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Agricore: Jurnal Agribisnis dan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Unpad Vol 6, No 2 (2021): Volume 6 Nomor 2
Publisher : Departemen Sosial Ekonomi Faperta Unpad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/agricore.v6i2.34778


AbstrakHarga cabai rawit yang berfluktuasi menyebabkan petani cabai rawit takut akan adanya kerugian karena tidak dapat memprediksi harga. Salah satu cara yang bisa dilakukan untuk mencegah kerugian adalah dengan melakukan peramalan (forecasting). Peramalan merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk memprediksi sesuatu di masa depan menggunakan data di masa lalu. Salah satu metode peramalan bernama Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing, merupakan metode yang biasa digunakan pada barang yang memiliki pola harga musiman, sesuai dengan cabai rawit yang merupakan tanaman musiman. Peramalan yang dilakukan menggunakan data sebanyak 108 buah, yaitu data harga rata-rata bulanan cabai rawit di Kota Malang dari 2012-2020. Menggunakan nilai inisialisasi level 0.99, trend 0.01, seasonal 0.01, didapatkan MAPE sebesar 31%, MAD sebesar 9762, dan MSD sebesar 183465457. Hasil peramalan harga cabai rawit di Kota Malang untuk tahun 2021 mengalami pola naik dan turun. Bila dibandingkan dengan data aktual, harga peramalan lebih rendah daripada harga aktual, tetapi pola yang dihasilkan sama, dikarenakan musim penghujan dari bulan Januari yang menyebabkan petani menjadi gagal panen, dan harga melambung tinggi. Rekomendasi untuk para petani di Kota Malang adalah dengan mengatur luas tanam pada saat musim penghujan, melakukan penanaman secara tumpangsari, menjual cabai rawit dalam bentuk selain cabai rawit segar, dan menjalin kemitraan dengan perusahaan.Kata kunci: cabai rawit, peramalan harga, holt-winters exponential smoothingAbstractThe fluctuating price of rawit chilli causes rawit chilli farmers to hesitate to plant rawit chilli, because they are afraid of losses. A way that can be done to prevent losses is by forecasting. Forecasting is a method used to predict something in the future using data from the past. One of the forecasting methods is called Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing, which is commonly used for goods that have seasonal price patterns, and one of them is rawit chilli. Forecasting is done by using 108 data units, consist of data on the monthly average price of rawit chilli in Malang City from 2012-2020. With level initialization value of 0.99, trend of 0.01, seasonal of 0.01, they produce MAPE of 31%, MAD of 9762, and MSD of 183465457. The results of forecasting of the rawit chilli’s price  experience up and down pattern. When compared with the actual data, the forecasted price is lower than the actual price, but the pattern is the same, due to the rainy season from January which causes farmers to fail, and prices soar. Recommendations that can be given to farmers in Malang City are to regulate the planting area during the rainy season, do intercropping, sell rawit chilli in forms other than fresh rawit chilli, and establish partnerships with companies.Keywords: rawit chilli, forecasting, holt-winters exponential smoothing
CONSUMER PURCHASING DECISIONS ON PROCESSED FOOD PRODUCTS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Anisa Aprilia; Heptari Elita Dewi; Andrean Eka Hardana; Imaniar Ilmi Pariasa; Yerho David Hasudungan Harahap; Tissa Permata Prasanti
Agrisocionomics: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol 5, No 2 (2021): November 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Science, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/agrisocionomics.v5i2.9289


This study aims to analyze the determinant factors that influence consumer purchasing decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Seventy-five respondents were selected with the criteria of having purchased processed food products made from vegetables and fruits online and offline during the COVID-19 pandemic in Malang. The analytical method used was a regression with the logit model. The dependent variable is the purchase decision, while the independent variables used include social trust (related to handling) to merchants, social trust (related to handling) to couriers, positive information (benefit-centered), negative information (risk-centered), labeling, and government support. The results showed that each variable positively influences purchasing decisions, but only one variable has a significant effect, namely labeling. This research suggests that producers can develop marketing for processed food products by adding complete labeling, such as halal labels.
PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT MELALUI APLIKASI MANAJEMEN DESIGN PRODUCT PENGOLAHAN LIMBAH ORGANIK MENJADI PUPUK ORGANIK CAIR Heptari Elita Dewi; Anisa Aprilia; Imaniar Ilmi Pariasa; Andrean Eka Hardana; Novi Haryati; Effy Yuswita; Djoko Koestiono; Rachman Hartono; Fitria Dina Riana; Silvana Maulidah; Dwi Laila Maulida
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 6, No 3 (2022): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (658.461 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v6i3.8034


