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Media Mahardhika Vol 17 No 3 (2019): May 2019
Publisher : STIE Mahardhika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (731.851 KB) | DOI: 10.29062/mahardika.v17i3.107


            The creative industry which is one of Indonesia's valuable cultural heritages and has been known throughout the world is Batik. The culture of making batik has also been occupied by some residents of Surabaya, but only its presence has not been widely exposed. However, its existence is still not developed optimally, the Surabaya city government initiated the Putat Batik House as the center handmade Batik Village in Surabaya. The purpose of this research is to obtain the formulation of strategies that can be applied to maximize the utilization of potential effort to develop the Medium Creative Industry (IKM) of handmade batik in Surabaya. The value chain mapping is carried out as a basis of information on value formation in a creative industry which can be seen from the aspects of creation, production, distribution and commercialization. Information of value chain mapping is valuable for an input to determine the strategic factors of batik industry village. The results of the study were obtained, that a value chain process of the IKM handmade batik activities began from material planning to network marketing. The total internal matrix value of 4.013 is classified as "Strong" and the total external matrix value of 4,286 shows the response to the external environment is classified as "High". If the total score of internal and external factors is mapped in the matrix, then the position of the company in the "First" quadrant is a growth strategy, namely: concentration on human resources, skills, target markets,  market expansion and networking and product development.
Pengaruh Etika Bisnis Islam Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Sakinah Swalayan Di Surabaya Agus Sarwo Edi; Erwan Aristyanto
Jurnal Masharif al-Syariah: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah Vol 6, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (98.974 KB) | DOI: 10.30651/jms.v6i1.11369


This study aims to determine and describe the effect of Islamic business ethics (honest, quality, good relations and transparent prices) on the satisfaction of supermarkets in sakinah consumers in Surabaya. Respondents of the analysis in this study were 100 people sakinah supermarket consumers in the Keputih Village, Sukolilo District, Surabaya City. Samples were taken by using incidental sampling which used samples based on chance meeting with the researcher if it was deemed a suitable person as a data source and purposive sampling with sampling carried out with certain considerations, taking into account the desired respondents to facilitate research. Based on the results of data analysis using the t test, it is known that partially (honest, quality, good relations, transparent prices) have a positive and significant effect on (consumer satisfaction) sakinah supermarkets in Surabaya. Meanwhile, based on the results of data analysis using the F test, it is known that simultaneously (honest, quality, good relations, transparent prices) has a positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction at supermarkets in Surabaya.Keywords: Honest, Quality, Good Relations, Transparent Prices, Consumer Satisfaction
Formulation of Alternative and Priority Business Strategies For Footwear Artisans in Sooko Mojokerto Sujani Sujani; Mochamad Syaiful Arif; Agus Sarwo Edi
IJEBD (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Development) Vol 5 No 3 (2022): May 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (469.435 KB) | DOI: 10.29138/ijebd.v5i3.1825


Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Minat Masyarakat Menjadi Nasabah Pada Bank Syariah Di Surabaya Agus Sarwo Edi; Erwan Aristyanto
Jurnal Masharif al-Syariah: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah Vol 7, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (451.081 KB) | DOI: 10.30651/jms.v7i2.15955


This study aims to know and describe the analysis of factors that affect people's interest in becoming customers in sharia bank. Respondents to the analysis in this study were residents in Surabaya City as many as 100 people.Samples are taken using incidental sampling techniques that use samples based on accidentally meeting with researchers when viewed by a suitable person as a data source. Data analysis is performed using statistics with SPSS version 20 tools. Based on the results of data analysis using t test it is known that partially partial knowledge variables have a positive and significant effect on public interest.Location variables have no positive and insignificant effect on public interest.Promotion variables have a positive and significant effect on people's interests. Simultaneous results of knowledge, location, and promotion have a significant effect on people's interest in becoming customers in Sharia banks.There is a dominant influence on people's interest in becoming customers in sharia banks indicated by promotional variables.
Optimasi Produktivitas Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah di Desa Sidowungu Kecamatan Menganti Kabupaten Gresik Melalui Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Manajemen Produksi, Keuangan dan Pemasaran Erwan Aristyanto; Agus Sarwo Edi
BERDAYA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 5 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : LPMP Imperium

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36407/berdaya.v5i1.837


This Community Service Activity is targeted at Small and Medium Enterprises in Sidowungu Village, Menganti District, Gresik Regency. The problems of our MSME partner named Mrs. Nur who produce intestinal chips are dominant in terms of marketing (eg product quality standards, demand for products, lack of product variety, implementation of promotional activities and price competition). In addition, the unstable supply and price of raw materials and other supporting materials (for example: scarcity of raw material supplies and prices of raw materials which tend to fluctuate). The solutions provided for problems in the production sector, the team will provide assistance and training on product quality standards, assistance and training for MSME product development, the use of deep fryers. Assistance and training for MSME product development. Consultation/testing at the UWP Science Laboratory. Counseling on food hygiene from health center cadres. Solutions to problems in the field of Finance, the team will provide training and assistance in making simple bookkeeping to find out the progress of their business and solutions to problems in the field of Marketing, the team will accompany them to make modern and practical labels with the brands they create. Then accompany them to do offline and online marketing so that their market reach is wider. Offline, brochures and banners will be made for these products, while online it will be done by making WhatsApp contacts and marketing through market places. For online marketing, it will be preceded by training and IT assistance involving partners and partner children. Outcome Targets are solutions to the problems they face, presenters in national seminars, scientific publications through national journals, publications in the mass media, intellectual property rights, increasing the quality and quantity of socio-religious behavior, increasing the entrepreneurial spirit, increasing the application of science and technology, and increasing the value of caring each other in the local community. The method used is training and assistance to partners. The plan that will be carried out by the team is to provide assistance and training in the fields of production, finance and marketing. After that the team will escort partners to evaluate each activity program. Then assist partners in sharing knowledge with the wider community. With the implementation of this Community Service activity program, it is hoped that revenue will grow so as to increase the welfare of partners.
Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan Multidisiplin Ilmu (SEMNASTEKMU) Vol 2 No 1 (2022): SEMNASTEKMU
Publisher : Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Komputer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51903/semnastekmu.v2i1.166


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhiminat masyarakat menjadi nasabah pada bank syariah. Responden analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah warga padaKecamatan Gubeng Kota Surabaya sebanyak 100 orang. Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan teknik Insidentalsamplingyang menggunakan sampel berdasarkan kebetulan bertemu dengan peneliti bila dipandang orang yang cocoksebagai sumber data. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan statistik dengan alat bantu SPSSversi 20.Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dengan menggunakan uji t diketahui bahwa secara parsial variabel pengetahuanberpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap minat masyarakat. Variabel lokasi tidak berpengaruh positif dan tidaksignifikan terhadap minat masyarakat. Variabel promosi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap minatmasyarakat. Hasil secara simultan pengetahuan, lokasi, dan promosi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap minatmasyarakat menjadi nasabah pada bank syariah. Terdapat pengaruh yang dominanterhadap minat masyarakat menjadinasabah pada bank syariah ditunjukkan oleh variabel promosi.
Media Mahardhika Vol. 17 No. 3 (2019): May 2019
Publisher : STIE Mahardhika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29062/mahardika.v17i3.107


The creative industry which is one of Indonesia's valuable cultural heritages and has been known throughout the world is Batik. The culture of making batik has also been occupied by some residents of Surabaya, but only its presence has not been widely exposed. However, its existence is still not developed optimally, the Surabaya city government initiated the Putat Batik House as the center handmade Batik Village in Surabaya. The purpose of this research is to obtain the formulation of strategies that can be applied to maximize the utilization of potential effort to develop the Medium Creative Industry (IKM) of handmade batik in Surabaya. The value chain mapping is carried out as a basis of information on value formation in a creative industry which can be seen from the aspects of creation, production, distribution and commercialization. Information of value chain mapping is valuable for an input to determine the strategic factors of batik industry village. The results of the study were obtained, that a value chain process of the IKM handmade batik activities began from material planning to network marketing. The total internal matrix value of 4.013 is classified as "Strong" and the total external matrix value of 4,286 shows the response to the external environment is classified as "High". If the total score of internal and external factors is mapped in the matrix, then the position of the company in the "First" quadrant is a growth strategy, namely: concentration on human resources, skills, target markets, market expansion and networking and product development.