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Prosiding SNATIF 2015: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan Informatika
Publisher : Prosiding SNATIF

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AbstrakSebagai sarana dalam mendukung program pemerintah untuk pengelolaan laporan keuangan dan perpajakan dari aplikasi perhotelan yang telah ada, maka dipandang perlu menggunakan teknologi yang dapat mengelola data keuangan secara cepat dan akurat. Teknologi yang diterapkan oleh Masing masing hotel di wilayah KOTA PASURUAN sebagai salah satu sumber pendapatan daerah di sektor pariwisata, sampai saat ini masih sulit untuk dikontrol dalam hal penyampaian sistem pelaporan pajak hotel dan pajak pendapatan lainnya.Tujuan Pembuatan Sistem Pelaporan Pajak Hotel secara online ialah untukmemperoleh capaian peningkatan pendapatan dari setoran pajak. Dari implementasi sistem online diperoleh peningkatan pendapatan sejumlah 94,33% jika dibandingkan dengan metode pelaporan secara manual.Kata Kunci :Aplikasi, Sistem Online
Rancang Bangun Web Aplikasi Pergi Bareng Sebagai Media Perencanaan Perjalanan dan Komunikasi Menggunakan Metode Agile Berbasis Cloud Computing R Dimas Adityo; Ragil Prasetiyo
Journal of Technology and Informatics (JoTI) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): Vol.2 No.1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Dinamika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (706.653 KB) | DOI: 10.37802/joti.v2i2.110


PERGI BARENG merupakan sistem aplikasi yang dikembangkan untuk menampung suatu bentuk perencanaan perjalanan dan komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh para penggiat perjalanan, sehingga suatu rencana perjalanan dapat dilakukan secara bersamaan atau bersama-sama. Pengembangan sistem aplikasi berjalan seiring menggunakan metode agile dengan pendekatan model Extreme Programming (XP). Proses penyebaran tercepat sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengembangan sistem, platform komputasi awan digunakan sebagai media penyebaran. Pengembangan sistem dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap pengembangan yaitu tahap perencanaan, perancangan, pengembangan (coding), dan pengujian yang dilakukan sesuai dengan prinsip metode agile. Hasil pengujian alpha menjelaskan bahwa secara keseluruhan sistem yang dibangun telah berhasil atau diterima, karena secara fungsional sistem dapat berjalan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Dari hasil pengujian beta variabel efisiensi sebesar 88%, variabel efektif 83%, dan variabel kepuasan 87%. Berdasarkan pengujian terhadap 3 indikator tersebut didapatkan nilai usability sistem sebesar 85%. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa perancangan sistem aplikasi berjalan bersama menggunakan metode agile dengan pendekatan Extreme Programming cocok untuk para penggiat wisata. Diperlukan pengembangan sistem lebih lanjut agar sistem dapat berjalan dengan baik.
Classification of Zakat Fitrah Recipients Using Naïve Bayes Method R Dimas Adityo
JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences) Vol. 5 No. 2 (2020): JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Bhayangkara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (528.249 KB) | DOI: 10.54732/jeecs.v5i2.94


Indonesia is a country with a majority Muslim population. In the daily life of the Indonesian population, it is inseparable from the influences of Islamic teachings. In life in this world there are many commands of Allah that must be carried out, including the order to pay zakat. One of them is when Eid al-Fitr is required to pay zakat fitrah for each of its citizens. In grouping the distribution of zakat fitrah using the Naïve Bayes classification method. Naïve Bayes classification itself is a classification method that can be applied in classification. The classification system used to classify categories of zakat fitrah recipients. From each test results using test data and training data randomly, and each test using training data which increased 37 pieces of data in each test. It can be concluded that the more training data the level of accuracy decreases. The determination of the amount of training data and test data is very influential on the final results of calculations using the Naïve Bayes method. Class determination also affects the final results of calculations using this Naïve Bayes method.
District and City Clasterization Based on Adipura Assessment in The Region of Indonesia Using the Fuzzy Methodc-Means Syariful Alim; M Mahaputra Hidayat; R Dimas Adityo; Elta Deka Wilinda
JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Bhayangkara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (456.593 KB) | DOI: 10.54732/jeecs.v5i1.102


