Hazalia Zahra Munir
Program Studi Magister Linguistik Terapan, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

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LITERASI KRITIS TEKS DESKRIPTIF BAHASA INGGRIS BAGI GURU SMP Eva Leiliyanti; Ilza Mayuni; Imas Wahyu Agustina; Tara Mustikaning Palupi; Hazalia Zahra Munir; Wita Awaliyah; Ines Nur Irawan
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1036.522 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v6i1.6075


Abstrak: Literasi kritis siswa SMP di Indonesia berada pada level 1a, yaitu mereka hanya mampu memahami informasi eksplisit dalam mengidentifikasi ide pokok dan ide pendukung dari teks pendek dengan tema umum (PISA, 2018). Hal ini memerlukan penanganan lebih lanjut berupa pelatihan literasi kritis untuk teks yang lebih rumit. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk melatih kompetensi literasi kritis (khususnya dalam hal ini membaca) bagi guru bahasa Inggris tingkat SMP di wilayah terdepan, terluar dan tertinggal terkait dengan membaca teks deskriptif. Kegiatan ini dilakukan bersama 25 peserta guru bahasa Inggris di Kabupaten Mimika, Papua. Pretest diberikan kepada peserta sebelum workshop. Workshop ini dilakukan dalam waktu 3,5 jam melalui zoom meeting. Post-test diberikan setelah pelatihan selesai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengalaman mengajar dan melatih guru di Kabupaten Mimika, Papua, tidak menunjukkan korelasi yang signifikan dengan kemampuan bahasa Inggris dasar mereka. Rata-rata hasil pre-test menunjukkan 25% yang dibandingkan dengan rata-rata hasil post-test 30% yang mana terdapat kenaikan sebesar 5%. Dengan demikian, ditemukan bahwa hasil didominasi oleh dimensi konseptual pengetahuan peserta guru bahasa Inggris. Dengan kata lain, peserta membutuhkan pelatihan literasi kritis lebih lanjut dalam membaca kritis teks deskriptif dengan menekankan pelatihan keterampilan dasar bahasa Inggris sebagai faktor yang perlu dikembangkan lebih lanjut sebelum literasi kritis.Abstract: The critical literacy of junior high school students in Indonesia is at level 1a, i.e. they are only able to understand explicit information in identifying main and supporting ideas of the short texts with general themes (PISA, 2018). This requires further handling in the form of training in critical literacy for more complicated texts. This community service activity was aimed at training critical literacy (especially in this case reading) competencies for English teachers at the junior high school level in the region of forefront, outermost and left behind especially related to reading descriptive texts, i.e. the fundamental texts that describe the action for categorization and classification. This activity was carried out with 25 participants of English teachers in Mimika District, Papua. Pre-test were given to participants prior to the workshop. This workshop was conducted in 3.5 hour-time via zoom meeting. The post-test was given after the training completed. The results showed that the experience of teaching and training teachers in Mimika District, Papua, did not show a significant correlation with their basic English skills. The average of pre-test results showed 25% compared to the average of post-test results showed 30% which was an increase of 5%. Thus, it was found that the results were dominated by the conceptual dimension of the participants’ knowledge of English teachers. By this, the participants need further critical literacy training in critically reading the descriptive texts by accentuating the basic English skills as the factor that needs to be further developed prior to critical literacy.
Islamic Female Clerics’ Preaching on the Discourse of Woman’s Body, Sexuality and Domestication: A Study through Transitivity and Appraisal Analysis Eva Leiliyanti; Hazalia Zahra Munir; Wita Awaliyah
Register Journal Vol 15, No 1 (2022): REGISTER JOURNAL
Publisher : UIN Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/rgt.v15i1.147-162


This text-oriented discourse analysis aims to evaluate and compare the language voiced by the two Islamic female clerics’ (Ustazah Aisah Dahlan and Mamah Dedeh) in their preaching as well as their stances towards the Discourse of Muslim Woman’s Body, Sexuality and Domestication posted on their affiliated Youtube accounts during this Covid-19 pandemic. The data (two video transcripts with the duration 09 minutes 04 seconds and 42 minutes and 54 seconds, respectively) were taken based on stratified purposeful sampling. Using transitivity system (ideational metafunction of language) postulated by M.A.K. Halliday(2014) and language evaluation theory (interpersonal metafunction of language) developed by Martin and White (2005), it was found that Aisah Dahlan’s preaching was dominated by attributive relational process and positive judgment in heteroglossic expressions to justify Muslim men’s attitudes and behaviors, whereas negative judgment in force expressions were deployed in discussing the Muslim woman’s body, sexuality, and domestication discourse. On the contrary, Mamah Dedeh’s preaching was dominated by the material process and positive judgement of sanction which indicates that husband and wife share equal responsibility in the household.Keywords: Ustazah, Text-Oriented Discourse Analysis, Muslim Woman’s Body, Islamic views on Sexuality, Domestication of  woman, Transitivity analysis, appraisal analysis