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Dahboard Eksekutif sebagai Media Koordinasi dan Monitoring Kegiatan untuk Peningkat Kinerja Aparatur Pemerintah Mohammad Reza Maulana; Anas Syaifudin; Hari Agung Budijanto; Eko Budi Susanto
Publisher : Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah (Bappeda) Kota Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54911/litbang.v19i0.126


Pekalongan City Government continues to strive to improve good governance in maximizing the use of Information Technology, this is evidenced by the participation of the Pekalongan City Government in the Movement Towards 100 Smart City programs. One effort that can be made to optimize the use of information technology is the executive dashboard for monitoring RT / RW activities. In 2019, Pekalongan City has 340 RW and 1660 RT. The existence of this executive dashboard application can optimize the role of RT and RW and all information at the lower level can be obtained immediately, such as information on population data, submission of grants and assistance, and others. The information in the monitoring dashboard is the realtime data that currently exists. This research will make a dashboard monitoring RT / RW activities with a prototype model approach. The prototype model and Joint Application Development (JAD) are the most widely used models in creating executive dashboards. The research steps started from data collection, data analysis, application design, application development and testing. From the data collected, a functional and non-functional requirements analysis process was carried out. After that the application design process is carried out and conti nued with the design implementation in the application development process. Then from the results of the Alpha Test and Beta Test, the application can work according to functional and non-functional needs. In the future, this application prototype can be developed in conjunction with the One Data application in Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatikan (Diskominfo) Pekalongan City. Keywords: Executive dashboard, smart city, prototype.
Publisher : Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah (Bappeda) Kota Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54911/litbang.v20i2.178


The Tourism Destination Reservation Information System in Pekalongan City is an application that functions as a media for ordering tourist tickets online, managing tourist destination revenue results, displaying tourist locations, tourist details and the number of visitors to tourist destinations. Identification and evaluation of the system needs to be done to find out how satisfied users of the system. One method that can be used is the PIECES (Performance, Information and Data, Economics, Control and Security, Efficiency, and Service) Framework. Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out by the Pieces Framework, it was found that the performance variable obtained a value of 2.30, information obtained a value of 2.47, economics obtained a value of 2.68, control obtained a value of 2.55, efficiency obtained a value of 2.46 and service obtained a value of 2.48. While the average number of each variable is 2.49 and is included in the VERY SATISFIED category. With these results it can be concluded that users are very satisfied with the Tourist Destination Reservation Information System in Pekalongan City. Keywords: Information System, tourist destination reservation, pieces framework
Customer Segmentation with RFM Model using Fuzzy C-Means and Genetic Programming Anas Syaifudin; Purwanto Purwanto; Heribertus Himawan; M. Arief Soeleman
MATRIK : Jurnal Manajemen, Teknik Informatika dan Rekayasa Komputer Vol 22 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bumigora

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30812/matrik.v22i2.2408


One of the strategies a company uses to retain its customers is Customer Relationship Management (CRM). CRM manages interactions and supports business strategies to build mutually beneficial relationships between companies and customers. The utilization of information technology, such as data mining used to manage the data, is critical in order to be able to find out patterns made by customers when processing transactions. Clustering techniques are possible in data mining to find out the patterns generated from customer transaction data. Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) is one of the best-known and most widely used fuzzy grouping methods. The iteration process is carried out to determine which data is in the right cluster based on the objective function. The local minimum is the condition where the resulting value is not the lowest value from the solution set. This research aims to solve the minimum local problem in the FCM algorithm using Genetic Programming (GP), which is one of the evolution-based algorithms to produce better data clusters. The result of the research is to compare the application of fuzzy c-means (FCM) and genetic programming fuzzy c-means (GP-FCM) for customer segmentation applied to the Cahaya Estetika clinic dataset. The test results of the GP-FCM yielded an objective function of 20.3091, while for the FCM algorithm, it was 32.44741. Furthermore, evaluating cluster validity using Partition Coefficient (PC), Classification Entropy (CE), and Silhouette Index proves that the results of cluster quality from gp-fcm are more optimal than fcm. The results of this study indicate that the application of genetic programming in the fuzzy c-means algorithm produces more optimal cluster quality than the fuzzy c-means algorithm.
METHOMIKA: Jurnal Manajemen Informatika & Komputerisasi Akuntansi Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): METHOMIKA: Jurnal Manajemen Informatika & Komputersisasi Akuntansi
Publisher : Universitas Methodist Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46880/jmika.Vol7No2.pp295-300


