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Seleksi Material Penempelan Biofilm Isolat Bakteri Resisten Tembaga asal PT. Freeport Indonesia Maria Massora; Erni Martani; Eko Sugiharto; Roberth Sarworm; Tumpal Sinaga
BioWallacea : Jurnal Penelitian Biologi (Journal of Biological Research) Vol 4, No 1 (2017): Biosains & Technology in Wallacea
Publisher : University of Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (164.647 KB) | DOI: 10.33772/biowallacea.v4i1.3273


ABSTRAK Bakteri yang mampu tumbuh pada lingkungan tercemar logam berat cenderung membentuk biofilm. Biofilm terdiri dari berbagai kelompok bakteri yang tumbuh bersama mikroba lain yang diselubungi matriks polimer ekstraseluler (EPS) dan  melekat pada permukaan materi organik maupun anorganik. Empat isolat bakteri  yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah bakteri resisten tembaga yang  diisolasi dari tailing PT Freeport Indonesia, Timika, Papua. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan seleksi materi penempelan biofilm berupa materi organik maupun anorganik untuk memperoleh materi penempelan yang optimal untuk pertumbuhan biofilm. Masing- masing isolat diinokulasikan ke dalam medium LB yang mengandung 100 mg/L CuSO4. Material uji digantung pada tutup erlenmeyer, diinkubasi pada shaker inkubator dengan kecepatan 100 rpm, selama 2 minggu pada suhu ruang. Aktivitas pembentukan biofilm diamati setiap minggu sekali berdasarkan penempelan biofilm pada material yang diamati di bawah mikroskop. Pembentukan massa biofilm diukur dengan cara menimbang material penempelan sebelum dan sesudah  penempelan biofilm.  Empat isolat dapat tumbuh dengan baik pada batu kali, kayu, plastik LLDPE dan plastik PET namun penempelan biofilm lebih stabil pada potongan kayu dan batu kali. Pseudomonas aeuruginosa strain C53 menunjukkan kemampuan paling tinggi dalam pembentukan biofilm kemudian diikuti Bacillus cereus strain C38, Lycinibacillus fusiformis strain C40 dan Bacillus subtilis strain C43. Kata Kunci : Bakteri Resisten tembaga, Biofilm, Material Penempelan. ABSTRACTBacteria capable of growing in a heavy-metal polluted environment tend to form biofilm. Biofilm consists of various groups of bacteria that grow together with other microbes that are surrounded by the extracellular polymeric substance  (EPS) and adhere to the surface of both organic and inorganic matter. Four bacterial isolates used in this study were copper-resistant bacteria isolated from PT Freeport Indonesia's tailings, Timika, Papua. In this research, selection of biofilm attachment material was conducted in the form of organic or inorganic material to obtain optimal attachment material for biofilm growth. Each isolate was inoculated into LB medium containing 100 mg/L CuSO4. The test material was suspended on the erlenmeyer cover, incubated in the incubator shaker with 100 rpm, for 2 weeks at room temperature. The biofilm forming activity was observed weekly based on the attachment of biofilms to the material observed under the microscope. To determine the mass of the biofilm formed, calculation of the attachment material weight was done before and after the biofilm attachment. Four isolates could grow well on stone, wood, LLDPE plastic and PET plastic. However, the biofilm attachment looked more stable on wood and stone fragments. The highest ability in the biofilim formation was performed by Pseudomonas aeuruginosa strain C53, followed by Bacillus cereus strain C38, Lycinibacillus fusiformis strain C40 and Bacillus subtilis strain C43. Keywords : Copper Resistant Bacteria, Biofilm, Attachment Material
Biofilm formation analysis and molecular identification of copper-resistant bacteria isolated from PT Freeport Indonesia’s tailings Maria Massora; Erni Martani; Eko Sugiharto; Roberth Sarwom; Tumpal Sinaga
Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology Vol 22, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1158.104 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/ijbiotech.24810


Copper is an essential macronutrient for living organisms. Nevertheless, at high concentrations, it is toxic to most forms of life, including microorganisms. In this research, we examined the biofilm formation ability and identified the molecular characteristics of copper-resistant bacteria isolated from PT Freeport Indonesia’s tailings. Four bacteria isolates from PT Freeport Indonesia’s tailings were used in this study. Qualitative analysis of biofilm formation by copper-resistant bacteria was performed using the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) method and Microtiter Plate Biofilm Assay. The results showed that the C53 isolate could be categorized as a strong biofilm former, and three other isolates (C38, C40, and C43) as medium biofilm formers. The identity of the selected isolates was based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis: C38 isolate had a 99% similarity to Bacillus cereus strain HM85, C43 isolate had a 99% similarity to Bacillus subtilis strain EN16, C40 isolate had a 99% similarity to Lycinibacillus fusiformis strain MB52, and C53 isolate had a 98% similarity to Pseudomonas aeuruginosa strain GGRJ21. The capability of the C53 isolate to form strong biofilm can be exploited in bioremediation processes aiming to remove copper from tailings.
Uji Aktivitas Senyawa Antibakteri Katak Papua (ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY TEST OF PAPUAN FROGS) Maria Massora; Elda Irma J. J. Kawulur; Hermawaty Abubakar
Jurnal Veteriner Vol 19 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University and Published in collaboration with the Indonesia Veterinarian Association