Adipura is an award for Indonesian cities that succeed in cleanliness and management of the urban environment. Adipuraisorganizedby the State Ministry ofEnvironment.Adipurais actually usedasatool to encourage the motivation of government officials and the community to improve and improve environmental hygiene conditions in Indonesia. The problem istodeterminetherecipient ofAdipuratakes2weeksto selectRegenciesandCities in all regions of Indonesia, in this study there were 374 Cities and Regencies collected. Clustering is a method of grouping based on the size of closeness (similarity). Clustering is different from a group, if a group means the group is in the same condition, if not, then definitely not the group. One method that can be usedin clusteringis fuzzy c-means. In the concept ofFuzzyC-Means firstdetermine the center of the cluster, which will mark the average location of each cluster which is then carried out the process of repairing the cluster center and the degree ofmembership of the point to theminimization of objective functions that describe the distance from the data points given to the center of the weighted cluster by the degree of membership of that point. From the results of testing a regional clustering systemthat deservesAdipura with the result that each cluster in each processgets avalue that is always changing, so it cannot determine the labeling of a patent. Data greatly influences the time for application processing. The more data it will take more time for the fastest time is in the Big City category while the longest application execution time is in small cities with a total data of 273.
Mobile Tracking Attendance of Branch Manager PT. Stars International Suhairi; R Dimas Adityo; Mas Nurul Hamidah
JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2020): JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Bhayangkara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.606 KB) | DOI: 10.54732/jeecs.v5i1.106


Nowadays technological developments in daily life are increasingly developing. In the world of work, information technology is needed, especially in absenteeism this is still mostly done manually and fraud often occurs. At PT. Stars International in doing absenteeism the presence of managers is still using the manual method so the process absenteeism cannot be monitored directly. Likewise in the making Report managers have also been using the same method and very consuming time. Then made the system Mobile Attendance Tracking Branch Manager's goal is to avoid cheating in attendance at PT.Stars International. After doing Mobile Manager Attendance Tracking testing company admin can be directly monitor managers during visits based on the distance between store locations and manager positions and attendance process at PT. Stars International, a comparison between using methods Euclidean Distance with Google Maps has a percentage error of about 16.4% after it is done testing with 10 different sample data with Rungkut Stars Stars as points reference.
Forecasting Omset Printing of Printing Sales in CV Sembilan Jaya with Neural Network Method Reni Vivit Ayu Mawarti; Wiwiet Herulambang; R Dimas Adityo
JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2019): JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Bhayangkara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (714.366 KB) | DOI: 10.54732/jeecs.v4i2.111


Forecasting is a process for estimating several needs in the future which includes needs in order to meet thedemand for goods and services. Neural Network Backpropagation Method is a time series forecasting method. Thepurpose of this study is to predict the turnover results in the next period obtained by CV. Nine Jaya every week. Thisstudy uses sales data obtained from the printing of food boxes, shoe boxes, watch boxes from January 2014 toDecember 2018. The results of this forecasting are done using the Neural Network method, the smallest MSE valueobtained is 0.004211 with 1000 times iteration and learning rate 0.2. The MSE value obtained meets the condition orcondition value as a good forecasting method because it is able to meet the MSE value requirement <0.1.
Forecasting the Total Sales and Benefits of Drug Using the Single Exponential Smoothing Method (case Study: Bentar Pharmacy) Sundariyah; R Dimas Adityo; Arif Arizal
JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2019): JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Bhayangkara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (562.502 KB) | DOI: 10.54732/jeecs.v4i2.112


