Wardani, Maria Magdalena Sinta
Universitas Sanata Dharma

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International Journal of Humanity Studies (IJHS) Vol 3, No 2 (2020): March 2020
Publisher : Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (315.392 KB) | DOI: 10.24071/ijhs.v3i2.2226


Yogyakarta is a multicultural city in which people from different regions and ethnicity live and well known as one of the best foreign tourist destinations in Indonesia. This situation gives an excellent opportunity for the community to communicate with others whose different cultural backgrounds, ethnicity, and language. Commonly, they talk in Javanese, the local language spoken in Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, due to the engagement with those who speak in different languages, Indonesian and English are gaining more frequent usage. Concerning this situation, this paper is to investigate the language choice among students in Yogyakarta. This study also scrutinises their language attitude toward English, colloquial Indonesian, and local languages. In achieving the objectives, a sociolinguistic questionnaire is given to 100 sample respondents who are the students of Universitas Sanata Dharma. The results show that the students have appreciative attitudes towards the colloquial Indonesian, English, and local languages. The investigation on the language choice indicates that the students choose to communicate using Indonesian. The dominance of Indonesian shifts the use of local languages. 
Sintesis Vol 15, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/sin.v15i1.3120


Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan jenis-jenis kekerasan verbal yang terjadi dalam kolom komentar akun Instagram Garudarevolution pada bulan September 2019. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode padan dengan teknik dasar pilah unsur penentu (PUP). Hasil penelitian ini berupa kekerasan verbal yang terjadi di akun Instagram Garudarevolution yang meliputi (i) kekerasan verbal tidak langsung memfitnah, (ii) kekerasan verbal tidak langsung menstigmatisasi, (iii) kekerasan tidak langsung penstereotipan, (iv) kekerasan langsung membentak, (v) kekerasan langsung mengejek, (vi) kekerasan verbal langsung memaki, (vii) kekerasan verbal langsung meremehkan, (viii) kekerasan verbal langsung menantang, (ix) kekerasan verbal langsung menyanggah, (x) kekerasan verbal represif menyuruh, (xi) kekerasan verbal represif mengancam, (xii) kekerasan verbal represif menakut-nakuti, (xiii) kekerasan verbal represif memprovokasi, (xiv) kekerasan verbal alienatif mengusir, (xv) kekerasan verbal alienatif mempermalukan, (xvi) kekerasan verbal alienatif mendiskreditkan.
The Metaphoric Conceptualization of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Online Press Releases of Lapor Covid-19 and Kominfo Maria Magdalena Sinta Wardani
Journal of Language and Literature Vol 21, No 1 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (472.734 KB) | DOI: 10.24071/joll.v21i1.3035


This article seeks to describe the metaphoric conceptualization of the COVID-19 pandemic in the online press releases of Lapor COVID-19 and the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kominfo). More specifically, it seeks to 1) describe the metaphorical linguistic forms contained in the online press releases of Lapor COVID-19 and Kominfo, 2) identify the conceptual metaphors contained in the online press releases of Lapor COVID-19 and Kominfo, 3) describe the function of the metaphors contained in the online press releases of Lapor COVID-19 and Kominfo. Data were collected between March 1 and October 31, 2020. Analysis was conducted using the method developed by Steen (2009). Nine metaphors were identified as being used within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: 1) berguguran ('fall in battle'), 2) berdamai ('make peace'), 3) garis depan ('frontlines'), 4) melawan ('oppose'), 5) menang ('win'), 6) benteng ('fortress, bastion'), 7) menghantui ('spook'), 8) membesar ('grow in size'), and 9) menelan ('swallow'). Three conceptual metaphorizations of the pandemic were utilized by Lapor COVID-19, namely 1) PANDEMIC IS WAR, 2) PANDEMIC IS GHOST/SPECTER, and 3) PANDEMIC IS MONSTER. Meanwhile, one conceptual metaphorization was identified in Kominfo's press releases: PANDEMIC IS WAR. These conceptual metaphors' selection was informed by the genre of the discourses as well as specific characteristics of the institutional. Metaphors, as rhetoric devices in persuasive discourses, function to 1) increase the attractiveness of the message and stimulate readers' imagination, 2) reduce the complexity of the message, and 3) to concretize the discourse.
International Journal of Humanity Studies (IJHS) Vol 3, No 2 (2020): March 2020
Publisher : Sanata Dharma University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/ijhs.v3i2.2226


