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Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Simbolik Pada Perkuliahan Agama Kristen dalam Menginternalisasikan Nilai-Nilai Iman dan Moral Sampitmo Habeahan; Yakobus Ndona
Jurnal Teologi Berita Hidup Vol 3, No 2 (2021): Maret 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Berita Hidup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38189/jtbh.v3i2.95


The using of learning model determines learning outcomes. The symbolic learning model is a way to improve Christian lectures internalize the values of faith and moral so that it can contribute namely to form a human person with nobel character. What kinds of learning model is effective? The learning model in certain material is not effective in other material. Based on the problem and the formulation of the problem, the objectives of the study: First, to design and test it out the symbolic learning model in Christian Lectures. Second, to find out and to reveal the effectiveness the symbolic learning model in internalizing the values of faith and moral in Christian lectures. The characteristic of this research to solve the problem that being faced and make the condition better by action which is refined continuously. Researchers reflection found out the source of the problem is not in accordance. The researcher will be tested it out a alternative model by doing the model symbolic learning in Christian lectures. The discovery will contribute in national education in overcoming the gap between attain a level of understanding and character development. The research used the spiral model Kemmis and Taggart that will emphasize the reflection spiral. It self consist of planning, action, observation, reflection and replanning. The research was done with two circles. The result of the reflection and first circle recommendation determine needs and the activities of second circle. The data collection will be done by interview, observation, documentation and questionnaire. So, will be analyzed be by reduced, on display and conclusion. The data was analyzed quantitatively by formula: I =  X 100% (Internalization of values : total value = total college students x 100). The result of the research that the using of learning model symbol based in Christian education lectures can be used to achieve the values of faith and moral and stimulate the college student to build commitment embodiment of values in life.Penggunaan model pembelajaran menentukan hasil belajar.  Model pembelajaran simbolik sebagai jalan untuk mengembangkan perkuliahan Agama Kristen dengan menginternalisasikan nilai-nilai iman dan moral, sehingga dapat berkontribusi pada pencapaian tujuan Pendidikan Nasional yakni membentuk pribadi manusia yang berakhlak mulia. Apakah model pembelajaran simbolik efektif untuk menginternalisasi nilai iman dan moral mahasiswa? Berdasarkan masalah dan rumusan masalah penelitian ini bertujuan Pertama; untuk mendesain dan mengujicobakan model pembelajaran simbolik dalam perkuliahan Agama. Kedua; untuk menemukan dan mengungkapkan efektivitas model pembelajaran simbolik dalam menginternalisasikan nilai-nilai iman dan moral dalam perkuliahan Agama Kristen. Sifat khas penelitan ini adalah untuk mengatasi masalah yang sedang dihadapi dan membuat kondisi lebih baik dengan tindakan yang disempurnakan secara terus-menerus. Refleksi peneliti menemukan sumber persoalan pada model pembelajaran yang tidak sesuai. Peneliti akan mengujicobakan suatu model alternatif, yakni model pembelajaran simbolik pada PAK, untuk menemukan efektivitas dari model ini. Penemuan akan berkontribusi pada dunia pendidikan dalam mengatasi jurang antara pencapaian tingkat pemahaman dengan pengembangan karakter. Penelitian menggunakan model spiral Kemmis dan Taggart yang akan menekankan spiral refleksi diri yang terdiri dari perencanaan, tindakan, orservasi, dan refleksi dan perencanaan kembali sebagai untuk memahami apa yang seharusnya di buat untuk mengembangkan situasi pendidikan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan dua siklus. Hasil refleksi dan rekomendasi siklus pertama menentukan kebutuhan dan kegiatan siklus kedua. Pengumpulan data akan dilakukan lewat wawancara, pengamatan, dokumentasi, dan angket. Maka dianalisis dengan cara direduksi, didisplay, disimpulkan. Data angket akan dianalisis secara kuantitatif dengan rumus I =  X 100% (Internalisasi nilai = jumlah nilai: Jumlah Mahasiswa x 100). Hasil penelitian bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran berbasis simbol dalam perkuliahan Pendidikan Agama Kristen dapat digunakan untuk mencapai iman dan moral serta merangsang mahasiswa untuk membangun komitmen perwujudan nilai-nilai dalam kehidupan.
Pedagogi Yesus Dalam Perspektif Progresifisme Pendidikan Yakobus Ndona; Liber Siagian; Sampitmo Habeahan
Jurnal Christian Humaniora Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Mei
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46965/jch.v5i1.614