Abstrak: Setiap tahun, limbah yang dihasilkan oleh rumah tangga semakin meningkat. Limbah ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai alternatif pupuk organik. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini antara lain: (1) meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat mengenai pengolahan dan manfaat pupuk organik cair melalui kegiatan webinar; (2) meningkatkan kemampuan mitra melalui aplikasi manajemen design product pengolahan limbah jeruk menjadi pupuk organik cair; dan (3) meningkatkan produktivitas mitra melalui pengolahan limbah jeruk menjadi pupuk organik cair. Mitra dari kegiatan ini adalah Komunitas Puri Hijau Royo Royo Kelurahan Arjowinangun Kota Malang. Metode pengabdian meliputi persiapan, sosialisasi, tahap pelatihan awal melalui webinar, dan tahap pelatihan pembuatan pupuk organik dan design product. Hasil dari post test webinar, lebih dari 90% peserta menjawab pertanyaan dengan benar, yang menunjukkan peningkatan pemahaman peserta tentang pengelolaan limbah. Hasil dari pelatihan pembuatan pupuk organik adalah mitra dapat memproduksi pupuk organik cair secara mandiri.Abstract: Every year, waste produced by households is increasing. This waste can be used as an alternative organic fertilizer. The objectives of the community service program include: (1) increasing community understanding of processing and benefits of liquid organic fertilizer through webinar activities; (2) improve the ability of partners through the application of design product management by processing orange waste into liquid organic fertilizer; and (3) increase the productivity of partners through processing orange waste into liquid organic fertilizer. The partner of this program is Komunitas Puri Hijau Royo Royo, Arjowinangun Village, Malang. The method of service community includes preparation, socialization, initial training through webinar, and training of making organic fertilizer and design product. The results of the webinar' post-test show more than 90% of participants answered questions correctly, which showed an increase in participants' understanding of waste management. The result of training in making organic fertilizer is partners can produce liquid organic fertilizer independently.
Persepsi Generasi Muda Berdasarkan Proses Kognitif Terhadap Pertanian: Studi Pada Mahasiswa Baru Anisa Aprilia; Imaniar Ilmi Pariasa; Heptari Elita Dewi; Andrean Eka Hardana
Jurnal Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis Vol 7, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Social Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jepa.2023.007.02.35


This reserach aims to analyze the factors influencing the younger generation's perception of agriculture based on accepted cognitive processes and the influence of the perception factors on the interest of the younger generation to work in the agricultural sector. The research survey was conducted on new students from the faculty of agriculture after they attended student orientation. While the analysis used is descriptive analysis, factor analysis, and logistic regression analysis, which have previously been tested for the validity and reliability of research data. The research finding is that there are three main factors in the perception of the younger generation towards agriculture, namely individual perceptions, economic perceptions, and socio-cultural perceptions. In the meantime, only the economic perception factor has a big effect on young people's desire to work in agriculture. 
IBU PINTAR, LINGKUNGAN SEHAT: EDUKASI DAN PELATIHAN PENGOLAHAN LIMBAH DOMESTIK GUNA MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS LINGKUNGAN HIDUP Imaniar Ilmi Pariasa; Djoko Koestiono; Effy Yuswita; Rachman Hartono; Fitria Dina Riana; Silvana Maulidah; Novi Haryati; Arif Yustian Maulana Noor; Anisa Aprilia; Heptari Elita Dewi; Andrean Eka Hardana
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 7, No 2 (2023): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v7i2.13724


Abstrak: Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini antara lain: (1) menambah dan meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat, yakni Ibu rumah tangga mengenai penanganan limbah domestik dan daur ulang sampah; dan (2) memberikan pelatihan pengolahan limbah rumah tangga menjadi komposter yang bermanfaat bagi sekitar. Kegiatan ini juga berkolaborasi dengan Komunitas Bank Sampah Rumah Unik Kota Batu yang telah memiliki pengalaman peran aktif sebagai pelaku dan penggiat pengolahan sampah yang sehat dan bermanfaat. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh seluruh anggota dan perangkat desa, sehingga melibatkan unsur dosen, tenaga Pendidikan, mahasiswa dan juga masyarakat dengan jumlah peserta 23 orang.Rangkaian kegiatan yang dilakukan meliputi persiapan usulan, koordinasi, tahap pelatihan dan pelaporan kegiatan. Luaran pengabdian masyarakat yang dimaksud telah sesuai dengan harapan, dimana terdapat peningkatan hamper di seluruh aspek indikator. Bahkan Sebagian besar dari peserta pelatihan bersedia berbagi informasi mengenai penanganan sampah domestik kepada.Abstract: The objectives of this community service activity include: (1) increasing and increasing community understanding, namely housewives regarding handling domestic waste and recycling waste; and (2) providing training on processing household waste into composters that are beneficial to the surroundings. This activity also collaborates with the Unique Rumah Garbage Bank Community in Batu City, which has experience playing an active role as an actor and activist for healthy and useful waste management. This activity was attended by all members and village officials, thus involving elements of lecturers, education staff, students and also the community with a total of 23 participants. The series of activities carried out included proposal preparation, coordination, training stages and activity reporting. The intended output of community service is in accordance with expectations, where there is an increase in almost all aspects of the indicators. In fact, most of the training participants were willing to share information about handling domestic waste with them.