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Jurnal Teknologi Vol 14, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/jurtek.14.1.111-118


This study aims to determine the formation of filmwise to dropwise, calculate heating heat, calculate the mass of evaporation, calculate the heat transfer coefficient of condensation and the Reynold value. The research method is by varying the shape of the steam catcher and measuring the water temperature (T1), steam temperature in the water heater (T2), steam catcher plate temperature (T3), environmental temperature (T4), taking documentation to see the process of forming filmwise to dropwise. The results showed that heating water required 284,705.42 Joules. Evaporation mass 0.13 kg. The condensation heat transfer coefficient for each of the vapor traps is hdatar = 1.2759 W / m2 0K, triangle h = 1.0493 W / m2 0K, h half circle = 1.1095 W / m2 0K. The Reynolds number is the Re value of the flat steam catcher = 4547487.192, the Re value of the triangular steam catcher = 4088577.645, the Re value of the semi-circular steam catcher = 4323144.511. which means that the steam flow is included in the Turbulent flow.
Teknika Vol 7 No 3 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (346.452 KB) | DOI: 10.52561/teknika.v7i3.168


Kemajuan teknologi dibidang industri otomatisasi sekarang berkembang pesat, dimana tujuan otomatisasi adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas produk, minimalisir ongkos produksi serta mengefektifkan waktu produksi. Maka untuk meminimalisir tingkat kesalahan khususnya dalam penggunaan material untuk pembuatan mesin CNC Milling router 3 axis, dilakukan sebuah penelitian yaitu mensimulasi kekuatan meja mesin dan frame axis-Z router CNC Frais 3 Axis karena meja dan axis-z ini yang banyak menerima pembebanan pada saat mesin beroperasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah menjelaskan operasional prosedur simulasi desain meja mesin dan frame axis-Z router CNC Frais 3 Axis, kemudian membuat simulasi desain meja dengan material meja adalah besi cor atau malleable cast iron dengan dimensi panjang 650 mm, lebar meja 250 mm dan tebal 6 mm dengan nilai beban sebesar 50 N serta membuat simulasi frame axis-Z router CNC Frais 3 Axis dengan beban 80 N menggunakan software solidwork. Hasil analisa kekuatan mekanis pada meja mesin sebesar 357.711kgf/cm² masih dibawah angka yield strength yaitu 2.881.786 kgf/cm², serta nilai displacement sebesar 0.025cm dan nilai FOS sebesar 7,5 (>1) dimana nilai FOS melebihi dari nilai satu menandakan bahwa meja mesin dinyatakan aman. Kemudian pada frame axis-Z router dengan pembebanan yang diberikan sebesar 80 N di dapat nilai kekuatan mekanisnya sebesar 188.184 kgf/cm2 dan nilai displacement sebesar 0.06 cm dan nilai FOS sebesar 15 (>1) yang menandakan bahwa frame axis-Z router masih aman untuk digunakan.
Socialization of Da'wah through Technology Media Information with the Theme of Understanding Muslim Attitudes Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic Disaster Irfan Santosa; Ghusni Darodjatun
ASEAN Journal of Empowering Community Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): ASEAN Journal of Empowering Community
Publisher : Universitas Pancasakti Tegal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (443.154 KB) | DOI: 10.24905/ajecom/vol1issue2.3


The covid-19 virus pandemic in Indonesia has been taking place since February 2020, which almost knocked out all sectors of the economy, industry, trade and human mentality. Data as of April 13, 2020 shows that the number of people in Indonesia contaminated with the covid-19 virus totals 4557 people, with the number of deaths of 399 people and patients cured reached 380 people (Source From this data, the Government of Indonesia enacts and urges all people to stay at home or Stay at Home. With the program to stay at home, many people do all activities from home from work, study, worship done at home together with family. The implementation of staying at home from March 13, 2020 until now makes some people feel saturated, can't wait to stay at home so that many people are not disciplined in doing this program and still do regular activities in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic. The impact of impatience, indiscipline and disorderly behavior is what results in the number of contaminated sufferers every day is increasing. Therefore, it is necessary to socialize about the understanding that should be done especially by every Muslim in the face of the covid-19 pandemic disaster. The method used is to make a video of da'wah containing a short message about patience in the face of disasters that last approximately 3 minutes and upload it online then share the online link through the group in Whatsapp group. The hope of this devotion program is that the community, especially Muslims, will be encouraged and self-conscious to be able to stay at home until the End of the covid-19 pandemic. The results of this program after the video message was uploaded through Youtube then disseminated through Whatsapp group and watched approximately 150 times there are 25 people responded by sending a comment message to this video and 25 people will try to remain patient in the face of the test and implement government programs to stay home until the pandemic outbreak subsides.
The Optimization of Vapor Compression Type for Desalination of Seawater Using the DFMA Method Irfan Santosa; Aditya Firdaus; Royan Hidayat; Rusnoto Rusnoto; Agus Wibowo; Fathan Mubina Dewadi
Jurnal Teknik Mesin Mechanical Xplore Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Teknik Mesin Mechanical Xplore (JTMMX)
Publisher : Mechanical Engineering Department Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36805/jtmmx.v3i1.2378


