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Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 9, No 01 (2020): Periode Wisuda Januari 2020
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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ABSTRAKPenelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui proses pengelolaan laporan dalam LAPOR HENDI Kota Semarang yang dilaksanakan oleh Pusat Pengelolaan Pengaduan Masyarakat (P3M) Kota Semarang. Pengelolaan Laporan ini merupakan upaya P3M dalam  menjawab dan mengatasi setiap laporan yang masuk yang meliputi, pengaduan, penyampaian aspirasi dan permintaan informasi.Tipe penelitian yang dijalankan adalah penelitian analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini merupakan hasil dari wawancara dengan narasumber serta mengumpulkan dokumen yang berkaitan dengan penelitian. Teknik penarikan sampel yang digunakan adalah puposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan alam penelitian ini ialah dengan wawancara, telaah dokumen dan observasi.Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, Pemerintah Kota Semarang melalui Program LAPOR HENDI yang dikelola oleh Dinas Komunikasi, Informatika, Statistik Dan Persandian Kota Semarang, melalui P3M yang berada dibawah naungan Diskominfo Kota Semarang, terdapat suatu proses pengelolaan laporan yang nantinya akan ditindaklanjuti sebagai upaya penyelesaian laporan, dimulai dari Penerimaan, Penelaahan dan pengklasifikasian, Disposisi pengaduan, Pelaksanaan pemantauan pengaduan yang sudah didisposisi, penyelesaian pengaduan (apabila pengaduan dapat diselesaikan di P3M tidak perlu diteruskan ke OPD dan/BUMD).Terdapat alur dalam proses pengelolaan laporan seperti yang sudah disebutkan diatas, dalam proses pengelolaannya terdapat juga faktor pendukung dan penghambat yang dapat mempengaruhi keberhasilan pengelolaan laporan yang masuk, seperti hal nya faktor pendukung yang berasal dari struktur birokrasi yang tidak terlalu rumit, disposisi yaitu adanya kesepahaman antara pembuat kebijakan dengan pelaksana kebijakan, selain faktor pendukung terdapat juga faktor penghambat dalam pengelolaan laporan yaitu adalah Ketersediaan sumber daya manusia, dalam hal ini perlu adanya penambahan personel untuk meringankan beban pelaksanaan tugas yang sebelumnya.Kata kunci: Lapor Hendi, P3M, Pengelolaan Laporan
EVALUASI PROGRAM JAMINAN KESEHATAN DAERAH KABUPATEN JEPARA TAHUN 2013 nurani, desy tegar; ., yuwanto; herawati, nunik retno
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 5, No 03 (2016): Volume 5,Number 3, Tahun 2016
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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             Necessity to get healthy and free from unhealthy condition is a right for each human. As following up from implementation of Law No. 32 of 2004 about Healthy which is autonomized to regional government, so Jepara Regional Government participate in increasing helathy quality of society by doing one of Healthy Department’s program that is Regional Healthy Assurance (Jamkesda). It is regulated in Jepara Regent Rules No. 14 of 2012 about Implementation of Jamkesda. This research is aiming to understand the implementation of Jamkesda Program in Jepara Regency in 2013 has been conducted well or not. The type of this research is quantitative research type. Technique of data collection  in this research uses Questionnaire which is distributed to the respondents and interviewing to program executor, Healthy Department Jepara Regency/City also supported by documents and archives. Technique of data analysis by using data reduction, data serving and concluding.            From the result of this research, it is known that Jamkesda progam in Jepara Regency is successful enough. This can be seen from the result of the assessment towards fifth indicators measurement according to William N. Dunn that are effectiveness, suffiency, equality, accuracy and responsiveness. Theimplementation of Jamkesda program in Jepara Regency also can reach its goal as assigned in Regent Rules No. 14 of 2012 and be able to give significances to government as program executor and society as Jamkesda program participants. Significances which have been perceived by society is the existence of healthy service assurance and the decrese of society’s burdens especially in healthy service costing so that people feel to be profited.            Suggestion which is recommended by researcher to government is government needs to increase program socialization which is inserted in the agenda of people acivity to accelerate information distribution and government is neccessary to validate the truth and uptate participant’s poverty status, in order to avoid misdirected of participants which can emerge social envy in society and impact to the less support from society towards implemented program run by government. Keywords: healthy, Jamkesda Program, Jepara Regency
1 Peran Serikat Pekerja Nasional (SPN) DPC Kota Semarang dalam Memengaruhi Penetapan Kebijakan Upah Minimum Kota Semarang Tahun 2014 Arsyad, M. Adnan; ., Yuwanto
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 6, No 2 (2017): Periode Wisuda April 2017
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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The issue of minimum wage is an interesting thing to study. At the end of each year the government issued a policy to set minimum wages that must be paid by the company to its workers. Surely this is not an easy thing to do. Consider that Parties unions demanding higher minimum wages because the wages have not been able to meet their daily lives. Meanwhile, the employer argued that the wage increase would increase the cost of production which led to the company becoming uncompetitive in the industrialized world.2In this study, researchers used a qualitative method that will generate descriptive data. To obtain research purposes appropriate data sources, researchers used purposive sampling techniques to conduct interviews with National Trade Union (SPN) Kota Semarang and Dewan Pengupahan Kota Semarang.SPN struggle to influence the process of determining the UMK Semarang carried through the political system and from outside the political system. The struggle through the political system is joined the Dewan Pengupahan Kota which had the authorities in determining the value of the Quality of Life (KHL) through a survey in five traditional markets in the city, namely Pasar Karangayu, Pasar Mangkang, Pasar Jatingaleh, Pasar Pedurungan and Pasar Langgar.Researchers recomend, for the creation of a favorable climate in the industrial world, governments need to make improvements from regulation to implementation. Because as the executor of a policy, the government should be able to act decisively. That way, the regulations that have been made can be implemented properly.
