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JUSTI (Jurnal Sistem dan Teknik Industri) Vol 2 No 1 (2021): justi
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (468.155 KB) | DOI: 10.30587/justicb.v2i1.3224


Dalam proses menuju sebuah perusahaan yang maju maka perusahaan harus dapat menjalankan sebuah sistem yang baik. sistem yang baik dilakukan untuk meminimalkan akan terjadinya risiko karena setiap organisasi perusahaan pasti memiliki risiko. UD. Hasta Jaya merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak pada bidang supplier penyedia barang kebutuhan industri di bidang alat-alat Mechanical, Electrical, Technical, Welding Equipment, Safety Equipment, Rubber, tools dan lain-lain. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui unsur – unsur risiko internal dan eksternal yang mempunyai nilai Risk Priority Number tertinggi dan sebab – sebab risiko operasional untuk merekomendasikan usulan treatment risiko. Dalam penelitian ini, operasional risiko akan menggunakan pendekatan ISO 31000 degan tahap identifikasi, analisis, evaluasi dan perlakuan risiko untuk menganalisis risiko internal dan ekternal yang menyebabkan terjadinya penjualan yang fluktuatif selama 2 tahun pada UD. Hasta Jaya. Dari hasil penelitian ini di dapat pada pendekatan ISO terdapat 18 kejadian risiko, 11 risiko dari internal perusahaan dan 7 risiko dari eksternal perusahaan terdiri 3 ekstreme risk, 3 high risk, 5 moderate risk, 7 low risk. Kemudian dari hasil level risiko ini akan dilakukan upaya treatment risiko
Strategi Pengembangan Wisata Desa Yang Berkelanjutan Sukaris Sukaris; Aries Kurniawan; Moh. Dian Kurniawan
Jurnal Manajerial Vol 10 No 01 (2023): Jurnal Manajerial
Publisher : Program Studi Manajemen Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/jurnalmanajerial.v10i1.4751


Background–Currently, tourism potential in Indonesia has considerable potential and opportunity to be developed, especially village tourism owned by villages in Indonesia. Likewise, the village has been able to capture village tourism opportunities that can be developed based on local resources owned, both tourist attractions, culture and other local wisdom. However, not many villages develop it sustainably. Aim – The objectives of this study specifically will examine how the strategies that can be carried out by villages (village tourism managers) in developing village tourism to be sustainable. Design / methodology / approach – The research method used in this study is a qualitative approach where data is collected from informants through focus group discussions. Findings – The results of the study indicate that villages in Gresik Regency are actively developing village tourism, which is marked by the concern of tourism awareness groups (POKDARWIS), as well as the increasing number of developed village tourism destinations. Strategies that can be carried out in developing sustainable tourism villages include optimizing local resources, community involvement, adhering to the planned master plan, managing internally sourced funding, strengthening institutions, making village tourism development a priority, increasing the ability to sell village tourism products. supported by competent human resources that meet excellent service standards and the motivation for continuous development to do new things. Research implication Theoretical implications; In future studies, it is necessary to have a study that connects the concept of halal tourism with sustainability, especially in Gresik Regency, which is known as the city of santri. Limitations – This research is mostly digging data from tourism managers (POKDARWIS), so it does not involve visitors and other stakeholders.
Evaluating Of Customer Satisfaction On Occupational Health And Safety Equipment Repair By The Service Quality Method (Case Study : PT. Destini Marine Safety ) Bayu Tri Susisno; Moh. Dian Kurniawan; Moh. Jufriyanto
SITEKIN: Jurnal Sains, Teknologi dan Industri Vol 20, No 2 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/sitekin.v20i2.22212


