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Range of Motion Exercise to Improve Muscle Strength among Stroke Patients: A Literature Review Yanti Srinayanti; Wina Widianti; Dian Andriani; Fidya Anisa Firdaus; Henri Setiawan
International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) Vol. 4 No. 3 (2021): International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJHNS)
Publisher : Alta Dharma Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35654/ijnhs.v4i3.464


Stroke was a disturbance in part or all brain function caused by abnormal blood flow to the brain, disrupting bodily functions such as muscle weakness. One of the efforts that could be done to overcome muscle weakness in stroke patients was the Range Of Motion (ROM) exercise which could be done independently or assisted by health workers. The purpose of this literature review was to identify the effect of range of motion (ROM) exercise in increasing muscle strength in stroke patients. This study used a descriptive method with a literature review approach. The search strategy used six international journal databases: PubMed, JSTOR, Wiley Online Library, Sage Journal, ScienceDirect, and Taylor & Francis Online. In addition, a search was conducted on one national journal database, namely Google Scholar. The selection was conducted by assessing articles that met the inclusion criteria, such as publication range from 2005-2021, in English, Indonesian, and other languages that can be translated and opened full access text. After the selection process, nine articles that met the inclusion criteria were obtained, with 197 respondents assigned randomly and grouped into 58 control groups, 55 intervention groups, 84 combined groups. The results showed that the ROM exercise method positively affected increasing muscle strength in stroke patients. Based on these results, it could be concluded that this nurse's independent intervention needed to be carried out in stroke patients to increase muscle strength
Prevalence and Correlation of Knowledge Level with Stress of Patients with Hypertension Fidya Anisa Firdaus; Wina Widianti; Windi Oktavia; Suhanda
Genius Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): GENIUS JOURNAL
Publisher : Inspirasi Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (275.48 KB) | DOI: 10.56359/gj.v1i2.8


Introduction: High blood pressure causes several complications such as heart failure, kidney failure, stroke, circulation problems and death. Hypertension can be triggered by stress due to activation of the sympathetic nervous system which causes an intermittent increase in blood pressure. Patient's knowledge of hypertension is an important factor in controlling blood pressure and reducing stress levels. Objective: This study aims to determine the prevalence and correlation of the level of knowledge and stress in people with hypertension. Methods: This type of research is quantitative analytic with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were hypertension patients in the Public Health Centre of Cijeungjing working area who were more than 30 years old with a total 101. The research sample was taken as many as 50 respondents with purposive sampling technique. The research instrument used was a questionnaire to measure the level of knowledge of hypertension and the perceived stress scale (PSS-10) as a measure of stress levels. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20 with Chi Square statistical test. Results: The results showed that the majority of respondents had more knowledge than the average of 27 people (54%). While the majority of respondents' stress levels were in the medium category, namely as many as 33 people (66%). Conclusion: Based on the results of the analysis, it is concluded that there is no significant relationship between knowledge and stress levels of hypertensive patients as evidenced by the value α <ρ value (0.05> 0.067) and the value of chi square (X2) count <chi square (X2) table (5.709 < 12,592).
Prevalence and Correlation of Knowledge Level, Stress, Diet Compliance and Quality of Life in Gastritis Patients Yudisa Diaz Lutfi Sandi; Ade Fitriani; Lilis Lismayanti; Yanti Srinayanti; Wina Widianti
Genius Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): GENIUS JOURNAL
Publisher : Inspirasi Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (535.123 KB) | DOI: 10.56359/gj.v2i1.16