AbstractJesus Christ is not only a founder of Christianity. Jesus is from pedagogical perspective including an educational figures with the power of charisma who until now has influenced to the world of Christianity. The charisma pedagogy of Jesus appears in authoritative teaching, the charismatic, delivery of messianic expectations and a distinctive educational pattern. A study of a gospels, reveals that the pedagogy of Jesus was not oriented toward the inculcation of religious laws as done by the Jewish rabbis. Jesus education focused on renewing the heart based on the value of the kingdom of God.  Jesus did not build a formal class but made Himself and the environment around Him as a learning laboratory. This pattern shows that the pedagogy of Jesus has both parallel and contradiction with the various educational which developing in the world of education. This paper examines the richness of Jesus pedagogy as seem from a progressivism perspective of an education. The philosophical hermeneutic analysis found the substance, pattern and objective value of Jesus education. Then, through reflection and heuristics, we find contextual values that have implications for the world of Christian education and is an inspiration for educational activists today.Key words : Jesus, Pedagogy, Progressivism  AbstrakYesus Kristus tidak hanya seorang pendiri kristianitas. Yesus, dari perspektif pedagogik  termasuk tokoh pendidikan dengan kekuatan kharisma yang sampai sekarang berpengaruh pada dunia kekristenan. Kharisma pedagogi Yesus tampak dalam pengajaran yang otoritatif, berkharisma, penyampaian harapan-harapan mesianik, dan pola pendidikan yang khas. Telah terhadap kitab-kitab Injil memperlihatkan bahwa pedagogi Yesus tidak berorientasi pada penanaman hukum-hukum agama seperti yang dilakukan para rabi Yahudi. Pendidikan Yesus terfokus pada pembaharuan hati yang berlandaskan pada nilai-nilai kerajaan Allah. Yesus tidak membangun kelas-kelas formal, tetapi menjadikan diri-Nya dan lingkungan sekitar sebagai laboratorium belajar. Pola ini memperlihatkan bahwa pedagogi Yesus memiliki paralel sekaligus kontradiksi dengan berbagai aliran pendidikan yang sekarang berkembang dalam dunia pendidikan. Tulisan ini mengkaji kekayaan pedagogi Yesus yang dilihat dari perspektif progresifisme pendidikan.Analisa hermeneutika falsafati menemukan substansi,  pola dan nilai objektif pendidikan Yesus, kemudian lewat gerak refleksi dan heuristika menemukan nilai kontektual yang berimplikasi bagi dunia pendidikan Kristen, dan inspirasi bagi para penggiat pendidikan dewasa ini. Kata kunci: Pedagogi, Progresifisme, Yesus,
SEPULUH PILAR MENUJU GEREJA YANG SEHAT Sampitmo Habeahan; Delilitnaria Tarigan
Jurnal Christian Humaniora Vol 5, No 2 (2021): November
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46965/jch.v5i2.687


Abstract Jesus Christ has prophesied the presence of church. The church is a collection of believers who have received salvation. Refers to the fact that He wants His job done perfectly same as He is perfect too. Have the local churches exemplified the early Christian way of life in faith and service? Because Jesus Christ has built the church and given His words therefore the church should be healthy. However, the fact that there are many churches aren’t healthy where it can be seen there is no growth in quality and quantity. The objective of this research is to dig what pillars of healthy church based on the bible is. The method of this research is literature study. The result of this research is described to ten pillars towards the health of church as follows : 1. Centered on the God’s word; 2. Epository sermons; 3. Making discipleship; 4. Doing evangelism; 5. Praying church; 6. The church involving the laity; 7. A vision – driven church; 8. The church on the mission; 9. The balance of multiple divine mandates ; 10. Maintaining the holiness.Key words: Pillar, the healthy church
Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Simbolik Pada Perkuliahan Agama Kristen dalam Menginternalisasikan Nilai-Nilai Iman dan Moral Sampitmo Habeahan; Yakobus Ndona
Jurnal Teologi Berita Hidup Vol 3, No 2 (2021): Maret 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Berita Hidup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38189/jtbh.v3i2.95


The using of learning model determines learning outcomes. The symbolic learning model is a way to improve Christian lectures internalize the values of faith and moral so that it can contribute namely to form a human person with nobel character. What kinds of learning model is effective? The learning model in certain material is not effective in other material. Based on the problem and the formulation of the problem, the objectives of the study: First, to design and test it out the symbolic learning model in Christian Lectures. Second, to find out and to reveal the effectiveness the symbolic learning model in internalizing the values of faith and moral in Christian lectures. The characteristic of this research to solve the problem that being faced and make the condition better by action which is refined continuously. Researchers reflection found out the source of the problem is not in accordance. The researcher will be tested it out a alternative model by doing the model symbolic learning in Christian lectures. The discovery will contribute in national education in overcoming the gap between attain a level of understanding and character development. The research used the spiral model Kemmis and Taggart that will emphasize the reflection spiral. It self consist of planning, action, observation, reflection and replanning. The research was done with two circles. The result of the reflection and first circle recommendation determine needs and the activities of second circle. The data collection will be done by interview, observation, documentation and questionnaire. So, will be analyzed be by reduced, on display and conclusion. The data was analyzed quantitatively by formula: I =  X 100% (Internalization of values : total value = total college students x 100). The result of the research that the using of learning model symbol based in Christian education lectures can be used to achieve the values of faith and moral and stimulate the college student to build commitment embodiment of values in life.Penggunaan model pembelajaran menentukan hasil belajar.  Model pembelajaran simbolik sebagai jalan untuk mengembangkan perkuliahan Agama Kristen dengan menginternalisasikan nilai-nilai iman dan moral, sehingga dapat berkontribusi pada pencapaian tujuan Pendidikan Nasional yakni membentuk pribadi manusia yang berakhlak mulia. Apakah model pembelajaran simbolik efektif untuk menginternalisasi nilai iman dan moral mahasiswa? Berdasarkan masalah dan rumusan masalah penelitian ini bertujuan Pertama; untuk mendesain dan mengujicobakan model pembelajaran simbolik dalam perkuliahan Agama. Kedua; untuk menemukan dan mengungkapkan efektivitas model pembelajaran simbolik dalam menginternalisasikan nilai-nilai iman dan moral dalam perkuliahan Agama Kristen. Sifat khas penelitan ini adalah untuk mengatasi masalah yang sedang dihadapi dan membuat kondisi lebih baik dengan tindakan yang disempurnakan secara terus-menerus. Refleksi peneliti menemukan sumber persoalan pada model pembelajaran yang tidak sesuai. Peneliti akan mengujicobakan suatu model alternatif, yakni model pembelajaran simbolik pada PAK, untuk menemukan efektivitas dari model ini. Penemuan akan berkontribusi pada dunia pendidikan dalam mengatasi jurang antara pencapaian tingkat pemahaman dengan pengembangan karakter. Penelitian menggunakan model spiral Kemmis dan Taggart yang akan menekankan spiral refleksi diri yang terdiri dari perencanaan, tindakan, orservasi, dan refleksi dan perencanaan kembali sebagai untuk memahami apa yang seharusnya di buat untuk mengembangkan situasi pendidikan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan dua siklus. Hasil refleksi dan rekomendasi siklus pertama menentukan kebutuhan dan kegiatan siklus kedua. Pengumpulan data akan dilakukan lewat wawancara, pengamatan, dokumentasi, dan angket. Maka dianalisis dengan cara direduksi, didisplay, disimpulkan. Data angket akan dianalisis secara kuantitatif dengan rumus I =  X 100% (Internalisasi nilai = jumlah nilai: Jumlah Mahasiswa x 100). Hasil penelitian bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran berbasis simbol dalam perkuliahan Pendidikan Agama Kristen dapat digunakan untuk mencapai iman dan moral serta merangsang mahasiswa untuk membangun komitmen perwujudan nilai-nilai dalam kehidupan.
Voice of Wesley: Jurnal Ilmiah Musik dan Agama Vol 4, No 2 (2021): J.VoW Vol 4. No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologia Wesley Methodist Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36972/jvow.v4i2.87


The objective of this research is to find out how the level of youth understanding about the meaning of Sunday service in Indonesia Evangelical Presbyterian Church (GPII) Sola Scriptura Medan. This research is descriptive it means that the result of the study describe what is in according to the result of the study. Research finding based on the result of observations and interviews concluded that most of the youths have been seriously followed and been active in the Sunday service but there are a few the youths whispered, talked, went in and out of the church when worship taking place. This is in accordance with the result of processed data netted using a closed questionnaire instrument which concluded that 6.3 % of the research subjects were in the very good category, 58,8 % were in good category and there were 45.15 % were in the bad or bad category. Therefore, the tendency of youth to understand the elements of the meaning of the Sunday service is likely to conclude well. The result of the study indicate the importance of more serious coaching for youth, namely in the form of religious education in schools, fostering parents in the family and supervision of church council when worship taking place.
Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Simbolik Pada Perkuliahan Agama Kristen dalam Menginternalisasikan Nilai-Nilai Iman dan Moral Sampitmo Habeahan; Yakobus Ndona
Jurnal Teologi Berita Hidup Vol 3, No 2 (2021): Maret 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Berita Hidup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38189/jtbh.v3i2.95


The using of learning model determines learning outcomes. The symbolic learning model is a way to improve Christian lectures internalize the values of faith and moral so that it can contribute namely to form a human person with nobel character. What kinds of learning model is effective? The learning model in certain material is not effective in other material. Based on the problem and the formulation of the problem, the objectives of the study: First, to design and test it out the symbolic learning model in Christian Lectures. Second, to find out and to reveal the effectiveness the symbolic learning model in internalizing the values of faith and moral in Christian lectures. The characteristic of this research to solve the problem that being faced and make the condition better by action which is refined continuously. Researchers reflection found out the source of the problem is not in accordance. The researcher will be tested it out a alternative model by doing the model symbolic learning in Christian lectures. The discovery will contribute in national education in overcoming the gap between attain a level of understanding and character development. The research used the spiral model Kemmis and Taggart that will emphasize the reflection spiral. It self consist of planning, action, observation, reflection and replanning. The research was done with two circles. The result of the reflection and first circle recommendation determine needs and the activities of second circle. The data collection will be done by interview, observation, documentation and questionnaire. So, will be analyzed be by reduced, on display and conclusion. The data was analyzed quantitatively by formula: I =  X 100% (Internalization of values : total value = total college students x 100). The result of the research that the using of learning model symbol based in Christian education lectures can be used to achieve the values of faith and moral and stimulate the college student to build commitment embodiment of values in life.Penggunaan model pembelajaran menentukan hasil belajar.  Model pembelajaran simbolik sebagai jalan untuk mengembangkan perkuliahan Agama Kristen dengan menginternalisasikan nilai-nilai iman dan moral, sehingga dapat berkontribusi pada pencapaian tujuan Pendidikan Nasional yakni membentuk pribadi manusia yang berakhlak mulia. Apakah model pembelajaran simbolik efektif untuk menginternalisasi nilai iman dan moral mahasiswa? Berdasarkan masalah dan rumusan masalah penelitian ini bertujuan Pertama; untuk mendesain dan mengujicobakan model pembelajaran simbolik dalam perkuliahan Agama. Kedua; untuk menemukan dan mengungkapkan efektivitas model pembelajaran simbolik dalam menginternalisasikan nilai-nilai iman dan moral dalam perkuliahan Agama Kristen. Sifat khas penelitan ini adalah untuk mengatasi masalah yang sedang dihadapi dan membuat kondisi lebih baik dengan tindakan yang disempurnakan secara terus-menerus. Refleksi peneliti menemukan sumber persoalan pada model pembelajaran yang tidak sesuai. Peneliti akan mengujicobakan suatu model alternatif, yakni model pembelajaran simbolik pada PAK, untuk menemukan efektivitas dari model ini. Penemuan akan berkontribusi pada dunia pendidikan dalam mengatasi jurang antara pencapaian tingkat pemahaman dengan pengembangan karakter. Penelitian menggunakan model spiral Kemmis dan Taggart yang akan menekankan spiral refleksi diri yang terdiri dari perencanaan, tindakan, orservasi, dan refleksi dan perencanaan kembali sebagai untuk memahami apa yang seharusnya di buat untuk mengembangkan situasi pendidikan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan dua siklus. Hasil refleksi dan rekomendasi siklus pertama menentukan kebutuhan dan kegiatan siklus kedua. Pengumpulan data akan dilakukan lewat wawancara, pengamatan, dokumentasi, dan angket. Maka dianalisis dengan cara direduksi, didisplay, disimpulkan. Data angket akan dianalisis secara kuantitatif dengan rumus I =  X 100% (Internalisasi nilai = jumlah nilai: Jumlah Mahasiswa x 100). Hasil penelitian bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran berbasis simbol dalam perkuliahan Pendidikan Agama Kristen dapat digunakan untuk mencapai iman dan moral serta merangsang mahasiswa untuk membangun komitmen perwujudan nilai-nilai dalam kehidupan.
Jurnal Darma Agung Vol 30 No 1 (2022): APRIL
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Darma Agung (LPPM_UDA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46930/ojsuda.v30i1.2380


