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Penyuluhan kepada Siswa Kelas XII SMK Batik Sakti 2 Kebumen untuk Menumbuhkan Jiwa Wirausaha Bhenu Artha; Antonius Satria Hadi; Ardhi Khairi
E-Dimas: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 12, No 1 (2021): E-DIMAS
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26877/e-dimas.v12i1.6149


Siswa SMK Batik Sakti 2 Kebumen belum memiliki gambaran tentang membuka usaha secara mandiri. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan wawasan pada para siswa kelas XII SMK Batik Sakti 2 Kebumen mengenai kewirausahaan, UMKM, permodalan, dan pemasaran. Kegiatan ini menggunakan metode penyuluhan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman serta kesadaran para peserta, juga contoh-contoh tentang kewirausahaan, jenis-jenis usaha dan sosok wirausahawan yang dapat dijadikan contoh. Pemberian materi penyuluhan dilaksanakan selama satu hari saat jam kerja. Peserta pengabdian kepada masyarakat di sekolah ini diikuti sebanyak 60 siswa. Setelah mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat, semua peserta diharapkan memiliki pengetahuan tentang kewirausahaan sebagai modal ilmu untuk membuka usaha di kemudian hari.
Biaya Operasional Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO): Suatu Telaah Pustaka Bhenu Artha; Bahri Bahri; Ardhi Khairi; Sry Adelina Rajagukguk
Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Sosial Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Bojonegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (230.494 KB) | DOI: 10.56071/jemes.v5i1.290


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui variabel-variabel yang terkait dengan Biaya Operasional Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode telaah pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa kesimpulan yang tidak senada antara pengaruh BOPO terhadap Return On Assets (ROA), profitabilitas, dan penyaluran kredit yaitu berpengaruh negatif, berpengaruh positif, dan tidak berpengaruh. Hal-hal tersebut disebabkan karena adanya perbedaan tempat penelitian yang menyebabkan perbedaan karakteristik perusahaan baik ukuran, usia dan lingkup kerja, serta disebabkan adanya perbedaan jumlah sampel yang diteliti.
ABDIMAS ALTRUIS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (412.298 KB) | DOI: 10.24071/aa.v4i2.3495


This community service activity to give counseling to fish farmer groups in Dukuh Brengosan, Donoharjo Village, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region which aims to provide additional understanding and knowledge to the fish farmer group "Mujur Fish Farm" about the product life cycle and digital marketing so that existing products can be widely marketed by utilizing e-marketplace. The community service activity aims to increase understanding and additional knowledge to the “Mujur Fish Farm” fish farmer group in Donoharjo Village about the product life cycle and digital marketing which is carried out using lecturing, demonstrating, and question answer methods. The benefits that participants can get from this community service activity include increasing knowledge, understanding, and experience of the "Mujur Fish Farm" fish farmer group in Donoharjo Village about the product life cycle and digital marketing.
A Literature Review of Non-Performing Loan Ardhi Khairi; Bahri Bahri; Bhenu Artha
Journal of Business and Management Review Vol. 2 No. 5 (2021): (Issue-May)
Publisher : Profesional Muda Cendekia Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47153/jbmr25.1402021


Lending is the primary business of retail banking and non-performing loans (NPLs) have been the focus of attention in recent years. In the wake of the 2008–2010 financial crisis, non-performing loans (NPLs) had increased everywhere, but in some countries they had reached unprecedented heights. Several banks have experienced a particularly challenging period over recent years and the Great Financial Crisis has highlighted the weakness of the banking system and the need to further investigate banks’ asset quality and transparency from both a regulatory and an accounting perspective, which pressure by different institutions for a more accurate assessment of loan portfolios led to the general need for higher provisioning in a period characterised by extremely low interest rates and low bank profitability. The objective of this research is to determine the factors associated with non-performing loans. We presented a literature study using systematic literature review of relevant publications and as a result of this process, we included 21 articles and then examined the bibliographical references to check the validity of the inquiry and to avoid any potential omissions. We identified several variables that affect NPLs and those that are influenced by NPLs. We found no variables that associate with policies, and strongly suggest research for variables that associate with policies.
The Effect of R&D Expenditure on CO2 Emissions in Austria Bhenu Artha; Bahri Bahri; Ardhi Khairi; Fernando Fernando
Journal of Business and Management Review Vol. 2 No. 6 (2021): (Issue-June)
Publisher : Profesional Muda Cendekia Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47153/jbmr26.1482021


The developed financial sector can significantly provide financial services to developing economies by the motive as well as best opportunity of using new advanced technology; it may help them to maintain clean environment with help of environmentally friendly production, thus providing with a higher level of the global environmental quality and further it will boost sustainable development of economies (J. Frankel & Rose, 2002). Financial development would increase R&D investment as to speed up growth, thereby influencing the environmental quality (J. A. Frankel & Romer, 1999). The objective of this research is to determine the effect of R&D expenditure on CO2 emissions in Austria in 1996-2006. We presented a quantitative study using simple linear regression to analyze the data and as a result of this process, we found that R&D expenditure has significant effect to CO2 emissions in Austria in 1996-2006. The fact that R&D influence on CO2 emissions can be positive, negative and insignificant must be taken into account when designing environmental policies and various programs, strategies and initiatives to encourage and fund R&D activities, in the context of environmental protection, government efforts should be strictly focused on the promotion and support of R&D programs directly aimed at reducing CO2 emissions and increasing the use thereof (Petrović & Lobanov, 2020).
The Effect of Crude Oil Price on Merchandise Trade: Evidence from East Asia and Pacific Bhenu Artha; Bahri; Cahya Purnama Asri; Ardhi Khairi; Fikri Alamsyah
Journal of Business and Management Review Vol. 2 No. 8 (2021): (Issue-August)
Publisher : Profesional Muda Cendekia Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47153/jbmr28.1852021


