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Strategi Kerjasama Antar Daerah Dalam Penanganan Sumber Daya Air (Studi Kasus Sungai Ciliwung) Faqih Alfian; Dian Vitaloka
JIP (Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan) : Kajian Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Politik Daerah Vol 3 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Pancasakti Tegal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24905/jip.3.1.2018.55-70


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana Pemerintah Daerah administratif DAS Ciliwung mengintegrasikan kepentingan politik dalam mengelola DAS Ciliwung. Kebijakan antar daerah sering terjadi karena belum adanya peraturan yang melindungi DAS Ciliwung dari kepentingankepentingan politik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian ini menggunakan tinjauan konseptual good environmental governance yang merupakan sebuah desain kebijakan tata kelola pemerintahan dalam mengkonservasi lingkungan. Serta melihat bagaimana kolaborasi tata kelola yang dipakai sebagai alat dalam konservasi DAS Ciliwung. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bentuk kerjasama pengelolaan DAS Ciliwung berupa pembagian peran antara pemerintah pusat, pemerintah daerah, sektor swasta, dan masyarakat. Pemerintah pusat memiliki peran untuk membuat kebijakan makro perencanaan pengelolaan DAS Ciliwung, sedangkan Pemerintah Daerah memiliki peran untuk mengimplementasikan kebijakan yang disusun oleh pemerintah pusat terkait pengelolaan DAS Ciliwung dan sektor swasta memiliki peran untuk mengelola lingkungan dengan melakukan kegiatan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Meskipun demikian, strategi tersebut belum berjalan optimal karena pemerintah kurang mengoptimalkan peran masyarakat dalam pengelolaan DAS Ciliwung.
Jurnal Abadimas Adi Buana Vol 2 No 2 (2019): Januari
Publisher : LPPM Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (274.902 KB) | DOI: 10.36456/abadimas.v2.i2.a1758


Education is one means for transferring knowledge. With a variety of media used, it is expected to be able to provide the expected information. Political education is one of them, with the hope that people understand and understand what is meant by politics. Especially in rural communities where the tendency to have minimal information about politics. In this activity, political education uses the andragogy method, where learning is specifically for adults. Invite the community to play an active role in the problems that exist. Focus Group Discussion is one vehicle for community involvement, they can express their opinions. The main target in this activity is the youth group. The results of service are: 1. The implementation of "Political Education and Establishment of Village Fund Supervisory Groups" departs from two things, namely the first concerning the urgency of community participation in village governance. Second, departing from concerns about the tendency of community apathy in managing village funds, 2. The process of organizing this service is carried out by the andragogy method in which participants are stimulated through group discussions, and are also given the opportunity to express their opinions during the course of thematerial. is when initiating the formation of a superv isory group, they carefully observe it, and are very enthusiastic in discussing how the oversight mechanism will be carried out.
Covid-19 and Vote Buying in Direct Regional Head Elections Mohammad Hidayaturrahman; Sudarman Sudarman; Ahmad Hasan Ubaid; Elazhari Elazhari; Aryo Wibisono; Faqih Alfian
Journal of Islamic World and Politics Vol 6, No 1 (2022): June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (418.199 KB) | DOI: 10.18196/jiwp.v6i1.14185


The current covid-19 pandemic has killed tens of millions people. One way to avoid covid-19 is to keep a distance from each other. At at the same time, Indonesia actually held direct regional head elections in 270 regions, which required voters to come and gather at the polling station (TPS). This research was conducted to analyze the relationship between covid-19 and vote buying with voters participation in direct regional head elections in Indonesia, which was held on December 9, 2020. For the research approach, mixed methods both quantitative and qualitative descriptive were used. The quantitative method was carried out by distributing questionnaires directly to 139 polling stations in Sumenep Regency, East Java, during the regional head election. While the qualitative method is carried out by observing directly the conditions at the polling station (TPS). In addition, in-depth interviews with the election committee and voters were also conducted. The results of the study found that voter participation was very high even though the regional head election was held during the covid-19 pandemic. This high participation was apparently correlated with the widespread practice of vote buying carried out by the winning team for the two pairs of regional head candidates.
Strategi Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam Kawasan Perdesaan Berbasis Perikanan di Kabupaten Gresik dan Tuban Faqih Alfian; Taufik Akbar
MUHARRIK: Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Vol 3 No 01 (2020): Muharrik - Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (344.803 KB) | DOI: 10.37680/muharrik.v3i01.224


The wealth of marine and fisheries resources is very large, contrary to the sadness of the assumptions which are marine and fisheries resources that make fisheries live prosperously, pushed over by data from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in 2010, it takes 7.87 million poor coastal communities and 2.2 million inhabitants of the coastal population are very poor in all parts of Indonesia. These poor fishermen are scattered in 10,640 fishing villages. This research is aimed to (a) analyzing the level of benefits of government assistance for villages/agriculture-based areas, (b) understanding fisheries-based management models, (c) formulating forms of facilitation activities in rural areas based on fisheries potential. In Gresik and Tuban Regencies, following the 2014 KKP Statistics data from the East Java Province Fisheries and Maritime Services, both regions have some fisheries as well as rural areas with fishery potential. Through observations and analyses from several aspects, in Tuban and Gresik Districts have not felt the influence of assistance from the government. There needs to be assistance to capture the capital, which will have a significant impact on society. Keywords: Natural Resources, Fisheries, Rural area, Coastal area, Policy Abstrak Kekayaan sumberdaya kelautan dan perikanan yang sangat besar, bertolak belakang dengan mirisnya kondisi perekonomian nelayan di Indonesia terutama nelayan yang berada di kawasan perdesaan. Asumsi bahwa besarnya sumberdaya kelautan dan perikanan menjadikan nelayan hidup sejahtera, ditepis oleh data Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan tahun 2010 menegaskan bahwa terdapat 7,87 juta masyarakat pesisir miskin dan 2,2 juta jiwa penduduk pesisir sangat miskin di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Nelayan miskin tersebut tersebar di 10.640 desa nelayan di pesisir. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk (a) menganalisa tingkat kemanfaatan bantuan pemerintah untuk desa/kawasan perdesaan berbasis potensi perikanan, (b) mengetahui model pengelolaan kawasan perdesaan berbasis perikanan, (c) merumuskan bentuk kegiatan fasilitasi pada kawasan perdesaan berbasis potensi perikanan. Fokus penelitian ini pada Kabupaten Gresik dan Kabupaten Tuban, sesuai dengan data Statistik KKP 2014 dari Dinas Perikanan dan Kelautan Provinsi Jawa Timur kedua daerah tersebut memiliki jumlah nelayan maupun kawasan perdesaan dengan potensi perikanan. Dari hasil observasi serta analisis dari beberapa segi, di Kabupaten Tuban dan Gresik belum merasakan dampak adanya bantuan dari pemerintah. Perlu adanya fasilitasi pendanaan atau modal utamanya bagi nelayan tangkap, dimana hal itu nantinya akan berdampak signifikan terhadap masyarakat. Kata Kunci: Sumber Daya Alam, Perikanan, Kawasan Pedesaan, Kebijakan Pemerintah