Hayati Minarsih
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Pengendalian Serangan Ganoderma spp. (60-80%) pada Tanaman Sengon sebagai Pelindung Tanaman Kopi dan Kakao Elis Nina Herliyana; Darmono Taniwiryono; Hayati Minarsih; Muhammad Alam Firmansyah; Benyamin Dendang
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 16 No. 1 (2011): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

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Information about genetic variation of Ganoderma spp. As a couse of rot disease on plantation crops is necessary for consideration in efforts to protect crops. Exploration of the use of biological agents, especially Trichoderma spp., for the control of Ganoderma on forestry crops is still limited to laboratory testing. Its effectiveness to control Trichoderma spp. To protect plants in the nursery sengon being carried out, as well as to deternime its role in improving plant growth.
Evaluasi varietas, sumber eksplan dan strain Agrobacterium terhadap keberhasilan transformasi tebu dengan gen P5CS Evaluation of varieties, explant sources, and Agrobacterium strains for successful sugarcane transformation using P5CS gene Hayati MINARSIH; Dwi SUBIYARTI; Imron RIYADI; Soekarno Mismana PUTRA; Laksmi AMBARSARI
E-Journal Menara Perkebunan Vol 83, No 1: Juni 2015

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (190.979 KB) | DOI: 10.22302/iribb.jur.mp.v83i1.7


Abstract Genetic transformation can be used as an alter-native to develop sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) tolerant to drought stress. P5CS gene has a role in biosynthesis of proline, an amino acid that accumulated under drought stress conditions. Transfer of a P5CS gene construct into plant cells in conjunction with regeneration of transgenic plantlets may develop sugarcane tolerant to drought stress. The aim of this research was to obtain an optimal transformation method which includes a suitable strain of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and the best sugarcane explant and variety. The results showed that transfer of P5CS gene has been successfully carried out on sugarcane explants from solid media-derived calli, embryogenic calli and somatic embryos derived from temporary immersion system (TIS) culture. Whilst Agrobacterium strain LBA4404 was indicated as the most effective transformation vector. The regeneration of Kidang Kencana variety transformants from calli and somatic embryos was better than those of PS 881 and PS 891. The best performance of transformants based on the source of explants obtained from somatic embryos from TIS culture. Moreover, a succesfull Agrobacterium mediated transformation on sugarcane was indicated by transient expression of Gus gene and the ability of the transformants grew in a selection medium containing 50 ppm of kanamycin.Abstrak Transformasi genetik dapat digunakan sebagai upaya untuk merakit tebu (Saccharum officinarum L.) toleran terhadap cekaman kekeringan. Gen P5CS diketahui  berperan  dalam  biosintesis  prolin,  yaitu asam amino yang umumnya terakumulasi ketika tanaman mengalami cekaman kekeringan. Transfor-masi gen P5CS dan regenerasi transgeniknya mungkin dapat menghasilkan tanaman tebu trans-genik yang toleran terhadap cekaman kekeringan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan metode transformasi yang optimum yang mencakup strain Agrobacterium tumefaciens yang sesuai, sumber eksplan dan varietas tebu terbaik sebagai target transformasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa transformasi gen P5CS telah berhasil dilakukan ke eksplan tebu baik yang berupa kalus asal media padat maupun kalus embriogenik dan embrio somatik asal kultur sistem perendaman sesaat (SPS). Sementara itu strain A. tumefaciens LBA4404 menunjukkan hasil yang paling efektif sebagai vektor transformasi. Pertumbuhan transforman baik pada kalus maupun embrio somatik pada varietas Kidang Kencana terlihat paling baik dibandingkan dengan varietas PS 881 dan PS 891. Sumber eksplan yang paling efektif adalah embrio somatik yang diperoleh dari  kultur SPS. Keberhasilan transformasi tebu me-lalui Agrobacterium ditunjukkan oleh ekspresi transien dari gen GUS dan kemampuan dari trans-forman untuk tumbuh di media yang mengandung    50 ppm kanamisin.
Kloning dan karakterisasi daerah promoter gen penyandi ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase dari Metroxylon sagu rendemen pati-tinggi dan -rendah [Cloning and characterization of promoter region of ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase-encoding gene from Metroxylon sagu with high- and low-starch content] Asmini BUDIANI; Riza Arief PUTRANTO; Hayati MINARSIH; Imron RIYADI; . SUMARYONO; Barahima ABBAS
E-Journal Menara Perkebunan Vol 84, No 1: Oktober 2016

