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Zooplankton Abundance with NPK Fertilization Muta Ali Khalifa; Hanna Silvia; Ujang Dindin
Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan Vol 7, No 2 (2017)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33512/jpk.v7i2.2688


Zooplankton has advantages as natural feed for fish larvae. Therefore, necessary to attempts natural growth of zooplankton in aquaculture media, e.g. fertilization. This research aim to describe NPK Ferlitilizer influence to zooplankton abundance. Research conducted at January 2016, in Aquatic Resources Management Laboratory- Muhammadiyah University of Sukabumi and Water Quality Analysis in Center for Freshwater Aquaculture Laboratory. Research design is experimental research with four treatments and three replications. Treatment A with enhanced NPK fertilizer 10 ppm, Treatment B with NPK fertilizer 20 ppm, Treatment C with NPK fertilizer 30 ppm, Treatment D was control without fertilizer. Fertilizer treatment lead to water colour became green until dark green, officially different with control treatment. Zooplankton composition founded 78% from Eurotatoria, 19% from Branchiopoda, the left was from Malacostraca and Hexanauplia. Zooplankton abundance of control treatment significantly different with fertilizer treatment. The highest abundance found at the tenth day from treatment C with 18640 cell/L or almost 480% from initial.
Kualitas Air Budidaya Ikan Koi (Cyprinus Rubrofuscus) pada Sistem Vertiqua Menggunakan Filter Biofikal Atas Ikhsan Kamil; Ujang Dindin; Novita MZ
Habitat: Jurnal ilmiah ilmu Hewani dan Peternakan Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Agustus : Habitat: Jurnal ilmiah ilmu Hewani dan Peternakan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Tanaman Dan Hewani Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62951/habitat.v2i2.61


Land and water sources are important in cultivation activities. Efforts to overcome the problem of limited land and water for cultivation include technology development. One of the technologies being developed is vertiqua. The Vertiqua that has been developed, both with and without biophysical filters, still has weaknesses, namely high levels of ammonia. Therefore, a biofical modification was carried out, namely using a biofical top filter to increase the effectiveness of reducing ammonia levels to support fish growth in the vertiqua. The aim of this research was to test the effectiveness of the biofical top filter on the rate of reduction in ammonia levels in the vertiqua. The research design was carried out using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) for one treatment with three repetitions, in this study with an upper biophysical filter as treatment and three vertiquas as repetitions. The data analysis carried out in this research was an experimental method. The results of the research are presented in the form of graphs, tables and narratives using Microsoft Word and Excel. As for testing, the research sample was tested with the middle value using Microsoft Excel and Minitab 21 by comparing the test results with the standard. According to the research results, the use of an upper biophysical filter can have an effect on maintaining physical and chemical water quality parameters (P<0.05) so that they comply with quality standards. However, there are several water quality parameters that do not comply with quality standards, such as pH and nitrite. The use of the upper biophysical filter type in the vertiqua koi fish cultivation system has an effect on reducing ammonia and maintaining water quality so that it meets quality standards. However, the nitrite value at the beginning was high, but after two weeks of testing the value began to decrease, indicating that the upper biofical filter was running optimally.
Pertumbuhan Ikan Koi (Cyprinus Rubrofuscus) pada Sistem Vertiqua Biofikal Atas Kurnia Candra Dwi Saputra; Ujang Dindin
Habitat: Jurnal ilmiah ilmu Hewani dan Peternakan Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Agustus : Habitat: Jurnal ilmiah ilmu Hewani dan Peternakan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Tanaman Dan Hewani Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62951/habitat.v2i2.63


Limited land resources are a problem for fisheries, especially in urban areas. So the need for a new innovation in the field of fisheries for cultivation. Vertiqua (Vertical Aquaculture) is an innovation in vertical cultivation in limited land and water. The Vertiqua system as a cultivation medium has not been effective in increasing fish growth due to slow growth and high ammonia levels. Therefore, innovation is needed to increase the effectiveness of Vertiqua, namely by using the upper biofical filter. The data used to analyze is descriptive analysis by describing and describing the data that has been collected. Growth in length, weight, and survival, length-weight relationship, daily length growth rate, daily weight growth rate, and water quality were calculated using existing formulas. Comparative testing of growth was calculated using the T-test on the Mini Tab application. The results of the research showed that the top filter biofical vertiqua was able to increase the growth of koi fish. The growth value of the top biofical filter vertiqua is effective when compared to the soil pond. this is indicated by the value P<0.05. The upper biofical filter vertiqua system is also able to maintain the stability of water quality and suppress ammonia levels so that fish growth and survival are good. The vertiqua system with the upper biofical filter has an effect on fish growth, this is supported by the upper biofical filter, which is able to maintain water quality and suppress ammonia levels so that fish are not stressed and feed can be utilized properly.
Analisa Usaha Budidaya Ikan Koi (Cyprinus rubrofuscus) pada Sistem Vertiqua Menggunakan Filter Biofikal Atas M. Nurdin Nursamsi; Arif Supendi; Ujang Dindin
Zebra: Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Ilmu Hewani Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Oktober : Zebra: Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Ilmu Hewani
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Tanaman Dan Hewani Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62951/zebra.v2i2.68


