Tony Koestony Moekasan
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Sta tus Resistensi Lima Strain Plutella xylostella L. terhadap Formulasi Fipronil, Deltametrin, Profenofos, Abamektin, dan Bacillus thuringiensis Moekasan, Tony Koestony; Sastrosiswojo, Soedarwo -; Rukmana, T. -; Sutanto, H. -; Purnamasri, I. S.; Kurnia, A. -
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 14, No 2 (2004): Juni 2004
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticultural Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Toksisitas formulasi insektisidafipronil, deltametrin, profenofos, abamektin, Ba cil lus thuringiensis subsp./var.kurstaki strain EG 7841 (crymax WDG) dan B. thuringiensis subsp./var. kurstaki strain HD-7 (dipel WP) diuji dilaboratorium terhadap lima strain lapangan larva Plutella xylostella (L.) yang berasal dari pusat pertanaman kubis diLembang, Pangalengan, Kejajar/Dieng, Batu, dan Berastagi mulai bulan Sep tem ber 2000 sampai dengan Februari2001. Pengujian menggunakan metode pencelupan potongan daun kubis ke dalam tiap larutan insektisida ujikemudian larva P. xylostella instar 2 dan atau 3 diletakkan pada potongan daun kubis tersebut. Penghitungan nilaiLC50 tiap jenis insektisida yang diuji dilakukan menggunakan pro gram komputer analisis probit. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan, terdapat perbedaan kerentanan P. xylostella, tergantung pada asal (strain) P. xylostella. Berdasarkannilai LC50 insektisida uji, pada umumnya P. xylostella strain Lembang, Pangalengan, Kejajar/Dieng, dan Batu sangatresisten terhadap deltametrin dan profenofos kecuali strain Berastagi tidak diketahui. Semua strain P. xylostella(Lembang, Pangalengan, Kejajar/Dieng, Batu, dan Berastagi) rentan terhadap fipronil dan B. thuringiensis subsp./varkurstaki strain EG 7841. Plutella xylostella strain Lembang, Pangalengan, dan Berastagi sangat resisten terhadap B.thuringiensis subsp./var. kurstaki strain HD-7, sedang P. xylostella strain Kejajar/Dieng dan Batu agak resistenterhadap abamektin. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini terbukti, bahwa pemantauan perkembangan resistensi P.xylostella terhadap jenis insektisida yang umum digunakan oleh petani kubis sangat penting dilakukan secara rutin.Hasil penelitian ini juga berguna untuk menyusun data dasar LC50 dan strategi pengelolaan resistensi insektisida.AB STRACT. Moekasan, T.K., S. Sastrosiswojo, T. Rukmana, H. Sutanto, I.S. Purnamasari, and A. Kurnia.2004. Re sis tance study in five strains of Plutella xylostella (L.) to fipronil, delta meth rin, Ba cil lus thuringiensis,profenofos, and abamectin for mu lated prod ucts. The tox ic ity of fipronil, delta meth rin, profenofos, abamectin, Ba -cil lus thuringiensis subsp./var kurstaki strain EG 7841 (crymax WDG), and B. thuringiensis subsp./var. kurstaki strainHD-7 (dipel WP), was as sessed in the lab o ra tory against field strains of di a mond back moth (DBM), Plutellaxylostella (L.) from Lembang, Pangalengan, Kejajar/Dieng, Batu, and Berastagi cab bage grow ing ar eas us ing aleaf-dip bioassay us ing sec ond or third instar lar vae. Re sults in di cated that there were dif fer ences in DBM susceptibilityde pend ing upon their or i gin. In gen eral, Lembang, Pangalengan, Kejajar/Dieng, and Batu DBM strains werehighly re sis tant to delta meth rin and profenofos ex cept for Berastagi DBM strain was un known, based on their LC50val ues. All DBM field strains (Lembang, Pangalengan, Kejajar/Dieng, Batu, and Berastagi) were sus cep ti ble tofipronil and B. thuringiensis subsp./var strain kurstaki EG 7841 (crymax WDG), ex cept for Pangalengan strain in di -cated slightly re sis tant to crymax WDG. Highly re sis tant was shown by DBM strains from Lembang, Pangalengan,and Berastagi to B. thuringiensis subsp./var kurstaki strain HD-7 (dipel WP), and mod er ate re sis tant was shown byDBM strains from Kejajar/Dieng and Batu to abamectin. Re sults from lab o ra tory bioassay sug gest that pop u la tions ofP. xylostella from the cen ters of most veg e ta ble grow ing ar eas have evolved re sis tance to delta meth rin and profenofos,and partly to B. thuringiensis and abamectin. This study also proved that rou tine mon i tor ing on the de vel op ment ofDBM resitance to com monly used of in sec ti cides by cab bage farm ers is very im por tant. Re sult of this study is use ful toes tab lish base line data of LC50 and strategy for insecticide resistance management.
