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Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis 2009: EKOBIS (Vol.10 No.1 2009)
Publisher : Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Islam Sutan Agung, Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/ekobis.10.1.241-249


The purpose of this study is to analyze what Trade-off Theory and Pecking Order Theory ableto explain the financing decision in Indonesian Capital Market. In this study, determinant ofTrade-off theory are non-debt tax shields, size, and liquidity. The determinant of Pecking Ordertheory are profitability, cash deficit, and investment. Sample in this study are 40 manufacturingcompanies that active and liquid at Indonesian capital market over two years, from 2005 to2006. Thus, this study have 80 observations. Sample used the method of purposive sampling.Multiple regression model is used to test this hypothesis. The result of this Trade-off theoryapproach is found that partially all proxy aren’t statistically significant. But simultaniously nondebt tax shields, size, and liquidity variable give statistically significant. While Pecking Ordertheory approach is found that partially only cash deficit and investment variable statisticallysignificant. But simultaneously profitability, cash deficit, and investment variable have statisticallysignificant. So, firms that go public at Indonesian capital market tend to follow peckingorder theory than trade-off theory in their financing decision.Keyword : trade-off theory and pecking order theory
Model Peningkatan Loyalitas Dosen Melalui Kepuasan Kerja Dosen Mutamimah Mutamimah; Timbul Arifin; Mutamimah Mutamimah
Jurnal Siasat Bisnis Vol. 13 No. 2 (2009)
Publisher : Management Development Centre (MDC) Department of Management, Faculty of Business and Economics Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The objective of this study is to examine and analyze the effects of competence, leadership transformation, promotion, motivation to satisfaction and loyalty. To test these variables, this study uses lecturer of Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnics as a research object, where they are mostly composed of lecturer who have a maritime educational background and work experience as a officer on board ship that joined to the national and international companies indomestic trade area and ocean going trade area with relatively higher income compared to income as an employee or ordinary civil servants. This research was conducted by survey method by distributing questionnaires to 62 people of lecturer who worked and teaches at Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnics. This study used a non probability sampling with census sampling techniques. The results showed that a competence, leadership transformation, promotion and motivation had positively influence with the satisfaction of lecturer who worked and teaches at Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnics. Besides teaching competence, leadership transformation, promotion and motivation had positively influence with loyalty of the lecturers who worked and taught at Semarang Merchant Marine Polytechnics through satisfaction variable, as a intervening variable.Keywords: Competence, leadership transformation, promotion, motivation, satisfaction, and loyalty
Performance Evaluation of Turnover Intentions of Employees’ Productive Behavior and Supply Chain Strategy (Studies in Islamic Microfinance Institutions) Anna Widiastuti; Mutamimah Mutamimah; A. Khoirul Anam; Aida Nahar
International Journal of Supply Chain Management Vol 9, No 2 (2020): International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM)
Publisher : International Journal of Supply Chain Management

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (371.956 KB)


Abstract- This study discusses the occurrence of turnover intentions that are influenced by productive behavior of employees and moderated by the supply chain strategy of Islamic microfinance institutions, namely Baitul Mal Wat Tamwil (BMT). What distinguishes it from previous studies is that the quality culture is attempted to moderate the influence of employee’s productive behavior on turnover intentions. In addition, this study also analyzes separately between the dimensions that exist in employee’s productive behavior variables as independent variables that affect turnover intentions. By using 100 samples determined by the Census (Saturated Sampling) method, the research was analyzed quantitatively, whilst the data was processed by using Partial Least Square (SMART-PLS Software) application. The finding of the study failed to prove that the productive behavior, supply chain strategy, and the culture quality of the employees are the moderating variables affecting the turnover intentions, except one dimension of the work stress which had a significant effect on them.
Literasi Keuangan pada UMKM ‘Aisiyah Kabupaten Semarang Maya Indriastuti; Mutamimah Mutamimah
Indonesian Journal of Community Services Vol 4, No 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/ijocs.4.2.176-184