The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been felt by all sectors, including the economic sector. UMKM have really felt the impact after the covid 19 pandemic with declining sales turnover..This study aims to classify products from UMKM that are not selling well and selling well. The K mens method was chosen for grouping because it is simple and the K means method can group according to the same criteria grouped into a data cluster, for different data entered into another cluster. There are 28 data sets which will be grouped into 2 clusters . With the criteria of total goods sold, total transactions, difference in days and final stock. The data was taken from January 2022 to August 2022. After clustering, it was found that C1 had 12 products that were selling well, and for C2 there were 16 products that were not selling well. Therefore, UMKM can carry out sales promotion strategies that are fast and precise so that products that are not selling well can increase sales volume. Promotions can be carried out in the form of discounted promotions, mailer promotions, and fractional promotions
Segementasi Nasabah Tabungan Pada BMT XXX dengan Metode Fuzzy C Means dan Model RFM arief soma darmawan; Devi Sugianti; Anas Syaifudin
Smart Comp :Jurnalnya Orang Pintar Komputer Vol 10, No 2 (2021): Smart Comp: Jurnalnya Orang Pintar Komputer
Publisher : Politeknik Harapan Bersama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30591/smartcomp.v10i2.2355


Setiap perusahaan akan berlomba lomba untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kepada pelanggan, agar pelanggan tidak berpindah ke pesaing. BMT XXX juga tidak menginginkan nasabahnya berpindah ke pesaing. Pada tahun 2019 nasbah BMT XXX mencapai 4882 nasabah, akan tetapi yang aktif melakukan transaksi penabungan hanya 1392 nasabah. BMT mengalami kesulitan dalam menginterpretasikan data, karena data yang tersaji dalam bentuk manual. Untuk membantu BMT dalam mengelompokkan nasabah yang potensial menggunakan metode fuzzy C Means dan model RFM (Recency, Frequency, dan  Monetary). Metode Fuzzy C means  digunakan karena dapat menggelompokkan data yang lebih besar dan lebih kokoh pada data oulier, dalam menentukan cluster atau kelompok dengan derajat keanggataan. Langkah langkah metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah pengumpulan data, pengolahan data, metode yang diusulkan, eksperimen metode, validasi hasil atau pengujina. Hasil pengujian dengan Davies Bouldin Index diperoleh 0,464 dengan jumlah klaster sebanyak 6. Dengan kelas nasbah superstar sebanyak 79 nasabah, golden sebanyak 462 nasabah, typical customer  124 nasabah, occantional customer sebanyak 271 nasabah, everyday sopper  239 nasabah, dormant cusomer  217 nasabah. Dengan adanya data tersebut dapat digunakan oleh BMT XXX pengambilan keputusan dalam hal menentukan strategi marketing untuk meningkatkan pelanggan agar pelanggan selalu aktif melakukan penabungan. Kata Kunci : Segementasi nasabah, fuzzy c means, RFM
Perlindungan Data Informasi Digital Dengan Teknik Steganografi Metode Least Significant Bit Widiyono Widiyono; Ari Putra Wibowo; Risqiati Risqiati; Anas Syaifudin
Smart Comp :Jurnalnya Orang Pintar Komputer Vol 11, No 3 (2022): Smart Comp: Jurnalnya Orang Pintar Komputer
Publisher : Politeknik Harapan Bersama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30591/smartcomp.v11i3.3453