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (178.268 KB) | DOI: 10.19087/jveteriner.2018.19.1.55


Skin and submental glands of Papuan frogs have antibacterial compounds‘ which were capable to impede growth of tested bacteria based on diffusion method. These frogs were Platymantis papuensis, Litoria infrafrenata, Bufo melanostictus, Rana grisea and Rana sp., and the tested bacterial were the positive Gram bacteria (Staphylococcus aereus, and Bacillus subtilis) and the negative Gram bacteria (Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeroginosa). Skin frog which extracted with hot water (100oC) showed antibacterial activity which significantly impeded the growth of tested bacteria using diffusion method.
Jurnal Natural Vol. 6 No. 1 (2007): Jurnal Natural
Publisher : FMIPA Universitas Papua

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A study was done to search the composition and abundance of fish species in the waters of the Doreri Gulf the District of Manokwari, from September - October 2005. The fish catchments wash about 143 specimens consist of 49 species included in 23 families. The species of fish with a high abundance index consists of Nemipterus celebicus, Upeneus sundaicus, and Upeneus sulphureus. Those fishes have a high economic value in the market of Manokwari.
Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri dan Skrining Fitokimia Ekstrak Metanol Buah Hitam (H. monticola.) Asal Kabupaten Teluk Wondama Elsarina Siahaan; Bimo B. Santoso; Evelina Somar; Maria Massora
Jurnal Natural Vol. 17 No. 2 (2021): JURNAL NATURAL
Publisher : FMIPA Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30862/jn.v17i2.147


This study aimed to test the antibacterial activity and identify the secondary metabolite contect of the methanol extract Black Fruit (H. monticola). The black fruit extract was obtained through the maceration extraction method using methanol as a solvent. The result of phytocemical screening showed that the methanol extract of black fruit (H. monticola) contained high levels of tannins and saponins. Antibacterial activity test was carried out using the wall method with postive control of chloromphenicol and negative control with methanol. The result of antibacterial activity test against E.Coli bacteria showed strong activity with an inhibition zone diameter of 11 mm and B. Subtilis bacteria showed moderate activity with an inhibition zone with a diameter of 8 mm
Deteksi Gen Bakteri Resisten Tembaga Asal Tailing PTFI Maria Massora; Erni Martani; Eko Sugiharto; Roberth Sarwom; Tumpal Sinaga; Jance Murdjani Supit; Maria Justina Sadsoeitoeboen; Sartji Taberima
Jurnal Natural Vol. 15 No. 2 (2019): Jurnal Natural
Publisher : FMIPA Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30862/jn.v15i2.188


Gen yang mengkode resistansi tembaga pada bakteri sering terdapat pada plasmid dan diorganisasikan dalam operon. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengisolasi DNA plasmid dan mendeteksi gen yang mengkode resistensi bakteri terhadap tembaga. Amplifikasi gen resisten menggunakan primer CopA. Gen CopA berhasil diamplifikasi dalam plasmid Isolat EC38, Isolat FC40, Isolat HC43, dan Isolat CC53 ini menunjukkan bahwa salah satu penentuan resistensi tembaga isolat bakteri uji diduga dikodekan dalam plasmid
Potential Analysis of Cheese Whey as an Alternative Media Growth for Lactobacillus casei Group Nur Kusmiyati; Maria Massora; Septian Tri Wicaksono
El-Hayah Vol 8, No 4 (2022): EL-HAYAH (VOL 8 NO.4 MARET 2022)
Publisher : Program Study of Biology, Science and Technology Faculty, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/elha.v8i4.15800


Cheese processing industry throws a lot of whey into the environment that cause pollution. Whey cheese is known to contain lots of organic matter and lactose which is the main energy source for the Lactobacillus genus. This study aims to determine the effect of using cheese whey media on bacterial cell count, total lactic acid, and total sugar in the Lactobacillus casei group consisting of Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus paracasei, and Lactobacillus rhamnosus bacteria. The method used in this study was bacterial culture rejuvenated and propagated on MRSB media for 24 hours. As much as 1% of bacterial culture was inoculated into cheese whey medium and incubated at 37 C for 24 hours. Furthermore, observations were made on the number of bacterial cells, total lactic acid, and total sugar in the L. casei group. The results showed that L. paracasei had the highest number of cells (4.862 CFU/ml), total lactic acid (0.264 mg/ml), and total sugar (93.805 mg/ml) and was not significantly different from L. casei and L. rhamnosus. The cheese whey medium was not significantly different from the positive control (MRSB), however, there was a difference in the growth ability of each isolate on the positive control medium. Based on the research, it was shown that cheese whey media could be used as an alternative medium for the growth of the L. casei group.
BAKTERI TERMOFILIK DARI AIR DAN SEDIMEN KOLAM AIR PANAS WAR AREMI DI KAMPUNG MATATUN DISTRIK KEBAR KABUPATEN TAMBRAUW PAPUA BARAT Maria Massora; Yenni Yendry Salosa; Rina Anita Mogea; Simon Sutarno; Sabarita Sinuraya; Maria Elisabeth Krey; Sita Ratnawati
Jurnal Natural Vol. 18 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Natural
Publisher : FMIPA Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30862/jn.v18i2.202


