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Web Streaming TVUPI as Modern Communication Model And Contribution To Learning Quality Deni Darmawan
MIMBAR (Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan) Volume 33, No. 1, Year 2017 [Accredited by Ristekdikti]
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5621.76 KB) | DOI: 10.29313/mimbar.v33i1.2317


Web streaming TVUPI as a modern campus communication model developed for 2 years through design, testing, revision, dissemination, and measuring its contribution to the quality of learning. Through modern campus communication model, it is expected that all parties both on national and international scale would be able to interact quickly and appropriately in meeting the information needs of UPI. Development of TVUPI as a communication model involves scholars who support, particularly, from the communication science. Thus, practically and scientifically, Web streaming TVUPI is qualified for a modern campus communication model. The method used is Research & Development (R&D) during the design process. Whereas, testing and revision is done along with the lecturing process, considering that this research is on research group's scientific which should integrate the research process with the improvement of learning quality. In addition, TVUPI has access address of, intended to support the management of message transformation in order to imaging UPI at national and international level.
Aplikasi Microsoft Excel Dalam Penyelesaian Masalah Rata-rata Data Berkelompok Devy Andriyani; Erwin Harahap; Farid Hijri Badruzzaman; Muhammad Yusuf Fajar; Deni Darmawan
Matematika Vol 18, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Matematika
Publisher : Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/jmtm.v18i1.5078


Abstrak. Era digital menuntut segala bentuk aktivitas dikerjakan dengan cepat, efektif, dan efisien, dengan pemanfaatan teknologi yang mutakhir. Pada era reformasi teknologi 4.0 saat ini, berbagai informasi dapat diperoleh dalam waktu yang singkat melalui perangkat pintar dengan aplikasi tertentu, salah satunya adalah aplikasi untuk menghitung nilai rata-rata. Penyelesaian masalah nilai rata-rata pada data berkelompok memerlukan suatu usaha perhitungan yang teliti dan kompleks. Pada artikel ini penulis menguraikan sebuah aplikasi untuk penyelesaian masalah perhitungan nilai rata-rata pada data berkelompok secara efektif, cepat, dan akurat dengan menggunakan software Microsoft Excel. Kata kunci: microsoft excel, rata-rata data berkelompok, aplikasi matematikaAbstract. Digital era can demand all of activity to working with quick, effective, and efficient with utilization a up to date’s technology. In the era of Reformation Technology 4.0, various information was obtained in a short time via smart device with particular application , one of them is application to calculate average. Finishing a average’s problem in group data can make a careful and complex calculation effort. In this article, the author outlines a application for completed a problem of calculate average for group data with effective, quick, and accurate with using a Microsoft ExcelKeywords : Microsoft Excel, average group data, application in mathematics
Blog Folio in Blended Learning: a Development of Students’ Information Processing Skills in Digital Age Ulfia Rahmi; Deni Darmawan
AT-TA'LIM Vol 25, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1224.878 KB) | DOI: 10.15548/jt.v25i2.369


Paradigm shift in educational context support to instructional innovation, such as online learning, blended learning, and mobile learning. Researcher implemented the blended learning by using blog as portfolios for students. The purpose in this research was to identify the effects of using a blog in blended learning to improve collage student’s information processing skill in virtual environment. The facilitation given to college students in order to familiar with through search, collect, manages, and communicates information in digital age. Research subject is collage students in Development of Innovation Instructional Model course on period January-June 2017 at Educational Technology in Universitas Negeri Padang. This research used three instruments, consist of 1) the rubrics for identify information processing skill, 2) questionnaire for using blog folio, and 3) interview guided about advantages, challenges and obstacles to use a blog in blended learning. The result show that using blog folio can help collage students to improved information processing skills because they understood and tried the steps of that skill. Furthermore, they admitted by using blog folio can increased motivation, participation and give advantages.
Pengembangan Aplikasi Sistem Database Virtual Community Digital Learning Nusantara (VCDLN) Menggunakan Model Waterfall Dan Pemrograman Terstruktur Andri Suryadi; Deni Darmawan; Dian Rahadian; Dinn Wahyudin; Cepi Riyana
JURNAL PETIK Vol 8, No 1 (2022): Vol 8 No 1 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Institut Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31980/jpetik.v8i1.1424


 Abstract — Along with the development of today's era and technology, humans are required to make changes, especially in the field of education. The challenges that occur in education are very complex, especially during the current covid-19 pandemic. All learning is carried out online/PJJ (distance learning) to minimize the spread of the covid-19 virus. So, the impact that occurs is that all schools must change all knowledge strategies face-to-face to Online Learning (PJJ). Of course, this is not easy because several things include teachers' readiness, student, and technology resources. In addition, if learning is carried out remotely, there must be other supporting materials, one of which is quality content. Quality content must go through a review process first. However, no forum can meet the needs of the review process, so there is a need for a community-based system that can accommodate the content review process to produce quality content. In this study, a learning community database system application was developed related to developing quality content. The development of this database system application will use the waterfall method with structured programming. The stages are carried out using the waterfall method, starting from analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. Meanwhile, structured programming is used when designing applications and implementing the waterfall method. So that with the application of this database system, it is hoped that the quality of the content to be published, especially in the field of education, will be guaranteed. Students will get the material as expected with quality content, especially with distance learning during this pandemic.Keywords — content, database system, waterfalls, quality Abstrak — Seiring dengan perkembangan jaman dan teknologi saat ini, manusia dituntut untuk dapat melakukan perubahan terutama di bidang pendidikan. Tantangan yang terjadi di bidang pendidikan sangat kompleks terlebih pada saat pandemi covid-19 sekarang ini seluruh pembelajaran dilakukan secara daring/PJJ (pembelajaran jarak jauh) untuk meminimalisir penyebaran virus covid-19 tersebut. Maka, dampak yang terjadi adalah seluruh sekolah harus mengubah seluruh strategi pembelajaran yang selama ini tatap muka menjadi PJJ. Tentu hal tersebut tidaklah mudah karena beberapa hal diantaranya kesiapan dari sumber daya guru, siswa, dan teknologi. Selain itu, jika pembelajaran dilakukan secara jarak jauh maka harus ada materi pendukung lainnya salah satunya konten yang berkualitas. Konten berkualitas tersebut harus melewati proses review terlebih dahulu. Namun pada saat ini belum adanya wadah yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan proses review tersebut sehingga perlu adanya sebuah sistem berbasis komunitas yang dapat mewadahi proses review konten tersebut sehingga dapat menghasilkan sebuah konten yang berkualitas. Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan sebuah aplikasi sistem database komunitas pembelajaran terkait dengan pembangunan konten yang berkualitas tersebut. Pengembangan aplikasi sistem database ini akan menggunakan metode waterfall dengan pemrograman terstruktur. Tahapan yang dilakukan menggunakan metode waterfall mulai dari analisis, desain, implementasi, pengujian, dan pemeliharaan. Sedangkan pemrograman terstruktur dipakai pada saat melakukan desain aplikasi dan implementasi pada metode waterfall. Sehingga dengan adanya aplikasi sistem database ini, diharapkan konten yang akan dipublikasi terutama di bidang pendidikan akan terjamin kualitasnya. Dengan adanya konten yang berkualitas, maka siswa akan mendapatkan materi sesuai dengan yang diharapkan terlebih dengan pembelajaran jarak jauh di masa pandemi ini. Kata kunci — konten sistem database waterfall kualitas