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Perspektif Kim Knott tentang Insider-Outsider dalam Studi Agama Saleh, Sujiat Zubaidi
Religió: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama Vol 4 No 1 (2014): March
Publisher : Program Studi Studi Agama-Agama, Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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Contemporary discourse of religious studies indicates many fields of study in understanding religion. Religious spectrum not only relates with credo, faith, worldview, theology and etcetera but expanding in various aspect (cultural and historical side). The cultural and historical aspects in a certain point give some problems in academic field. Kim Knott based on those matters tries to give a new shot in analyzing religion based on the issued aspects. Looking at how complicated is it Kim Knott maps it into two religious approaches. First is the hardship situation to make such a clear gap between religious and not-religious territory and second is the complicated problem in relation with religion as tradition and religion as faith. This article elucidates a viewpoint of Kim Knott as a “new outline” on religious studies. Knott attempts to eliminate the subjective intentions by using two basic perspectives of methodology: insider and outsider. He has classified the concept of inter-connection between social and religious role into four elements: pure participant, researcher as participant, participant as researcher and pure researcher. However, this concept remains an important problem concerning to standard of objectivity. Knott’s approach tries to place researcher on the margin of appreciation as a border line between insider-outsider.
Perspektif Kim Knott tentang Insider-Outsider dalam Studi Agama Sujiat Zubaidi Saleh
Religió: Jurnal Studi Agama-agama Vol. 4 No. 1 (2014): March
Publisher : Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Philosophy, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya

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Contemporary discourse of religious studies indicates many fields of study in understanding religion. Religious spectrum not only relates with credo, faith, worldview, theology and etcetera but expanding in various aspect (cultural and historical side). The cultural and historical aspects in a certain point give some problems in academic field. Kim Knott based on those matters tries to give a new shot in analyzing religion based on the issued aspects. Looking at how complicated is it Kim Knott maps it into two religious approaches. First is the hardship situation to make such a clear gap between religious and not-religious territory and second is the complicated problem in relation with religion as tradition and religion as faith. This article elucidates a viewpoint of Kim Knott as a “new outline” on religious studies. Knott attempts to eliminate the subjective intentions by using two basic perspectives of methodology: insider and outsider. He has classified the concept of inter-connection between social and religious role into four elements: pure participant, researcher as participant, participant as researcher and pure researcher. However, this concept remains an important problem concerning to standard of objectivity. Knott’s approach tries to place researcher on the margin of appreciation as a border line between insider-outsider.
Al-Furuq al-Lughawiyyah Baina al-Alfādz al-Mutarādifah fī al-Qur’ān al-Karim (Lafdzotā al-‘Afwu wa ash-Shafhu Anmudzajan) Sujiat Zubaidi; Nindya Ayoumi Delahara
LISANUDHAD: JURNAL BAHASA, PEMBELAJARAN DAN SASTRA ARAB Vol 7, No 2 (2020): Lisanudhad: Jurnal Bahasa, Pembelajaran dan Sastra Arab
Publisher : University of Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/lisanudhad.v7i2.6743


تهدف هذا البحث للكشف عن الفروق اللغوية بين لفظتي العفو والصفح في القرآن الكريم لما كان بعض الناس زعموا أنهما من الترادف. يعتبر هذا الموضوع مهما في علم الدلالة القرآنية لأن لكل كلمة في القرآن الكريم معنى غير الذي تحمله الألفاظ المتلوة. استخدم هذا البحث الدراسة الدلالية السياقية القرآنية لفهم النص القرآني المتكامل. ومن النتيجة المهمة لهذا البحث، أنهما من الألفاظ المتقاربة في الدلالة لاقترانهما بالذنب، تعرف ذلك بالنظر إلى الاشتراك اللفظي كلتا اللفظتين. ومن النقظة المهمة، أن لفظتي "العفو والصفح" ليستا مترادفتين لوجود الفروق اللغوية بينهما. فلفظة العفو مستعملة لمحو الذنوب وهي مشتقة من قول ((عفت الريح الأثر)) أي المحو والطمس بما تثير من التراب، أما لفظة الصفح مستعملة لإعراض الذنب وكانت مشتقة من كلمة ((صفيحة)) أي وجد كل شيء عريض. فالعفو لمعنى حقيقي أما الصفح مجازي. وباعتبار إفادة الاستعمال أن الصفح أبلغ من العفو حيث أن القرآن الكريم يستعمل لفظة العفو للترك والتفضيل والتيسير والترخيص والتخفيف للخاطئين، أما لفظة الصفح تفيد لتسكين الثائرة على الأعداء في الوقت. فالناس قد يعفون ولم يصفحوا. وكذلك أن لفظة العفو تستعمل لصفة الله تعالى وهو ذو عفوّ وهو يمحو ذنوب عبده تمام المحو بترك عقوبة المذنب. أما عفو البشر فقد يبقى أثر الحقد في قلبه لذلك يأتي الأمر بالصفح بعده. 
Qadhāyā-l-Mar’ah fī-l-Qur’ān ‘inda Bedīuzzamān Sa’īd an-Nūrsi fī Risale-i Nūr Sujiat Zubaidi Saleh; Ridani Faulika Permana
Studia Quranika Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/studiquran.v3i2.2764