Pemahaman literasi keuangan yang dikuasai oleh UMKM ‘Aisiyah Kabupaten Semarang saat ini masih kurang, sehingga diperlukan pelatihan dan pendampingan sebagai bentuk pengabdian masyarakat di wilayah tersebut sekaligus memberikan stimulus kepada UMKM ‘Aisiyah sehingga pengelolaan keuangan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dengan baik. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini: a) meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang literasi keuangan; b) meningkatkan kompetensi terkait perencanaan keuangan, pengelolaan keuangan, produk keuangan, pembiayaan bisnis, dan manajemen risiko. Mitra pengabdian ini adalah Ibu-ibu pengusaha ‘Aisiyah Kabupaten Semarang. Metode pengabdian masyarakat, yaitu: a) mengidentifikasi tingkat pengetahuan dan pemahaman mereka terkait literasi keuangan; b) memberi stimulus pelatihan literasi keuangan berupa perencanaan keuangan, pengelolaan keuangan, produk keuangan, pembiayaan bisnis, dan manajemen risiko; c) monitoring dan evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini menunjukkan bahwa: a) UMKM ‘Aisiyah mendapatkan tambahan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang literasi keuangan; b) UMKM ‘Aisiyah memiliki kompetensi mulai dari perencanaan, pengelolaan, pembiayaan hingga manajemen risiko. Urgensi kegiatan pengabdian ini terletak pada pentingnya literasi keuangan dalam pengembangan usaha guna keberlangsungan UMKM ‘Aisiyah.The understanding of financial literacy that is controlled by MSMEs 'Aisiyah, Semarang Regency is currently still lacking, so training and assistance are needed as a form of community service in the region as well as providing a stimulus to MSMEs 'Aisiyah so that financial management can be properly accounted. The objectives of this community service are: a) increasing knowledge and understanding of financial literacy; b) improve competencies related to financial planning, financial management, financial products, business financing, and risk management. The partners of this service are businesswomen 'Aisiyah Semarang District. Community service methods, namely: a). Understand their level of knowledge and understanding regarding financial literacy; b). provide financial literacy training stimulus in the form of financial planning, financial management, financial products, business financing, and risk management; c). monitoring and evaluation. The results of this dedication show that: a). The women entrepreneurs of ‘Aisiyah gained additional knowledge and understanding of financial literacy; b). The women entrepreneurs of 'Aisiyah have competencies ranging from planning, management, financing to risk management. The urgency of this service activity lies in the importance of literacy in business development for the sustainability of MSMEs Aisiyah.
Inovasi Pasar Apung sebagai Adaptasi terhadap Banjir Air Pasang Laut di Desa Randusanga, Brebes Henny Pratiwi Adi; Slamet Imam Wahyudi; Mutamimah Mutamimah
Indonesian Journal of Community Services Vol 4, No 2 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/ijocs.4.2.156-162


Desa Randusanga Wetan merupakan salah satu wilayah di pesisir Kabupaten Brebes yang sering mengalami banjir akibat adanya pasang air laut. Dampak yang ditimbulkan sangat mengganggu kegiatan masyarakat di wilayah tersebut. Banjir juga mengakibatkan bangunan permukiman serta infrastruktur menjadi rusak. termasuk pasar. Untuk meningkatkan kegiatan ekonomi di wilayah tersebut, masyarakat Desa Randusanga Wetan mengharapkan adanya pasar apung. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk membuat desain dan prototipe pondasi bangunan apung berbahan drum bekas dengan ukuran 6x6 meter dan jembatan apung ukuran 3x1 meter, yang akan dimanfaatkan sebagai bangunan rintisan pasar apung di Desa Randusanga Wetan. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan meliputi: merencanakan layout area pasar apung di Desa Randusanga Wetan, membuat gambar detail bangunan apung, dan merealisasi contoh bangunan apung sebagai rintisan pasar apung di area yang selalu tergenang air. Rintisan pasar apung ini diharapkan akan berkembang serta dapat menjadi pusat kegiatan jual beli produk lokal wilayah tersebut, sehingga dapat membangkitkan aktivitas perekonomian masyarakat.Randusanga Wetan Village is one of the areas on the coast of Brebes Regency which often experiences flooding due to high tides. The impact is very disturbing community activities in the area. Floods also cause infrastructure buildings to be damaged. including the market. To increase economic activity in the area, the people of Randusanga Village expect a floating market. This community service activity aims to design and prototype a floating building made of used drums with a size of 6x6 meters and a floating bridge measuring 3x1 meters, which will be used as a floating market pilot building in Randusanga Wetan Village. The method of implementing the activities includes: planning the layout of the floating market area in Randusanga Wetan Village, making detailed drawings of floating buildings, and realizing examples of floating buildings as pioneering floating markets in areas that are always flooded. This floating market pilot is expected to develop and become a center for buying and selling local products in the area, so that it can generate community economic activity.
Corporate Value Based on Corporate Social Responsibility and Good Corporate Governance Komariatun Komariatun; Mutamimah Mutamimah
E-Bisnis : Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 15 No 2 (2022): DESEMBER: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Publisher : STEKOM PRESS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51903/e-bisnis.v15i2.862