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 6, No 04 (2017): Periode Wisuda Oktober 2017
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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AbstractAssociation of Indonesian Tobacco Farmers (APTI) Temanggung as a container group offarmers in Temanggung Regency is expected to play an active role on what happens amongtobacco farmers. Through the implementation of targeted programs, improving the welfare oftobacco farmers in Temanggung Regency and their efforts in fighting for the interests of tobaccofarmers in Temanggung Regency can be realized. Targeted programs will also benefit theempowerment of the Indonesian Tobacco Farmers Association (APTI) Temanggung itself ..The purpose of this research is to know how APTI form and how to respond to TobaccoBill in Temanggung Regency. Know how the effectiveness of APTI's struggle in TemanggungRegency to protect their interestsTo answer the problem and purpose of this research, writer use qualitative descriptiveapproach. The results show the form and way of APTI struggle in responding to the draft law canbe seen from their action down the road peridoik and try to meet the members of the board andofficials who influence a policy.Over time APTI is expected to establish cooperation with more parties or tobaccoindustry companies and improve the ability of APTI Temanggung in order to maintain theexistence of APTI Temanggung and can be useful for farmers in Temanggung.Keywords: APTI, Role, Tobacco Farmer
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 6, No 04 (2017): Periode Wisuda Oktober 2017
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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This research aims to examine the cooperation of the Provincial Government of Jawa Tengah with Perum Perhutani in order to develope a new tourism destination of Central Java Park where located in Penggaron Production Forest, Kabupaten Semarang. The cooperation is carried out in the framework of the Provincial Government of Jawa Tengah plans to find alternative tourist destinations in Jawa Tengah. In addition, the purpose of Central Java Park development is to increase the local revenue (PAD) of Jawa Tengah province. To that end, Provincial Government of Jawa Tengah appointed Perum Perhutani as Penggaron Forest land owner to cooperate in building Central Java Park. This research analyzes the cooperation process conducted by both parties starting from the idea to the implementation, knowing the supporting and inhibiting factors from the cooperation of both parties in the development of Central Java Park. Researchers chose related parties such as Central Java Provincial Government and Perum Perhutani KPH Semarang as a case study study.The method used in this research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive method. In obtaining the data, the researcher uses interview method with the research informant is the Bureau of Infrastructure and Natural Resources of Central Java Province, Perum Perhutani Unity of Semarang Forest Stakeholders and other Parties involved in the cooperation. Researchers also use secondary data derived from relevant Regional Regulations as well as other literary sources such as books and journals.The results showed that the process of cooperation between the two sides is still not good in terms of communication. This is evidenced by the length of time required in the assessment of cooperation and the division of development responsibilities Central Java Park. From it shows the cooperation is not running effectively. Therefore, both parties must be more firm and committed in implementing such cooperation so that the development of Central Java Park will be more quickly implemented. Keywords: Public Private Partnerships, New Company, Beauty Contest
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 6, No 04 (2017): Periode Wisuda Oktober 2017
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (397.762 KB)


Melalui sebuah karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer berusaha untuk menanamkan gagasannya dari jalinan cerita. Novel sebagai sebuah karya fiksi memberikan gambaran kehidupan tokoh-tokoh di dalamnya. Sebagai hasil kerja kreatif novel tidak hanya menyampaikan tetapi juga menampung ide, teori, dan sistem berpikir manusia. Tetralogi Buru yang terdiri dari Bumi Manusia, Anak Semua Bangsa, Jejak Langkah, dan Rumah Kaca mengungkapkan nasionalisme.Untuk melihat gagasan nasionalisme dalam Tetralogi Buru maka penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara, studi kepustakaan, hermeunetika dan dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah adik kandung Pramoedya Ananta Toer yaitu Soesilo Toer .Hasil dari penelitian gagasan nasionalisme Pramoedya Ananta Toer dalam karya “Tetralogi Buru” adalah perjuangan pribumi melawan ketidakadilan yang dilakukan kolonialisme terhadap bangsa Indonesia. Perlawanan pribumi semakin terorganisir dengan terbentuknya perserikat.Kata Kunci: Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Nasionalisme, dan Kolonialisme.