This paper discusses about the problems of women in the Qur’an according to the perspective of Bediuzzaman Sa’id Nursi in his phenomenal book “Risale-i Nur”. Women in Islam have a respectable role and position. But as development of technology, the situation degenerated as the Jahiliyyah woman’s habits were cultivating. To examine the problems of women, especially in the Qur’an, the authors use thematic studies and descriptive analysis. So that it can be explained some of the problems of women discussed by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi; namely the nature of women, treatise on hijab, polygamy, inheritance rights and improvement of offspring. The nature of woman born of her love is a pioneer of compassion according to Nursi, especially from the sense of sacrifice for his children. Hijab according to Nursi is every woman’s needs based on her nature, because women according to their nature are not comfortable to show their aurat to the opposite sex who is not the mahram not as barrier but to avoid danger. Likewise Nursi looked at polygamy, he allowed with strict requirements because the purpose of marriage according to Nursi is to increase the number improve the heredity. finally it will maintain the type of human population. Based on the purpose of marriage which is not only to satisfy lust. This is the deifference between human and animals in general. So that inheritance rights can bring improvements and benefits. There is no inheritance except by marriage in accordance with the Shari’a. because the marriage string which is according to Nursi will lead to a positive tendency. As for the improvement of offspring who not only produce heredity. So it is meaningfull with help and support each other.
Khashâis al-Mâ’ fî Al-Qur’an Al-Karîm Sujiat Zubaidi Saleh; sitti zafirah tilsaf
Studia Quranika Vol 4, No 2 (2020): Studi Al-Qur'an
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/studiquran.v4i2.3548


The beginning of the creation of life on earth, starting with the creation of living things created from water, there is no life on this earth that does not need water. Many studies discussed water but water was discussed only from a scientific point of view. Whereas in the Qur'an, there are many “kauniyah verses” which are indirectly related to one of the phenomena of the universe about water. By using descriptive methodology analysis, the researcher tries to examine the characteristics of water in the Qur'an by using a scientific approach to understand the intent of the “kauniyah verses” in the Qur'an. The result of this study is the first, the Qur'an states that Allah created water for the first time in this universe before creating the heavens and the earth. With all his will and power, Allah created His throne made of water which is above the seventh sky without any pillars below it. The Second, with the water, Allah the Almighty creates everything that is on earth to become a life such human , animals, plants and other living things. Furthermore, the purpose of the meaning of water is a blessing, mercy, pleasure, an essential and greatest gift bestowed by Allah SWT on all His creatures, especially for humans. The Third, with water, it can also be used as a means of treatment for a disease, especially if the water is recited from the holy verses of the Qur'an so that the molecules in the water will turn into beautiful crystal-shaped molecules. It was because that the water is a chemical compound and also has a water molecular structure, the existence of a negative pole on O (oxygen) and a positive pole on H (hydrogen) causes water molecules to be polar. According to its chemical formula ordinary molecules are written with H2O.
Wajhu Dalalati al-Ayat al-Mutasyabihat fi Qisshotu Ibrahim ‘Alaihi as-Salam Prima Rahmatika Ahmad; Sujiat Zubaidi Saleh
Studia Quranika Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Tafsir Studies
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/studiquran.v5i2.5133


This study is to investigate The Verses of  Mutasyabihat,. It was one element of the al-Qur'ân which Contains various, miraculous and interesting aspects, the kind of this verse is mutashabihat lafziyyah. These verses  have similar reduction but these have different meaning. Hence, every verse has its own purpose, different with each other such the story of the Prophet Ibrahim. It was because that there are repetition word that  contain different meanings that can be understood by semantical analysis.This study revealed that the Mutashabihat verses in the story of the Prophet Ibrahim, have semantical aspects. The first  deduction and addition in word Bal in the verse 70-73 of al-Syu’ara’ and deduction in the verse 52-53 of al-Anbiya’.  The second is al-Ta’rif wa al-Tankir in the world al-Balad in the verse 126 of al-Baqarah and in the word balad  in the verse 35 of Ibrahim. The third is al-Taqdim wa al-Ta’khir in the word al-Awwah and al-Halim in the verse 114 of al-Taubah and its opposite in the verse 75 of Hud. The forth is altering the words with another words, such as the word al-Halim in the verse 101 of al-Shoffat and the word al-‘Alim in the verse 26 of al-Dzuriyyat and in the verse 53 of al-Hijr.
Al-Istisyfâi bi Al-‘Asl fi Al-Qur’an ‘Inda Zaghlul Râghib Al-Najjâr Sujiat Zubaidi Saleh; Intan Pratiwi Mustikasari
Studia Quranika Vol 3, No 1 (2018): Tafseer Studies
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/studiquran.v3i1.2334


