Julius Anzar
Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya RS Dr. Mohammad Hoesin, Palembang

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Profil Kecukupan Asupan Makanan pada Rawat Inap Julius Anzar; Bagus Pratignyo; M Nazir
Sari Pediatri Vol 14, No 6 (2013)
Publisher : Badan Penerbit Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia (BP-IDAI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14238/sp14.6.2013.351-6


Latar belakang. Kekurangan Jumlah asupan makanan pasien rawat inap sering kali ditemukan.Tujuan. Mengetahui profil kecukupan asupan makanan pada pasien anak rawat inap. Metode. Penelitian cross sectionaldilakukan November 2011- Januari 2012 pada pasien anak rawat inap di RSUP Dr. Mohammad Hoesin, Palembang. Sampel dipilih secara consecutivedengan kriteria usia >1-10 tahun, dirawat >24 jam, tidak menderita sakit kritis, bukan gizi buruk, tidak terdapat kontraindikasi makan per oral, tidak terdapat masa atau asites diberikan asupan nutrisi berdasarkan buku rekomendasi IDAI tentang asuhan nutrisi pediatrik. Data asupan makan dihitung setelah perawatan 3 hari rawat dan data dianalisis dengan uji Fisher. Asupan dinyatakan tidak cukup apabila asupan rata-rata energi dan protein 3 hari pertama <80% kebutuhan.Hasil. Didapatkan 105 pasien yang diteliti, terbanyak usia 6-10 (59%) tahun, jenis kelamin perempuan (52%), status gizi baik (52%). Umur 1–5 tahun, asupan energi tidak cukup 27,9%; asupan protein tidak cukup 34,9%. Umur 6–10 tahun, asupan energi tidak cukup 50%; asupan protein tidak cukup 37,1%. Anak laki-laki, asupan energi tidak cukup 36%; asupan protein tidak cukup 15 30%. Anak perempuan, asupan energi tidak cukup 45,5%; asupan protein tidak cukup 41,8%. Gizi baik, asupan energi tidak cukup 38,2%; asupan protein tidak cukup 36,4%. Gizi kurang, asupan energi tidak cukup 44%; asupan protein tidak cukup 36%.Kesimpulan. Ketidakcukupan energi dan protein lebih banyak dialami oleh perempuan dan kelompok umur 6–10 tahun.
Efektifitas Asuhan Nutrisi Pediatrik Per oral untuk Mencegah Malnutrisi Rumah Sakit Rogatianus Bagus Pratignyo; Julius Anzar; H.M. Nazir; Theodorus Theodorus
Sari Pediatri Vol 15, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : Badan Penerbit Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia (BP-IDAI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14238/sp15.4.2013.264-8


Latar belakang. Prevalensi malnutrisi rumah sakit (MRS) masih cukup tinggi, yaitu antara 6,1%-51,6% oleh sebab itu dikembangkanlah asuhan nutrisi pediatrik (ANP).Tujuan. Mengetahui efektifitas pemberian asuhan nutrisi pediatrik per oral dalam mencegah MRS pada setiap kelompok risiko nutrisi.Metode. Uji klinik dalam bentuk berpasangan yang dilakukan sejak November 2011 sampai Januari 2012 di bangsal rawat Inap Departemen Kesehatan Anak RSMH Palembang. Sampel dipilih secara consecutive sampling. Sampel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dilakukan skoring simple pediatrics nutritional risk score (SPNRS) dan dilakukan intervensi ANP per oral. Data penelitian diolah dengan menggunakan SPSS 16.Hasil. Dari 105 subjek penelitian didapatkan kejadian MRS pada risiko nutrisi tinggi 74,3%, nutrisi sedang 31,4% dan nutrisi rendah 20%. Kecukupan asupan energi risiko nutrisi rendah 82,9%, nutrisi sedang 62,9% dan nutrisi tinggi 31,4%. Kecukupan asupan protein risiko nutrisi rendah 74,3%, nutrisi sedang 71,4%, dan nutrisi tinggi 45,7%. Faktor yang memengaruhi kejadian MRS adalah asupan energi p=0,003 (OR=6,41), asupan protein p=0,009 (OR=5,42), dan SPNRS p=0,090 (OR=2,87).Kesimpulan. Asuhan nutrisi pediatrik per oral efektif untuk kelompok risiko nutrisi ringan, tetapi tidak efektif pada kelompok risiko nutrisi sedang dan risiko nutrisi tinggi untuk mengurangi kejadian MRS.
Dampak Usia Pertama Pemberian Makanan Pendamping Asi Terhadap Status Gizi Bayi Usia 8-12 Bulan di Kecamatan Seberang Ulu I Palembang Eka Intan Fitriana; Julius Anzar; HM. Nazir HZ; Theodorus Theodorus
Sari Pediatri Vol 15, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : Badan Penerbit Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia (BP-IDAI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (196.351 KB) | DOI: 10.14238/sp15.4.2013.249-53


