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THE NORMATIVE STUDY ON THE AREA/SPACE STRUCTURE POLICY OF STATE BORDER IN MALUKU PROVINCE Posma Sariguna Johnson Kennedy; Suzanna Josephine L.Tobing; Adolf Heatubun; Rutman Lumbantoruan
Fundamental Management Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2018): pISSN : 2540-9816 EDISI CETAK
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33541/fjm.v3i1.733


The purpose of this paper is to review the management of border area functions in accordance with the mandate of Law no. 43 of 2008 on National Territory. This study is based on the Master Plan for State Boundary Management, and the Priority Location Master Plan, which is a common reference for all stakeholders. In this research, as the methodology used is the review literature using qualitative normative method. This means to review the regulations related to the arrangement of spatial function of State Border Area in Maluku Province. Spatial Planning of Border Areas in Maluku Province aims: To create a state defense and security function that ensures the integrity of the territorial sovereignty and order which borders are the State of Timor Leste and the State of Australia; Effective protected areas to protect biodiversity, protected forests, and coastal borders including in small outer islands (PPKT) and; Make border areas that are self-reliant and competitive.Keywords: State Border Area, National Strategic Activities Center (PKSN), Priority Location (Lokpri), Spatial Plan (RTRW)
Agrinimal Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Tanaman Vol 10 No 1 (2022): Agrinimal Jurnal Ilmu Ternak dan Tanaman
Publisher : Jurusan Peternakan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Pattimura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30598/ajitt.2022.10.1.9-16


ABSTRAK Pengambilan keputusan dalam usaha peternakan merupakan tanggung jawab utama para peternak. Keberhasilan usaha peternak sapi potong mencapai laba tertinggi adalah tujuan pokok. Bagaimana mengambil keputusan tepat untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut dan mengetahui berbagai risiko dalam ketidakpastian, merupakan masukan yang penting. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada peternak sapi potong di Kecamatan Lolong Guba, Kabupaten Buru, Provinsi Maluku, dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui dampak berbagai perubahan variabel penentu laba peternak sapi dan risiko yang ditimbulkan oleh perubahan tersebut dalam rangka pengambilan keputusan manajer peternak. Data yang dikumpukan adalah data primer yang dicatat dalam nilai-nilai nominal. Analisis menggunakan model regresi linear berganda, dilanjutkan analisis simulasi, dan diakhiri analisis risiko. Hasil penelitian memenuhi hipotesis yang ditetapkan dan teruji signifikan secara statistik. Elastisitas nilai tambah ternak adalah terbesar. Dampak peningkatan laba terbesar dihasilkan melalui peningkatan nilai tambah ternak dan jumlah penjualan, meskipun keduanya bukan sebagai pilihan terbaik. Opsi manajer peternak menghadapi risiko dan ketidakpastian ke depan adalah meningkatkan biaya pemberian makanan, nilai tambah ternak, dan penjualan sapi. Diperlukan mitigasi untuk opsi ini yaitu manajer peternak meningkatkan waktu penggembalaan ternak, memberikan makanan suplemen, mengawasi kesehatan ternak, menghindari ternak dari gangguan lingkungan dan kecelakaan. Manajer peternak perlu dibekali pengetahuan teknis penaksiran bobot dan karkas ternak. ABSTRACT Decision-making in livestock business activities is the main responsibility of farmers. The success of the beef cattle farmer's business to achieve the highest profit is the main goal. How to take the right decision to achieve these goals and know the various risks in uncertainty, is an important input. This research was conducted on beef cattle breeders in Lolong Guba District, Buru Regency, Maluku Province which aims to determine the impact of various changes in the determinants of cattle breeders' profits and the risks posed by these changes in order to make decisions for farmer managers. The data collected is primary data recorded in nominal values. Data were analyzed by multiple linear regression model, followed by simulation analysis, and ended with risk analysis. The results of the study met the established hypothesis and were tested statistically significantly. The elasticity of value-added livestock is the largest compared to total sales. The biggest impact of increasing profit is through the increase in the value-added of livestock and the number of sales, although neither is the best choice. Farmer managers' options for dealing with risks and uncertainties in the future are to increase the cost of feeding, add value to livestock, and sell cattle. Mitigation is needed for options, namely farmer managers increasing livestock grazing time, providing supplementary food, monitoring livestock health, and avoiding livestock from environmental disturbances and accidents. Farmer managers need to be equipped with technical knowledge of body weight and carcass estimation of livestock.