Nanik Sriyani
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Jurnal Agrotek Tropika Vol 5, No 3 (2017)
Publisher : Departement of Agrotechnology, Agriculture Faculty, Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (234.395 KB) | DOI: 10.23960/jat.v5i3.1827


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh herbisida glifosat, mesotrion, s-metolaklor serta campuran ketiganya terhadap kerusakan gulma teki dan mengetahui apakah herbisida berbahan aktif campuran (glifosat+mesotrion+ s-metolaklor) bersifat aditif, antagonis atau sinergis dalam mengendalikan gulma teki. Penelitian disusun dalam Rancangan Petak Terbagi (Split Plot Design). Perlakuan terdiri dari glifosat dosis 1215, 2430, 4860 g/ha, mesotrion dosis 24, 48, 96 g/ha, s-metolaklor dosis 249,6, 499,2, 998,4 g/ha, dan glifosat+mesotrion+s-metolaklor dosis 525, 1050, 2100 g/ha. Gulma sasaran merupakan gulma teki (Cyperus kyllingia, Cyperus rotundus, dan Cyperus compressus). Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan metode Multiplicative Survival Model (MSM). Data bobot kering yang diperoleh dikonversi menjadi persen kerusakan. Data persen kerusakan ditransformasi kedalam bentuk logaritmik untuk mendapat nilai persamaan regesi linear. Persamaan regresi digunakan untuk menentukan nilai LD 50 perlakuan dan LD 50 harapan dan nilai ko-toksisitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa herbisida glifosat pada dosis 1215, 2430, 4860 g/ha menyebabkan kerusakan gulma, menurunkan bobot kering, dan menyebabkan gejala klorosis. Herbisida mesotrion pada dosis 24, 48, 96 g/ha menyebabkan kerusakan gulma dan menyebabkan gejala bleaching. Herbisida s-metolaklor pada dosis 249,6, 499,2, 998,4 g/ha tidak menyebabkan kerusakan gulma. Herbisida berbahan aktif campuran (glifosat+mesotrion+s-metolaklor) pada dosis 525, 1050, 2100 g/ha menyebabkan kerusakan pada gulma Cyperus rotundus dan Cyperus compressus. Gulma yang diaplikasi herbisida glifosat memiliki nilai kehijauan daun, jumlah stomata, dan bobot kering terendah pada seluruh taraf dosis aplikasi. Herbisida berbahan aktif campuran (glifosat+mesotrion+s- metolaklor) memiliki nilai LD 50 harapan 55,8 g/ha dan LD 50 perlakuan sebesar 139,67 g/ha dengan nilai ko-toksisitas sebesar 0,39 (ko-toksisitas<1) sehingga campuran bersifat antagonis.
Uji Sifat Campuran Herbisida Berbahan Aktif 2,4-D Dimetil Amina+Isopropilamina Glifosat terhadap Gulma Ottochloa nodosa, Cyperus rotundus, dan Praxelis clematidea Ardan Maulana; Herry Susanto; Hidayat Pujisiswanto; Nanik Sriyani
Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 23 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25181/jppt.v23i1.2294


Chemical weed control in cultivated plants generally uses one herbicide active ingredient, but its effectiveness in controlling weeds can be increased by mixing herbicides. Mixing of more than 1 active ingredient can be additive, synergistic, and antagonistic with other active ingredients. Therefore, it is necessary to study the combination of herbicide active ingredients that will be used. The aim of the study was to determine the herbicide properties of a mixed 2,4-D dimethyl amine + Isopropylamine Glyphosate applied to the weeds Ottochloa nodosa, Cyperus rotundus, and Praxelis clematidea whether additive, synergistic, or antagonistic. The research was carried out from December 2020 to February 2021, at the Integrated Field Greenhouse and Weed Science Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung. Using a Randomized Block Experiment Design (RAK) with treatment consisting of the herbicide Goldenstar with a single active ingredient 2,4- D dimethyl amine 100g/l with doses of active ingredients consisting of 25, 50, 100, and 200 g/ha, Isopropylamine Glyphosate 300 g/l with doses of active ingredients consisting of 75, 150, 300, and 600, g/ha and herbicides Goldenstar active ingredient mixture of 2,4-D dimethyl Amine + Isopropylamine Glyphosate 100/300 g/l with a dose of active ingredients consisting of 50, 100, 200, and 400 g/ha and control treatment (without herbicides). The target weeds included Otthocloa nososa, Cyperus rotundus, and Praxelis clematidea. Analysis to test the nature of herbicide mixture using the MSM (Multiplicative Survival Model) test. Furthermore, the co-toxicity value was calculated by comparing the expected LD50 and treatment LD50 values. The results showed that mixing herbicide with the active ingredient 2,4-D dimethyl Amine + Isopropylamine Glyphosate 100/300 g/l on the dry weight accumulation of the weeds Ottochloa nodosa, Cyperus rotundus, and Praxelis clematidea had an LD50 of 1.8424 g/ha and an LD50 of treatment. The expectation is 4.8270 g/ha with a co-toxicity value of 2.6 (co-toxicity value > 1) so that the herbicide mixture with the active ingredient 2,4-D dimethyl Amine + Isopropylamine Glyphosate 100/300 g/l is synergistic. . Keywords : 2,4-D dimethyl amine, Isopropylamine glyphosate, LD50, MSM (Multiplicative Survival Model)