The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of GCG in moderating the influence of Economic CSR, Environmental CSR and Social CSR on Corporate Value. In this study use of purposive sampling method, using certain considerations relevant to the research objective. The number of samples obtained are 13 SOEs listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2017-2020. The data were analyzed using panel data regression with the Eviews program. The results of the study indicated that economic CSR has an effect on corporate value, however environmental CSR has no effect on corporate value and social CSR has a negative effect on corporate value. GCG can weakens the relationship between Economic CSR and corporate value and GCG does not moderate the relationship between Environmental CSR and corporate value, however GCG can strengthen the relationship between Social CSR and corporate value.
Peran Good Corporate Governance dalam Menurunkan Credit Risk pada Bank yang Go Public di Bursa Efek Indonesia Dika Zanuar Virgantara; Mutamimah Mutamimah
Jurnal Bisnis dan Ekonomi Vol 29 No 2 (2022): Vol. 29 No. 2 EDISI SEPTEMBER 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Stikubank

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35315/jbe.v29i2.9246


This study aims to examine and analyze the role of good corporate governance in moderating the influence of the loan to deposit ratio, capital adequacy ratio, inflation and gross domestic product on the reduction of credit risk in banking companies that go public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The population in this study are all companies going public on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, with the criteria for banking companies going public in 2008-2021, so that 308 observations were obtained. The type of data is panel data which is a combination of cross section data and time series data, so the statistical technique uses E-views software. After passing the classic assumption test and conducting tests to choose the best results, the results show that the loan to deposit ratio has an effect on credit risk, but the capital adequacy ratio, inflation and gross domestic product have no effect on credit risk. In addition, GCG strengthens the influence of the loan to deposit ratio in reducing credit risk, but GCG actually weakens the influence of the capital adequacy ratio in reducing credit risk.
Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Pengembangan Inovasi dan Packaging Produk Ikan Asap Kec. Rowosari, Kab. Kendal Maya Indriastuti; Mutamimah Mutamimah; Andi Riansyah
Indonesian Journal of Community Services Vol 5, No 1 (2023): May 2023
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/ijocs.5.1.65-74


Ikan yang menjadi salah satu hasil dari laut, merupakan sumber nutrisi protein hewani bagi masyarakat dunia. Desa Bulak dan Ketapang yang berada di Kec. Rowosari Kab. Kendal merupakan desa yang menjadi sentra produksi ikan asap. Fenomena permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh UMKM ikan asap ini adalah jenis produk ikan asap yang terbatas hanya pada ikan itu sendiri, sedangkan ada produk lain yakni kerupuk tetapi dari bahan baku lain yakni ikan tenggiri. Guna mengatasi permasalah mitra, solusi yang ditawarkan adalah pelatihan dan pendampingan terkait pengembangan inovasi produk dan packaging. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan mereka di bidang inovasi produk dan packaging; memotivasi serta meningkatkan kreativitas mereka dalam membuat berbagai varian produk baru yang berbahan dasar ikan asap. Mitra pengabdian ini adalah Dinas Perindustrian dan Tenaga Kerja Kab. Kendal. Metode pengabdian masyarakat ini meliputi identifikasi tingkat pengetahuan, pemahaman, dan ketrampilan mereka di bidang inovasi produk dan packaging; memberi stimulus pelatihan pengembangan varian produk baru dan packaging; monitoring dan evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini menunjukkan bahwa UMKM ikan asap mendapatkan tambahan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dalam pengembangan inovasi produk dan packaging; menumbuhkan motivasi dan meningkatkan kreativitas mereka dalam mengembangkan inovasi produk dan melakukan packaging ikan asap dengan baik. Urgensi kegiatan pengabdian ini terletak pada pentingnya mengembangkan inovasi produk dan melakukan packaging dengan desain, warna, bahan dan ukuran yang tepat dan tahan lama sehingga mampu menghasilkan produk ikan asap berbagai varian rasa tanpa menghilangkan rasa khas dari ikan asap hingga mampu menarik konsumen lebih luas untuk mengkonsumsi ikan asap. Fish, which is one of the products of the sea, is a source of animal protein nutrition for the world community. Bulak and Ketapang villages in the district. Rowosari Kab. Kendal is a village which is a smoked fish production center. The phenomenon of the problem faced by Smoked Fish SMEs is the type of smoked fish product which is limited to the fish itself, while there is another product, namely crackers but made from another raw material, namely mackerel. In order to overcome partner problems, the solutions offered are training and assistance related to the development of product and packaging innovations. The purpose of this community service activity is to increase their knowledge and skills in the field of product and packaging innovation; as well as motivating them to increase their creativity in making various new product variants made from smoked fish. This service partner is the Department of Industry and Labor District. Kendal. This community service method includes assistance with the level of their knowledge, understanding, and skills in the field of product and packaging innovation; providing stimulus for the development of new product variants and packaging; monitoring and evaluation. The results of this service activity show that Smoked Fish SMEs get additional knowledge and skills in developing product and packaging innovations; motivating and increasing their creativity in developing product innovations and packing smoked fish properly. The urgency of this service activity lies in the importance of developing product innovation and carrying out packaging with the right and durable design, color, material and size so as to be able to produce Smoked Fish products of various flavors without losing the distinctive taste of Smoked Fish so as to be able to attract a wider range of consumers to consume Smoked Fish.
Peningkatan Kompetensi Manajemen Keuangan dan Kewirausahaan pada Usaha Mikro di Desa Rowosari Kabupaten Kendal Mutamimah Mutamimah; Zaenudin Zaenudin; Sitty Yuwalliatin
Warta LPM WARTA LPM, Vol. 25, No. 2, April 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (493.004 KB) | DOI: 10.23917/warta.v25i2.638


Limited capital and the low quality of human resources are obstacles to develop micro-enterprises that is managed by fishermen’s wives in Rowosari, Kendal, Central Java. Therefore, it is necessary to economic empowerment in the form of entrepreneurship and business financial management training as well as providing business capital stimulus with the qardhul hasan contract to 20 people. The purpose of this community service, a) Improving entrepreneurial and business financial management knowledge and skills of micro business for fishermen’s wives in Rowosari, b) Motivate and improve entrepreneurial competencies and business financial management competencies for fishermen’s wives in Rowosari, so that they become independent, strong women who can help their family economy and improve their welfare. Qardhul Hasan is a financing for the poor, without collateral and interest, while the borrower is required to return it and pay administrative fees. Qardhul Hasan funds are sourced from zakat, infaq, and sodaqah funds. Community service methods: a). Identifying micro-enterprises that have been carried out by fishermen’s wives in Rowosari, Kendal, Central Java, their potentials and problems, b). Giving a Qardhul Hasan financing collaboration with the Rahmat Semesta Foundation. c). Provide entrepreneurial training and business financial management to them, d). Community services performance evaluation. The results show that after getting a Qardhul Hasan loan and receiving training and assistance in the field of entrepreneurship and business financial management, their entrepreneurial and business financial management knowledge and skill increase and hope that their business develops well and their income and welfare increase.