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Pengelompokan Mahasiswa Berdasarkan Data Akademik Sebelum Kuliah dan Masa Studi Menggunakan K-Medoids Herri Kurnia; Lisna Zahrotun; Utaminingsih Linarti
InfoTekJar : Jurnal Nasional Informatika dan Teknologi Jaringan Vol 5, No 2 (2021): InfoTekJar Maret
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30743/infotekjar.v5i2.3243


The research objective is to obtain information about the results of clustering that are useful for the campus, especially study programs, to be used as consideration for future admissions by grouping, causing a mismatch between the number of students and the existing campus facilities. This research was conducted at university X which has several faculties, one of which is faculty Y which consists of the R study program, S study program, T study program and U study program. This research uses the K-Medoids method. The stages of this research started with load dataset, data cleaning, data selection, data transformation with one hot encoding, euclidean distance, and k-medoids to produce clusters. Testing the quality of the clusters in this study using the silhouette coefficient. The research resulted in recommended student data and all of them came from Java Island. In the dataset of study programs R, S, and U, the recommended data are obtained with a total number of 9, 57, and 64, respectively, which have an average math score of at least 82. Meanwhile, for the T study program dataset, there are 35 data with an average mathematical value. amounted to 73.89. The test results for the dataset of study programs R, S, T and U are 0.52, 0.67, 0.35, and 0.65 respectively, so the results are quite good.
Buletin Ekonomi: Manajemen, Ekonomi Pembangunan, Akuntansi Vol 17, No 2 (2019): Buletin Ekonomi: Manajemen, Ekonomi Pembangunan, Akuntansi
Publisher : Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (190.539 KB) | DOI: 10.31315/be.v17i2.5611


The inflow and outflow rates of coins that were not commensurate made the money supply, especially coins in society, too large. Starting from this problem, the researcher aims to help the community manage coins with better utilization by designing financial technology, namely a mobile-based application made for KoKo coins (Coin Box). This research is a descriptive qualitative research with the results of an online banking application. The method used in data collection is the distribution of questionnaires with time dimensions that are cross section because data collection was carried out at Campus 1 UAD with a sample of 100 respondents in one period. Based on the results of observations, there were 52.7% of UAD campus 1 residents who had coins with a nominal value of Rp. 500 and the rest were nominal below that. The percentage of coin ownership has an impact on responses to the use of coins with the application and features in the application, which is 65.5% of the total respondents. This application can be used by first registering as a KoKo customer by entering personal data at the registration stage which will be verified via email of the prospective customer. After successful registration and login, customers can save their coins by allocating savings, bank transfers, donations and even investing in time deposits. The expected influence in society is that this application can assist the community in managing the coins they have and a balanced level of inflow and outflow in the circulation of money.  Tingkat inflow dan outflow uang logam yang tidak sepadan membuat jumlah uang beredar khususnya uang logam di masyarakat terlalu besar. Berawal dari permasalahan tersebut, peneliti bertujuan untuk membantu masyarakat dalam mengelola uang logam dengan pemanfaatan yang lebih baik dengan merancang teknologi finansial yaitu aplikasi berbasis mobile yang dibuat untuk uang logam KoKo (Kotak Koin). Penelitian ini berbentukk kualitatif deskriptif dengan hasil produk sebuah aplikasi perbankan online. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah penyebaran kuisioner dengan dimensi waktu yang bersifat cross section karena pengambilan data dilakukan di Kampus 1 UAD dengan sampel sebanyak 100 responden dalam satu periode. Berdasarkan hasil dari observasi, terdapat 52,7% warga kampus 1 UAD yang memiliki uang logam dengan nominal Rp 500 dan sisanyaadalah nominal dibawah itu. Persentase kepemilikan uang logam tersebut berdampak pada tanggapan untuk adanya pemanfaatan uang logam dengan aplikasi dan fitur-fitur yang ada dalam aplikasi yaitu sebesar 65,5% dari keseluruhan responden. Aplikasi ini dapat digunakan dengan mendaftar terlebih dahulu sebagai nasabah KoKo dengan memasukkan data diri pada tahapan registrasi yang akan terverifikasi melalui email calon nasabah. Setelah berhasil dalam registrasi dan login, nasabah dapat menabungkan uang logam yang dimilkinya dengan alokasi menabung, transfer antar bank, donasi bahkan investasi dalam bentuk deposito berjangka. Pengaruh yang diharapkan di masyarakat adalah aplikasi ini dapat membantu masyarakat dalam mengelola uang logam yang dimiliki dan tingkat inflow serta outflow yang seimbang dalam peredaran uang.