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/iribb.jur.mp.v84i1.200


ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) is one of the key enzymes in the starch biosynthesis. In many plants, the activity of this enzyme was reported to affect the yield and composition of the produced starch. This research is a part of an effort to develop molecular markers for early selection of high starch-yielding of sago palm. The purpose of the research was to isolate promoters of AGP gene and to analyze the differences in their DNA sequences between sago palm with high starch content (MsHS) and low starch content (MsLS). DNA was isolated and purified from the leaves of the two sago palm. The promoter region of AGP was amplified by Genome Walking technique. The specific primers were designed by Primer3 program based on the information of DNA sequence of AGP genes of sago palm from previous studies. Selected DNA fragments resulted from Genome Walking were isolated from the gel, cloned into E. coli, and analyzed its DNA sequence. DNA sequence analysis showed that one DNA fragment from MsHS  (± 1500 bp) and one DNA fragment from MsLS (> 2000 bp) were confirmed as a 5’ upstream of the AGP gene.  Further in silico analysis using MEME program identified various DNA motifs of cis-acting elements, which confirmed that those DNA fragment were promoter region of the gene. Preliminary analysis showed the differences in DNA sequences and motives of cis-acting elements in the promoter region of the two samples which might influence or indirectly associated with the character of the starch yield in sago palm.
Physiological responses and P5CS gene expression of transgenic oil palm plantlet induced by drought stress Turhadi TURHADI; Hayati MINARSIH; Imron RIYADI; . PRIYONO; Asmini BUDIANI
E-Journal Menara Perkebunan Vol 88, No 2 (2020): Oktober,2020

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22302/iribb.jur.mp.v88i2.386


Drought is one of the limiting factors in crop cultivation, such as in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). The transgenic approaches are expected to increase plant tolerance to drought stress and minimize low productivity when drought occurs. Proline is an osmoprotectant compound in plants which its biosynthesis involved the P5CS gene. The objective of this study was to evaluate the tolerance level of P5CS-transgenic oil palm to drought stress induced by polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG-6000). In this present study, the transgenic and non-transgenic oil palms were treated by  0, 2, and 4% PEG-6000 under in vitro conditions. The experiment was arranged as a factorial completely randomized design with three replications. The drought level score, total chlorophyll content, carotenoids, and proline content, as well as P5CS gene expression in leaf tissues were observed at 7 and 14 days after stress treatments. The result showed that transgenic plantlets had a lower drought level score than those of non-transgenic lines. A concentration of 4% PEG-6000 treatment reduced the total chlorophyll and carotenoids contents than that of 2% concentration in non-transgenic plantlets at 7 and 14 day after treatments (DAT). In addition, proline content and P5CS gene expression level in transgenic had been significantly increased during stress treatment. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the P5CS transgene increased the drought stress tolerance of oil palm.
Kloning parsial gen penyandi P5CS dari tebu (Saccharum officinarum L.) Cloning of P5CS-encoding gene fragment from sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) Hayati MINARSIH; . SUPRIYADI; Soekarno Mismana PUTRA; Asmini BUDIANI
E-Journal Menara Perkebunan Vol 80, No 1: Juni 2012

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (364.968 KB) | DOI: 10.22302/iribb.jur.mp.v80i1.48


