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Profetika: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 19, No. 2, Desember 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/profetika.v19i2.8120


A lot of Muslims are increasingly distant from the Holy Quran with various reasons such as busy, can not read even not understand the content of the verse that was read. Muhammadiyah as an Islamic da'wah organization that hathe motto ar ruju 'ilal Quran wa Sunnah (back to the Holy Quran and Sunnah) always try to re-grow the love and pride of Muslims to the Quran, one of the efforts is shown by choosing a method that feels easy for all students from the elderly to the elderly to understand the content of the Holy Qur'an, and the method which chosen by Majlis Tabligh Muhammadiyah was the method of manhaji. The purpose of this research is to know the level of difference understanding of students between before and after following program tafhīm with manhaji method. Beside that, this research also aim to measure effectiveness of manhaji method as a method to understand the meanings contained in the Holy Quran. This research is field research that using mixed method approach. This research took a case study at Muhammadiyah Boarding School (MBS) Muhammadiyah High School (SMA) Muhammadiyah Bantul (MUHIBA) and Muhammadiyah Branch Chief (PCM) Kretek. Data collection techniques in this research consisted of observation, interviews, questionnaire and documentation. The result of this research shows that the implementation of program of tafhīm al Quran with method of manhaji both of MBS MUHIBA and citizen of Muhammadiyah Kretek are done well, there is improvement of ability to understand Holy Quran at student of MBS MUHIBA and citizen of Muhammadiyah Kretek after following program of tafhīm al Quran with method of manhaji. It so happens, the result of effectiveness level of manhaji method in program of tafhīm al Quran at MBS MUHIBA is Very Effective, and at PCM Kretek is Effective.Banyak umat Islam semakin jauh dari al Quran dengan berbagai macam alasan seperti sibuk, tidak bisa membaca bahkan tidak faham dengan kandungan ayat yang dibaca. Muhammadiyah sebagai organisasi dakwah Islam yang memiliki semboyan ar ruju’ ilal Quran wa Sunnah (kembali kepada al Quran dan Sunnah) senantiasa berusaha untuk menumbuhkan kembali kecintaan dan kebanggaan umat Islam kepada al Quran. Salah satu usaha tersebut ialah dengan memilih metode yang dirasa tepat untuk memahami al Quran baik bagi para pelajar hingga orang yang berusia lanjut. Metode yang dipilih oleh Muhammadiyah melalui Majlis Tabligh adalah metode manhaji. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat perbedaan pemahaman santri antara sebelum dan sesudah mengikuti program tafhīm dengan metode manhaji. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat efektivitas metode manhaji sebagai metode untuk memahami makna-makna yang terkandung dalam al Quran. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan pendekatan mixed method atau metode campuran antara penelitian kualitatif dengan penelitian kuantitatif. Penelitian ini mengambil studi kasus di Muhammadiyah Boarding School (MBS) Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Muhammadiyah Bantul (MUHIBA) dan Pimpinan Cabang Muhammadiyah (PCM) Kretek. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari observasi, wawancara, kuesioner dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan metode manhaji dalam program tafhīm al Quran baik di MBS MUHIBA maupun PCM Kretek telah dilaksanakan dengan baik, terjadi peningkatan kemampuan dalam memahami al Quran pada santri MBS MUHIBA dan warga Muhammadiyah Kretek setelah mengikuti program tafhīm al Quran dengan metode manhaji. Adapun tingkat efektivitas metode manhaji dalam program tafhīm al Quran di MBS MUHIBA adalah Sangat Efektif, sedangkan tingkat efektivitas di PCM Kretek adalah Efektif.
Profetika: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol, 18. No, 1 Juni 2017
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/profetika.v18i1.6340


