Dimas Sindhu Wibisono
Department Urology, Faculty Of Medicine, Diponegoro University, Semarang

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Efek Protektif Methylprednisolone pada Testis Kontralateral Tikus Wistar yang dilakukan Torsio-Detorsio: Ditinjau dari variabel pemeriksaan Histopatologi Johnsen score, jumlah lapis sel tubulus seminiferus, jumlah sel nekrosis, dan derajat adhesi neutrofil Dimas Sindhu Wibisono; Leonardo Cahyo Nugroho; Krisna Muhammad; Ardi Fauzi; Adityas Mahendra Putra; Afif Iman Hidayat
Medica Hospitalia : Journal of Clinical Medicine Vol. 8 No. 1 (2021): Med Hosp
Publisher : RSUP Dr. Kariadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (569.019 KB) | DOI: 10.36408/mhjcm.v8i1.493


Background: Testicular torsion is an emergency situation and requires immediate surgery. Testicular torsion accounts for 13-54% of cases of acute pediatric scrotal disease and occurs in 1 in 4,000 men aged <25 years and 1 in 160 men over 25 years. Even though the intervention was carried out for less than 6 hours, post-detortion testicular tissue mortality was still high, due to reperfusion ischemic injury due to excessive production of ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species). The contralateral testis is often affected after torsion-detortion due to the effects of ROS. The provision of additional therapy after detortion is an urgent need to be found because it can reduce the death of testicular tissue due to reperfusion ischemic injury. Methods: It is an experimental study with a randomized controlled study design with post test only control group design. The research sample was 18 Wistar rats divided into 3 groups. Torsion of the ipsilateral testis is performed, then detortion and intravenous therapy are administered. The apoptotic index (infertility) was observed on the Johnsen score variable, the number of seminiferous tubular cell layers, neutrophil adhesion and the number of necrotic cells in the Eosin Hematoxyline in the contralateral testis. Furthermore, statistical analysis is carried out, the results are presented in tables and figures. Results: There was a significant difference between the Methylprednisolone group and the Torsion Detortion group with p = 0.008 in the Johnsen score variable and the number of seminiferous tubular cell layers. Discussion: Methylprednisolone as an anti-inflammatory has been proven in its function to reduce ROS so that it can reduce reperfusion ischemic injuries.
Seorang Pasien dengan Batu Staghorn Bilateral dan Spondilitis Ankilosis : Laporan Kasus Langka Sibin Chandra; Sofyan Rais Addin; Ardy Santosa; Eriawan Agung Nugroho; Mohamad Adi Soedarso; Dimas Sindhu Wibisono; Nanda Daniswara
Medica Hospitalia : Journal of Clinical Medicine Vol. 8 No. 2 (2021): Med Hosp
Publisher : RSUP Dr. Kariadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (401.198 KB) | DOI: 10.36408/mhjcm.v8i2.607


Latar Belakang : Spondilitis ankilosis merupakan penyakit peradangan sendi yang bisa mempengaruhi tulang-tulang axial yang dapat menyebabkan nyeri sendi, dan dapat berlanjut kepada penyatuan dari tulang belakang1. Prevalensi penyakit ini diperkirakan mencapai 16,7 dari 10.000 orang di daerah Asia.2 Meskipun penyakit ini utamanya menyerang sendi, tetapi dilaporkan pula bahwa terdapat kasus manifestasi ekstraartikuler seperti halnya nefrolitiasis. Nefrolitiasis menyumbang sekitar 13,6% dari penderita spondilitis ankylosis.3 Kasus Nefrolithiasis Staghorn sinistra dengan spondilitis ankilosis pernah dilaporkan, tetapi belum pernah dengan kasus nefrolithiasis staghorn bilateral4 Tujuan studi kasus ini adalah untuk mengetahui diagnosis dan tatalaksana spondilitis ankilosis dan nefrolitiasis staghorn bilateral. Presentasi Kasus : Seorang pria berumur 38 tahun datang dengan keluhan nyeri hilang timbul pada pinggang sebelah kiri. Pasien sebelumnya telah didiagnosis dengan spondilitis ankilosis dan nefrolitiasis bilateral dekstra dan sinistra serta telah menjalani operasi Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy dekstra pada bulan Juni 2018. Pada pemeriksaan didapatkan keterbatasan gerak sendi tulang belakang dan nyeri ketok kostovertebra di sebelah kanan dan kiri. Dari pemeriksaan foto polos didapatkan gambaran batu staghorn bilateral Kesimpulan : Pasien didiagnosis dengan spondilitis ankilosis dan nefrolitiasis staghorn bilateral. Prosedur penegakan diagnosis melalui anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik dan pemeriksaan penunjang perlu dilakukan dengan tepat untuk menghindarai kesalahan diagnosa. Penatalaksanaan nefrolitiasis perlu memperhatikan banyak aspek seperti ukuran batu, ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana, serta mobilitas pasien, supaya dicapai tingkat kesembuhan yang tinggi.
The Effect of Circuit Training on Concentration of Medical Students in Diponegoro University Tiwik Budi Hastari; Yuriz Bakhtiar; Dimas Sindhu Wibisono; Zainal Muttaqin
Diponegoro International Medical Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2020): July
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/dimj.v1i1.7746


Background. Concentration has an important role that influences the success of the learning process. The higher the concentration of students in learning, the more effective learning and teaching processes are carried out. One of the benefits of exercise is the improvement of concentration. Lack of time and motivation to do physical exercise are some reasons why people do less exercise. Circuit Training is an exercise that does not require a lot of time and is becoming a trend now.Objective: To find out the effect of the Circuit Training on the concentration level of students at Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University.Method. This research was a quasi-experimental study with pre and post-test design, where research subjects were divided into two groups, there are the control group and the treatment group. The research subjects were 28 male students at Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University. The treatment group had given Circuit Training for 6 weeks. In one week there were 3 meetings where each training session was done in 3 circuits/cycle and each circuit consisted of 8 movements. The indicator assessed in this study was the level of concentration measured using the Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST) before and after Circuit Training for 6 weeks. The results were analyzed using SPSS.Results. The score of concentration in the treatment group increased with a pre-test score  64,93 ± 6,38 and post-test score 76,29 ± 5,74. Significant results (p = 0.001) were obtained in the pre and post-test treatment groups.Conclusion. Circuit training for 6 weeks can increase the concentration score of students at Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University.