AbstractAbiotic stress such as drought stress is one of the important factors that affect plant growth. Plants have an adaptation mechanism to overcome the stress condition by accumulating osmoprotectant compounds. Proline is a well known compatible solute and can be accumulated to a high concentration in plant cells under drought or osmotic stress. One of the important enzymes in proline biosynthesis is ∆1 - pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase (P5CS) encoded by P5CS gene. This research is aimed to clone partial length of P5CS gene from S. officinarum, variety PSJT 941. The amplification of P5CS gene fragment was done by Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR), using specific primers. DNA fragment of 984 bp, 975 bp and 1725 bp were cloned into Escherichia coli XL1-Blue using pGEMT Easy plasmid vector. Results from BLAST analysis showed that the P5CS sequences have high homology (99%) with the P5CS gene of S. officinarum in the GenBank database. AbstrakCekaman abiotik seperti kekeringan merupakan salah satu faktor penting yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tanaman. Tanaman mempunyai strategi adaptasi dalam mengatasi cekaman tersebut dengan mengakumulasi senyawa osmoprotektan yang terakumulasi dalam konsentrasi tinggi. Prolin merupakan salah satu senyawa osmoprotektan yang dapat melindungi tanaman dari cekaman kekeringan maupun osmotik. Salah satu enzim yang berperan penting dalam biosintesis prolin adalah ∆1 -pyrroline-5- carboxylate synthetase (P5CS) yang disandi oleh gen P5CS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengklon fragmen gen P5CS dari S. officinarum varietas PSJT 941. Amplifikasi fragmen gen P5CS dilakukan dengan teknik Reverse TranscriptionPolymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) menggunakan primer spesifik gen P5CS. Fragmen DNA hasil RT-PCR berukuran 984 bp, 975 bp, dan 1725 bp diklon ke dalam Escherichia coli XL 1-Blue menggunakan vektor plasmid pGEM-T Easy. Hasil analisis BLAST menunjukkan bahwa sekuen fragmen gen produk RT-PCR yang berasal dari S. officinarum PSJT 941 memiliki homologi yang sangat tinggi (99%) dengan gen P5CS pada S. officinarum yang ada dalam pusat data Genbank. 
Analisis keragaman genetik Ganoderma spp. yang berasosiasi dengan tanaman kakao dan tanaman pelindungnya menggunakan Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Genetic diversity analysis of Ganoderma spp. associated with cocoa and its shade trees using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Hayati MINARSIH; Dyah LINGGA NP; TW DARMONO DARMONO; Elis Nina HERLIYANA
E-Journal Menara Perkebunan Vol 79, No 1: Juni 2011

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (272.206 KB) | DOI: 10.22302/iribb.jur.mp.v79i1.72


AbstractInformation on genetic diversity of Ganoderma spp.causing root rot disease in crops is important to developa proper strategy for the control of Ganoderma disease. Theobjectives of this research were to study the genetic diversityof Ganoderma spp. associated with cacao and its shade trees(Albazia faltacaria, Swietenia mahogani, Adenatheramicrosperma and Leucaena leucocephala) by randomamplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Fourty fivesamples of Ganoderma spp. were used in this research. Theresults showed that DNA amplification using 10 arbitraryoligonucleotide primers produced 220 DNA fragmentsshowing polymorphisms. The cluster analysis showed that 45number of Ganoderma samples had a high variability with thecoefficient value ranged from 0.71 to 0.91. Further analysisusing Winboot software showed that three groups ofGanoderma spp. had a high degree of confidence (>50 %),which were Ganoderma samples from sengon (Paraserianthessp.) of Tasikmalaya, sengon (Paraserianthes sp.) ofPalembang, and mahogany of Jember; whereas the othergroups of samples had a low degree of confidence (<50%).AbstrakInformasi tentang keragaman genetik Ganoderma spp.sebagai penyebab penyakit busuk akar pada tanamanperkebunan sangat diperlukan untuk menerapkan strategiyang tepat dalam upaya perlindungan tanaman perkebunan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman genetikGanoderma spp. yang berasosiasi dengan tanaman kakao dantanaman pelindungnya (sengon, mahoni, saga dan lamtoro)dari berbagai wilayah di Indonesia menggunakan penandamolekuler random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD).Sebanyak 45 sampel Ganoderma spp digunakan dalampenelitian ini. Amplifikasi DNA dengan 10 primer terpilihmenghasilkan 220 fragmen DNA yang menunjukkan adanyapolimorfisme. Hasil analisis menunjukkan adanya keragamanyang cukup tinggi di antara sampel Ganoderma spp. daripohon inang dan wilayah yang berbeda, dengan nilaikoefisien 0,71-0,91. Berdasarkan analisis bootstrapdiketahui bahwa tiga kelompok sampel Ganoderma spp.memiliki tingkat kepercayaan yang tinggi (>50 %) yaitukelompok Ganoderma spp. yang berasosiasi dengan pohonsengon asal Tasikmalaya, sengon Palembang, dan mahoniJember; sedangkan pengelompokan lainnya menunjukkmenunjukkan tingkat kepercayaan yang rendah (<50 %).
Evaluasi 18 primer SSR untuk pengembangan sidikjari DNA tanaman karet (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.) Evaluation of 18 SSR primers to develop DNA fingerprint of rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.) Asmini BUDIANI; Sekar WOELAN; Hayati MINARSIH; . NUHAIMI-HARIS; Riza Arief PUTRANTO
E-Journal Menara Perkebunan Vol 82, No 2: Desember 2014