Zakah is a treasure worship that is believed to be able to overcome social and economic problems. Not just to meet the basic needs of the mustahiq Zakat has the ability to develop people's economy. To get the maximum results zakat institutions need to do a lot of new studies and breakthroughs. Lazismu of Demak utilizes zakat for the development of productive economy with the goal of creating jobs, reducing unemployment and poverty. This is what makes researchers interested in conducting research to find out what kind of zakah implementation in the development of productive economy as well as the economic development mustahik after the implementation of zakat as a productive economy. Because it includes field research researchers used the Phenomenological approach data collected through observation, documents,questionnaires and interviews. Then, the data was analyzed sequentially and interactively consisting of three stages, namely: 1) data reduction, 2) data presentation, 3) conclusion drawing or verification. The productive use of zakat in developing productive economy consisted of traditional and creative uses. Traditional economic productive use was realized by providing working tool to mustahiq. Creative economic productive was conducted by providing capital in from of pure grant to mustahiq, provide a capital loan in a very easy way, not burdening the mustahiq and invest zakat funds into the real business sector. The zakat institution will receive capital invested and benefit from the businesses, then the capital and benefits will be used for ummah advantages. From the findings, it can be known that some participants of productive economy were able to develop their business well. Some others were only able to meet their basic daily needs. While some more others were less trustworthy in using capital loan provided.Zakat adalah  ibadah maliyah yang mampu mengatasi masalah-masalah sosial dan ekonomi. Selain memenuhi kebutuhan pokok para mustahiq, zakat mampu mengembangkan perekonomian ummat. Untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal tersebut, lembaga-lembaga zakat perlu banyak melakukan kajian dan terobosan-terobosan baru. Seperti LAZISMU Demak yang mendayagunakan zakat untuk pengembangan ekonomi produktif dengan tujuan  menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan, mengurangi pengangguran serta  kemiskinan.  Inilah yang mendorong diadakannya penelitian guna mengetahui seperti apa implementasi pendayagunaan zakat dalam pengembangan ekonomi produktif serta perkembangan ekonomi mustahiq setelah diimplementasikannya zakat sebagai ekonomi produktif. Karena termasuk  penelitian lapangan (field research), peneliti menggunakan pendekatan Phenomenologis, data dikumpulkan melalui     observasi, dokumen, angket dan wawancara, kemudian  akan dianalisis secara berurutan dan interaksionis yang terdiri dari tiga tahap, yaitu: 1) Reduksi data, 2) Pernyajian data, 3)  Penarikan simpulan atau verifikasi.  Dari penelitian tersebut didapatkan hasil  bahwa bentuk pengembangan ekonomi produktif di LAZISMU DEMAK meliputi tradisional dan kreatif. Ekonomi  produktif  tradisional meliputi pembelian  alat kerja untuk mustahiq. Adapun ekonomi produktif kreatif melaui pemberian modal dalam bentuk hibah murni, memberikan pinjaman modal dengan cara yang sangat mudah, tidak membebani mustahiq dan menginvestasikan dana zakat ke sektor usaha nyata. Hasil investasi dimanfaatkan sebesar-besarnya untuk mustahiq. Dengan cara ini sebagian peserta ekonomi produktif mampu mengembangkan usahanya dengan baik, sebagian lagi hanya mampu  memenuhi kebutuhan pokok sehari-hari dan sisanya  kurang amanat dalam menggunakan pinjaman modal yang diberikan.
Profetika: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 16, No. 1, Juni 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/profetika.v16i1.1797


Penelitian ini berkaitan   dakwah bil hâlsebagai sebuah model dakwah yang berorientasi kepada pemberdayaan dan pengembangan masyarakat (community empowerment) melalui ekonomi. Rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana implementasi dan peran dakwah bil-hâl Pondok Pesanten “Wali Songo” dalam pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat Ngabar Tahun: 2013-2014 .Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan implementasi dan peran dakwah bil-hâl PPWS dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat Ngabar dalam rangka mewujudkan masyarakat sejahtera dan mandiri secara ekonomi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, karena peneliti langsung menggali data di lapangan yaitu PPWS Ngabar Ponorogo. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan empat tahapan yaitu, pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi Dakwah bil-hâl dilaksanakan melalui program pemberdayaan ekonomi. Pemberdayaan ekonomi dilakukan spesifik melalui YPPW-PPWS diharapkan mampu menjembatani dan membantu masyarakat Ngabar keluar dari kemiskinan melalui model-model pemberdayaan yang dilakukan antara lain: (1) Pemberdayaan tenaga kerja sekitar pesantren, (2) Pemberdayaan pertanian, (3)Pemberdayaan peternakan sapi, (4) Pemberdayaan kesehatan masyarakat, (5) Pemberdayaan penyiaran dan komunikasi dan (6) Pemberdayaan kelompok usaha rumahan. Adapun peran dakwah bil-hâl Dakwah bil-hâl menghasilkan perubahan dan pencapaian dalam masyarakat Ngabar, khususnya di bidang ekonomi. Dakwah bil-hâl memiliki peransebagai motivator, dinamisator dan fasilitator program pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat Ngabar, dengan melibatkan peran institusi agama, kyai dan pesantren.Kata kunci: dakwah bil-hâl, pesantren, pemberdayaan ekonomi.
Profetika: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 15, No. 1, Juni 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/profetika.v15i1.1966