Introduction: Swelling of the mucosa in the stomach caused by inflammation due to irritation and infection is called gastritis. Gastritis can cause bleeding in the stomach, if not treated immediately will cause hemorrhagic shock. This study aims to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge, dietary compliance, stress, and quality of life in gastritis sufferers. Method: This research uses quantitative analytic research with cross sectional approach and the sampling technique uses purposive sampling technique, the number of respondents is 30 people in Cijeungjing Village, Cijeungjing District, Ciamis Regency. instrument research used a gastritis knowledge level questionnaire that had been tested for validity and reliability as many as 20 questions to measure the level of knowledge in gastritis sufferers, Comstock scale questionnaire measure the level of dietary compliance in gastritis sufferers, the PSS-10 questionnaire with 10 questions to assess stress. and the 26 questions WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire measure the quality of life. Analyze adopt Chi Square test. Result: Univariate analysis of each variable showed that respondents have a level of knowledge above the average on 22 people (73.3%), high levels of dietary compliance on 15 people (50%), severe stress levels on 11 people (36.7%) and a good quality of life on 16 people (53.3%). Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between stress levels and quality of life as evidenced by the results of statistical tests >ρ value (0.05> 0.029) and chi squared (X²) count < chi squared (X²) table (4,866<12,592) but there is no significant relationship between other variables.
Heat Compress to Reduce Chronic Pain in Hepatoma Patients Hendri Tamara Yuda; Andika Abdul Malik; Wina Widianti; Nida Siti Padilah
Genius Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): GENIUS JOURNAL
Publisher : Inspirasi Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (869.255 KB) | DOI: 10.56359/gj.v2i2.18


Background: Hepatoma is an abnormal growth of liver cells, which is characterized by a mass in the right upper abdomen, which can cause chronic pain. Pain arises from tissue damage and inflammation of the liver. One of the nursing interventions that can be done to overcome the main problem of chronic pain is hot compresses. Objective: This study aims to present nursing care with hot compress intervention as an effort to overcome the main problem of chronic pain in hepatoma patients. Methods: This case study uses nursing care methods that include assessment, determination of nursing diagnoses, nursing plans, implementation of nursing and nursing evaluation which was carried out for 3 days in the aster room of the Banjar City Hospital. The assessment was carried out by way of history taking and observation. Nursing diagnosis is determined by the IDHS, while the nursing plan is adjusted to the grouping of interventions in SIKI supported by Evidence Based Nursing. Implementation and evaluation of nursing is documented with the SOAPIER model. Giving hot compress therapy to hepatoma patients is given using a bottle covered with a cloth so that the heat does not directly stick to the skin, with a duration of 15 minutes. Results: After being given a heat compress intervention, the pain scale was reduced from 8 to 2, while the subjective data from the anamnesis, the client said the pain was reduced. Conclusion: Heat compress therapy can be an effective nursing intervention to reduce chronic pain in hepatoma patients.
The Effect of Warm Compress on Lowering Dysmenorrhea Pain Wina Widianti; Yuliana Siti Nurazizah; Vina Nurkania; Aenun Fauzi; Aldi Hidayat; Yulistianto Herdiawan; Tian Septian Nugraha; Elis Roslianti
Genius Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): GENIUS JOURNAL
Publisher : Inspirasi Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (874.035 KB) | DOI: 10.56359/gj.v2i2.22


Introduction: dysmenorrhea occurs during the menstrual period which can be a gynecological problem characterized by lower abdominal pain, if the pain is not overcome and unbearable it can cause obstruction of normal activities to a sign of a reproductive disorder. Warm compress relaxation therapy is a nursing intervention that can reduce the pain scale in patients with dysmenorrhea. Objective: his study was conducted with the aim of proving the effectiveness of warm compresses on reducing the pain scale of dysmenorrhea and preventing activity barriers in STIKes Muhammadiyah Ciamis female students who are menstruating. Method: his study uses 2 time scale pain measurements, namely pre test and post test with a pre experimental design. The population in this study were 112 people with a total of 30 respondents using the accidental sampling technique along with inclusion and exclusion criteria. Statistical data analysis used the Wilxocon-non-parametric test with the SPSS version 20 application. Result: The pre-test measurement the majority of the pain scale suffered by respondents, namely scale 3 as many as 13 respondents (43.30%) and on the results of the post-test pain scale measurement or after being given a compress intervention warm majority decreased on a scale of 1 as many as 19 respondents (63.30). The results of the non-parametric Wilcoxon test showed a significant number of value < value or 0.000 < 0.05 which stated that there was a significant relationship between giving warm compress therapy to reducing the pain scale of dysmenorrhea. Conclussion: his significance value can be used as a reference for doing warm compress therapy to reduce the pain scale of dysmenorrhea with economical and low side effects.
Edukasi Kebiasaan Cuci Tangan 6 Langkah dengan Media Edukatif Permainan Ular Tangga Wina Widianti; Nurshofi Intansari; Desty Yuliawati; Haryani; Rita Ayu Andira; Andre Maulana Putra; Ade Aji Fauzan
KOLABORASI JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT Vol 1 No 2 (2021): Kolaborasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (911.783 KB) | DOI: 10.56359/kolaborasi.v1i2.25