Forecasting is an important thing in corporate strategy planning. The Single Exponential smoothing methodis a time series forecasting method. The purpose of the research is to predict the number of sales of Enervon C drugsand the value of profits at the Bentar Pharmacies each month. The study used sales data for 3 years from January2015 to December 2017. The chosen alpha value was 0.5 by having a MAD value of 5.029360202. Forecasting resultsare carried out by the Single Exponential Smoothing method with the smallest error calculation results. MAD valueon the number of sales of Enervon Aktive 30s with α = 0.1 forecasting results 6.9118 with MAD of 7.363601841, α =0.2 forecasting results of 6.0622 with MAD of 5.375139148, α = 0.3 forecasting results of 5.7198 with MAD of5,375139148, α = 0.4 forecasting results 5,3421 with MAD of 5,121971763, α = 0.5 forecasting results 4,9617 withMAD of 5,029360202, α = 0.6 forecasting results 4,5888 with MAD of 5,04912007 , α = 0.7 forecasting results 4.2229with MAD of 5.206054971, α = 0.8 forecasting results of 3.8533 with MAD of 5.385531046, and α = 0.9 forecastingresults of 3.456869004 with MAD of 5.599237215. And the value of drug benefits obtained from forecasting results in2017 by comparing the actual benefits and the benefits of forecasting.
Android Based Hate Speech Search Applications Using TF-IDF Algorithm and Vector Space Models R Dimas Adityo; Tri Yogi Rizqi; Mas Nurul Hamidah
JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019): JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Bhayangkara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2216.962 KB) | DOI: 10.54732/jeecs.v4i1.120


The freedom in the use of social media becomes a common means in voicing opinions and expressions byissuing words or phrases of blasphemy (Hate Speech) in social media like Facebook. Hate speech and blasphemouswords are easily spread across social and general media not found that have transgressed the limits and can trace theunrest. To find out what the users of social media especially Facebook we have issued words or phrases of blasphemyon the basis of this report occurred. The study was conducted by using TF-IDF weighting algorithm and VSM (VectorSpace Model) calculation, while the data used was the 30 users post using Graph API. This research resulted in searchwith recall value: 2/2 = 1 which means the result of the relevant document and the precision value of the search resultis 2/13 = 0,154 which means result also raises irrelevant search result. Percentage of hate speech equivalence valuewas 43%.
The Nearest Route Search for A Shoe Retail Shop Using Android-Based Dijkstra Method Muhammad Farid Fathul Huda Pradhana; R Dimas Adityo; Mas Nurul Hamidah
JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2019): JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Bhayangkara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (561.427 KB) | DOI: 10.54732/jeecs.v4i1.123


Shoe retail store is a company engaged in the sale of shoes that are developing. Until now, shoe retail stores still rely on physical stores in their business. Because it is engaged in sales, the shoe retail store requires an information system for finding a route to the store that can facilitate prospective buyers to find the location of the shoe retail store. With the shop route search information system, it can facilitate prospective buyers who do not yet know the location of the shoe retail store to find where the store is located. From the writer's observation, there are several shoe retail shops that are not indexed on Google Maps. Therefore, the author raises the title of the final project entitled "Information System for Route Search Towing the Nearest Shoe Retail Shop Using the Android-Based Dijkstra Method", to facilitate prospective buyers in the PT Stars International shoe store in finding the location of the shoe retail store. has been made, this application can run on smart phones running Android with versions starting from version 4.0.3. and the functions of this application can also run well. for the difference in distance calculation by the system using the dijkstra calculation and google maps distance calculation, a difference of 9,196% is obtained from an average of 25 random sample calculations.
Application of Billing Pos (point of Sales) on Cloud Computing for Restaurant by Using IoT (internet of Things) Device with Data Synchronized Method in The Reporting Process R Dimas Adityo; Herti Miawarni
JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2018): JEECS (Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Bhayangkara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (580.182 KB) | DOI: 10.54732/jeecs.v3i2.130


In this study POS (Point Of Sales) Billing System was designed and built with more affordable prices onRestaurant Taxpayers using IoT (Internet Of Thing) devices by utilizing Cloud Computing technology that cansending sales report data in realtime to the server owned by the Probolinggo Regency Financial and AssetAgency. The input from this study is data that is sent in realtime from a billing machine, from a series of tests thathave been carried out that can run smoothly, that is proven by measuring data transmission with speed inaccessing article data an average of 0.7833 seconds / data transactions compared manually. So that through thisapplication, estimates of regional revenue targets can be monitored directly.