Kelayakan Teknis dan Ekonomis Penerapan Teknologi Pengendalian Hama Terpadu pada Sistem Tanam Tumpanggilir Bawang Merah dan Cabai Moekasan, Tony Koestony; Suryaningsih, Euis; Sulastri, Ineu; Gunadi, Nikardi; Adiyoga, Witono; Hendra, A.; Martono, M. A.; Karsum, -
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 14, No 3 (2004): September 2004
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticultural Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Percobaan lapangan menggunakan metode perbandingan perlakuan berpasangan telah dilaksanakan di Desa BojongNagara, Kecamatan Ciledug, Kabupaten Cirebon, Jawa Barat (± 5 m dpl), dari bulan Juni sampai Desember 2002.Percobaan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan teknis dan ekonomis penerapan teknologi pengendalian hamaterpadu (PHT) yang dihasilkan oleh Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran dibandingkan dengan teknologi yang umumdigunakan oleh petani. Tiap perlakuan diulang empat kali, dengan ukuran petak perlakuan adalah 5 x 20 m = 100 m2.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan rakitan komponen teknologi PHT pada bawang merah dan cabai yangdihasilkan oleh Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran secara ekonomi lebih menguntungkan dibandingkan dengansistem petani, karena nilai nisbah R/C di petak PHT sebesar 1,47 sedangkan nilai nisbah R/C di petak petani sebesar0,84. Secara ekologi, penerapan PHT pada sistem tanam tumpanggilir bawang merah dan cabai lebih menguntungkankarena dapat menekan penggunaan insektisida dan fungisida masing-masing sebesar 61,53 dan 100% pada tanamanbawang merah dan 72,72 dan 90,90% pada tanaman cabai, sehingga residu insektisida di dalam tanah menurunsebesar 23,06% inhibisi dan fungisida menurun sebesar 50,72% inhibisi, sedangkan di petak petani residu insektisidadi dalam tanah meningkat sebesar 8,14% inhibisi dan fungisida menurun sebesar 20,37% inhibisi. Sementara populasipred a tor di petak PHT lebih tinggi (11,54-55,55%) dibandingkan dengan populasinya di petak petani. Populasi agenshayati, yakni Bacillus sp. dan Trichoderma sp. pada petak PHT lebih tinggi, masing-masing sebesar 35,31 dan 58,35%dibandingkan populasi di petak petani. Residu insektisida dan fungisida pada hasil panen bawang merah dan cabai dipetak PHT masih di bawah ambang batas yang diijinkan, sedangkan residu pada hasil panen bawang merah dan cabaipada petak petani berada di atas ambang batas yang diijinkan.AB STRACT. Moekasan, T.K., E. Suryaningsih, I. Sulastrini, N. Gunadi, W. Adiyoga, A. Hen dra, M.A.Martono, and Karsum. 