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Jurnal Arsitektur ZONASI Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Arsitektur Zonasi Juni 2019
Publisher : KBK Peracangan Arsitektur dan Kota Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jaz.v2i2.17470


Abstract: Bandung is a country with a tropical climate. The highest temperature reaches 32 ° C while the highest solar radiation exposure is more than 10 hours. On the other hand, the top speed of the wind only reaches 1 m / s. As a tourist city, building design in Bandung is demanded to be able to offer convenience for tourist visitors. Located at an altitude of 600-900dpl, the city of Bandung in addition to having an average air of 28 ° C, an average humidity of 68, thus significantly influencing the achievement of thermal comfort in the building to be designed. This paper aims to analyze the facade design of recreational-culinary function buildings that are able to respond to the tropical climate, especially those that offer thermal comfort to visitors. The double skin hollow facade system and there are hinges that are able to respond to interactions between buildings, wind, and sun exposure, so that wind speed and sun exposure can be optimally regulated through the dynamic function of the building's façade. Design experiments using the sunhour and flow design plugins to assess solar radiation and wind speed by manipulating facades, especially in the northern orientation can reduce sun exposure in 5-7 hours.Keywords: Building facade design, tropical building design, thermal comfort.Abstrak: Bandung merupakan negara dengan iklim tropis. Suhu tertinggi mencapai 32 °C sementara paparan radiasi matahari tertinggi lebih dari 10 jam. Di sisi lain, kecepatan tertinggi angin hanya mencapai 1 m/s. Sebagai kota wisata, desain bangunan di Bandung dituntut mampu menawarkan kenyamanan bagi para pengunjung wisata. Terletak pada ketinggian 600-900dpl, Kota Bandung selain memiliki udara rata-rata 28°C, kelembapan rata-rata 68, sehingga berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap pencapaian kenyamanan termal pada bangunan yang akan didesain. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis desain fasade pada bangunan fungsi rekreatif-kuliner yang mampu merespon iklim tropis, terutama yang menawarkan kenyamanan termal pengunjungnya. Sistem double skin fasade berongga dan terdapat engsel yang mampu merespon interaksi antara bangunan, angin, dan paparan sinar matahari, sehingga kecepatan angin dan paparan sinar matahari dapat diatur secara optimal melalui fungsi dinamis façade bangunan. Percobaan desain menggunakan plugin sunhour dan flow desain untuk menilai radiasi matahari dan kecepatan angin dengan memanipulasi fasade, terutama di orientasi utara mampu mengurangi paparan matahari dalam 5-7 jam.Kata Kunci: Desain fasade bangunan, desain bangunan tropis, kenyamanan termal.
PENGEMBANGAN DESAIN MICRO HOUSE DALAM MENUNJANG PROGRAM NET ZERO ENERGY BUILDINGS (NZE-Bs) Permana, Asep Yudi; Wijaya, Karto; Nurrahman, Hafiz; Permana, Aathira Farah Salsabilla
Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Arsitektur ARCADE Maret 2020
Publisher : Prodi Arsitektur UNIVERSITAS KEBANGSAAN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1210.274 KB) | DOI: 10.31848/arcade.v4i1.424


