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Jurnal Rekayasa Teknologi dan sains Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jrets.v2i2.1123


Air merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat vital bagi makhluk hidup. Air bersih harus memenuhi syarat kualitas fisik, kimia dan biologi. Masyarakat di Kampung Magelangan Kelurahan Ganjar Asri Kecamatan Metro Barat Kota Metro menggunakan air sumur gali dengan kandungan besi (Fe) yang tinggi (3,85 mg/l) untuk keperluan sehari-hari, Air sumur gali perlu dilakukan pengolahan untuk menurunkan kadar Fe tersebut sebelum digunakan untuk keperluan sehari-hari. Penggunaan bioadsorben menjadi salah satu alternatif untuk dikembangkan, karena murah dan mudah didapat. Salah satu bioadsorben yang dapat dikembangkan adalah kulit singkong, karena kulit singkong mengandung 59,31 % karbon.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis aktivasi adsorben kulit singkong terhadap proses penurunan kadar besi (Fe) dalam air sumur gali. Penelitian dilakukan di Universitas Malahayati dari 10 April 2015 sampai 10 Mei 2015. Penelitian dilakukan pada skala laboratorium, dengan proses kontinyu dan aliran keatas. Debit aliran diatur sebesar 15 ml/menit. Sampel diambil pada menit ke-2, 22, 42, 62, 82, 102, dan 122. Konsentrasi Fe awal air sumur gali 3,85 mg/l. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis aktivasi media adsorben kulit singkong, sedangkan variabel terikat adalah kadar besi (Fe). Larutan FeCl3 dengan konsentrasi 3,85 mg/l digunakan sebagai pembanding.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi penurunan Fe pada air sumur gali sebesar 28,31%, 81,12%, 93,03%, dan 94,46% masing-masing untuk adsorben kulit singkong tanpa aktivasi, aktivasi fisika, aktivasi kimia, dan aktivasi fisika kimia. Efisiensi penurunan Fe pada larutan FeCl3 sebesar 31,19%, 85,61%, 96,77 %, dan 97,37% masing-masing untuk adsorben kulit singkong tanpa aktivasi, aktivasi fisika, aktivasi kimia, dan aktivasi fisika kimia. Dari hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kandungan logam-logam selain Fe yang ada dalam air sumur gali menghambat proses adsorpsi Fe.Kata Kunci: Air Sumur Gali, FeCl3, Karbon Aktif Kulit Singkong, Kadar Besi (Fe), AktivasiABSTRACT: The Effect Of The Type Of Cassava Skin Bioadsorbent Activation On The Decrease In Iron (Fe) Levels In Dug Well Water.Water is an important thing for human beings. The clean water have to fullfill the physical,chemical and biological regulation quality. The people at Magelangan Ganjar Asri, Metro City use the dugwell water that contain high (3,85 mg/l) to a daily water activity. The dug-well water have to be treat to decrease Fe concentration before used to daily water activity. The use of bioadsorben as alternative adsorben can be developed, because it is cheap and easy to obtain. One of bioadsorben that can be developed is bioadsorben from cassava-peel, The cassava-peel contain about 59.31% of carbon. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of the activation process type of cassava-peel bioadsorben to decrease Fe concentration in the dug-well water. The research was done at Malahayati University from April 10th 2015 until May 10th. The research was done on the laboratory scale using upflow continuous process. The flow debit was adjusted 15ml/min. Sample were taken at the min 0f -2, 22, 42, 62, 82, 102, and 122. The initial of the dugwell water concentration is 3,85 mg/l. The dependent variable in this research the activation process type of cassava-peel bioadsorben, and the independent variable are Fe concentration. The FeCl3 solution with the 3,85 mg/l Fe concentration was used as comparing solution.The research result shoion that the decreasing Fe concentration efficiency of the dug-well water were 28,31%, 81,12%, 93,03%, and 94,46% for not activation process, physical activation process, chemical activation process, and physical-chemical activation process respectivelly. The decreasing of Fe concentration concentration efficiency of the FeCl3 solution were 31,19%, 85,61%, 96,77%, and 97,37% for not activation process, physical activation process, chemical activation process, and physical-chemical activation process. The result shoion that Fe adsorbtion process in the dugwell water were in hibited another metal ions.Keywords: Dug-well Water, FeCl3 Solution, Cassava peel adsorben, Fe Concentration, Activation
Efektivitas Pemberian Tepung Cacing Sutra (Tubifex Sp) dalam Pakan Terhadap Performa dan Kelangsungan Hidup Benih Ikan Komet (Carassius auratus) Wahyu Saputro; Syahrizal Syahrizal; Muarofah Ghofur
Jurnal Akuakultur Sungai dan Danau Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batangahari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/akuakultur.v7i2.136


Comet goldfish (Carassius auratus) is a type of freshwater ornamental fish that is popular among the public and has the main advantage of having lots of color variations. The use of fish meal is the biggest obstacle causing the high price of feed and affecting the production of comet fish. The new alternative material to replace fish meal is silk worm flour (Tubifex sp). The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of feeding silkworm meal on the performance and survival of comet fish (C. auratus) fry. This research was carried out in February-March 2021 at Perum Yeyes Lestari, Kenali Besar Village, Alam Barajo District, Jambi City for 40 days. The experimental design used in this study was a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 3 replications, the treatments included 15% silk worm flour (A), 20% silk worm flour (B), 25% silk worm flour (C) 30% silk worm flour (D). The test fish used were comet fish measuring 3-5 cm as many as 120 fish. The results showed that temperature had an effect on survival, absolute weight growth and feed conversion. The color of comet fish for all treatments at the beginning of the study ranged from 3.90-4.43 (golden yellow), while at the end of the study there was a color change that ranged from -2.14-2.83 (dark red). The highest SR was found in treatment A of 86.67% followed by treatment B 70.00% and treatment D 56.67%. The highest PBM value was found in treatment C of 3.26 g. The best FCR value was found in treatment C of 3.56. The results of the analysis of water quality showed that the condition of the culture media was still quite feasible for the maintenance of comet fish in the aquarium container.