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JURNAL PETIK Vol 1, No 1 (2015): PETIK Vol 1 No. 1 Tahun 2015
Publisher : Institut Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31980/jpetik.v1i1.56


Dalam lingkungannya (masyarakat umum dan sekolah), guru merupakan teladan yang patutdicontoh dalam kehidupan mereka sehari-hari. Hal ini menuntut kemampuan sosial gurudengan masyakat, sebagai upaya mewujudkan proses pembelajaran yang efektif dan akanmempengaruhi hubungan sekolah dengan masyarkat lebih baik lagi. Namun, tidak sedikitstigma negatif dan bahkan melemahkan citra guru, baik sebagai opini maupun berita yangmuncul di media massa. Dalam kondisi seperti ini dibutuhkan sikap adil, baik dari gurumaupun masyarakat secara umum, yang menunjukkan identitas dan karakter guru sebagaiprofesional dan anggota masyarakat yang edukatif.Kompetensi sosial guru tidak bisa dipahami secara general, tapi lebih spesifik dantergantung kelompok sosial yang ada di masyarakat. Kompetensi sosial terintegrasi dalamprofesi guru. Guru profesional secara otomatis akan mampu mengembangkan kompetensisosialnya. Salah satu indikator kompetensi sosial guru adalah kemampuan guru dalammenunjukkan kedudukan dan perannya di masyarakat, baik dengan ketokohannya,hubungannyan dengan setiap level strata sosial yang ada di masyarakat sertaproduktivitasnya sebagai masyarakat intelektual.Untuk meningkatkan profesionalitas dan mengembangkan kompetensi sosial guru, perludipertimbangkan tugas guru untuk berperan lebih aktif dan produktif dalam lingkunganmasyarakatnya. Waktu untuk menjalankan kewajiban guru sebagai profesional tidakdihabiskan dengan tatap muka bersama peserta didik d ruang kelas, melainkan denganpenguatan kedudukan dan perannya di masyarakat.
PEDAGOGIA Vol 15, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/pedagogia.v15i2.8094