Partisipasi Politik Perempuan dalam Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) di Kabupaten Jepara Haryati, Eri; ., Yuwanto; ., Fitriyah
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 6, No 04 (2017): Periode Wisuda Oktober 2017
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Abstract. Gender equation concept has been spread out and developing in such way that affecting the reformation of Indonesia. One the changes that did by the reformation related to the system which aim to make women can fight for her interests in many sector, and politic is one of them. Political party is one of the most important factor that deciding whether the women’s political participation and representation. Women’s political participation will never fully happen if the political party does not have the commitment to support it.The research discussed a woman political participation practiced on Partai Keadilan Sejahtera, Moslem Welfare Justice Party. Research method that used is the qualitative approach by collecting data using deep interview, observation, and document study. Informant of this study are Head of DPD Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) Kabupaten Jepara, Staff of DPD) Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) Kabupaten Jepara, and Head of BPKK DPD Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) Kabupaten Jepara.Result of this study shows that women’s political participation in PKS Kabupaten Jepara is good, although there are still has some obstacles. The biggest obstacle comes from within women cadres. They are not enthusiastic about competing with man cadres because they think an intense competition will take up much of their time. Women claim they have difficulties to split their time for household duties, professional duties and also the duties that connected to their position in the political party. In the end, women prioritizing household duties rather than other duties. As a result, women become more comfortable with their position as good supporters of PKS and not as competitors for men in obtaining certain positions. Most of the affairs that are not related to womanhood are entirely handed over to male cadres.
Persepsi Masyarakat Batang Terhadap Festival Anggaran Pemerintah Kabupaten Batang (Studi Kasus Masyarakat Kecamatan Batang) Aziz, Abdul; ., Yuwanto; Manar, Dzunuwanus Ghulam
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 6, No 03 (2017): Periode Wisuda Agustus 2017
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Abstract. Regional autonomy in Indonesia is the right, authority and obligation of autonomous regions to regulate their own affairs and interests, Including in the preparation of Local Government Budgets becomes the authority for local government. However, the existence of such authority also provides opportunities for irregularities in regional budgeting that can threaten the realization of good governance therefore, in the budgeting process it is necessary to apply principles of transparency, accountability and participation. Budget Festival Government of Batang Regency is one effort to realize the principle of good governance. Therefore, this research tries to find out the perception of society to the implementation of Budget Festival activity and also the benefit of the activity.Samples taken in the research were 100 respondents spread in Batang, Regency Of Batang, Central Java. Samples were drawn using simple random sampling technique. The data were collected by questionnaire, observation and interview. The data that has been collected is then analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques.The results show that 58% of respondents interpreter the Budget Festival as a means of providing information on the use of Local Government Budget, and by 22% interpreted the Budget Festival as a vehicle for participation, 8% of respondents rate as an activity to increase the popularity of Batang regency, 4% rate as a regular event and 8% respondent do not know the meaning of the activity. From the research results also known that the Budget Festival can increase public knowledge of local government budget, increase community participation and prevent the occurrence of irregularities.Keywords: Regional autonomy, good governance, transparency, accountability, participation.