One of the most important production inputs is energy, particularly crude oil. The impacts of oil price fluctuations on global trade flows can be understood by the uncertainty channel, fluctuations in oil prices may create uncertainty about the future path of the oil price, causing consumers to postpone irreversible purchases of consumer durable goods, and also causing firms to postpone irreversible investments, and also recent hikes and fluctuations in oil prices since 1999 have attracted attention and invoked concerns about their devastating effects on a variety of economic activities. The objective of this research is to determine the influence of crude oil price to merchandise trade in East Asia and Pacific. This research uses quantitative methods and linear regression analysis. The results of the analysis show that there is negative and significance effect of crude oil price on merchandise trade in East Asia and Pacific for the period 1987 – 2019.
Pemilihan Strategi Pemasaran di Era Digital pada Kelompok Ibu PKK Desa Gadingharjo Antonius Satria Hadi; Ardhi Khairi
Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): Dinamisia: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/dinamisia.v4i1.3246


Community engagement activities in the form of counseling to mothers of family empowerment and welfare in Gadingharjo Village, Sanden Sub-District, Bantul Regency is aim to provide additional understanding, knowledge, and training to mothers of family empowerment and welfare in Gadingharjo Village in choosing the right marketing strategy in the digital era and industry 4.0 so the products can be marketed widely by utilizing an application-based marketplace that is currently being popular in Gadingharjo Village, namely Shopee application. Counseling aims to provide additional understanding, knowledge, and training to mothers of family empowerment and welfare in Gadingharjo Village in choosing the right marketing strategy in the digital era and industry 4.0 with lecturing, demonstrating, question & answer, and practicing methods. The benefits that can be obtained by participants from community service activities are increased knowledge and understanding of mothers of family empowerment and welfare in Gadingharjo Village about industry 4.0 and about choosing digital marketing strategies by utilizing an application-based marketplace.
Penyuluhan Penganggaran untuk Wirausaha pada Anggota Kelompok Mujur Fish Farm di Dusun Brengosan, Sleman, Yogyakarta Bhenu Artha; Antonius Satria Hadi; Bahri Bahri; Ardhi Khairi; Niken Permata Sari
Humanis Vol. 21, No. 1 Juni 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/humanis.v21i1.22041


This community service activity to give counseling to fish farmer groups in Dusun Brengosan, Donoharjo Village, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region which aims to provide additional understanding and knowledge to the fish farmer group "Mujur Fish Farm" about financial budgeting. The community service activity aims to increase understanding and additional knowledge to the “Mujur Fish Farm” fish farmer group in Donoharjo Village about financial budgeting which is carried out using lecturing, demonstrating, and question & answer methods. The benefits that participants can get from this community service activity include increasing knowledge, understanding, and experience of the "Mujur Fish Farm" fish farmer group in Donoharjo Village about financial budgeting.
Net Interest Margin: Suatu Studi Literatur: Net Interest Margin: A Literature Study Bhenu Artha; Utami Tunjung Sari; Bahri; Ardhi Khairi
Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Sosial Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen dan Sosial
Publisher : Universitas Bojonegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56071/jemes.v5i2.317


Sejak pecahnya krisis keuangan lebih dari satu dekade lalu, beberapa faktor telah mempersempit margin bunga bersih dari operasional perusahaan, yang merupakan sumber pendapatan utama khususnya di kalangan perbankan. Margin dan spread bunga bersih yang tinggi menyiratkan suku bunga pinjaman yang tinggi dan suku bunga simpanan yang relatif rendah. Net interest margin (NIM) merupakan pendapatan bunga bersih dikurangi beban bunga bersih semua dibagi dengan total asset. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui determinan net interest margin. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode systematic literature review. Variabel return on assets (ROA) tidak konsisten keterkaitannya dengan NIM, dimana terdapat penelitian-penelitian yang menyatakan NIM berpengaruh positif maupun negatif terhadap ROA, dan terdapat penelitian yang menyatakan tidak ada pengaruh. Hal ini perlu penelitian lebih lanjut, dengan menambahkan variabel kontrol atau moderasi.
AGRITA (AGri) Vol 4, No 2 (2022): December
Publisher : Universitas Suryakancana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35194/agri.v4i2.2700


Analisis makroekonomi salah satunya meliputi analisis pertumbuhan ekonomi secara empiris. Katalis pertumbuhan ekonomi yang sebenarnya perlu diketahui untuk merumuskan kebijakan yang komprehensif dan efektif untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendapatan pertanian terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di kawasan Asia Selatan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Data dalam penelitian ini diambil dari laman World Bank, yaitu data pendapatan pertanian dan produk domestik bruto sebagai proksi pertumbuhan ekonomi. Penelitian ini menggunakan periode tahun 1960-2019. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan pertanian bepengaruh positif signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi.