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Pelatihan Penggunaan Perangkat Lunak (Software) Autocad untuk Gambar Teknik bagi Siswa SMK Negeri 4 Medan Fadly A. Kurniawan Nasution; Ade Irwan; Junaidi Junaidi
Prioritas: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2 No 02 (2020): EDISI SEPTEMBER 2020
Publisher : Universitas Harapan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35447/prioritas.v2i02.250


Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) Negeri 4 Medan merupakan salah satu SMK Negeri dengan status kepemilikan Pemerintah Pusat yang berada di kota Medan. Sekolah ini beralamat di Jl. Sei Kera No. 132, Pandau Hilir, Kec. Medan Perjuangan, Kota Medan, Provinsi Sumatera Utara. SMK Negeri 4 Medan didirikan pada tahun 1966 dan mengantongi SK pendirian sekolah dengan No. SK: 156/DIRPT/BI/1966. SMK ini terakreditasi A, dan memiliki berbagai jurusan keahlian yang salah satunya adalah Teknik Kendaraan Ringan. (Kemdikbud, 2019)
Analisa Respon Mekanis Bahan Dashboard Mobil dengan Metode Pengujian Tarik (Tensile Test) Doli Tryono Siregar; Ade Irwan; Din Aswan Amran Ritonga
JITEKH Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Maret 2023
Publisher : Universitas Harapan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35447/jitekh.v11i1.701


Dashboard is a panel on the front of the car interior, here usually there are several facilities, such as instrumentation panels, drawers, radio / tape, and air conditioning. The dashboard also has many functions as a place for instrument panels and warning signal gauges and also has an audio system, ventilation air-conditioning head and many others. And here the researcher wants to know the strength on the car dashboard by using the tensile test method. Tensile testing is one such test. The method used in this research is a tensile test method using a UTM machine. Material testing machine with a length of 100 mm using ASTM E8. The results of the study have 5 specimens for the first specimen on the car dashboard having a tensile stress with a value of 33,95 Mpa strain with a value of 0,02 And the modulus of elasticity with a value of 1.697,5 Mpa the second specimen on the car dashboard has a tensile stress with a value of 35,98 Mpa strain with a value of 0,03 And the modulus of elasticity with a value of 1.199,33 Mpa The third specimen on the dashboard of the car has a tensile stress with a value of 43,55 Mpa strain with a value of 0,01 And the modulus of elasticity with a value of 4.345 Mpa the fourth specimen on the car dashboard has a tensile stress with a value of 33,95 Mpa strain with a value of 0,01 And the modulus of elasticity with a value of 3.395 Mpa the fifth specimen on the car dashboard has a tensile stress with a value of 42,77 Mpa strain with a value of 0,02 and modulus of elasticity with a value of 2.138,5 Mpa
Analisa Respon Mekanis Bahan Fiber Plastik Jok dengan Metode Uji Tarik (Tensile Test) Anggri Abdi Rullah; Ade Irwan; Fadly Ahmad Kurniawan Nasution
JITEKH Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Maret 2023
Publisher : Universitas Harapan Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35447/jitekh.v11i1.702


Plastic Fiber Upholstery Is a component that plays an important role for comfort and safety for motorcycle riders, the shape of the seat plastic fiber is also different according to the needs of motorcycles both in terms of type and type. Functions of Plastic Fiber Upholstery seats to support weight and shock absorbers. And here the researcher wants to know the strength of the Plastic Fiber Upholstery using the Tensile test method. Tensile testing is one such test. The method used in this research is a tensile test method using a UTM machine. Material testing machine with a length of 104 mm using ASTM E8. The results of this study have 5 specimens for the first specimen on Fiber Plastic Upholstery has a tensile stress with a value of 33.50 MPa, strain with a value of 0.03. And the modulus of elasticity with a value of 1,176.6 MPa. The second specimen on Plastic Fiber Upholstery had a tensile stress of 30.55 MPa, a strain with a value of 0.02. And the modulus of elasticity with a value of 1.527.5 MPa. The third specimen on Plastic Fiber Upholstery has a tensile stress of 51.60 MPa, a strain of 0.06. And the modulus of elasticity with a value of 860 MPa. The fourth specimen on Plastic Fiber Upholstery has a tensile stress of 19.01 MPa, a strain of 0.02. And the modulus of elasticity with a value of 950.5 MPa. The fifth specimen on Fiber Plastic Upholstery has a tensile stress of 44.81 MPa, a strain of 0.03. And the modulus of elasticity with a value of 1493.6 MPa.
Jurnal Simetri Rekayasa Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Edisi November
Publisher : Universitas Harapan Medan

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when aluminum is exposed to free air. This aluminum oxide layer prevents further oxidation. One way of recycling (recycle) is the smelting process. Where adding Silicon Metal to the Aluminum alloy makes these two alloys strong and light Aluminum-Silicon Metal is cast with 3 ratios namely (92% Al: 8% Si, 90% Al: 10% Si, 88% Al: 12% Si) shaft shape. After finishing casting the specimen is turned with ASTM E8 size followed by tensile testing to get the stress value, strain value and elastic modulus value in the material. The addition of Silicon Metal elements in Aluminum, the tensile strength of Aluminum will be even smaller. Crust/dirt is one of one reason for the decrease in tensile strength. This crust/dirt can also cause defects in the casting specimens. The amount of porosity that occurs in casting aluminum alloys does not only depend on the amount of hydrogen gas absorbed by the metal, but also depends on the speed of solidification of the metal in the mould. From the test results, the average stress value for a mixture of Al 92% - Si 8% is 0.378697366 MPa, a mixture of Al 90% - Si 10% is 0.386266797 Mpa, a mixture of Al 88% - Si 12% is 0.14015392 MPa.
Analisa Uji Kekerasan Akibat Perlakuan Panas Dengan Media Pendingin Dexlite dan Air Pada Baja VCN-150 dan Baja S45C Menggunakan Metode Vickers Junaidi Junaidi; Ade Irwan
Jurnal Simetri Rekayasa Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Edisi Oktober 2020
Publisher : Universitas Harapan Medan

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Solar Dexlite for diesel-engined vehicles is able to protect the vehicle's engine properly. Dexlite also has Ecosave Technology which is able to protect the engine from rust so that the engine is better protected and becomes durable and long lasting. VCN 150 steel which is equivalent to AISI AISI 4340 is a type of steel material that is widely used for shafts in conveyor motor rolls. This steel is included in the machinery steel group which is also an alloy steel of Nickel, Chrom and Molybdenum with medium carbon content. This material has good toughness and ductility and has the ability to be hardened so that it is suitable for its designation under the desired operational conditions. However, to increase wear resistance, one way to do this is to increase the hardness of VCN 150. There is a correlation that increasing hardness will increase the wear resistance of a material. One of the efforts made is to carry out a hardening heat treatment process to obtain a martensite structure. The results of the hardness test on S45C carbon steel, the sample raw material is 213 HV, at a cooling rate of quenching is 674 HV, normalizing is 208 HV and annealing is 150 HV. The hardness of steel using the quenching process is higher compared to other cooling rates. Heat treatment of steel samples at a temperature of 850 oC for 30 minutes with different cooling rates gives the effect of changing the microstructure of the steel. The results of microstructure observations before being given heat treatment produced ferrite and pearlite grains and after being subjected to heat treatment with the quenching process produced martensite and cementite grains.
Buletin Utama Teknik Vol 18, No 3 (2023): Edisi Mei
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh arus pengelasan terhadap kualitas kekuatan tarik baja tulangan BjTP24 hasil pengelasan SMAW dan apakah ada pengaruh arus pengelasan terhadap kekuatan tarik daerah las baja tulangan BjTP24 hasil pengelasan SMAW  . Penelitian ini menggunakan bahan baja tulangan polos yang diberi perlakuan pengelasan dengan variasi arus 80 Amper, 90 Amper dan 100 Amper dengan menggunakan las SMAW DC polaritas terbalik dengan elektroda E7018 diameter 3,2 mm. DC polaritas terbalik yaitu pemegang elektroda dihubungkan dengan kutub positif dan logam induk dihubungkan dengan kutub negatif. Jenis kampuh yang digunakan adalah kampuh V dengan sudut 45 ­­-60  dan selanjutnya spesimen di uji tarik. Rata-rata kekuatan tarik untuk kelompok arus 80 Ampere adalah 523,69 N/mm2 sedangkan untuk kelompok arus 90 Ampere diperoleh 558,18 N/mm2. Dapat dilihat bahwa terjadi peningkatan kekuatan sebesar 34,49 N/mm2. Akan tetapi kekuatan tarik untuk kelompok arus 100 Ampere diperoleh 531,08 N/mm2, dalam hal ini mengalami penurunan kekuatan sebesar 27,10 N/mm2 dari kelompok arus 90 Ampere, namun nilai tersebut masih berada di atas kekuatan tarik kelompok arus 80 A dengan peningkatan sebesar 7,39 N/mm2. Nilai kekuatan tarik untuk masing-masing kelompok, Nilai regangan tertinggi diperoleh kelompok arus 90 ampere dengan nilai 7,71%, sedangkan untuk kelompok arus 80 ampere dan 100 ampere mengalami penurunan dengan nilai masing-masing 1,04% dan 3,07%.