2004. Tech ni cal and eco nom i cal fea si bil ity of in te grated pest man age ment tech nol ogyon intercropping sys tem of shal lot and hot pep per. A field ex per i ment us ing a paired treat ment com par i son methodwas con ducted at Bojong Nagara vil lage, Ciledug sub dis trict, Cirebon dis trict, West Jawa (±5 m asl) from June un tilDe cem ber 2002. The pur pose of this study was to com pare the tech nique and eco nomic fea si bil ity of in te grated pestman age ment (IPM) tech nol ogy found by In do ne sian Veg e ta bles Re search In sti tute with farmer’s sys tem on shal lotand hot pep per in re lay plant ing sys tem. The ex per i ment used com par i son de sign with four rep li ca tions. The plot sizewas 100 m2. The re sults on shal lot showed that IPM im ple men ta tion gave more eco nom i cally ad van tages than thefarmer’s sys tem, be cause R/C ra tio on IPM plot was 1.47 and R/C ra tio on farmer’s plot was 0.84 re spec tively. On hotpep per, the plant dam age in IPM plot was lower that the dam age in farmer’s plot, but the yield on IPM plot was lowerthan the yield on farmer’s plot. Implementation of IPM could sup press the use of in sec ti cides and fun gi cides ca. 61.53and 100% re spec tively on shal lot and 72.72 and 90.90% re spec tively on hot pep per. In IPM plot, in sec ti cide and fun gi -cide res i due in the soil de creased ca. 23.06% in hi bi tion and 50.72% in hi bi tion re spec tively. In the other hand, the in -sec ti cide res i due in the soil in farmer’s plot in creased ca. 8.14% in hi bi tion, but the fun gi cide res i due de creased ca.20.37% in hi bi tion. Di ver sity of fauna in the plan ta tion in IPM plot was higher (22.03%) than the di ver sity in farmer’splot. Pred a tors pop u la tion in IPM plot was higher (11.54-55.55%) than the pop u la tion in farmer’s plot. Pop u la tion ofBa cil lus sp. and Trichoderma sp. in IPM plot higher (35.31 and 58.35% re spec tively) than the pop u la tion in farmer’splot. Pes ti cide res i due in shal lot bulbs and hot pep per fruits in IPM plot was at the lower level than thresh old level, butthe res i due in farmer’s plot sur passed the thresh old level.
Sta tus Resistensi Lima Strain Plutella xylostella L. terhadap Formulasi Fipronil, Deltametrin, Profenofos, Abamektin, dan Bacillus thuringiensis Moekasan, Tony Koestony; Sastrosiswojo, Soedarwo -; Rukmana, T. -; Sutanto, H. -; Purnamasri, I. S.; Kurnia, A. -
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 14, No 2 (2004): Juni 2004
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jhort.v14n2.2004.p84-90


Toksisitas formulasi insektisidafipronil, deltametrin, profenofos, abamektin, Ba cil lus thuringiensis subsp./var.kurstaki strain EG 7841 (crymax WDG) dan B. thuringiensis subsp./var. kurstaki strain HD-7 (dipel WP) diuji dilaboratorium terhadap lima strain lapangan larva Plutella xylostella (L.) yang berasal dari pusat pertanaman kubis diLembang, Pangalengan, Kejajar/Dieng, Batu, dan Berastagi mulai bulan Sep tem ber 2000 sampai dengan Februari2001. Pengujian menggunakan metode pencelupan potongan daun kubis ke dalam tiap larutan insektisida ujikemudian larva P. xylostella instar 2 dan atau 3 diletakkan pada potongan daun kubis tersebut. Penghitungan nilaiLC50 tiap jenis insektisida yang diuji dilakukan menggunakan pro gram komputer analisis probit. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan, terdapat perbedaan kerentanan P. xylostella, tergantung pada asal (strain) P. xylostella. Berdasarkannilai LC50 insektisida uji, pada umumnya P. xylostella strain Lembang, Pangalengan, Kejajar/Dieng, dan Batu sangatresisten terhadap deltametrin dan profenofos kecuali strain Berastagi tidak diketahui. Semua strain P. xylostella(Lembang, Pangalengan, Kejajar/Dieng, Batu, dan Berastagi) rentan terhadap fipronil dan B. thuringiensis subsp./varkurstaki strain EG 7841. Plutella xylostella strain Lembang, Pangalengan, dan Berastagi sangat resisten terhadap B.thuringiensis subsp./var. kurstaki strain HD-7, sedang P. xylostella strain Kejajar/Dieng dan Batu agak resistenterhadap abamektin. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini terbukti, bahwa pemantauan perkembangan resistensi P.xylostella terhadap jenis insektisida yang umum digunakan oleh petani kubis sangat penting dilakukan secara rutin.Hasil penelitian ini juga berguna untuk menyusun data dasar LC50 dan strategi pengelolaan resistensi insektisida.AB STRACT. Moekasan, T.K., S. Sastrosiswojo, T. Rukmana, H. Sutanto, I.S. Purnamasari, and A. Kurnia.2004. Re sis tance study in five strains of Plutella xylostella (L.) to fipronil, delta meth rin, Ba cil lus thuringiensis,profenofos, and abamectin for mu lated prod ucts. The tox ic ity of fipronil, delta meth rin, profenofos, abamectin, Ba -cil lus thuringiensis subsp./var kurstaki strain EG 7841 (crymax WDG), and B. thuringiensis subsp./var. kurstaki strainHD-7 (dipel WP), was as sessed in the lab o ra tory against field strains of di a mond back moth (DBM), Plutellaxylostella (L.) from Lembang, Pangalengan, Kejajar/Dieng, Batu, and Berastagi cab bage grow ing ar eas us ing aleaf-dip bioassay us ing sec ond or third instar lar vae. Re sults in di cated that there were dif fer ences in DBM susceptibilityde pend ing upon their or i gin. In gen eral, Lembang, Pangalengan, Kejajar/Dieng, and Batu DBM strains werehighly re sis tant to delta meth rin and profenofos ex cept for Berastagi DBM strain was un known, based on their LC50val ues. All DBM field strains (Lembang, Pangalengan, Kejajar/Dieng, Batu, and Berastagi) were sus cep ti ble tofipronil and B. thuringiensis subsp./var strain kurstaki EG 7841 (crymax WDG), ex cept for Pangalengan strain in di -cated slightly re sis tant to crymax WDG. Highly re sis tant was shown by DBM strains from Lembang, Pangalengan,and Berastagi to B. thuringiensis subsp./var kurstaki strain HD-7 (dipel WP), and mod er ate re sis tant was shown byDBM strains from Kejajar/Dieng and Batu to abamectin. Re sults from lab o ra tory bioassay sug gest that pop u la tions ofP. xylostella from the cen ters of most veg e ta ble grow ing ar eas have evolved re sis tance to delta meth rin and profenofos,and partly to B. thuringiensis and abamectin. This study also proved that rou tine mon i tor ing on the de vel op ment ofDBM resitance to com monly used of in sec ti cides by cab bage farm ers is very im por tant. Re sult of this study is use ful toes tab lish base line data of LC50 and strategy for insecticide resistance management.