Kolam air panas War Aremi, adalah kolam Air Panas yang terdapat di Kampung Matatun Distrik Kebar, Papua Barat. Bakteri Termofilik tumbuh pada suhu lebih dari 45oC. Bakteri Termofilik menghasilkan enzim yang bermanfaat dalam dunia industri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksploratif yang bertujuan untuk mengisolasi bakteri termofilik dari Kolam Air Panas War Aremi di Kampung Matatun, Distrik Kebar, Kabupaten Tambrauw, Papua Barat dengan menngunakan Metode Tuang (Pour Plate) Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh tiga isolat bakteri termofilik dari sampel air panas, dan 4 isolat dari sampel sedimen. Berdasarkan hasil pengecatan gram dan pengamatan morfologi sel, ketujuh isolat bakteri termofilik yang berhasil diisolasi adalah merupakan kelompok bakteri gram positif dengan morfologi sel berbentuk sel batang. Berdasarkan hasil pewarnaan gram, pengamatan morfologi sel dan karakterisasi biokimia, ketujuh isolat bakteri termasuk genus Bacillus.
Peningkatan Kesehatan Masyarakat Suku Arfak melalui Bakti Sosial di Kampung Kwau Papua Barat: Improvement of Public Health Arfak Tribe through Social Service in Kwau Village West Papua Elda Irma Jeanne Joice Kawulur; Keliopas Krey; Sita Ratnawati; Sabarita Sinuraya; Rawati Panjaitan; Yenny Yendri Salosa; Maria Massora; Paskalina Theresia Lefaan; Agatha Cecilia Maturbongs; Wendy Yudija Limbong Allo
PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33084/pengabdianmu.v8i2.4291


Health services in Papua are still a serious problem that not all Papuan people cannot reach, especially people living in remote and mountainous areas. Kampung The purpose of this service activity is to provide free health check up and assess nutritional status in an effort to improve the health of the Arfak community in Kwau Village, West Papua Province. through health checks and body measurements. The number of patients receiving treatment was 85 people with an age range of 1-70 years, consisting of children to elderly patients. Our result showed most of the patients suffered from Acute Respiratory Tract Infection (ARI) as many as 39 people, then stomach ulcers as many as 18 patients, muscle diseases and arthritis as many as 18 people. Other diseases, which amounted to 10 people, were relatively few suffered by the people of Kampung Kwau. In general, children in Kwau Village have good nutrition. There were three children who were categorized as very short. The sustainable use and management of local food by the Arfak traditional community in Kwau Village shows that the community has sufficient food security to meet optimal nutritional intake.
The Identification of Rhizosphere Bacteria in Rumput Kebar from Kebar District, Tambrauw Regency: The Identification of Rhizosphere Bacteria in Kebar Grass from Kebar District, Tambrauw Regency Rina A Mogea; Maria Massora; Yeni Salosa; Nurul Muzizah; Dian Kristin; Nuari Rante Tondok; Nurul Endang Lestari; Daniela Ijie
Jurnal Natural Vol. 19 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Natural
Publisher : FMIPA Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30862/jn.v19i1.220


The area in the soil occupied by the part of the plant roots that interacts with microbes is generally known as the rhizosphere. Rumput Kebar (Biophytum umbraculum Welw), is a shrub that can be found in Kebar, Tambrauw Regency, West Papua. By the local community kebar grass is widely used as a reproductive medicine. The aim of this study was to isolate and characterize rhizosphere bacteria on rumput kebar. The bacteria were isolated from the rhizosphere of rumput kebar by serial dilution then grown in NA media and incubated for 48 hours. The growth of colony and cell shape were observed and biochemical tests were carried out. From the observations made, there were 6 isolates obtained, namely isolate RK 1 was of the genus Agromyces, RK 2 was the genus Acetobacterium, isolates RK 3, 4 and 7 were of the genus Lactobacillus, isolate 5 was of the genus Amphibacillus and isolate RK 6 was of the genus Cellulomonas. All of these bacteria play a role in absorbing water and nutrients, accelerating growth, as biocontrol, N2 fixation, antibiosis and symbiosis.