This article aims to describe the views of Zaghloul Raghib Muhammad an-Najjar on the meaning of treatment with honey in the Qur'an and the meaning of honey in the Qur'an. As a mufaseer and scientist, an-Najjar was able to explain the ' ilmy i'jaz al-Qur'an in the related to verses kauniyyah scientifically by presenting scientific evidence that is in line with the development and progress of science knowledge. In this study, the researchers applied the method of analysis and descriptive text-analysis to elucidate the main reference Tafseer Kauniyah which deals with the problems above. The result of this research concludes that Zaghloul an-Najjar in his tafseer confirms the meaning of syarâb in the surah an-Nahl. He mentioned the characteristics of honey bees in the verse as liquid substances with different color that came out from the body of a bee which is effective as a cure for humans.
Wajh al-Munāsabāt fī Sūrah al-Fātiḥah ‘inda Muḥammad al-Ṭāhir bin ‘Āsyūr Sujiat Zubaidi Saleh; Ummu Salamah
Kalimah: Jurnal Studi Agama dan Pemikiran Islam Vol 15, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/klm.v15i1.839


This paper will research the content of al-Qur'an by finding some correlations between the arrangement of words, sentences and verses with 'ilm al-muna>sabah, so it will clarify the meaning contained therein. 'Ilm al-muna>sabah has an important role in studying interpretation of al-Qur'an. Over time, most of the orientalists and Muslim liberals want to deconstruct the content of al-Qur'an. They spread negative assumptions, that the verses of al-Qur’an and its chapters are not systematic. According to them, it is because the verses of al-Qur’an and its chapters are incompatible with systematic scientific writing, and the displacement of a group of verses to another group has not been synchron. Based on this reason, Ibnu Asyur tries to apply 'ilm al-muna>sabah to interpret al-Qur'an to show maqa>s}id al-Qur’a>n. Then he also proved that the non-systematic al-Qur'an had become one of i'jaz al-Qur'a>n. If the way how Ibnu Asyur analyzed 'ilm al-muna>sabah is observed deeply, it is known that he used 'ilm al-dala>lah (semantics) as his methodological approach, although it is not mentioned in his methodology of interpretation. In al-Fa>tih}ah, for example, he describes their editorial harmony between one verse to another. Even more, it is found among chapters in al-Qur'an, from the first verse to the last one, in explaining the purification of tawhid, and how it is correlated with
Integrasi antara Agama dan Ilmu Dalam Perspektif Malik Bennabi Sujiat Zubaidi; M. Kharis Majid; Abdullah Muslich Rizal Maulana
Kalimah: Jurnal Studi Agama dan Pemikiran Islam Vol 19, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/klm.v19i1.6365


As a Muslim sociologist, Malik Bennabi has both an answer and a criticism of western scholars' opinions on the dichotomy between science and religion. In this paper, the author tries to describe and analyze malik Bennabi's pattern of thinking related to the integration between religion and science. In this brief study, it can be seen that according to Bennabi between science and religion has a very close relationship, even the two have a single role in the formation of a civilization. This is certainly what is meant by Islamic civilization. Islamic civilization is a civilization of science, even Islam itself is a religion and civilization, so in Islamic civilization between science and religion is an inseparable unity. While Western civilization according to Bennabi at this time is on the verge of destruction, because of the moral decadence manifested from the dichotomy between religion and Science. This is because basically the identity of Western civilization itself must be a separation between science and religion, namely with secularization. Gradually but surely European culture has melted away with secular travel, which further led them towards positivism and materialism. From there science and morals have their own paths, so the separation between science and conscience becomes common in areas covered by secular culture.
Al-‘Ijāz al-Lughawiy fī al-Qur’ān ‘inda Badīuzzamān Sujiat Zubaidi Saleh; Inayatul Maula
Kalimah: Jurnal Studi Agama dan Pemikiran Islam Vol 16, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Darussalam Gontor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21111/klm.v16i1.2517


Majority of Orientalists who focuses on Qur’anic Studies dominates a number of critical views ‎concerning the originality of al-Qur’an. Those ideas are: the disarrangement of Qur’anic verses; ‎even they believe in that verses are in confusion, the absence of interrelation between topics within ‎it, the lack of scientific writing structure, and some of them argue that al-Qur’an is precisely a ‎consolidation between words of Muhammad and not a divine revelation. Even though those ideas ‎are not true. If al-Qur’an is analyzed carefully utilizing scientific tools such as Arabic, the ‎privileges (I’jāz) of al-Qur’an will be founded in many of its sides. One of them is language ‎privileges which is also familiar as I’jāz lughawy. Badiuzzaman Said Nursi, a reformer Muslim ‎scholar in his age revealed the beauty, harmony, and privileges of language in al-Qur’an. This ‎paper will discuss Nursi’s thought about I’jāz Lughawiy in al-Qur’an including four main elements, those are balāghah and faṣāḥaḥ, structure of text and grammar, the secret of muqāṭa’ah, altogether ‎with the word repetitions in al-Qur’an.‎