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (343.997 KB) | DOI: 10.22302/iribb.jur.mp.v82i2.23


Abstract Breeding program of rubber tree to produce elite clones is hampered by the length of selection cycles. On the other hand, attempts to increase production by extensification of the plantation area is also facing a problem from the availability of the rootstock, causing the occurence of fake clones without any information of their origin. Therefore, the availability of molecular markers to be used as DNA fingerprint of rubber tree clones is needed. This will help the breeder to shorten the length of selection program and to identify the purity of the clone. This research was aimed to evaluate 18 SSR primer pairs that had been published to identify 17 rubber clones. Pure genomic DNAs were isolated from 17 clones, followed by experiment to optimize annealing tempe-rature for each primer to obtain the best amplification product. Initially, the PCR product was run in both the agarose and polyacrylamide gels. However, the analysis of all PCR products were then conducted on SDS polyacrylamide gel, since this gel can separate DNA fragments with only a few bases differences. The results showed that 14 clones have been identified specifically using 11 primers. Four out of 18 primer pairs used could identify 12 rubber tree clones, which are PR 107, PR 261, SP 217, PB 330, PB 340, IRR 5, IRR 112, IRR 118, IRR 220, GT 1, BPM 101 and RRIM 712. Each clone can be distinguished from each other using only one primer pair. Identification of the other tree clones (PB 5/51, PB 260, and RRIC 110) has to be conducted by combining the several PCR products using different primer pairs. Although these results showed that SSR markers had high potential to be used as DNA fingerprint on rubber tree clones, the set of the primer pairs should be tested among other clones, as well as other SSR primers should be tested to identify the clones which could not be identified using the 18 primer pairs in this experiment.Abstrak Pemuliaan tanaman karet untuk menghasilkan klon-klon unggul baru menghadapi masalah lamanya siklus seleksi. Di sisi lain, upaya peningkatan produksi melalui pembukaan lahan baru, juga terkendala oleh ketersediaan bibit, yang memicu beredarnya bibit palsu, yang umumnya tidak jelas asal usulnya. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan ketersediaan marka yang dapat digunakan sebagai sidikjari DNA bagi klon-klon tanaman karet yang ada, sehingga dapat membantu mempercepat proses seleksi dan mengetahui kemurnian bibit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi 18 primer SSR yang telah dipublikasikan untuk mengidentifikasi 17 klon karet. DNA yang murni diisolasi dari 17 klon, kemudian dilakukan optimasi suhu annealing untuk setiap jenis primer agar diperoleh hasil amplifikasi terbaik.  Pada awal percobaan hasil PCR dicek pada gel agarosa dan gel poliakrilamida, namun analisis untuk seluruh hasil PCR dilakukan pada gel SDS poliakrilamid, karena gel ini secara nyata dapat memisahkan fragmen DNA yang hanya berbeda beberapa basa. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa 14 klon dapat diidentifikasi secara spesifik menggunakan 11 primer. Empat dari 18 pasang primer yang diuji dapat mengidentifikasi 12 klon yang dianalisis, yaitu PR 107, PR 261, SP 217, PB 330, PB 340,. IRR 5, IRR 112, IRR 118, IRR 220, GT 1, BPM 101 dan RRIM 712. Masing-maing klon tersebut dapat dibedakan dari klon lainnya hanya dengan menggunakan satu jenis primer. Sedangkan identifikasi tiga klon lainnya (PB 5/51, PB 260, dan RRIC110) harus dilakukan dengan menggabungkan hasil PCR menggunakan beberapa primer. Meskipun hasil percobaan ini menunjukkan bahwa marka SSR sangat berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai sidikjari DNA klon-klon karet, namun primer yang sama perlu diuji untuk klon-klon lainnya. Demikian pula primer lain perlu diuji untuk mengidentifikasi klon-klon yang belum teridentifikasi menggunakan 18 primer dalam penelitian ini.
Kloning gen penyandi β-1,6-glukanase kapang secara cepat dengan teknik RT-PCR menggunakan primer spesifik Rapid cloning for gene encoding fungal β-1,6-glucanase by means of RT-PCR using specific primers Asmini BUDIANI; Riza A. PUTRANTO; Hayati MINARSIH; Niyyah FITRANTI; Djoko SANTOSO
E-Journal Menara Perkebunan Vol 77, No 1: Juni 2009