Media utilization technology as supporting learning activities more open. Good learning can be supported from a conducive learning environment as well as the communication link between teachers, students can run well. The learning process will be effective when utilizing the various facilities and infrastructure provided includes utilizing a variety of media study. Ironic when the rapid technological developments, the tendency of the learning process that occurs at this time are mostly conventional learning monotonous so it is not able to explore the potential of students and only pose a stiff learning makes students feel bored during the course of the learning process. To solve the above problems, the teacher should be able to create a state of active learning, creative, effective and fun. The integration of the learning process of students with the teacher's teaching has led to an instructional activities that harmony does not come alone but through the settings using the media as one of support in learning activities, one of the efforts undertaken in this study is the use of media android as a learning medium to increase motivation and reading skills of students in learning Arabic.This study uses a quasi-experimental method with de`esain study is a non-equivalent control group pre-test and post-test design, using two-class as an experimental class and control class. Begins by providing an early test to identify students' mastery of skills. Then implemented learning by using media digital books in the experimental class and ordinary classroom learning control. After learning is completed the final test to identify students 'motivation, improved reading skills and to measure students' reading skills. Then the data obtained were analyzed with statistical analysis.The results showed that the use of digital media android based eBook positive effect on student motivation and positive influence on the improvement of students' reading skills in learning Arabic sub subject Bidayatul Faizin I'rob in high school.
Gunahumas Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Gunahumas
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fakta bahwa kemampuan pemahaman dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis merupakan salah satu kemampuan matematika tingkat tinggi yang harus dimiliki oleh setiap peserta didik. Selain itu kemampuan pemahaman dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis jarang diterapkan dalam pembelajaran matematika di sekolah. Salah satu model pembelajaran yang dapat menjadi alternatif bagi pembelajaran matematika dan kemampuan pemahaman dan pemecahan masalah matematis adalah model pembelajaran IMPROVE. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan i-spring suite 8 pada model pembelajaran IMPROVE untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman dan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi eksperimen karena penelitian ini menggunakan satu kelas eksperimen dan satu kelas kontrol sebagai subyek penelitian. Cara pengambilan subjek penelitian yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Subjek penelitian dipilih sebanyak dua kelas dari keseluruhan peserta didik kelas XI SMA Muhammadiyah Banyuresmi tahun pelajaran 2019/2020. Dari hasil penelitian dan perhitungan statistik diperoleh kesimpulan: 1) Terdapat peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman dan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik yang dalam pembelajarannya menggunakan i-spring suite 8 pada model pembelajaran IMPROVE; 2) Terdapat peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman dan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik yang dalam pembelajarannya menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional/direct instruction; 3) Terdapat peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman dan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik yang dalam pembelajarannya menggunakan i-spring suite 8 pada model pembelajaran IMPROVE dibandingkan dengan peserta didik yang dalam pembelajarannya menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional/direct instruction; 4) Tidak terdapat perbedaan kemampuan pemahaman dan pemecahan masalah matematis peserta didik yang dalam pembelajarannya menggunakan i-spring suite 8 pada model pembelajaran IMPROVE dan yang menggunakan model konvensional/direct instruction.Kata kunci: Kemampuan Pemahaman Matematis, Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis, Model IMPROVEABSTRACT This research is motivated by the fact that the ability to understand and the ability to solve mathematical problems is one of the high-level mathematical abilities that must be possessed by every student. In addition, the ability to understand and the ability to solve mathematical problems are rarely applied in mathematics learning in schools. One learning model that can be an alternative for mathematics learning and mathematical understanding and problem solving abilities is the IMPROVE learning model. This study aims to determine the application of ispring suite 8 on the IMPROVE learning model to improve students' mathematical understanding and problem solving abilities. The research method used is quasi-experimental because this study uses one experimental class and one control class as research subjects. The method of taking the research subject used was purposive sampling. The research subjects were selected as many as two classes from all grade XI students of SMA Muhammadiyah Banyuresmi in the 2019/2020 academic year. From the results of research and statistical calculations conclusions: 1) There is an increase in the ability to understand and solve mathematical problems of students who in learning use the i-spring suite 8 on the IMPROVE learning model; 2) There is an increase in the ability of understanding and solving mathematical problems of students who in learning use conventional learning models / direct instruction; 3) There is an increase in students' mathematical understanding and problem solving abilities in learning using i-spring suite 8 in the IMPROVE learning model compared to students in learning using conventional learning models / direct instruction; 4) There is no difference in the ability to understand and solve mathematical problems of students who in learning use the i-spring suite 8 on the IMPROVE learning model and who use the conventional model / direct instruction.Keywords: Mathematical Understanding Ability, Mathematical Problem Solving Ability, IMPROVE Model
PENERAPAN APLIKASI TES BEBRASIS KOMPUTER (CBT) UNTUK MEMBANTU PERAN GURU DAN SISWA DALAM MELAKSANAKAN UJIAN Dian Rahadian; Andri Suryadi; Dian Nurdiana; Siti Husnul Bariyah; Iman Nasrulloh; Demmy Dharma Bakti; Kuntum Annisa; Yuniar Purwanti
Jurnal Pekemas Vol 1 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Pekemas Tahun 2018
Publisher : Lembaga Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut

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Based on the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 4 of 2018 concerning Assessment of Learning Outcomes by the Education Unit and Assessment of Learning Outcomes by the Government, the implementation of the National Examination is prioritized through the computer-based national examination (UNBK). This is a problem in some schools that will implement computer-based national exams, especially in Garut district. Based on the results of a survey conducted by a team at several schools in Garut regency, several problems were found such as lack of infrastructure in schools, lack of knowledge about computers in students, lack of applications that could familiarize students and teachers in examinations so students were a little awkward when facing National exam. Therefore, it is necessary to have an application that can help students, teachers, and schools get used to computer-based exams. The methods used in this service are (1) Training / Workshop; (2) Dialogue, Installation, and Simulation; (3) Application Testing (4) Evaluation. Supporting Tools These activities include Infocus and Screen, Laptop, Stationery, and KIT training. Based on the results and discussions that have been conducted, it can be concluded that community service activities with the title of application of computer-based test (CBT) application to help the role of teachers and students in carrying out the tests run well and are useful for users. This can be proven by evaluation of 4 types, namely this application can be useful (usefulness), ease in use (ease of use), ease of learning (ease of learning) and satisfaction in using (satisfaction)
Pemanfaatan E-Marketplace Online Dalam Mengembangkan Potensi Usaha Berbasis Keunggulan Lokal Desa Margalaksana Dian Rahadian; Yuniar Purwanti; Iman Nasrulloh; Siti Husnul Bariah; Kuntum An Nisa Imania; Dudi Suprihadi
Jurnal Pekemas Vol 2 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Pekemas Tahun 2019
Publisher : Lembaga Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut

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The development of information and communication technology is currently experiencing very rapid development. The presence of internet technology has a major impact on various areas of human life. The rapid growth of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Margalaksana Village area of Salawu District is an opportunity for business actors to expand their business reach to market their products by utilizing internet technology. E-Marketplace is an electronic / online product marketing platform that brings together many sellers and buyers to transact with each other. The purpose of this training is to provide understanding and skills to small and medium entrepreneurs, especially in the Margalaksana Village area so that they can develop their business in an online marketplace by utilizing the internet network. This activity is a training part of the community service program carried out by the PKM team and lecturers of the Information Technology Education Study Program.
Optimalisasi Penerapan ICT dan Pendekatan Sainstifik Dalam Pembelajaran Dian Rahadian; Yuniar Purwanti; Siti Husnul Bariah; Kuntum An Nisa Imania; Iman Nasrulloh; Dudi Suprihadi
Jurnal Pekemas Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Pekemas Tahun 2020
Publisher : Lembaga Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut

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Technological advances are currently experiencing very rapid developments marked by the emergence of information and communication technology which is increasingly sophisticated and innovative from year to year. The field of education is one of the most important fields to pay attention to for the fulfillment of qualified human resources to advance the development of a nation. The purpose of this training is to provide understanding and skills to teachers in managing learning by using information and communication technology in a scientific approach. The training participants consisting of teachers at the MI, MTs, and MA education levels gave a positive response which was indicated by the enthusiasm of the number of participants who took part in the training and questions and answers during the training.
Pelatihan Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Online Learning Management System Menggunakan Moodle Dian Rahadian; Iman Nasrulloh; Siti Husnul Bariah; Kuntum An Nisa Imania; Yuniar Purwanti; Dudi Suprihadi; Fikri Azis Athoillah
Jurnal Pekemas Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Pekemas Tahun 2020
Publisher : Lembaga Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut

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The impact of the Covid 19 pandemic requires teachers to change the learning approach, which was originally carried out face-to-face at school to distance learning using internet technology. Teachers have a strategic role and function in learning, of course, the quality of a teacher is the main key to managing learning. This training aims to equip teachers in managing the online learning management system using Moodle so that learning components can be integrated into one learning service and are expected to be implemented in the implementation of learning. This activity is a training part of the community service program carried out by the lecturers of the Information Technology Education Study Program. The activity is carried out by presenting material about online learning management and direct practice of managing online-based content / subject matter. Based on the results of filling out a questionnaire from 14 teacher participants, they responded positively to the online learning management training.
Pengembangan Aplikasi Sistem Database Virtual Community Digital Learning Nusantara (VCDLN) Menggunakan Model Waterfall Dan Pemrograman Terstruktur Andri Suryadi; Deni Darmawan; Dian Rahadian; Dinn Wahyudin; Cepi Riyana
JURNAL PETIK Vol 8, No 1 (2022): Vol 8 No 1 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Institut Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31980/jpetik.v8i1.1424