Persepuluhan merupakan suatu dilema di kalangan hidup orang percaya dan Gereja di masa kini, dimana ada ketidakseragaman pemahaman dalam pelaksanaanya di setiap jemaat dan Gereja di masa kini, sebab sangat berbeda dengan praktik persepuluhan dalam Perjanjian Lama yang sudah menjadi aturan dan kewajiban bagi umat Allah yakni Israel yang sangat jelas pelaksanaannya dan tujuan yang terarah. Di era Gereja masa kini ada kesimpangsiuran pemahaman dalam praktek persepuluhan seolah-olah telah ikut digenapi oleh Yesus Kristus sehingga orang percaya tidak ingin melakukan lagi pesepuluhan ini dalam gereja. Maka dengan adanya kesimpangsiuran ini, akan memberikan jawaban dan pemahaman yang benar melalui tulisan ini, bahwa persembahan persepuluhan dari Penjanjian Lama tidak ada pembatalan, melainkan sebuat standar kebenaran dalam dalam Gereja untuk memuliakan dan menghormati Tuhan dari segala yang kita miliki. Kemudian memberikan standar kehidupan kerohanian dan peningkatan iman jemaat melalui persepuluhan. Sebab nilai-nilai kerohanian jemaat terlihat dari pemberian yang menunjukkan ketaatan kepada Tuhan dalam Gereja artinya perspuluhan akan di pergunakan dalam memperluas pelayanan Tuhan di bumi dan kegiatan pelayanan jemaat. Hubungan persepuluhanan dengan nilai kerohanian jemaat adalah wujud kesadaran dan ketekunan orang percaya kepada Tuhan.
The Influence of the Teachers Personality Competency on the Students Moral Attitude in Vocational School Liber Siagian; Halking; Sampitmo Habeahan; Novandiwan Sitorus
Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia Vol 11 No 4 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (297.437 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/jpiundiksha.v11i4.55254


The competence of a teacher is a combination of personal, scientific, technological, social, and religious competencies which in general are the competencies of a teacher which includes material management, student understanding, pedagogic learning, personal development, and professional development. Teacher competence is a factor that can affect the quality of learning output. This study aims to analyze the effect of teacher personality competence on the moral attitudes of grade XI students. This type of research uses correlational research using quantitative descriptive research methods so that data analysis is carried out using statistical techniques to test hypotheses. Data collection using questionnaires, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the moral attitude of grade XI students has an impact of 15.21% on the teacher's personality competence. This is evidenced by rcount more than rtable or 0.39 more than 0.304 so that the correlation coefficient of the X and Y variables is significant, where rtable n = 42 with an error rate of 50.304. The results of the t test study gave a t value of 2.441 and a t table of 2.021 at a significance level of 5 degrees of freedom (dk) = n-2 (42 -2 = 40), namely .H. t-count is more than t-table (2,441 more than 2,021). This shows that the alternative hypothesis can be accepted, namely the teacher's personality competence influences the moral attitude of grade XI students.
The Influence of the Personality of Lecturers on Student Spiritual Improvement at STT Sola Fide Medan Sampitmo Habeahan; Maniur Banjar Nahor; Heryanto
East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): January 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/eajmr.v2i1.2469


This study aims to determine the Influence of The Personality of Lecturers on Student Spiritual Improvement at STT Sola Fide Medan. The method used is descriptive method with quantitative studies. The descriptive method is a problem-solving procedure that is investigated by describing or describing the current state of the subject or object of research, based on facts or appearances as they are. The research was conducted at Sola Fide Theological High School Medan, Jalan Bunga Ncole D'Gardenia Housing Complex No.4, 5, 6 Medan City. The results showed that there was an effect of the lecturer's personality on increasing the spiritual attitude of students at STT Sola Fide Medan in 2021. That the personality of the lecturer had a significant influence on increasing the spiritual attitude of students at STT Sola Fide Medan in 2013.
Theology of Jesus' teaching objectives toward his listeners Sampitmo Habeahan; Amelia Amelia
Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen (JUPAK) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kadesi Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52489/jupak.v3i2.167


A good teacher should know why they teach and what their teaching goals are. One's success in teaching depends on how well they understand and embrace the objectives of their teaching.  The study aims to see what was the purpose of Jesus in conveying His purpose through teaching.  The research design used is descriptive and qualitative. The researcher's reflection found from the sources is the principles of Jesus' purpose in teaching. The results of the study found ten principles of Jesus' purpose in teaching, namely: bringing people to repentance to God, bringing people to have a harmonious relationship with others, increasing true knowledge and understanding, instilling firm belief, fostering good character, taking action, and equipping to serve.