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The Surroundings Medicinal Plants and its Utilization for Women Healthcare in Masbangun Village, Kayong Utara District Fathul Yusro; Rania Rania; Yeni Mariani; Evy Wardenaar; Yanieta Arbiastutie
Publisher : Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/bioma.v5i2.10587


The knowledge of medicinal plants possessed by traditional healers (battra) must be transmitted to the next generation, one of them by using plants that are around to overcome health problems related to feminity. This study aims to analyze the level of community knowledge on the plant species that are used to overcome some issues related to femininity, the plants most widely used by the community, and the plant species most preferred for the treatment of certain diseases to femininity. The research method was conducted by interview technique with purposive sampling. The respondents' number is 30% of the total households in the village of Masbangun (320 respondents). The interviews were conducted using a questionnaire containing several questions related to the surrounding plant species used by the community to address health problems related to femininity. The results showed that most people in Masbangun Village (90%) knew the benefits of medicinal plants in the surrounding environment. A total of 16 types of medicinal plants are used as ingredients for women's health care. The plants that have a high use value are the heart of a Musa paradisiaca, Zingiber officinale, Curcuma domestica, and Piper betle. Medicinal plants with the highest FL values are Zingiber purpureum, Centella asiatica, Zingiber officinale (pre/postpartum), Musa paradisiaca (breastfeeding), Quercus infectoria (vaginal discharge), Premna cordifolia (body odor), Vigna radiata (female fertility) and Cocos nucifera (blackening hair). The level of utilization of medicinal plants by the community in Masbangun Village is in the medium category (6-10 species). The majority of users are women between the ages of 41-60 and 21-40 years old, elementary school education, work of housewives, and farmers.
Pengetahuan Lokal Tumbuhan Obat Oleh Pengobat Tradisional di Desa Antan Rayan Kabupaten Landak Kalimantan Barat Marlina Pakpahan; Yeni Mariani; Yanieta Arbiastutie; Fathul Yusro
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 7, No 3 (2022): Juli 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v7i3.4503


Traditional healers (shamans or Batra) are people who have local knowledge in concocting plants as medicine to treat diseases suffered by the community. Currently, the number of those who are still practicing traditional medicine is decreasing. The purpose of this study was to document the local knowledge possessed by traditional healers or shamans in Antan Rayan Village, Landak Regency, West Kalimantan. The selection of respondents (traditional healers) was carried out using the snowball method. Respondents were interviewed regarding their local knowledge about the plants used to treat diseases in the Antan Rayan village community, the parts of the plants used, processing and usage methods, and the frequency of use. In Antan Rayan's village, four traditional healers (shaman/battra) still carry out traditional medicine using medicinal plants. From this study, 86 medicinal plant species were documented and included in 31 families, and Lamiaceae was the most commonly used family. These healers use these plants to treat various diseases the villagers suffered. The leaf is the most widely used part of the plant (44%). The most commonly used processing and usage method is boiling (48% and 54%), with the most common frequency being three times a day (45%).
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jhl.v10i4.46460


Diversity of orchid species is a natural biological wealth that needs to be disclosed as the carrying capacity of an area as well as supporting educational and research activities. This research aims to measure the level of diversity of natural orchid species found in the Gunung Melintang Nature Tourism Park region. The research was conducted in January 2020 using a survey method with 15 plots double sampling technique with a size of 20 m x 20 m. The data analysis were Importance Value Index (INP), Dominance index (C), Index of Wealth Species (D), Diversity Index (H'), Abundance Index (e) and Species Similarity Index (IS). The results showed the most dominant species is Bromheadia finlaysoniana with an INP is 14,394. The value of species divercity index is 1.0277, which mean that it had moderate diversity. Beside that, the value of dominance index is 0,1098 (no species dominate), species richness index is 5,245 (high) and an abundance index is 0,8967.Keyword: diversity of species, orchid, Gunung Melintang Nature Tourism ParkAbstractKeanekaragaman jenis anggrek merupakan kekayaan alam hayati yang perlu diungkapkan keberadaannya  sebagai daya dukung suatu kawasan sekaligus menunjang kegiatan pendidikan dan penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat keanekaragaman jenis anggrek alam yang terdapat di kawasan TWA Gunung Melintang. Penelitian dilaksanakan Januari 2020  menggunakan metode survei dengan teknik sampling petak ganda sebanyak 15 petak dengan ukuran 20 m x 20 m.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa spesies yang paling mendominasi adalah Bromheadia finlaysoniana dengan INP sebesar 13,394. Nilai Indeks Keanekaragaman Jenis sebesar 1.0277 artinya memiliki keanekaragaman jenis yang sedang. Selain itu, nilai Indeks Dominansi sebesar 0.1098 (tidak ada spesies yang mendominasi), nilai Indeks Kekayaan Jenis sebesar 5.2450 (tinggi) dan nilai Indeks Kelimpahan sebesar 0.8967. Kata kunci: anggrek, keanekaragaman jenis, TWA Gunung Melintang
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jhl.v10i4.53528