The design of vapor compression type distillation using the design for manufacture and assembly (DFMA) method was discussed in this article. The efficacy of seawater desalination is the primary source of non-conventional fresh water in a large number of countries around the world. The distillation process can satisfy the demands for high-quality fresh water by utilizing seawater. DFMA is a technique for product development and improvement that could be used to simplify the manufacturing process and reduce assembly costs. This research focuses on creating an effective vapor compression-type desalination device. The DFMA method is used in this reverse engineering study. According to the findings of this study, the total assembly time of 22 components was 7932 seconds. Compared to the previous process, processing time efficiency increased by 4.1 %.
Analisis Getaran pada Alat Peraga 1 Derajat Kebebasan dengan Penambahan Peredam Galuh Renggani Wilis; Royan Hidayat; irfan santosa; mustaqim; M Chamim
Engineering : Jurnal Bidang Teknik Vol 13 No 2 (2022): Oktober 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pancasakti Tegal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24905/eng.v13i2.2063


Pembelajaran materi getaran mekanis sebagai dasar pengetahuan mahasiswa tentang kekuatan konstruksi mesin membutuhkan visual dasar seperti alat peraga untuk membantu memahami materi. Getaran Mekanis dipelajari dari system derajat paling sedikit yaitu 1 derajat kebebasan/ 1 degree of freedom (1DOF). Getaran adalah gerakan bolak-balik dalam suatu interval waktu tertentu. Getaran berhubungan dengan gerak osilasi benda dan gaya yang berhubungan dengan gerak tersebut. Semua benda yang mempunyai massa dan elastisitas mampu bergetar, jadi kebanyakan mesin dan struktur rekayasa engineering mengalami getaran sampai derajat tertentu dan rancangannya biasanya memerlukan pertimbangan sifat osilasinya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan beberapa tahap, yaitu melakukan pembuatan desain alat dengan solid work, pemilihan bahan serta komponen dan proses perakitan, kemudian pengujian bahan komposit dengan uji impact dan uji bending, serta pengujian getaran pada alat. Pengujian bahan komposit pada kekuatan impact menunjukan hasil nilai rata-rata harga impact tertinggi pada variasi lurus miring yaitu 0,029 J/mm2 dan nilai rata-rata harga impact terendah pada variasi susunan serat miring yaitu 0,009 J/mm2. Pengujian bending menunjukkan rata-rata tegangan bending paling tinggi pada variasi susunan lurus miring yaitu 24,59 MPa sedangkan rata-rata tegangan bending terendah pada variasi susunan serat miring yatu 22,11 MPa. Dari hasil uji kekuatan impact dan bending komposit maka dipilih komposit dengan arah serat lurus+miring yang dibuat sebagai bahan peredam. Hasil dari pengukuran getaran dengan vibration tester meter menunjukkan pengaruh putaran mesin pada kenaikan accelerasi dan displacement alat peraga getaran 1 DOF. Data juga menunjukkan bahwa efek peredam dapat mengurangi besarnya getaran yang terjadi Putaran mesin tertinggi pada alat peraga getaran 1 DOF dengan peredam komposit yaitu sebesar 521,67 Rpm menghasilkan frekuensi getaran 1,724 Hz.
Penerapan double slope solar still (DSSS) sebagai solusi permasalahan air bersih di Desa Semedo Kecamatan Kedungbanteng Kabupaten Tegal Irfan Santosa; Galuh Renggani Wilis; Noor Zuhry
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Nusantara (JPkMN)
Publisher : Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi (Sisfokomtek)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (692.968 KB) | DOI: 10.55338/jpkmn.v3i2.374


Semedo Village, Kedungbanteng District, Tegal Regency is located in the northwest part of Central Java Province with a geographical location of 108°57'6”-109°21'30” east longitude and 6°02'41”-7°15'30” latitude which has an area of approximately 878.89 km2. The village has problems with springs where the water content contains high NaCl (salt) and cyanide elements reach 0.2%. So the solution to overcome this problem is to apply a double slope solar still (DSSS) distillation device through the PkM program. The implementation method is carried out with hard programs and soft programs. Hard programs are programs that can be seen in real form, namely making and applying DSSS tools and soft programs including outreach activities to the community. The results of this PkM activity are the DSSS model distillation device and socialization to the community regarding how the distillation tool works and the quality of the distilled water that has gone through a laboratory testing process where distilled water is suitable for consumption but there must be a cooking process first and the quality of salt that is not fit for consumption