Research objective to analyze the validity according to the debt collection law of PT. PLN (Persero) from previous home owners to home buyers and legal protection for home buyers for electricity debt bills against previous home owners. This type of research uses normative legal research. The results of this study indicate that (1) Receivable collection of PT. PLN (Persero) from the previous owner of the house to the buyer of the house is legal according to the law because in the sale and purchase agreement between the owner of the old house as the seller and the buyer of the house, it includes land and buildings and all of their successes, including electrical installations attached to or installed in the house. cannot be separated as an object of buying and selling so that all forms of profits and losses from the house are the responsibility of the home buyer (2) Home buyers do not get legal protection for electric power debt bills caused by the previous home owner because the home buyer knows that the purchased house is in a state of the electricity has been cut off, which is a visible defect of the object of the sale and purchase of the house. Based on Article 1505 BW, the Seller is not obliged to bear the visible defects, which can be known by the buyer himself. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis keabsahan menurut hukum penagihan utang PT. PLN (Persero) dari pemilik rumah sebelumnya kepada pembeli rumah dan perlindungan hukum bagi pembeli rumah atas tagihan utang tenaga listrik terhadap pemilik rumah sebelumnya. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian hukum normative. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) Penagihan piutang PT. PLN (Persero) dari pemilik rumah sebelumnya kepada pembeli rumah sah menurut hukum karena dalam perjanjian jual beli antara pemilik rumah lama sebagai penjual dan pembeli rumah meliputi tanah dan bangunan berikut segala turutan-turutannya termasuk instalasi listrik yang melekat atau terpasang di rumah merupakan satu kesatuan yang tidak dapat terpisahkan sebagai objek jual beli sehingga segala bentuk keuntungan dan kerugian dari rumah tersebut menjadi tanggung jawab pembeli rumah (2) Pembeli rumah tidak mendapatkan perlindungan hukum atas tagihan utang tenaga listrik yang disebabkan pemilik rumah sebelumnya karena pembeli rumah yang mengetahui rumah yang dibeli dalam keadaan tenaga listrik telah terputus yang merupakan suatu cacat yang keliatan dari objek jual beli rumah tersebut. Berdasarkan Pasal 1505 BW maka Penjual tidak diwajibkan menanggung terhadap cacat yang kelihatan, yang dapat diketahui sendiri oleh pembeli.
Pembatalan Akta Jual Beli Yang Dibuat Oleh Camat Selaku Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah Sementara Cindy Annisa; Suriyaman Suriyaman; Marwah Marwah
Indonesian Journal of Criminal Law Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Criminal Law
Publisher : ILIN Institute

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The research objective to analyze the making of the deed of sale and purchase of land carried out by the sub-district head as PPATS with the provisions of the legislation. This study uses empirical research methods. The results of this study, namely: 1) the procedure for making the deed of sale and purchase made by the sub-district head as PPATS is not in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws because the entire process of making the deed of sale is carried out not before the sub-district head as PPATS but carried out before the lurah and 2) legal protection the buyer of land rights in the case of buying and selling, will get legal protection if he meets the criteria of a buyer with good intentions, namely having made a sale and purchase of the land object in accordance with legal procedures/procedures and documents as determined by law and exercising prudence by examining matters relating to the object of land that is agreed upon based on the Circular Letter of the Supreme Court Number 4 of 2016 concerning the Implementation of the Formulation of the Results of the Plenary Meeting of the Supreme Court Chamber of the Year 2016 as a Guide to the Implementation of Duties for the Court. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis pembuatan akta jual beli tanah yang dilakukan oleh camat selaku PPATS dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian empiris. Hasil penelitian ini, yaitu: 1) prosedur pembuatan akta jual beli yang dibuat oleh camat selaku PPATS belum sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku sebab seluruh proses pembuatan akta jual beli dilakukan tidak dihadapan camat selaku PPATS tetapi dilakukan dihadapan lurah dan 2) Perlindungan hukum terhadap pembeli hak atas tanah dalam hal jual beli, akan mendapatkan perlindungan hukum apabila memenuhi kriteria pembeli beritikad baik yaitu telah melakukan jual beli atas objek tanah sesuai dengan tata cara/prosedur dan dokumen yang sah sebagaimana yang telah ditentukan undang-undang serta melakukan kehati-hatian dengan meneliti hal-hal berkaitan dengan objek tanah yang diperjanjikan berdasarkan Surat Edaran Mahkamah Agung Nomor 4 Tahun 2016 tentang Pemberlakuan Rumusan Hasil Rapat Pleno Kamar Mahkamah Agung Tahun 2016 Sebagai Pedoman Pelaksanaan Tugas Bagi Pengadilan.
The Roya HT-EL on Debt Repayment by Third Parties Nurfaidah Said; Marwah Marwah; Sri Wahyuni Yusuf
JURNAL AKTA Vol 10, No 3 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Program Magister (S2) Kenotariatan, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/akta.v10i2.32247


This study examines the implementation of HT-El Roya as it pertains to the debt repayment of debtors using funds from third parties. This study is an empirical investigation. Purposive sampling was used to determine the sample size, and Technic data was gathered through interviews and analyzed using qualitative methods. According to government regulation No. 5 of 2020 concerning Electronic Dependent Rights Services, the application for HT-El companies conducted after the debtor pays off the debt to creditors can only be submitted through a BPN partner account that belongs to the creditor. With the debtor's obligation satisfied, the application for a dependent right must be submitted immediately in accordance with the most recent land registration principles. To keep the data at the Land Office up-to-date and in accordance with current circumstances, current land registration principles are required. This is intended to prevent future disputes. Roya liability may also be established for a portion of the collateralized debt, which is known as partial Roya. According to the provisions of Article 18 paragraph 1 of the Agrarian Regulation Number 5 of 2020, creditors are required to immediately register the removal of dependent rights upon payment of the receivables. Immediately in the article does not guarantee when the creditor will submit an application for Roya to the Land Office, despite the fact that the debtor has repaid the debt. In this instance, Roya HT-El depends on the creditor's willingness to submit a request for Roya to the Land Office. If funds from Third Parties are used in the repayment process and the old Creditor Party has not submitted a Roya request to the Land Office, the legal position of the new creditor will be affected. The authority to submit requests for HT-El Roya supposedly extends beyond creditors. Given that third parties can facilitate the credit repayment process, which in this context is known as credit takeover or subrogation.