The existence of Transnational Islam Movement, Hizbut Tahrir, to Indonesiaadds the number of Islam movement conveying dakwah (missionary endeavor) askingto do the good deed and avoiding bad ones. Each organization has its different strategyand model though it is possible that there is similarity. Hizbut Tahrir came to Indonesiain 1983 by offering radical changing agenda, that is, changing the Indonesian politicalsystem to Khilafah al-Islamiyah.The Islamic political system gets appreciation form a number of Islamic people whowant changes. There are two dakwah strategies, that is, cultural and structural. Thecultural is by changing the awareness of the society about the importance of changes inIndonesia with only one way that is establishing political system Khilafah al-Islamiyah.Structural strategy is carried out by forming opinion for Islamic people and peoplethough rallies and khilafah conferences. The way to make the awareness of Islamicpeople is by dakwah.The Hizbut Tahrir missionary endeavor follows the Prophet Muhammad (peace beupon him) in making changes in Mecca and Medina though three phases, that isdevelopment of cadres, interaction to society and authority.Kehadiran gerakan Islam transnasional, Hizbut Tahrir, ke Indonesiamenambah jumlah gerakan Islam yang melakukan dakwah amar makruf nahi munkar.Masing-masing organisasi memiliki stratgei dan model dakwah yang berbeda-bedawalaupun tidak menutup kemungkinan ada persamaannya. Hizbut Tahrir datang keIndonesia pada tahun 1983 dengan menawarkan agenda perubahan yang radikal, yaknimerubah sistem politik Indonesia dengan sistem Khilafah al-Islamiyah.Sistem politik Islam tersebut mendapat apresiasi dari sebagian umat Islam yangmenginginkan perubahan. Strategin dakwah yang dilakukan ada dua, yakni kulturaldan structural. Kultural dengan merubah kesadaran umat Islam akan pentingnyaperubahan Indonesia, satu-satunya adalah dengan menegakkan sistem politik Khilafahal-Islamiyah. Stratgi struktural yang dilakukan dengan membentuk opini publik umatIslam dan rakyat Indonesia melalui demonstrasi-demonstrasi, konferensi khilafah. Jalanyang diambil agar kesadaran umat Islam itu terbentuk adalah dengan dakwah.Model dakwah Hizbut Tahrir mengikuti cara Rasulullah saw dalam melakukanperubahan di Mekkah dan Madinah dengan tiga tahap, yakni tahap pembinaan danperkaderan, tahap berinteraksi dengan masyarakat, dan tahap penerimaan kekuasaan.Kata Kunci: khilafah al-Islamiyah; kultural dan struktural; perubahan radikal.
Profetika: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 16, No. 2, Desember 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/profetika.v16i2.1847


Muhammad Hasyim Asy’ari was a scholar known as scholars and Indonesian freedom fighters. The formulation of the problem in this paper begin with a question; how the propaganda struggle and Jihad Muhammad Hasyim Asy’ari and how the activity and its contribution in propaganda and jihad. the goal is to understand his thoughts in propaganda and jihad, so it can be a model for the next generation and society in general. Methods This study uses primary data source that examines the writings of Muhammad Hasyim Asy’ari, and the secondary source data. These two sources are obtained using literature study (library research). Therefore, this research includes bibliographic and qualitative research types, purely library research (library research) with historical-philosophical approach. The data obtained will be analyzed sequentially and interactionist which consists of three stages: 1) Reduction of data, 2) Presentation of data, 3) Withdrawal conclusion or verification.Keywords: propaganda; jihad; muhammad hasyim asy’ari.
Humanist Education the Dayak of Kalimantan Indonesia Islamic Perspective Sudarno Shobron; Trisno; Muthoifin; Mahmudulhassan; Muh. Nur Rochim Maksum
Solo Universal Journal of Islamic Education and Multiculturalism Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): Solo Universal Journal of Islamic Education and Multiculturalism
Publisher : Walidem Institute and Publishing (WIP)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (470.72 KB) | DOI: 10.61455/sujiem.v1i01.27