West Kalimantan is one area that has many freshwater areas, which include rivers, lakes and swamps, this condition causes many endemic species to be found in Kalimantan. The purpose of this study was to record and find the diversity of freshwater fish species in Nanga Salin Hamlet, Putussibau Selatan District, Kapuas Hulu Regency. This research was conducted from 27 September 2020 – 07 November 2020. The determination of the research station was carried out by purposive sampling based on: (1) river areas where according to public information there were a lot of fish and (2) the characteristics of the waters where the research was conducted. Based on this, the location of this research was determined as many as three observation locations, namely: Keriau River, Talai River and Lisum River. From 9 observation stations, 54 species of freshwater fish were identified (12 families). There are 42 species of fish found in the Keriau River (10 families). There are 23 species in the Talai River (4 families), while in the Lisum River there are 15 species (4 families). The river in the research location has enormous potential as a freshwater fish habitat. This is indicated by the large number of fish species identified from this area.Keyword: Fish Diversity, Keriau river, Lisum river, Nanga Salin Hamlet, Talai river. AbstrakKalimantan Barat merupakan salah satu wilayah yang banyak memiliki kawasan perairan tawar, yang meliputi sungai, danau dan rawa, kondisi ini menyebabkan banyak ditemukan jenisyang endemik untuk Kalimantan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendata dan menemukan keanekaragaman jenis ikan air tawar di Dusun Nanga Salin Kecamatan Putussibau Selatan Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 27 September 2020 – 07 November 2020. Penentuan stasiun penelitian dilakukan secara purposive sampling berdasarkan: (1) wilayah sungai yang menurut informasi masyarakat banyak terdapat ikan dan (2) karakteristik perairan tempat penelitian dilakukan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka lokasi penelitian ini ditentukan sebanyak tiga lokasi pengamatan, yaitu: Sungai Keriau, Sungai Talai dan Sungai Lisum. Dari 9 stasiun pengamatan teridentifikasi 54 jenis ikan air tawar (12 famili). Ada 42 jenis ikan yang ditemukan di Sungai Keriau (10 famili). Di Sungai Talai terdapat 23 spesies (4 famili), sedangkan di Sungai Lisum terdapat 15 spesies (4 famili). Sungai di lokasi penelitian memiliki potensi yang sangat besar sebagai habitat ikan air tawar. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan banyaknya jenis ikan yang teridentifikasi dari daerah ini.Keyword: Keanekaragaman Ikan, Sungai Keriau, Sungai Lisum, Dusun Nanga Salin, Sungai Talai.
INVENTARISASI TUMBUHAN BAWAH BERKHASIAT OBAT DI TAMAN NASIONAL DANAU SENTARUM KABUPATEN KAPUAS HULU PROVINSI KALIMANTAN BARAT Inventory Underground Plant as Source of Medicinal Plants from Danau Sentarum National Park Kapuas Hulu Regency West Kalimantan Yanieta Arbiastutie
Tengkawang : Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan Vol 3, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Tengkawang
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jt.v3i1.10944


Diversity of biological resources in primary forest is not only limited to the woody plant species, but also covered by underground plant which has diverse species high diversity. This underground plant as one part of the forest ecosystem is a plant that has potential as a medicine. The study aims to conduct an inventory of underground plant species in Danau Sentarum National Park Kapuas Hulu Regency West Kalimantan Province. The method used a plot inventory with studied area of ​​6 hectares, and sampling intensity of 0.4% across the sample plots with an area of ​​4 m2. Each rectangular-shaped sample plots with a size of 2 m x 2 m, and total number of sample plots was 50 plots. The sample plots are arranged systematically with distance between sample plots in a baseline was 10 m, while the distance between the baselines was 100 m. A line was made perpendicular to the river. The results showed there are 60 species underground plant which 42 species was a medicinal plants, 15 species was a shrubs, 27 species of herbs, ferns totaled 7 species, fungi consists of 4 species, 16 species of grass and 18 species was other underground plant. The Riang Bejid plant (Medinilla crassifolia) has the highest density value, frequency, INP and Shannon diversity index than other underground plants. The INP of Riang Bejid was 20.625%. Based on the test of phytochemicals, underground plant has secondary metabolites which contained alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins and sterols. This underground plant has a potential as medicine and anti-cancer. Keywords: Danau Sentarum National Park, inventory, medicinal plant, underground plant