Assessing service quality is one effective strategy for staying ahead of competitors in the field of service, especially customer satisfaction. Consumers who are pleased with the services provided by a business are more inclined to return and use the services of other companies. In this study, the service quality technique is used to examine the goals or gaps that exist between consumer expectations and customer satisfaction. This service quality analysis may be used to assess the value of interest or the gap between expectations and customer satisfaction for each feature. This survey comprised 100 people who used company services between January and November of 2022. According to the study results, all attributes on each dimension have a positive gap value, suggesting that the company's services are satisfactory. According to the dimensions, responsiveness with a gap value of 0.5475, reliability with a gap value of 0.5220, tangibles with a gap value of 0.4960, assurance with a gap value of 0.4920, and empathy with a gap value of 0.4833 have the best gap to the initial rejection. The responsiveness dimension of characteristic C4, which is the availability of people necessary to execute repairs, is the most impacting part of service quality at PT. Destini Maritime Safety.
Evaluasi Kualitas Proses Produksi Paving Stone dengan Metode Poka-Yoke di CV. Wans Group, Kabupaten Gresik Moh. dian Kurniawan
JTI: Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol 9, No 1 (2023): JUNI 2023
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/jti.v9i1.22275


Pada masa saat ini terlebih dalam kondisi covid-19 di mana sektor usaha dipacu untuk mampu bertahan dan mampu bersaing dengan segala keterbatasannya dengan fokus pada kualitas produk maupun proses produksinya untuk menjadi sebuah produk yang bagus dan diminati oleh konsumen dalam memenangkan persaingan bisnis. CV. Wans Group dalam menjalankan operasional usahanya untuk senantiasa meningkatkan perbaikan kualitas produksinya. Dengan berprinsip zero defect pada hasil produksinya, maka penelitian ini akan melakukan analisis pada jenis kecacatan produk melalui pendekatan metode poka-yoke. dapat diketahui bahwa jenis cacat retak memiliki jumlah cacat terbanyak, yaitu sebanyak 3.926 Paving Stone cacat dengan persentase sebesar 48,72%. Sedangkan cacat Pecah memiliki jumlah cacat jauh lebih sedikit, yaitu sebanyak 2.817 Paving Stone dengan presentase 35% Paving Stone, sedangkan cacat warna hanya 1.316 Paving Stone, setara 16,33% . Kualitas hasil produksi Paving Stone yang masih bernilai baik atau good quality mencapai 95%, dimana cacat produk berkisar 5 %, hal ini masih dalam batas toleransi bagi perusahaan CV. Wans group. Dengan implementasi metode Poka Yoke diharapkan perusahaan dapat menekan angka cacat produksi menjadi zero defect.
Evaluation of Employee Work Posture for Facebook Account Creator with ROSA Approach at PT. Click Media Windy Yuliani Putri Kaha; Moh. Dian Kurniawan
Indonesian Vocational Research Journal Vol 1 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1051.299 KB) | DOI: 10.30587/ivrj.v1i1.3773


PT. Click Media is a service company in Lamongan that is engaged in web marketing to marketadvertising products to social media and websites. Employees of the Facebook Account Creator Sectionwork 8 hours per day with a working posture continuously dealing with computers. These conditionsmake complaints in the skeletal muscles or better known as musculoskeletal disorders. In the initialinterview conducted with the Nordic Body Map (NBM) questionnaire, the results showed that thehighest complaints were on the back of 81.8%, 54.5% of the upper neck, right hand, right wrist and 50%on the right shoulder. The method in this study is the Rapid Office Assessment (ROSA), which is anexclusive approach to office ergonomics to assess the level of work risk for computer users. The purposeof the study was to determine the level of occupational risk, the causes of musculoskeletal disorders,and recommendations for improvement. The results of the study were 50% of the 12 employees at riskwith a final score of 7 ROSA as many as 1 employee and a final score of 6 as many as 5 people. The causeof the problem occurs in the work facilities on non-adjustable chairs, the absence of armrests and roughsurfaces, non-adjustable backrests, the position of the monitor used by employees when working is verylow. And also the lack of awareness of employees of PT. Click Media in using the work tool creates anaccumulation of risk value. Recommendations for improvement are the renewal of work facilities suchas chairs that can be adjusted in height, have armrests and have a smooth surface, adjustable backrests,and monitors that are adjustable according to the employee's work position and socialization ofergonomic practices while working.