Abstract: Energy efficiency is a top priority in design, because design errors that result in wasteful energy will impact operational costs as long as the building operates. The opening protection in the facade should be adjusted according to their needs, for optimum use of sky light. Inhibiting the entry of solar heat into the room through the process of radiation, conduction or convection, optimum use of sky light and efforts to use building skin elements for shading are very wise efforts for energy savings. House construction planning must be careful and consider many things, including: physical potential. Physical potential is a consideration of building materials, geological conditions and local climate. Related to the issue of global warming that occurs in modern times, climate is a major consideration that needs to be resolved.The purpose of building design, especially in residential homes aims to create amenities for its inhabitants. Amenities are achieved through physical comfort, be it spatial comfort, thermal comfort, auditory comfort, or visual comfort.Energy waste is also caused by building designs that are not well integrated and even wrong and are not responsive to aspects of function, and climate. This is worsened by the tendency of the designers to prioritize aesthetic aspects (prevailing trends). The issue of green concepts and energy consumption efficiency through the Net Zero-Energy Buildings (NZE-Bs) program from the housing sector as a response to tackling global warming is already familiar in Indonesia, although its application has not yet been found significantly. Green concepts offered by housing developers are often merely marketing tricks and are not realized and grow the responsibility of the residents to look after them. Due to the lack of understanding of the green concept, housing developers tend to offer more a beautiful and green housing environment, not the actual green concept.Keyword: Socio-culture, Energy efficiency, Energy consumption, Environment. The green conceptAbstrak: Efisiensi energi merupakan prioritas utama dalam disain, karena kesalahan disain yang berakibat boros energi akan berdampak terhadap biaya opersional sepanjang bangunan tersebut beroperasi. Pelindung bukaan pada fasade sebaiknya dapat diatur sesuai kebutuhannya, untuk pemanfaatan terang langit seoptimal mungkin. Penghambatan masuknya panas matahari kedalam ruangan baik melalui proses radiasi, konduksi atau konveksi, pemanfaatan terang langit seoptimal mungkin serta upaya pemanfaatan elemen kulit bangunan untuk pembayangan merupakan upaya yang sangat bijaksana bagi penghematan energi. Perencanaan pembangunan rumah harus cermat dan mempertimbangkan banyak hal, antara lain: potensi fisik. Potensi fisik adalah pertimbangan akan bahan bangunan, kondisi geologis dan iklim setempat. Terkait dengan isu pemanasan global yang terjadi pada masa modern ini, iklim menjadi sebuah pertimbangan utama yang perlu diselesaikan.Tujuan desain bangunan khususnya pada rumah tinggal bertujuan menciptakan amenities bagi penghuninya. Amenities dicapai melalui kenyamanan fisik, baik itu spatial comfort, thermal comfort, auditory comfort, maupun visual comfort.Pemborosan energi juga disebabkan oleh desain bangunan yang tidak terintegrasi dengan baik bahkan salah dan tidak tanggap terhadap aspek fungsi, serta iklim. Hal tersebut diperparah yang kecenderungan para perancang lebih mementingkan aspek estetis (tren yang berlaku). Isu konsep hijau dan efisiensi konsumsi energi melalui program Net Zero-Energy Buildings (NZE-Bs) dari sektor perumahan sebagai respon untuk menanggulangi pemanasan global sudah tidak asing di Indonesia, walaupun penerapannya masih belum dapat ditemukan secara signifikan. Konsep hijau yang ditawarkan oleh pengembang perumahan seringkali hanya sebagai trik pemasaran belaka dan tidak diwujudkan serta ditumbuhkan tanggung jawab para penghuni untuk menjaganya. Akibat minimnya pemahaman mengenai konsep hijau tersebut, para pengembang perumahan cenderung lebih banyak menawarkan lingkungan perumahan yang asri dan hijau, bukan konsep hijau yang sebenarnya.Kata Kunci: Sosio-kultur, Efisiensi Energi, Konsumsi energi, Lingkungan, Konsep Hijau
Journal of Architectural Research and Education Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Journal of Architectural Research and Education
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (811.488 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/jare.v3i1.23870


The design of Parahyangan Office Rental Space and Apartment is intended to create offices and residential areas that accommodate business and residential functions with the concept of smart building applied to various aspects of architectural design. Parahyangan Office Rental Space and Apartment is the offices and residential areas that accommodate the needs of community in Kota Baru Parahyangan, not only in business activities but also in residence. In this area, the offices become a place for business and economic activities for the people of Kota Baru Parahyangan and its surroundings. Moreover, the offices also become the biggest business center and office center in Kota Baru Parahyangan and/or Bandung Regency and its surroundings. Meanwhile, the residential areas are the place for the emergence of vertical residential needs in Kota Baru Parahyangan. The Smart building concept is chosen because of the need for efficiency in activities. Living in urban areas requires a high level of mobility and movement, which can be supported using the smart building concept. The system of buildings, in which the occupants live and do their activities, can be set through the intelligent building, so that residents can allocate their time and energy to other things. Smart building can also generate comfortable, productive, and simpler life for residents of the building.Keywords: Smart Building, Office, Residence