ANALISIS DINAMIKA POLITIK PENCALONAN KEPALA DAERAH DAN WAKIL KEPALA DAERAH PADA PILKADA SERENTAK 2017 (Studi Kasus Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan Kabupaten Pati) Hermayanti, Ariska Rudy; ., Yuwanto
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 7, No 2 (2018): Periode Wisuda April 2018
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Election simultaneously 2017 was a part of democracy at the local level that undertaken directly .To the process the election there are the political dynamics in it , including the dynamics of resulting in a for the candidate .One form of the political dynamics conflict to the process is for the nomination of the head of the provinces and the the head of the region , is no exception PatiRegency; includes a conflict in the main in party that follows haryanto-arifin namely PDI Perjuangan .This research about the dynamics and the election of conflict in the qualitativeresearch methods have technique data collection in the form of interviews and review of documentation .Election simultaneously 2017 of Pati Regency was attended by a single pair of candidates should run smoothly but in fact there are many the political dynamics involving single candidate  haryanto-arifin and  the empty box . The Candidate  Haryanto-Arifin supported by coalition fatconsists of eight party namely PDI Perjuangan, PKB, Golkar, Gerindra, Demokrat, PKS, PPP, and Hanura . Based on calculation KPU of Pati Regency  Haryanto-Arifin win over from empty box by the acquirement of 519.675 sound ( 74,4 % ) , compared to an empty box to 177.762 sound ( 25.6% ).Research has been formulated to analyze the political dynamics that occurs in the next local election simultaneously 2017 of  PDI Perjuangan Pati Regency .The name of a candidate where a number of emergence figures register DPC PDI Perjuangan of Pati Regency , then the process ofcapturing that were organized by DPC PDI Perjuangan of Pati Regency but who have the right to determining requirement is only DPP PDI Perjuangan  .Conflicts between the candidates for when will have no recommendations form the center later merged form volunteers of empty box , namelyconflict single candidates conflict surrounding the  haryanto-arifin against volunteers empty box , political issue money reported to panwas , until idul the determination of official candidates elected by general election commission of Pati Regency then society movement starch submit an application to constitutional court is to undo the award KPU of Pati Regency .Keywords: Democratization, Election, The Political Dynamics
Journal of Politic and Government Studies Vol 6, No 04 (2017): Periode Wisuda Oktober 2017
Publisher : Journal of Politic and Government Studies

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Melalui sebuah karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer berusaha untuk menanamkan gagasannya dari jalinan cerita. Novel sebagai sebuah karya fiksi memberikan gambaran kehidupan tokoh-tokoh di dalamnya. Sebagai hasil kerja kreatif novel tidak hanya menyampaikan tetapi juga menampung ide, teori, dan sistem berpikir manusia. Tetralogi Buru yang terdiri dari Bumi Manusia, Anak Semua Bangsa, Jejak Langkah, dan Rumah Kaca mengungkapkan nasionalisme.Untuk melihat gagasan nasionalisme dalam Tetralogi Buru maka penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara, studi kepustakaan, hermeunetika dan dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah adik kandung Pramoedya Ananta Toer yaitu Soesilo Toer .Hasil dari penelitian gagasan nasionalisme Pramoedya Ananta Toer dalam karya “Tetralogi Buru” adalah perjuangan pribumi melawan ketidakadilan yang dilakukan kolonialisme terhadap bangsa Indonesia. Perlawanan pribumi semakin terorganisir dengan terbentuknya perserikat.Kata Kunci: Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Nasionalisme, dan Kolonialisme.
Co-Authors Abdul Aziz Ace Rahmat Rodia Ahmad Taufiq Amarona Akdasenda Andy Widyatmoko Angel Pricilia Saurina Angie Permata Sari ARIF PURNOMO Arsyad, M. Adnan Asiska Bunga Paramita Billy Yordan Budi Setiyono Budi Setiyono Candra Pradipta Deni Riza Kurniawan DESKA APRILIANI KUMALASARI desy tegar nurani, desy tegar Devonda Ayesha Akbar DHIYA JIHAN TIFANA Dian Ayu Pamungkas Dzunuwanus Ghulam Manar Ekasari Damayanti Esti Sarirani Fahriz Rachmad Rinaldi Fajar Nur Huda Fathoni, Rian Febry Bernadetta Firman Bimasakti Firmansyah, Burhanudin Fitriyah . Gita Dewi Maharani Haryati, Eri Hermayanti, Ariska Rudy Imam Luqmana Ismiati Nur Istiqomah Jane Theresia Silaban Kholid Fajar Saputra Kyla Gloriana Lauditta Lifda Khoirunnisa Lusia Astrika Lusia Astrika M. Adnan Arsyad Mahrub, Yan Khairil Marini Ina Safitri Mashur Ali fadly Miqdad Haqqony Muhammad Adnan Nicea Regalia Lovea AM Nungky Risanti Pusporini Nunik Retno H Nunik Retno Herawati Nunik Retno Herawati Nur Hidayat Sardini Nurwiyati, Riris Tri Priyatno Harsasto Puji Astuti Putri Pratiwi Reni Windiani Rina Martini Rina Martini Risiandi . Rizka Ihwanudin Robert Antony Siregar Sandy Jolosangoro Sari, Angie Permata sekar raras handayani sembodo, odilo yanuar sheila eka soraya Sonia Fabe Berminas Sri Purnama Sari Subhan Juniar Adithama suci meyta wati Sulistiyawati . Sulistyowati . Supratiwi . Surani Pungkas Sari Susilo Utomo Suwanto Adhi Totok Inwantoro Turtiantoro Turtiantoro Vina Dian Pratiwi Wachid Abdulrahman Wahid Abdulrahman, Wahid Wisnuputro, Rois Satrio Wiwik W Wiwik Widayati Wiwik Widayati YENI AGUSTINA