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Online Platforms in Mobile Learning as Online Learning Media during the COVID-19 Pandemic Fella Farikhatus Sholikhah; Triana Rejekiningsih; Leo Agung Sutimin
Teknodika Vol 20, No 1 (2022): Teknodika
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/teknodika.v20i1.55841


This paper aims to describe platforms in mobile learning during the pandemic. This writing was motivated by an uncontrolled pandemic that made several aspects uncontrollable, including education, so learning activities were forced to change. Therefore, there is a need to update learning through learning media with several platforms available for mobile learning. This online platform in mobile learning is a medium that can solve students' problems during a pandemic that helps the learning process run. The method used in this paper was to use a literature study that examined several sources of articles from research results published to be analyzed and draw conclusions. This paper indicated that platforms such as Google Classroom, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams could solve problems during the pandemic. The average result was more than 60% based on the data presented. This figure is considered to have reached the effective criteria. Learning using online platforms, such as Google Classroom, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams, can be an alternative and help activate students when offline learning cannot be carried out, even mobile-based learning media.
Patanjala: Journal of Historical and Cultural Research Vol 11, No 2 (2019): PATANJALA Vol. 11 No. 2, JUNE 2019
Publisher : Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Jawa Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (625.707 KB) | DOI: 10.30959/patanjala.v11i2.485


Tari Gending Sriwijaya adalah tari tradisional yang mengandung unsur budaya Palembang di setiap bagiannya. Setelah memicu kontroversi kontemporer yang menganjurkan penghapusan tari Gending Sriwijaya, tulisan ini hadir sebagai ungkapan kritis menolak konsepsi tersebut. Pentingnya warisan budaya dalam konteks kebudayaan haruslah disajikan sebagai acuan edukasi sebab kehadirannya merupakan bentuk historical value. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah kajian tari Gending Sriwijaya berfokus pada tafsir gerak yang diperagakan oleh penari melalui metode penelitian fenomenologi, guna mencari nilai moralitas yang terkandung dalam gerak tari dan mencari refleksi historis civil society dalam orientasi nilai. Hasil pembahasan: 1) Historisitas tari Gending Sriwijaya; 2) Tafsir gerak tari Gending Sriwijaya dalam kajian nilai moralitas; 3) Nilai refleksi historis civil society. Tari Gending Sriwijaya sebaiknya menjadi orientasi logis dalam pengejawantahan tari sebagai refleksi nilai historis, sebab kebutuhannya menyokong adab generasi mendatang yang berkontribusi terhadap kesuksesan visi civil society.Gending Sriwijaya dance is a traditional dance that contains elements of Palembang culture in every part of it. After triggering a contemporary controversy that advocated the abolition of the Gending Sriwijaya dance, this paper came as a critical expression of rejecting the claim. The importance of cultural heritage must be presented as an educational reference because its presence is a form of historical value. The purpose of this writing is the study of Gending Sriwijaya dance which focuses on interpretations of motion that are exhibited by dancers through phenomenology research methods, in order to find the moral values contained in dance movements and seek historical reflection of civil society. Results of discussion: 1) The historicity of the Gending Sriwijaya dance; 2) The moral values contained in the motions of the Gending Sriwijaya dance; 3) Historical reflection values of civil society. Gending Sriwijaya dance should be a logical orientation in the embodiment of dance as a reflection of historical value because its usefulness as a support for future generations of who will contribute to the success of vision of civil society.