The background of this research is that vertiqua is considered to have high production costs and small profits. Therefore, a business analysis is needed to increase the effectiveness of the fish farming business using the vertiqua system. The purpose of this study is to analyze the aquaculture business using the vertiqua system including capital and profit obtained. This research uses qualitative methods with descriptive explanations. The results of the research that has been done show that the R / C Ratio value obtained is 1.66, meaning that every 1 cycle cost expenditure will get 1.66 revenue. Koi fish farming using the vertiqua system is said to be feasible to continue because the R / C Ratio value is 1. The JWPM value with the calculation of 8 cycles for 1 year is 1.4, meaning that it takes 2 months and 2 days for the capital to return. Based on the business analysis conducted, the production of koi fish seeds using the upper biofical filter vertiqua system can be said to be feasible and has the potential to be further developed, because it can provide good profits with a good JWPM. In addition, cultivation using the upper biofical filter vertiqua system is very efficient in providing care for koi fish cultivation.
Pertumbuhan Ikan Komet (Carassius auratus) pada Sistem Vertiqua dengan Menggunakan Biofikal Filter Muhamad Iqbal Said Nawawi; Ujang Dindin; Novita MZ
Manfish: Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Peternakan Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): September: Manfish: Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Peternakan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Tanaman Dan Hewani Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62951/manfish.v2i2.57


The growth of comet fish (Carassius auratus) in the vertiqua system using a biofical filter is motivated by limited land and water which can cause low water quality to affect the growth rate of fish. The utilization of technology needs to be done to overcome these problems and the technology used is vertiqua. Previous research showed that comet fish in the vertiqua system produced slow growth rates and had high ammonia levels. Therefore, vertiqua was modified in the filter section to become a biofical filter. The purpose of this research is to test the effectiveness of comet fish growth in the vertiqua system using a biofical filter. The benefits of this research are that the vertiqua system using a biofical filter can be a solution to overcome the problem of limited land and water, become a support for system cultivation innovation, and become a reference for further research. This research method uses descriptive methods, observation and interviews. The comet fish used in the study were 3-4 cm in size. The results of this study indicate that the vertiqua system using a biofical filter is still not effective in supporting fish growth. The growth rate of comet fish in the vertiqua system is significantly different from that in the soil pond and the growth rate of comet fish in the vertiqua system is lower than that of comet fish in the soil pond. Ammonia value is relatively high from the quality standard (>0.05). However, this system is able to maintain good fish survival and good water quality, especially in temperature, pH, and DO.
Distribusi Nitrogen pada Budidaya Ikan Koi (Cyprinus Rubrosfuscus) dalam Sistem Vertiqua Menggunakan Biofikal Filter Atas Indra Maulana Fattah; Ujang Dindin; Novita Mz
Manfish: Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Peternakan Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): September: Manfish: Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Peternakan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Tanaman Dan Hewani Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62951/manfish.v2i2.69


Vertiqua is an innovation in vertical cultivation on limited land and water. Vertiqua continues to be developed to be effective in cultivating fish. This research aims to examine the effectiveness of nitrogen distribution in vertiqua using biofical top filters. The analysis used is quantitative analysis by calculating and testing the data that has been collected. Total nitrogen feed input, total nitrogen wasted, and percentage of nitrogen absorption were calculated using existing formulas. Comparative testing using the T – test on the Mini Tab application was carried out to test the effectiveness of nitrogen absorption. The research results showed that nitrogen absorption in the vertiqua using the top biofical filter was effective, ranging from 198,12 – 200,89 mg/l. Nitrogen absorption in the vertiqua without using a biofical top filter ranges from 42,75 – 43,35 mg/l. The distribution value of effective nitrogen absorption in vertiqua using the top biofical filter is shown by a P value <0,05. Vertiqua with a biofical top filter is also able to reduce nitrogen levels so that fish survival is good.
Struktur Komunitas Fitoplankton pada Budidaya Ikan Koi (Cyprinus Rubrosfuscus) dalam Sistem Vertiqua Menggunakan Biofikal Filter Atas M Yasa; Ujang Dindin; Neneng Nurbaeti
Manfish: Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Peternakan Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): September: Manfish: Jurnal Ilmiah Perikanan dan Peternakan
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Tanaman Dan Hewani Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62951/manfish.v2i2.70


Vertiqua biofical top filter is a cultivation technique with a recirculation system that utilizes limited land. Vertiqua is a solution for cultivation. When cultivating koi fish in vertiqua, the feed capacity increases and there is a high nutrient load so that the waters are easily polluted, therefore the presence of an upper biophysical filter can reduce pollution. This is important to study, especially the structure of the phytoplankton community because it is one of the biological indicators of ponds in koi fish cultivation. This research was carried out for 6 weeks in Sindangpalay Ciberem Sukabumi. The research was carried out by taking phytoplankton in the vertiqua at intervals of once every 2 weeks. The data analysis in this research is abundance, diversity, uniformity and dominance. During the research results obtained were abundance 636-673, diversity 2.6, uniformity 0.9, and dominance 0.01. The water quality studied was ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, pH, DO, turbidity and temperature. These waters are stable and healthy, which is a positive indicator to support fish farming activities. The water quality in Vertiqua is classified as good and the ecosystem is balanced, these waters are ideal for supporting the productivity and health of farmed fish.