Kelayakan Teknis dan Ekonomis Penerapan Teknologi Pengendalian Hama Terpadu pada Sistem Tanam Tumpanggilir Bawang Merah dan Cabai Tony Koestony Moekasan; Euis Suryaningsih; Ineu Sulastri; Nikardi Gunadi; Witono Adiyoga; A. Hendra; M. A. Martono; - Karsum
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 14, No 3 (2004): September 2004
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticulture Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jhort.v14n3.2004.p188-203


Percobaan lapangan menggunakan metode perbandingan perlakuan berpasangan telah dilaksanakan di Desa BojongNagara, Kecamatan Ciledug, Kabupaten Cirebon, Jawa Barat (± 5 m dpl), dari bulan Juni sampai Desember 2002.Percobaan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan teknis dan ekonomis penerapan teknologi pengendalian hamaterpadu (PHT) yang dihasilkan oleh Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran dibandingkan dengan teknologi yang umumdigunakan oleh petani. Tiap perlakuan diulang empat kali, dengan ukuran petak perlakuan adalah 5 x 20 m = 100 m2.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan rakitan komponen teknologi PHT pada bawang merah dan cabai yangdihasilkan oleh Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran secara ekonomi lebih menguntungkan dibandingkan dengansistem petani, karena nilai nisbah R/C di petak PHT sebesar 1,47 sedangkan nilai nisbah R/C di petak petani sebesar0,84. Secara ekologi, penerapan PHT pada sistem tanam tumpanggilir bawang merah dan cabai lebih menguntungkankarena dapat menekan penggunaan insektisida dan fungisida masing-masing sebesar 61,53 dan 100% pada tanamanbawang merah dan 72,72 dan 90,90% pada tanaman cabai, sehingga residu insektisida di dalam tanah menurunsebesar 23,06% inhibisi dan fungisida menurun sebesar 50,72% inhibisi, sedangkan di petak petani residu insektisidadi dalam tanah meningkat sebesar 8,14% inhibisi dan fungisida menurun sebesar 20,37% inhibisi. Sementara populasipred a tor di petak PHT lebih tinggi (11,54-55,55%) dibandingkan dengan populasinya di petak petani. Populasi agenshayati, yakni Bacillus sp. dan Trichoderma sp. pada petak PHT lebih tinggi, masing-masing sebesar 35,31 dan 58,35%dibandingkan populasi di petak petani. Residu insektisida dan fungisida pada hasil panen bawang merah dan cabai dipetak PHT masih di bawah ambang batas yang diijinkan, sedangkan residu pada hasil panen bawang merah dan cabaipada petak petani berada di atas ambang batas yang diijinkan.AB STRACT. Moekasan, T.K., E. Suryaningsih, I. Sulastrini, N. Gunadi, W. Adiyoga, A. Hen dra, M.A.Martono, and Karsum. 2004. Tech ni cal and eco nom i cal fea si bil ity of in te grated pest man age ment tech nol ogyon intercropping sys tem of shal lot and hot pep per. A field ex per i ment us ing a paired treat ment com par i son methodwas con ducted at Bojong Nagara vil lage, Ciledug sub dis trict, Cirebon dis trict, West Jawa (±5 m asl) from June un tilDe cem ber 2002. The pur pose of this study was to com pare the tech nique and eco nomic fea si bil ity of in te grated pestman age ment (IPM) tech nol ogy found by In do ne sian Veg e ta bles Re search In sti tute with farmer’s sys tem on shal lotand hot pep per in re lay plant ing sys tem. The ex per i ment used com par i son de sign with four rep li ca tions. The plot sizewas 100 m2. The re sults on shal lot showed that IPM im ple men ta tion gave more eco nom i cally ad van tages than thefarmer’s sys tem, be cause R/C ra tio on IPM plot was 1.47 and R/C ra tio on farmer’s plot was 0.84 re spec tively. On hotpep per, the plant dam age in IPM plot was lower that the dam age in farmer’s plot, but the yield on IPM plot was lowerthan the yield on farmer’s plot. Implementation of IPM could sup press the use of in sec ti cides and fun gi cides ca. 61.53and 100% re spec tively on shal lot and 72.72 and 90.90% re spec tively on hot pep per. In IPM plot, in sec ti cide and fun gi -cide res i due in the soil de creased ca. 23.06% in hi bi tion and 50.72% in hi bi tion re spec tively. In the other hand, the in -sec ti cide res i due in the soil in farmer’s plot in creased ca. 8.14% in hi bi tion, but the fun gi cide res i due de creased ca.20.37% in hi bi tion. Di ver sity of fauna in the plan ta tion in IPM plot was higher (22.03%) than the di ver sity in farmer’splot. Pred a tors pop u la tion in IPM plot was higher (11.54-55.55%) than the pop u la tion in farmer’s plot. Pop u la tion ofBa cil lus sp. and Trichoderma sp. in IPM plot higher (35.31 and 58.35% re spec tively) than the pop u la tion in farmer’splot. Pes ti cide res i due in shal lot bulbs and hot pep per fruits in IPM plot was at the lower level than thresh old level, butthe res i due in farmer’s plot sur passed the thresh old level.