Latar belakang. Pemberian makanan pendamping ASI (MPASI) dini sebelum usia enam bulan akan menyebabkan bayi rentan mengalami penyakit infeksi dan alergi, sehingga dapat mengakibatkan malnutrisi dan gangguan pertumbuhan.Tujuan. Menilai hubungan antara usia pertama pemberian MPASI terhadap status gizi bayi usia 8-12 bulan.Metode. Penelitian kasus-kontrol dilakukan pada bulan 1 Februari-30 April 2012 di Puskesmas dan Posyandu di Kecamatan Seberang Ulu I Palembang. Sampel didapatkan secara consecutive sampling, dan dikelompokkan sebagai kelompok kasus dengan gizi kurang dan kelompok kontrol dengan gizi baik yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Semua subjek dilakukan penelusuran retrospektif mengenai usia pertamakali diberikan MPASI.Hasil. Telah diteliti 240 subyek terdiri dari 80 subyek dengan gizi kurang dan 160 subyek dengan gizi baik. Hasil analisis chi-square dalam mencari hubungan antara usia pertama pemberian MPASI terhadap status gizi menunjukkan OR 1,42 dengan 95% CI antara 0,8-2,4 (p=0,2).Kesimpulan. Pemberian MPASI dini tidak berhubungan dengan status gizi pada usia 8-12 bulan.
Family socioeconomic status and weight velocity in children aged 6-24 months Tiara Eka; Julius Anzar; Mutiara Budi Azhar
Paediatrica Indonesiana Vol 56 No 2 (2016): March 2016
Publisher : Indonesian Pediatric Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (294.229 KB) | DOI: 10.14238/pi56.2.2016.67-72


Background Socioeconomic status is one of the external factors that influences weight velocity.Objective To assess for a correlation between family socioeconomic status and weight velocity.Method This cross-sectional study was performed from October to December 2014. Subjects were patients at community health centers in Palembang, and included by a consecutive sampling technique. Data were collected by interviewing mothers using questionaires. We measured the children’s weight and compared it to the previous weight measurement on the Child Health Card (Kartu Menuju Sehat/KMS). Risk of failure to thrive was determined by plotting increments onto the 2009 WHO Growth Velocity Standards Chart. Data were analyzed by Fisher’s exact and Chi-square tests.Results The 97 respondents consisted of 74 children (76%) with good weight velocity and 23 children (24%) with risk of failure to thrive. Using indicators of socioeconomic status, we found a significant correlation between the level of family welfare and weight velocity. (PR=48.000; 95%CI 2.3 to 997.1; P=0.016). However, level of maternal education (P=0.788) and the number of children in the family (P=0.550) had no significant correlation to weight velocity. Caregivers of children (P= 0.560) and duration of exclusive breastfeeding (P=0.390) were not confounding variables for weight velocity in this study.Conclusion High to moderate level of family welfare is significantly correlated to good weight velocity. However, weight velocity has no significant correlation to either the level of maternal education or the number of children in the family. Caregivers of children and duration of exclusive breastfeeding are not confounding variables for this study.
Upper arm circumference measurement for detecting overweight and obesity in children aged 6-7 years Dewi Rosariah Ayu; Aditiawati Aditiawati; Julius Anzar; Erial Bahar
Paediatrica Indonesiana Vol 57 No 1 (2017): January 2017
Publisher : Indonesian Pediatric Society

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (288.37 KB) | DOI: 10.14238/pi57.1.2017.23-9


Background Obesity is a worldwide problem and is associated with increased risk of metabolic syndrome. Nutritional status in children has traditionally been determined by body mass index (BMI) scores, but with limitations. Upper arm circumference measurement may be a better predictor of energy, protein, and fat storage, as well as a simpler method for screening overweight and obesity in children.Objective To determine the diagnostic value of upper arm circumference compared to BMI for detecting overweight and obesity in children aged 6-7 years.Methods This diagnostic study with a cross-sectional design was performed from September to October 2015 at 16 primary schools in Palembang, Indonesia. We measured the heights, weights, and upper arm circumferences, and calculated BMIs of 2,258 children. Receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was used to find an optimal upper arm circumference cut-off point to detect overweight and obesity. Diagnostic value was calculated by using a 2x2 table analysis.Results The prevalences of overweight and obesity were 5.8% and 11.7%, respectively. The optimal upper arm circumference cut-off points for detecting overweight in children aged 6-7 years was 185 mm (sensitivity 88.1% and specificity 78.3%), and for obesity was 195 mm (sensitivity 90.15% and specificity 86.65%). Upper arm circumference had a strong correlation with BMI.Conclusion Upper arm circumference measurement is an accurate method fordistinguishing between normoweight, overweight, and obesity in children aged 6-7 years.