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PHARMACON Vol 5, No 1 (2016): Pharmacon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35799/pha.5.2016.11379


HUBUNGAN ANTARA WAKTU TUNGGU PELAYANAN RESEP DENGAN KEPUASAN PASIEN DI APOTEK PELENGKAP KIMIA FARMA BLU PROF. DR.  R.D. KANDOU MANADO Ika Nurjanah1), Franckie R.R. Maramis1), Sulaemana Engkeng1) 1)Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Sam Ratulangi ABSTRACT The waiting time prescription services may reflect a process of tenanga work of a pharmacy in the services that are tailored to the situation and the expectations of patients. In realizing the excellent service pharmacies should be able to optimize the short waiting times for services and drug prescriptions so concoction sehinggah diapotek affect patient satisfaction. This study is a Quantitative Analytical Surveys using a check list that contains the data types of prescription and questionnaires. Data samples taken by random sampling done so we get 100 sheets prescription.The wait time at the pharmacy prescription services complement BLU Kimia Farma Hospital, Prof. DR. R. D. Kandou overall average of 19 minutes 27 seconds. The waiting time prescription drug services to 16 minutes 08 seconds. Compounded prescription service wait time 39 minutes 74 seconds. Patient Satisfaction largest distribution that is satisfied respondents whereas 78 Patient satisfaction with its low distribution Dissatisfied 22 respondents. There is a relationship between the waiting time prescription services with patient satisfaction in chemical pharmacy pharma Prof Dr DR. R. D. Kandou manado. Key words:  The waiting time prescription and patient satisfaction ABSTRAK Waktu tunggu pelayanan resep dapat mencerminkan suatu proses kerja suatu dari tenanga farmasi dalam melakukan pelayanan yang disesuaikan dengan situasi dan harapan pasien. Dalam mewujudkan pelayanan prima apotek harus dapat mengoptimalkan waktu tunggu yang pendek untuk pelayanan resep obat jadi maupun obat racikan sehingga mempengaruhi tingkat kepuasan pasien di apotek. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Survei Analitik Kuantitatif menggunakan check list yang berisi data jenis resep dan kuesioner. Data sampel yang diambil dilakukan secara random sampling sehingga didapatkan 100 lembar resep. Waktu tunggu pelayanan resep di Apotek pelengkap Kimia Farma BLU RSUP Prof. DR. R. D. Kandou secara keseluruhan rata-rata 19 menit 27 detik. Waktu tunggu pelayanan resep obat jadi 16 menit 08 detik. Waktu tunggu pelayanan resep racikan 39 menit 74 detik. Distribusi kepuasan pasien terbesar yaitu puas 78 responden sedangkan kepuasan Pasien dengan distribusi terendah yaitu tidak puas 22 responden. Terdapat hubungan antara waktu tunggu pelayanan resep dengan kepuasan pasien di apotek kimia farma RSUP Prof DR. R. D. Kandou Manado.   Kata Kunci : Waktu Tunggu Resep dan  Kepuasan pasien  
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol. 7: Edisi I Januari - Juni 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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The diffusion of Korean Pop Culture that offers various forms of entertainment such as film, drama, variety show, and Korean Music Pop (K-Pop) capture the public’s attention. One of that proofs is the spread of the Korean Wave phenomenon internationally. In the early 2000s, the influences of Korean Pop Culture in Indonesia came through the broadcast from local televisions, which led some of the young generations to make some Korean fan communities in Indonesia, included Pekanbaru city in Riau Province. There many Korean fan communities in Pekanbaru, one of them called by Art of Dance Community. Aside from the performances of AOD’s members, they often mix the language (Indonesian language with Korean language) in daily conversation. Not only in verbal, but also in non verbal, like the way they dress look like Korean. This research was aimed to describe Art of Dance’s member’s reception analysis of Korean Pop Culture toward their cultural identity which can be seen from their lifestyles.This research is descriptive research by using a qualitative approach. This research is using reception analysis which wants to figure out the reception of Korean Pop Culture by Art of Dance’s members in their daily life. The informant of this research are 6 people which are the leader and members of that community. The data in this research were obtained through interviews, observations, and documentation.The result of this study shows that the six informants received the Korean Pop Culture differently, and it can be classified into two meaning positions these are dominant and negotiated. In the outfit styles and non-verbal communication styles, all of 6 members of that community received dominant results, and three of them applied it into their daily life because they want to show their identity as K-Pop fans. In verbal communication, all of informants created a new communication styles, such as mixing the language (Indonesian language with Korean language). In consumption, all of informants received dominant results in consumption of Korean TV Show and things that related to Korea, whereas for consumption of food, informants chose Korean Halal Food. Keywords: Reception Analysis, Korean Pop Culture, Lifestyle
Pengaruh Variasi Kecepatan Aliran Gas CO2 Terhadap Kemurnian dan Ukuran Kristal Nanokalsit dari Cangkang Kerang Bulu dengan Metode Karbonasi Ika Nurjanah; Nugrahani Primary Putri; Lydia Rohmawati
Inovasi Fisika Indonesia Vol 2 No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Jurusan Fisika FMIPA Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (435.946 KB) | DOI: 10.26740/ifi.v2n3.p%p


Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh nanokalsit cangkang kerang dengan metode karbonasi. Kecepatan aliran gas CO2 mempengaruhi pembentukan nanokalsit cangkang kerang. Variabel ini mempengaruhi kandungan dan ukuran kristal kalsit. Cangkang kerang dikalsinasi pada suhu 900˚C selama 5 jam kemudian dilarutkan dalam HCl 10M. Setelah diperoleh larutan CaCl2, untuk memperoleh pH 10 ditambahkan NH4OH. Selanjutnya dilakukan proses karbonasi selama 10 menit dengan kecepatan aliran gas CO2 1,4 liter/menit; 2,8 liter/menit; 3,7 liter/menit; dan 4,7 liter/menit. Selanjutnya dilakukan proses pengendapan selama 36 jam. Hasil proses pengendapan disaring dan dikeringkan pada suhu 90oC selama 24 jam. Melalui pengujian XRD setelah proses karbonasi teridentifikasi sampel mempunyai kandungan kalsit dan vaterit. Kandungan kalsit paling tinggi diperoleh pada kecepatan aliran gas CO2 2,8 liter/menit sebesar 97,54%. Ukuran kristal kalsit minimum sebesar 92,96 nm diperoleh pada kecepatan aliran gas CO2 1,4 liter/menit. Kata Kunci: nanokalsit, kalsinasi, karbonasi, rietveld Abstract This study aimed to obtain nanocalcite shells with carbonation method. Flow velocity of CO2 gas affects the formation nanocalcite shells. This variable affects the content and size of the calcite crystal. Shells calcined at 900 ˚ C for 5 hours and then dissolved in 10M HCl. Having obtained the CaCl2 solution,  to obtain pH 10 added NH4OH. Then carbonation for 10 min at a flow velocity of CO2 gas 1.4 liter/min; 2.8 liters/min; 3.7 liters/min, and 4.7 liters/min. Deposition process is then performed for 36 hours. Deposition process results filtered and dried at a temperature of 90oC for 24 hours. Through XRD testing after carbonation process the samples have been identified calcite and vaterite. Content of calcite optimum at flow velocity of  CO2 gas 2.8 liters/min at 97.54%. Minimum size of calcite crystals of 92.96 nm at a flow velocity of  CO2 gas 1.4 liter/min. Key word: nanocalcite, calcination,  carbonation, rietveld
Jurnal Al-Ulum : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Ke-Islaman Vol 9 No 3 (2022): al-Ulum: Jurnal pendidikan, penelitian dan pemikiran keislaman
Publisher : Universitas Islam Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31102/alulum.9.3.2022.240-251


This research is motivated by the large number of Indonesian people who carry out interfaith marriages (Muslims with non-Muslims) this is evidenced by the presence of 24,677 couples who married different faiths in 1980, then in 1990 there were 26,688 couples, while the latest data in 2000 were 2,673 couple. Although the nominal number of interfaith marriages has decreased since 1980-2000, the number of around 2673 couples is still relatively high. In fact, Islam and Indonesian laws strictly prohibit it. The method used in this study is a qualitative method, which is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and behavior and can be observed from the facts that exist today. The results of the research obtained are: all people agree that the law of interfaith marriage is unlawful and the marriage is not valid because it violates Islamic law and Indonesian law Not a few people (respondents) argue that the causative factors for interfaith marriage problems are lust, wealth, throne and lack of religious education, so it doesn't matter if you have a partner of a different religion even to the level of marriage.
Pengaruh Leverage, Profitability, Ukuran Perusahaan Dan Proporsi Kepemilikan Institusional Terhadap Tax Planning Ika Nurjanah; Jeni Susyanti; Muhammad Agus Salim
E-JRM : Elektronik Jurnal Riset Manajemen e-Jrm Vol. 08. No. 04. Februari 2019

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Abstract             Thus study examines the impact of leverage, profitability, size, the proportion of institusional on tax planning. The population in this study is an manufacturing ompany listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) period of 2015-2017. The sample in this study is determined by purposive sampling with 10 companies. The method of analysis is using panel regression model. The result showed that leverage not be significant of tax planning (0.634), profitability not be significant of tax planning (0.888),size not be significant of tax planning (0.557),the proportion of institusional not be significant of tax planning (0.392).Keywords : leverage, profitability, size, the proportion of institusional, tax planning.