Introduction: Hands are one of the most common parts of the body where germs and bacteria are transmitted into the body, not maintaining hand hygiene can cause health problems such as diarrhea, especially in school-age children. Hand washing 6 steps is one of the efforts to prevent contracting a disease. Objective: The purpose of this health education is as an effort to increase knowledge and familiarize PHBS in washing hands from an early age in school-age children. Method: The research method uses observational methods, questions and answers and educational games. Result: The implementation of 6-step handwashing health education for 30 grade 4 students of SDN 1 Linggasari to prevent the spread of disease and create healthy living habits from an early age became the result of this outreach activity. Conclussion: This 6-step handwashing health education was attended by 30 4th grade students at SDN 1 Linggasari and was running optimally.
Differences in Caregivers’ Burden in Caring for Children with Intellectual Disabilities who Attend Formal And Non-Formal Education Suharta; Muhammad Hasan Huda; Wina Widianti; Henri Setiawan
International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) Vol. 5 No. 3 (2022): International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJHNS)
Publisher : Alta Dharma Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Background: Children with Intellectual Disabilities (ID) or mental disorders caused by genetic disorders have a higher risk of morbidity and mortality than normal individuals. Long dependence causes the caregiver burden to increase. Objective: To measure the difference in caregiver burden on ID children attending formal and non-formal education. Method: The type of research used is observational analytic with a cross-sectional approach. The number of samples was 85 respondents, with 55 parents with children in formal education and 30 having non-formal education. The research instrument used the ZBI (Zarit Burden Interview) questionnaire. Statistical data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U Test. Results: A total of 42 (76.4%) respondents with ID children attending formal education has no burden, while 28 (93.3%) respondents with non-formal education ID children considered it moderate. Conclusion: The Mann-Whitney U Test shows a significant value of < 0.000  or < 0.05, which states that there is a significant difference between the burden of caregivers for ID children and formal and non-formal education. For future research, we recommend that the classification of formal and non-formal education be explained in more detail by involving inclusive education and home-schooling
Latihan Mobilisasi Untuk Meningkatkan Proses Pemulihan Pasca Operasi Laparatomi Pada Pasien Peritonitis Ade Fitriani; Wina Widianti; Lilis Lismayanti; Andan Firmansyah; Dadi Hamdani
HealthCare Nursing Journal Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): HealthCare Nursing Journal
Publisher : Program Studi Keperawatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (311.876 KB) | DOI: 10.35568/healthcare.v5i1.2835


Studi ini dilakukan untuk mempresentasikan intervensi latihan mobilisasi untuk meningkatkan proses pemulihan pada pasien dengan gangguan mobilitas fisik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode asuhan keperawatan, mencakup pengkajian, merumuskan diagnosa keperawatan, intervensi, implementasi dan evaluasi yang dilakukan selama 2 hari di ruangan Anggrek BLUD RSU Kota Banjar dan 1 hari di rumah klien yang bertempatkan di Kecamatan Banjaranyar, Kabupaten Ciamis. Diagnosa keperawatan Gangguan Mobilitas Fisik berhubungan dengan Kelemahan Fisik Pasca Operasi dengan nomor diagnosa D.0054, diberikan intervensi mobilisasi selama 4 hari dengan durasi waktu 30 menit dalam sehari, setelah intervensi dilakukan, masalah keperawatan gangguan mobilitas fisik terhadap klien teratasi ditandai dengan peningkatan kekuatan otot yang semula kekuatan otot eksremitas atas 4 dan eksremitas bawah 3 menjadi 5 untuk kekuatan otot eksremitas atas dan 4 untuk kekuatan otot eksremitas bawah, serta meningkatnya pola aktivitas pada klien secara mandiri. Pemberian intervensi mobilisasi terbukti bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan proses pemulihan pasca operasi, manfaat terap akan maksimal apabila dilakukan secara berkala dan bertahap