Perkembangan teknologi pada era digital dibidang informasi dan komunikasi telah mengubah prilaku masyarakat secara global, serta menyebabkan dunia tanpa batas berkembang secara cepat. Transformasi data pada jejaring secara global menjadi kebutuhan untuk memberikan informasi yang akurat. Transformasi data pribadi pada jejaring secara global akan memungkinkan menjadikan ancaman bagi pemilik data informasi atas perbuatan pihak lain yang tidak bertanggungjawab untuk tujuan tertentu. Perlindungan data informasi digital menjadi penting untuk menjaga ancaman kejahatan data pribadi, yang akan ditranformasikan melalui jajaring secara global. Teknik Steganografi merupakan cara menyisipkan informasi pada data digital misalnya citra/gambar digital, yang kelihatanya tidak terlihat ada perbedaan serta tidak mengubah informasi yang terkandung pada data digital. Metode Least Significant Bit salah satu metode yang mempunyai kelebihan dalam hal imperceptibility yaitu data hasil embedding dengan data hasil extracting tidak ada perbedaan secara kasat mata. Perlindungan informasi data digital ini dapat diterapkan pada data file citra, dimana disisipkan data/file pesan rahasia.
METHOMIKA: Jurnal Manajemen Informatika & Komputerisasi Akuntansi Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): METHOMIKA: Jurnal Manajemen Informatika & Komputersisasi Akuntansi
Publisher : Universitas Methodist Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46880/jmika.Vol7No1.pp20-24


The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been felt by all sectors, including the economic sector. UMKM have really felt the impact after the covid 19 pandemic with declining sales turnover. This study aims to classify products from UMKM that are not selling well and selling well. The K means method was chosen for grouping because it is simple and the K means method can group according to the same criteria grouped into a data cluster, for different data entered into another cluster. There are 28 data sets which will be grouped into 2 clusters . With the criteria of total goods sold, total transactions, difference in days and final stock. The data was taken from January 2022 to August 2022. After clustering, it was found that C1 had 12 products that were selling well, and for C2 there were 16 products that were not selling well. Therefore, UMKM can carry out sales promotion strategies that are fast and precise so that products that are not selling well can increase sales volume. Promotions can be carried out in the form of discounted promotions, mailer promotions, and fractional promotions.
Implementasi Algoritma Naive Bayes Untuk Menentukan Lokasi Usaha Strategis Pasca Pandemi Covid 19 risqiati risqiati; Anas Syaifudin; Eny Jumiati; wahyu setianto; Hermanus Wim Hapsoro
Smart Comp :Jurnalnya Orang Pintar Komputer Vol 13, No 2 (2024): Smart Comp: Jurnalnya Orang Pintar Komputer
Publisher : Politeknik Harapan Bersama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30591/smartcomp.v13i2.6594


Setelah adanya pandemi covid 19 sektor UMKM sangat terdapat karena ketidak kestabilan perekonomian. UMKM harus melakukan terobosan dalam penjualannya. Lokasi usaha juga sangat menentukan berkembangnya suatu usaha. Dalam penentuan lokasi usaha menggunakan algoritma naive bayes. UMKM sangat membutuhkan sebuah aplikasi untuk dapat membantu dalam penentuan lokasi usahanya, karena semala ini masih mengandalkan intutif saja.  Algoritma naive bayes dipilih karena mempunyai tingkat akurasi yang lebih tinggi. Objek penelitian pada Ricco salah satu UMKM yang mengahsilkan kripik singkong yang pemasarannya sudah sampai keluar kota. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan data sebanyak 92 data training dengan atribut nya adalah jenis toko, lokasi, ukuran toko, keramian toko, keramian sekitar toko, dan jam operasional dengan label yang diinginkan adalah tempat usaha tersebut rugi atau profit. tahapan penelitian yang dilakukan: identifikasi permsalahan, persiapan data, melakukan modeling, pembuatan aplikasi, dan pengujian. Hasil dari aplikasi tersebut dapat mendata toko, mendata kreteria, mendata atribut serta dapat melakukan perhitungan naive bayes. Sistem aplikasi sudah diuji dengan menggunakan pengujian balck box