 Abstract — Along with the development of today's era and technology, humans are required to make changes, especially in the field of education. The challenges that occur in education are very complex, especially during the current covid-19 pandemic. All learning is carried out online/PJJ (distance learning) to minimize the spread of the covid-19 virus. So, the impact that occurs is that all schools must change all knowledge strategies face-to-face to Online Learning (PJJ). Of course, this is not easy because several things include teachers' readiness, student, and technology resources. In addition, if learning is carried out remotely, there must be other supporting materials, one of which is quality content. Quality content must go through a review process first. However, no forum can meet the needs of the review process, so there is a need for a community-based system that can accommodate the content review process to produce quality content. In this study, a learning community database system application was developed related to developing quality content. The development of this database system application will use the waterfall method with structured programming. The stages are carried out using the waterfall method, starting from analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. Meanwhile, structured programming is used when designing applications and implementing the waterfall method. So that with the application of this database system, it is hoped that the quality of the content to be published, especially in the field of education, will be guaranteed. Students will get the material as expected with quality content, especially with distance learning during this pandemic.Keywords — content, database system, waterfalls, quality Abstrak — Seiring dengan perkembangan jaman dan teknologi saat ini, manusia dituntut untuk dapat melakukan perubahan terutama di bidang pendidikan. Tantangan yang terjadi di bidang pendidikan sangat kompleks terlebih pada saat pandemi covid-19 sekarang ini seluruh pembelajaran dilakukan secara daring/PJJ (pembelajaran jarak jauh) untuk meminimalisir penyebaran virus covid-19 tersebut. Maka, dampak yang terjadi adalah seluruh sekolah harus mengubah seluruh strategi pembelajaran yang selama ini tatap muka menjadi PJJ. Tentu hal tersebut tidaklah mudah karena beberapa hal diantaranya kesiapan dari sumber daya guru, siswa, dan teknologi. Selain itu, jika pembelajaran dilakukan secara jarak jauh maka harus ada materi pendukung lainnya salah satunya konten yang berkualitas. Konten berkualitas tersebut harus melewati proses review terlebih dahulu. Namun pada saat ini belum adanya wadah yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan proses review tersebut sehingga perlu adanya sebuah sistem berbasis komunitas yang dapat mewadahi proses review konten tersebut sehingga dapat menghasilkan sebuah konten yang berkualitas. Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan sebuah aplikasi sistem database komunitas pembelajaran terkait dengan pembangunan konten yang berkualitas tersebut. Pengembangan aplikasi sistem database ini akan menggunakan metode waterfall dengan pemrograman terstruktur. Tahapan yang dilakukan menggunakan metode waterfall mulai dari analisis, desain, implementasi, pengujian, dan pemeliharaan. Sedangkan pemrograman terstruktur dipakai pada saat melakukan desain aplikasi dan implementasi pada metode waterfall. Sehingga dengan adanya aplikasi sistem database ini, diharapkan konten yang akan dipublikasi terutama di bidang pendidikan akan terjamin kualitasnya. Dengan adanya konten yang berkualitas, maka siswa akan mendapatkan materi sesuai dengan yang diharapkan terlebih dengan pembelajaran jarak jauh di masa pandemi ini. Kata kunci — konten sistem database waterfall kualitas
Perancangan dan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Praktikum Dengan Performance Assessment Untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran TIK Di SMAN 6 Garut Dian Rahadian; Ikeu Suryani; Siti Husnul Bariyah
JURNAL PETIK Vol 6, No 1 (2020): Vol 6 No 1 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Institut Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (481.663 KB) | DOI: 10.31980/jpetik.v6i1.750