Yogyakarta is a multicultural city in which people from different regions and ethnicity live and well known as one of the best foreign tourist destinations in Indonesia. This situation gives an excellent opportunity for the community to communicate with others whose different cultural backgrounds, ethnicity, and language. Commonly, they talk in Javanese, the local language spoken in Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, due to the engagement with those who speak in different languages, Indonesian and English are gaining more frequent usage. Concerning this situation, this paper is to investigate the language choice among students in Yogyakarta. This study also scrutinises their language attitude toward English, colloquial Indonesian, and local languages. In achieving the objectives, a sociolinguistic questionnaire is given to 100 sample respondents who are the students of Universitas Sanata Dharma. The results show that the students have appreciative attitudes towards the colloquial Indonesian, English, and local languages. The investigation on the language choice indicates that the students choose to communicate using Indonesian. The dominance of Indonesian shifts the use of local languages.
PRONOMINA DALAM BAHASA MELAYU KUPANG Yoans Beni Eko Saputra Leo Lulu Lau; Praptomo Baryadi Isodarus; Maria Magdalena Sinta Wardani
Sintesis Vol 16, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/sin.v16i1.4480


Penelitian ini membahas pronomina dalam bahasa Melayu Kupang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi jenis pronomina dalam bahasa Melayu Kupang. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat tiga metode penelitian, yakni metode pengumpulan data, metode analisis data, dan metode penyajian hasil analisis data. Pada bagian metode pengumpulan data digunakan metode simak dengan teknik lanjutan simak bebas libat cakap, teknik rekam, dan teknik catat. Pada bagian metode analisis data digunakan metode padan dengan sub jenis metode padan referensial. Pada bagian metode penyajian hasil analisis data digunakan metode penyajian informal. Hasil penelitian ini adalah jenis-jenis pronomina dalam bahasa Melayu Kupang. Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi, terdapat lima jenis pronomina dalam bahasa Melayu Kupang, yaitu pronomina persona (be/beta/ana, botong, lu, besong/bosong, dia, dong), pronomina pemilik (beta pung, lu pung, besong pung, dia pung, dong pung), pronomina penunjuk (ini, itu, pi sana, pi situ, di sini, di sana, di situ, bagini, bagitu) pronomina penanya (apa, sapa, kermana, kapan tempo, kanapa, barapa, mana, dar mana) , dan pronomina tak tentu (dong).
PERMAINAN BAHASA DALAM WACANA COCOKOLOGI PADA ACARA INI TALK SHOW DI NET Marcelina Cica Pratiwi Silalahi; Sony Christian Sudarsono; Maria Magdalena Sinta Wardani
Sintesis Vol 14, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/sin.v14i1.2530


Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan permainan bahasa pada wacana cocokologi dalam acara Ini Talks Show di NET. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode padan pragmatis dan metode agih. Fenomena permainan bahasa dalam wacana cocokologi terdapat pada tataran (i) bunyi: substitusi bunyi, dan penambahan bunyi, (ii) ejaan, (iii) kata: sinonimi, hiponimi, dan pemendekan, (iv) kalimat: kalimat ekuatif, tautologi, redundansi, pepatah, penerjemahan, pertalian antarklausa, dan pendefinisian, dan (v) wacana: silogisme, asosiasi, generalisasi, dan pengulangan.
NEGASI DALAM BAHASA IBAN Maria Magdalena Sinta Wardani; Zhang Huiye
Sintesis Vol 10, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/sin.v10i2.918


This article aims to describe the form and types of negation in the Iban language. The study was conducted in Semunying Jaya, District Jagoi Babang Bengkayang, West Kalimantan during September 2015. The data was collected by observation, interview, record, and notes. The researchers analyze the data by agih method with the basic techniques such as direct dividing element technique and advanced technique of deletion (Sudaryanto, 2015:50). The form of negation in Iban language is formulated and presented informally. The results showed that the negation in the Iban language is a basic form and free morpheme. The word used as a marker of negation is ndak no, ukai not, bedau not yet, nadai none, ngai not want, and anang dont. The type of negation contained in Iban language is the negation assertions, perfective negation, imperfective negation, negation of existence, negative refusal, and negative imperative.Keywords: negation, negative sentences, Iban language
Sintesis Vol 11, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/sin.v11i2.1736


Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perangkat manipulasi bahasa dalam teks kabar bohong.Data berupa kabar bohongdiperoleh dari laman https://www.turnbackhoax.id. Pengumpulan datadilakukan sejak bulan November 2016 hingga bulan Maret 2017. Kabar bohong dapat memuatberbagai isu, di antaranya adalah isu politis, rasial, agamawi, bencana alam, kriminal, dan kesehatan.Data menunjukkan bahwa manipulasi bahasa dapat berupa manipulasi rasional dan manipulasiemotif. Selain itu, ditemukan pula penggunaan pungtuasi dan huruf kapital dalam teks kabar bohongyang bertujuan untuk menonjolkan bagian tertentu dalam teks dan sekaligus juga memperkuat efekperlokusi dalam manipulasi bahasa.
IMBUHAN PEMBENTUK KATA KERJA DALAM BAHASA DAYAK KENYAH BAKUNG Meri Tiana Yan; Praptomo Baryadi Isodarus; Maria Magdalena Sinta Wardani
Sintesis Vol 13, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/sin.v13i2.2296


Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan imbuhan pembentuk kata kerja dalam bahasa Dayak Kenyah Bakung. Imbuhan pembentuk kata kerja itu dianalisis bentuk, fungsi, dan maknanya. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode simak dan metode cakap. Metode yang digunakan untuk analisis data adalah metode agih dan teknik baca markah. Metode yang digunakan untuk penyajian hasil analisis data adalah metode informal dan formal. Pertama, imbuhan kata kerja yang ditemukan adalah awalan {ke-}, {le-}, {m-}, {me-}, {n-}, {ne-}, {ng-}, {nge-}, {ngem-}, {ny-}, {p-}, {pe-}, {te-}, konfiks {nge-/-en}, dan sisipan {-em-}. Kedua, fungsi imbuhan kata kerja yang ditemukan dalam bahasa Dayak Kenyah Bakung ada dua jenis, yaitu berfungsi derivatif dan berfungsi inflektif. Ketiga, makna imbuhan kata kerja dalam bahasa Dayak Kenyah Bakung, yaitu setiap imbuhan bisa menyatakan bermacam-macam makna tergantung bentuk dasar yang dilekatinya, misalnya awalan {ke-}, {le-}, {m-}, {me-}, {n-}, {ng-}, {nge-}, {ngem-}, {p-}, {ny-}, {pe-}, sisipan {-em-} menyatakan makna melakukan. Awalan {le-}, {m-}, {nge-}, {ngem-}, {ny-}, {p-}, {pe-}, konfiks {nge-/-en} menyatakan makna membuat jadi. Awalan {m-} dan {n-} mengungkapkan makna melakukan kerja dengan alat. Awalan {me-} dan {nge-} mengandung makna mengeluarkan. Awalan {n-} dan {ny-} menimbulkan makna menggunakan. Awalan {ne-}, {nge-}, dan {ngem-} mengandung maknamembuat. Awalan {ng-} dan {ngem-} menyatakan makna menjadi. Awalan {ng-} menyatakan makna mengganti. Awalan {nge-} menyatakan makna menjadikan berada di. Awalan {p-} dan {pe-} menimbulkan makna sudah terjadi. Awalan {pe-} menyatakan makna saling berada di, menyebabkan. Awalan {pe-} dan {te-} menyatakan makna tidak sengaja.
An Ethnolinguistic Study of Form and Reference Name of Fish and Seaweed Category Maria Magdalena Sinta Wardani
Jurnal Lingua Idea Vol 11 No 1 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (537.576 KB) | DOI: 10.20884/1.jli.2020.11.1.2073


This qualitative research aims to describe the form and reference in the name of the type of iwak ‘fish’ and karangan 'seaweed' used by the fishing communities of Baron Beach, DIY. Data collection was carried out with literature review, participatory observation, and in-depth interviews. The informants were three fishermen from Kemadang Village, Tanjungsari District, Gunung Kidul Regency, DIY. Unit of analysis is in the form of words related to service activities used in daily life. This study describes lingual units used as type names. The results showed that the names of the types of fish and seaweed categories were basic and derivative forms. Derivative forms include affixed and compound words. Meanwhile, reference to the names of fish and seaweed category types include tools, body parts, animals, plants, shapes, colors, sex, circumstances, professions, and myths.