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (547.075 KB) | DOI: 10.22302/iribb.jur.mp.v77i1.115


AbstractProduction of bioethanol from biomass ofagricultural waste has been hindered with a highproduction cost because enzymes needed for theprocess has to be imported with relatively a highprice. Genetic engineering using its encodinggenes is able to produce those enzymes withlower cost. In this report we described a researchaimed to clone gene encoding β-1,6-glucanasefrom Trichoderma harzianum with a relativelyrapid and inexpensive method, by means of RT-PCR using gene specific primers. The primerswere designed based on the DNA sequence of thetarget gene from the same species of organismused in this research. RT-PCR using that primersresulted in DNA fragment with sizescorresponding to the predicted size of full lengthgene encoding β-1,6-glucanase, about 1300 bp.After a sequential experiments of cloning usingpGEM-T Easy vector, DNA sequencing andBlastN - BlastX analyses of the sequences, it wasproven that the isolated DNA was full length geneof β-1,6-glucanase. This was implied from thepercentage of Identity and E-value which were96% and 0.0 (< e-04) respectivety.AbstrakProduksi bioetanol dari biomassa limbahpertanian, terkendala oleh tingginya biayaproduksi karena enzim yang diperlukan untukproses tersebut masih harus diimpor denganharga yang relatif mahal. Melalui rekayasagenetika menggunakan gen-gen penyandinya,enzim-enzim tersebut dapat diproduksi denganbiaya yang lebih murah. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mengklon gen penyandi β-1,6-glukanasedari Trichoderma harzianum secara cepat danekonomis, dengan RT-PCR menggunakan primerspesifik. Primer tersebut dirancang berdasarkansekuen DNA dari gen target asal spesiesorganisme yang sama dengan yang digunakandalam penelitian. RT-PCR dengan primertersebut menghasilkan fragmen DNA yangukurannya sesuai dengan gen lengkap penyandiβ-1,6-glukanase, yaitu sekitar 1300 bp. Setelahsecara berurutan diklon menggunakan vektorpGEM-T Easy, sekuensing urutan DNA dananalisis BlastN maupun BlastX dari sekuen yangdiperoleh, terbukti bahwa fragmen DNA tersebutadalah gen lengkap penyandi β-1,6-glukanase.Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh Nilai Kesamaan(Identity) dan E-Value yang masing-masingmencapai 96% dan 0.0.
Ekspresi dan kloning gen penyandi ADP-Glucose Phyrophosphorylase dari tanaman sagu (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) Expression and cloning of gene encoding ADP-Glucose Phyrophosphorylase from sago palm (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) Asmini BUDIANI1; Riza Arief PUTRANTO; Hayati MINARSIH; Imron RIYADI; . SUMARYONO; Barahima ABBAS
E-Journal Menara Perkebunan Vol 83, No 2: Desember 2015

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (413.009 KB) | DOI: 10.22302/iribb.jur.mp.v83i2.4