This research aims to find a model of human Islamic education for the Dayak Bakumpai tribe in Puruk Cahu, Murung Raya Regency, Central Kalimantan, and factors that support and hinder the implementation of humanism Islamic education. This research was qualitative research using the field study method. Data were collected through observation, field interviews, and documentation in the form of manuscripts and articles related to the research's subject. The object of this research was Islamic education institutions comprised of formal, non-formal, and informal education institutions. The research subjects were Islamic religious teachers, preachers, Bakumpai Dayak people, and religious leaders. The approach used was ethnography-phenomenology, emphasizing studying and interpreting the nomenclature of the Dayak ethnic group. The analysis was done using descriptive analysis, which looks for correlation and significance between the data collected to arrive at results that are in line with the predicted outcomes. The findings of the research indicate that the humanism Islamic education model of the Dayak tribe can be divided into three categories: (1) formal education; at SMA Muhammadiyah, this was accomplished through a self-development program in the form of extracurricular activities such as the martial arts Tapak Suci, Hizbul Wathon, and counselling and guidance. (2). Non-formal education; at Pondok Pesantren Karya Pembangunan in the form of Speech training, Nasyid, Habsyi, and leadership training. (3). Informal education; in the form of arisan (a kind of social gathering activity), community development for converts, and religious lectures in mosques. Humanism Islamic education was influenced by several factors, such as Sufism, immigrants, trade, and marriage.
Religious Values and Multiculturalism in the Sayyang Pattu'du Tradition in West Sulawesi Indonesia Ikhlima Yaumil Fitri Bansu; Nourelhuda S. B. Elmanaya; Mohamed Gamal Ibrahim ElBasiouny; Muthoifin; Sudarno Shobron
Solo Universal Journal of Islamic Education and Multiculturalism Vol. 1 No. 02 (2023): Solo Universal Journal of Islamic Education and Multiculturalism
Publisher : Walidem Institute and Publishing (WIP)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61455/sujiem.v1i02.46


The value of religious character is very important in efforts to develop the human resources of a nation. The value of religious character can be extracted from cultural treasures that are in line with the characteristics of the local community, including the value of religious character which can be explored in the sayyang pattu'du tradition in Polewali Mandar. This study aims to determine: 1) the process of implementing the sayyang pattu'du tradition in Polewali Mandar, and 2) the values ​​of religious character contained in the sayyang pattu'du tradition in Polewali Mandar. This research paradigm is qualitative with the type of field research and a phenomenological approach. The data collection process was carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis includes data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The result of this research is Sayyang Pattu'du which means a dancing horse or animal which is taught with dancing movements. This tradition is a form of appreciation from parents to their children when they have learned the Qur'an, namely parading children around the village on horseback. This tradition is carried out once a year. Children who ride horses wear traditional Mandar clothes and before they get on the horse they have to bow to their Qur’an teacher, as a form of respect. The route of the procession starts from the mosque and then continues around the village, in a situation like this the dancing horse (sayyang pattu'du) constantly displays its skill in dancing to the tambourine interlocking rhythm. The values ​​of character religion contained in the sayyang pattu'du tradition are 1) Islamic religion.
Critical Study on Indonesian Criminal Law: Articles Related to Religious Protection in the Perspective of Maqashid Sharia Sudarno Shobron; Moh. Abdul Kholiq Hasan; Muthoifin Muthoifin; Mukhtar Arifin
International Journal of Halal System and Sustainability Vol 2, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33096/injhss.v2i1.212


This research is aimed to criticize four articles in Indonesian Criminal Law (KUHP) which have relation to religious protection using qualitative research method and maqashid Sharia analytic theory. This analytic theory is considered fit and proper to be used as critical study on articles in the criminal code. The result of this research shows that among the articles related to the religious guardian, some are still relevant to be applied in the law, some need clearer provisions and limitations, longer imprisonment period, and some need to be adjusted to current values. It is necessary that the criminal code have more active roles in establishing stability and harmony among different religious believers, maintaining the unity of the country in the frame of religious diversity. All those things are the actualization of why religion or maqashid Sharia is taught.