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Penatalaksanaan Oligodontia pada Anak 14 Tahun dengan Sindrom Ectodermal Dysplasia: Laporan Kasus Anie Apriani; Inne Suherna Sasmita
Majalah Kedokteran Bandung Vol 47, No 4 (2015)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran

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Ectodermal dysplasia adalah kelainan herediter yang jarang didapatkan, lebih kurang 7.000 kasus di dunia. Pada kelainan ini terjadi gangguan perkembangan struktur organ-organ yang berasal dari lapisan ektodermal seperti rambut, gigi, kuku, dan kelenjar keringat. Dilaporkan kasus sindrom ectodermal dysplasia pada seorang anak perempuan berusia 14 tahun dengan manifestasi klinis berupa oligodontia (kehilangan gigi lebih dari 6 gigi pada rahang atas dan bawah), rambut tipis dan keriting, abnormalitas bentuk kuku kaki, dan gangguan ekskresi keringat. Tujuan perawatan pasien ini adalah mendapatkan fungsi estetik dan pengunyahan pasien yang terganggu akibat tidak terdapat benih gigi permanen, selain itu juga untuk menjaga supaya pertumbuhan rahang tetap berkembang normal. Penatalaksanaan oligodontia berupa pembuatan gigi tiruan lepasan dan mahkota akrilik pada seluruh gigi anterior rahang atas dan bawah. Simpulan yang didapatkan pada pasien ini adalah tercapainya perbaikan  estetika dan pengembalian fungsi pengunyahan serta pemeliharaan pertumbuhan rahang  dapat terjaga dengan baik.  [MKB. 2015;47(4):255–60]Kata kunci: Ectodermal dysplasia, gigi tiruan, oligodontiaOligodontia Management in Children 14 Years with Ectodermal Dysplasia Syndrome: Case ReportAbstractEctodermal dysplasia is a hereditary disorder that is rarely seen with approximately 7000 cases in the world. In this disorder, Ectodermal dysplasia occurs as a developmental disorder of organ structures derived from the ectodermal layer such as hair, teeth, nails, and sweat glands. This is a case report of ectodermal dysplasia in a 14-year-old girl with clinical manifestations of oligodontia (tooth loss, more than 6 teeth on the upper and lower jaw), thin and curly hair, abnormal toenail shape, and impaired excretion of sweat. The purpose of the treatment was to make the patient regains her esthetic and masticatory functions, which were disrupted by the absence of permanent tooth buds, as well as to maintain the normal growth of the developing jaws. Treatment for the patient’s with oligodontia included the use of removable denture in lower jaw and application of acrylic crowns on all upper and lower anterior teeth resulting in improved esthetics and masticatory function. It is concluded that the treatment has been able to improve the esthetics and to return the masticatory function of the patient while maintaining the normal growth of the jaws. [MKB. 2015;47(4):255–60]Key words: Ectodermal dysplasia, oligodontia, prothes DOI: 10.15395/mkb.v47n4.622
ENAM Gene Mutation Factor in Amelogenesis Imperfecta Anie Apriani; Linda Sari Sembiring; Ibnu Suryatmojo; Ferry Sandra
SONDE (Sound of Dentistry) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2018): SONDE (Sound of Dentistry)
Publisher : Maranatha Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (187.975 KB) | DOI: 10.28932/sod.v3i1.1781


Amelogenesis Imperfecta (AI) is an abnormal disease that occurs in hard tissue of teeth. Clinical features of Amelogenesis Imperfecta look like immature enamel that looks like hypomaturation. The etiology of AI is influenced by the TGF-?1 factor which is disturbed during the formation and development of enamel, one of which is caused by the presence of ENAM gene mutations. Further research on genetic history in the family and biomineralization of the formation of enamel important to be developed later.
Transformation of dental health behavior in elementary school students at a Puskesmas work area: Perubahan perilaku kesehatan gigi pada murid sekolah dasar di suatu wilayah kerja Puskesmas Grace Monica; Anie Apriani; Monica Ester Teresya
Makassar Dental Journal Vol. 10 No. 1 (2021): Volume 10 Issue 1 April 2021
Publisher : Makassar Dental Journal PDGI Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35856/mdj.v10i1.377


Dental health education was given to all grade I public elementary school students in 2017 using audiovisual media. In 2018, dental health education was carried out with the same theme but with puppet stage extension media. The purpose of this study was to determine changes in dental health behavior in these students. This cross-sectional study involved 96 elementary school students in the working area of ​​Puskesmas Sukawarna, Bandung who were randomly selected with the inclusion criteria having attended dental health education twice in the last two years. Primary data was taken through guided interviews using a questionnaire adapted from the 2013 WHO questionnaire, conducted in 2017 and 2019. In 2017 it was found that 43.8% of students had never received dental care from a dentist, in 2019 only 4.2% of students who never received dental care. In 2017, 8.3% of students did not visit a dentist in the last 12 months, but in 2019 only 3.1%. It was concluded that there was a change in dental health behavior for the better for students who had received dental health education twice in two consecutive years.