AbstractSago palm (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) is a potential food and energy resources becouse it is the highest starch producing plant.  Breeding of sago palm should be directed to produce elite genotype with superior characters such as high starch content, wider pith diameter, without spine and high starch quality. However, research on sago palm in Indonesia so far is limited espescially in the field of cultivation and breeding, and attempt to produce such elite would take long time. Availability of molecular marker for starch content would be beneficial to shorten the length period of breeding. ADP-Glucose Phyrophosphorylase is one of the important enzymes in starch biosynthesis. Therefore its gene is an interesting subject in order to develope molecular marker of high starch content.  This research was aimed to study the expression of gene encoding AGP in the sago palm with high starch content versus low starch content, and to clone the full cds of the gene. RNA was isolated from leaf and pith of both palms. Exspression analysis and amplify-cation of full cds were conducted by Reverse Transcryptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) using specific primers. The results showed that sago palm with higher starch content expressed AGP higher than that of sago palm with lower  starch content. Expression of AGP in the full developing leaf was higher than in the young leaf, and there was no expression detected in the pith. The full cds of AGP was successfully amplified and cloned. Even though the DNA sequence showed high homology with DNA sequence of the same gene that has been deposited in GenBank, there were differences in severall nucleotide including that in the active domain of the enzyme.AbstrakTanaman sagu merupakan sumber pangan dan energi yang sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan karena merupakan tanaman penghasil karbihidrat tertinggi. Pemuliaan tanaman sagu mestinya diarah-kan untuk menghasilkan bibit sagu yang selain memiliki rendemen pati tinggi, juga memiliki diameter empulur besar, tidak berduri dan memiliki cita rasa pati yang enak. Namun, sampai saat ini riset mengenai sagu di Indonesia masih sangat terbatas, sehingga pemuliaan sagu untuk menghasilkan bibit unggul demikian akan memerlukan waktu lama. Ketersediaan penanda rendemen pati akan sangat membantu mempercepat pemuliaan tanaman tersebut. ADP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase adalah salah satu enzim yang berperan penting dalam biosintesis pati, sehingga gene penyandinya merupakan subjek yang menarik dalam pengembangan marka kandungan pati tinggi.  Sebagai bagian dari upaya untuk mendapat-kan penanda rendemen pati tinggi pada tanaman sagu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari ekspresi gen penyandi AGP. RNA diisolasi dari daun tanaman sagu rendemen pati rendah dan tanaman sagu rendemen pati tinggi. Perbedaan tingkat ekspresi gen penyandi AGP dari tanaman sagu rendemen pati tinggi vs rendemen pati rendah, dianalisis dengan teknik Reverse-Transcryptase PCR menggunakan primer spesifik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanaman sagu rendemen pati tinggi mengekspresikan AGP lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan tanaman sagu rendemen pati rendah. Ekspresi gen tersebut pada daun tua (full developing leaf) lebih tinggi di-bandingkan dengan pada daun muda, dan pada empulur tidak dideteksi ekspresi gen tersebut. Daerah penyandi lengkap AGP subunit kecil telah diklon. Meskipun memiliki homologi yang tinggi dengan sekuen DNA gen yang sama yang telah dideposit pada  GenBank,  namun terdapat perbedaan beberapa nukleotida termasuk pada daerah domain aktif dari enzim tersebut. 
Application of organic fungicide in controlling basal stem rot disease for mature oil palm Happy WIDIASTUTI; Hayati MINARSIH; Djoko SANTOSO; Deden Dewantara ERIS; Galuh Wening PERMATASARI
E-Journal Menara Perkebunan Vol 88, No 1 (2020): April, 2020

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (200.537 KB) | DOI: 10.22302/iribb.jur.mp.v88i1.368


Ganoderma is a major pathogen in oil palm crops. Some efforts related to control the growth of Ganoderma have been conducted but still have not found an effective method. This study aims to develop an organic fungicide that has been tested in vitro, which effective in controlling the growth of Ganoderma. The optimization carried out includes the determination of the dose and time interval for application in 13-year-old mature oil palm. This organic fungicide application was the continuation of application during the previous year especially for the two best treatment which is application organic fungicide every week (1w) and every two weeks (2w). In this study, the treatments tested were three levels dose of organic fungicide (0, 1x and 2x) and two types of frequency application, i.e. every week (1w) and every other week (2w). The results showed that the best application of organic fungicides was every week application with twice doses (1w.2x), based on the parameters of the inhibition of Ganoderma’s fruiting body formation, primary and secondary root formation, the opening of spear leaves, and harvesting parameters. The application of organic fungicide able to recover the oil palm infected Ganoderma sp., with increasing the fresh fruit bunch and its weight around 70% and 78%, respectively.