Permasalahan ini di latar belakangi atas permasalahan kurangnya keaktifan siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 6 Garut pada mata pelajaran Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui : 1) perancangan penggunaan metode pembelajaran berbasis praktikum dengan performance assessment; 2) mengetahui implementasi metode pembelajaran berbasis praktikum dengan performance assessment; dan 3) untuk mengetahui hasil penerapan metode pembelajaran berbasis praktikum dengan performance assessment. Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan jenis penelitian Mix Method, bahwa analisis data dilakukan dengan kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian yang mengacu pada Model ADDIE (Anayisis, Design, Development, Implementation dan Evaluation). Model ADDIE ini digunakan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran berupa RPP dengan pemilihan metode pembelajaran yang digunakan adalah metode praktikum dengan performance assessment. Untuk subjek penelitian yaitu kelas X MIPA 2 dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 31 siswa. Data dikumpulkan dengan observasi/ penelitian secara langsung, penilaian kinerja (performance assessment), angket respon siswa dan observasi guru. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, untuk implementasi metode pembelajaran berbasis praktikum dengan performance assessment terlebih dahulu merancang RPP sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan karakteristik siswa. Setelah perancangan RPP selesai dirancang maka implemenatasinya di sesuaikan dengan rencana yang telah disusun/ dirancang. Untuk hasil penilaian kinerja (performance assessment) didapatkan 67,74% siswa dengan kategori sangat baik,  22,58% siswa dapat dikategorikan memiliki kinerja baik dan 9,68% siswa dikategorikan memiliki kinerja cukup, tidak ada siswa yang memiliki kinerja kurang atau rendah, dan rata-rata nilai penilaian kinerja (performance assessment) yaitu 79,07 menunjukan bahwa penilaian siswa pada Performance Assessment dalam kategori BAIK. Sedangkan, nilai rata-rata angket tanggapan siswa yaitu 83,61% yang termasuk pada kategori angket siswa BAIK / TERTARIK. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan metode pembelajaran berbasis praktikum dengan performance assessment dapat meningkatkan keaktifan siswa, karena dengan penggunaan performance assessment siswa dituntut untuk berperan aktif dalam pembelajaran. Kata kunci :Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Praktikum, Performance Assessment, Keaktifan Siswa  Abstract    This problem is due to the lack of activeness of class X students of SMA 6 Garut in the subject of Information and Communication Technology. The purpose of this study is to find out: 1) the design of the use of practical based learning methods with performance assessment; 2) knowing the implementation of practicum-based learning methods with performance assessment; and 3) to find out the results of the application of practicum-based learning methods with performance assessment. The research conducted is a type of Mix Method research, that data analysis is done qualitatively and quantitatively with a research design that refers to the ADDIE Model (Anayisis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation). ADDIE model is used to develop learning tools in the form of lesson plans with the selection of learning methods used are practical methods with performance assessment. For research subjects, class X MIPA 2 with a total of 31 students. Data were collected by direct observation / research, performance assessment (questionnaire), student questionnaire responses and teacher observation. Based on the results of the study, for the implementation of practicum-based learning methods with performance assessment in advance designing lesson plans in accordance with the needs and characteristics of students. After the design of the lesson plan is completed, the implementation is adjusted to the plan that has been prepared / designed. For the performance assessment results obtained 67.74% of students with very good categories, 22.58% of students can be categorized as having good performance and 9.68% of students are categorized as having sufficient performance, there are no students who have poor or low performance, and the average value of performance assessment (performance assessment) which is 79.07 shows that the assessment of students on Performance Assessment in the GOOD category. Meanwhile, the average value of the student response questionnaire was 83.61% which was included in the GOOD / INTERESTED student questionnaire. It can be concluded that the use of practical based learning methods with performance assessment can increase student activity, because by using performance assessment students are required to play an active role in learning. Keywords : Practicum Based Learning Method, Performance Assessment, Student Activity
Model Auditory Intellectually Repetition (AIR) Berbantuan Video Pembelajaran untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Siswa Yuniar Purwanti; Munira Habibah Putri; Dian Rahadan
JURNAL PETIK Vol 5, No 2 (2019): Vol 5 No 2 Tahun 2019
Publisher : Institut Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (370.468 KB) | DOI: 10.31980/jpetik.v5i2.595


Abstrak - Kemampuan siswa untuk memahami dalam mata pelajaran sejarah sangat diperlukan karena siswa perlu membangun pengetahuan baru dari pengalaman dan pengetahuan sebelumnya. Model Auditory Intellectually Repetition (AIR) berbantuan video pembelajaran dianggap sesuai untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dalam Sejarah. Tujuan penelitian adalah 1) untuk mengetahui apakah ada peningkatan pemahaman siswa tentang mata pelajaran Sejarah setelah menerapkan model AIR dibantu dengan pembelajaran video dan 2) untuk mengetahui apakah peningkatan pemahaman siswa dalam mata pelajaran Sejarah menerapkan UDARA. video pembelajaran model video pembelajaran berbantuan lebih baik dibandingkan dengan yang menerapkan video pembelajaran. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Quasi Experimental Design yang melibatkan dua kelas Ilmu Sosial di SMAN 6 Garut sebagai kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen. Penelitian ini menunjukkan peningkatan pemahaman siswa tentang mata pelajaran sejarah baik di kelas kontrol dengan 25,86 dan di kelas eksperimen dengan 38,47 yang secara statistik berbeda nyata. Pemahaman siswa tentang mata pelajaran Sejarah berdasarkan Uji t menunjukkan bahwa kelas eksperimen meningkat lebih dari kelas kontrol. Pemahaman siswa tentang mata pelajaran sejarah menunjukkan peningkatan dalam menggunakan metode AIR dibantu oleh video pembelajaran dan video pembelajaran. Pemahaman siswa yang meningkat lebih baik pada model AIR yang dibantu dengan video pembelajaran.Kata kunci: Model Auditory Intellectually Repetition (AIR), video pembelajaran, pemahaman siswa